Total Line of Duty Deaths: 367
- Accidental 1
- Aircraft accident 9
- Assault 10
- Automobile crash 40
- COVID19 15
- Drowned 3
- Duty related illness 2
- Explosion 1
- Exposure to toxins 1
- Fall 1
- Gunfire 226
- Gunfire (Inadvertent) 7
- Heart attack 12
- Motorcycle crash 7
- Stabbed 4
- Struck by train 4
- Struck by vehicle 10
- Vehicle pursuit 7
- Vehicular assault 7
Total Deaths by Month
- January 22
- February 29
- March 34
- April 38
- May 26
- June 31
- July 33
- August 34
- September 32
- October 25
- November 22
- December 41