Detective Noel Don McGuire
Little Rock Police Department, AR
EOW: Wednesday, May 14, 1980
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Wildlife Technician Donald L. Teague
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, AR
EOW: Thursday, February 7, 1980
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Chief of Police Hubert "Bill" Payne
Dermott Police Department, AR
EOW: Monday, August 29, 1977
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Marshal Marvin Eugene Richie
Magazine Police Department, AR
EOW: Wednesday, June 29, 1977
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Lieutenant Edward Lee Worrell
Texarkana Police Department, AR
EOW: Thursday, February 3, 1977
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Randy Monroe Basnett
Fort Smith Police Department, AR
EOW: Friday, September 24, 1976
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Bill Jean Lea
Polk County Sheriff's Office, AR
EOW: Thursday, April 29, 1976
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman John Tillman Hussey
Springdale Police Department, AR
EOW: Sunday, December 21, 1975
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Trooper William Ronnie Brooks, III
Arkansas State Police, AR
EOW: Thursday, February 27, 1975
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Morris E. Greenwalt
Hazen Police Department, AR
EOW: Monday, April 29, 1974
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Troy Key
Clay County Sheriff's Department, AR
EOW: Saturday, April 15, 1972
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Glendal Ray Archer
Clay County Sheriff's Department, AR
EOW: Thursday, April 6, 1972
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Sheriff Douglas Lucian Batey
Clay County Sheriff's Department, AR
EOW: Thursday, April 6, 1972
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Trooper Allen Harvie Bufford
Arkansas State Police, AR
EOW: Sunday, July 27, 1969
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Sheriff James Orval Bishop
Carroll County Sheriff's Department, AR
EOW: Monday, July 14, 1969
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Officer Jessie James Morgan
Hughes Police Department, AR
EOW: Tuesday, December 31, 1968
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Sheriff Emmett O. Edmonds
Baxter County Sheriff's Office, AR
EOW: Saturday, May 4, 1968
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Police Officer Lloyd W. Worthy
Little Rock Police Department, AR
EOW: Saturday, September 2, 1967
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Gordon McFall
Osceola Police Department, AR
EOW: Tuesday, May 23, 1967
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Casto C. Robertson
Washington County Sheriff's Office, AR
EOW: Monday, February 20, 1967
Cause of Death: Gunfire
City Marshal Albert Clayton Johnston
Elaine Police Department, AR
EOW: Monday, October 18, 1965
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Jerrell P. Vaughan
North Little Rock Police Department, AR
EOW: Tuesday, April 16, 1963
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Patrolman Edward Samuel Virden
Prescott Police Department, AR
EOW: Sunday, September 21, 1958
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Trooper Ermon Boyce Cox
Arkansas State Police, AR
EOW: Sunday, August 17, 1958
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Listash Browder
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, AR
EOW: Sunday, September 15, 1957
Cause of Death: Gunfire