Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Liquor Inspector Edward L. Moreno

New Mexico Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, New Mexico

End of Watch Sunday, July 13, 1975

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Reflections for Liquor Inspector Edward L. Moreno

Daddy, missing you, Momma and Brother. I'm happy you are in Heaven with each other. But wish you were all here with us. Love you all bunches.

Cammy Moreno Flores

October 19, 2024

Ed I want you and your family to know you will never be forgotten. I'm in my late seventies and I am there with you just like that awful night. God bless your wife and family she has carried your memories for years. Again you aren't and will never be forgotten. RICHARD

Richard Sena
Gallup PD

March 7, 2024

Hi Grandpa,
I hope you and Mima are having a great time together in heaven. We miss you both so very much. I am trying my best to take on Mima's legacy by sharing your story and prayer with other LEO's that I meet or see around. I pray for you both and Uncle Abby everyday.

Love you dearly.

Monica (Moreno) Polanco

February 29, 2024

Liquor Inspector Edward L. Moreno,

Many years ago in Cincinnati, Ohio, a young boy (grandson maybe 3-5 yoa) and his mother, (your daughter) gave me St. Michael's Prayer card and pin, in your memory. Sir, it was with great Honor I carried that in my uniform vest for my whole career. It is also with great Honor that I kept that prayer card and is with my memoirs. I retired in September of 2023. I believe in Angels and Sir, I believe that your family member and I were suppose to meet. It was of great Honor to have met part of your family. I'm so sorry for their loss and grief and want them to know that your memories will always be with them. You served your community well and Thank You for your service.

Retired PO Tammy Hussels
Cincinnati Police Department

February 15, 2024

I'm so sorry I didn't write to you yesterday on your birthday. We were busy getting Mom ready to go meet you. We lost Mom this afternoon. I'm sure you and Abby are happy to see her. We will miss Mom. But I know she is not suffering anymore. She was ready to be with you. Daddy please help Momma adjust. Love you all so very much.

Cammy Moreno Flores

February 3, 2024

Hi Daddy, we went to honor you at NMSP Memorial in Santa Fe on Tuesday. Louie and I took Momma. Not sure how many more she will be able to attend.
We were joined by Alice, Danielle, Desiree, Carolyn, Noodles, and Angolina.

It was such an emotional day. We were able to see the Garden dedicated to you. It was beautiful. I never knew it was there.

Mom will be staying with Alice and the family till this weekend. Hope she has a great time with Brother's family. I don't think she has been to Santa Fe since Brother passed away. I know it was hard for her.

Daddy, I miss you very much. I try very hard to remember. But I still only have 2 memories.

Love you, Cammy

Cammy Moreno Flores

May 24, 2023

Daddy 53 years ago today NMSP knocked on our door. You had been shot. Some on tried to take you away from us. You held on for 5 more years. Daddy you will always be my Hero. I miss you always.

Cammy Moreno Flores

March 7, 2023

Hi Daddy, Happy Heavenly Birthday, wow 91 years old today! Went today to your grave site with Mom, Terrie and my Grand daughter India. We also stopped to visit with my Brother at his grave site.
Daddy both you and Brother will always be my Heros.
I miss you more and more as each day passes. I love you with all my heart.
Love you, Cammy

Cammy Moreno Flores

February 3, 2023

I talked to your daughter today.......I hope to meet her face-to-face soon....You RIP Sir and we will help her with her grief.

Stanley M Jerlecki, Survivor
Middle East Tennessee Concerns of Police Survivors----Trustee

July 27, 2022

Daddy it's me again. My heart aches so much today. Today is 47 years that you went to Heaven. The pain gets worse the older I get. All I've even wanted was memories of us. I only have 2. And I keep those 2 in my heart. You will always be my Hero. I love you Daddy.

Cammy Moreno Flores

July 13, 2022

Daddy, I miss you every day more much more today. I see all these people celebrating with their Dad's today since it's Father's Day. I only wish I could have you here near me. Some many time I wish I could just talk to you. I never ever had that opportunity. I thank God that you and Mom had my Brother. He stepped in and helped raise me. I looked up to him as a daughter would to a father. I'm thankful that you don't Ever have to spend another holiday alone. I hope that you and my Brother are having a great time in Heaven celebrating Father's Day together. I miss both of you so much. I love you both.

Cammy Moreno Flores

June 20, 2022

I love you Daddy.

Cammy Moreno Flores

March 6, 2022

Hi Grandpa,
I lost before I ever got to meet you but your memory lives on. It's been almost 5years since my Dad went to be with you and we miss him dearly, but I know he's in good hands. Love you both. Please continue to keep our family safe.

Desiree Moreno

March 4, 2022

Hi Daddy. It’s been a while. I think about you always. I talk to you often. I hope that you hear me. We’re doing fine. I talk to Mom every night. I took over Abby’s go to bed calls to Mom. I miss you both. I hope that you are together again. Stay with me please.


December 21, 2021

Miss you and love you Daddy.


December 8, 2021

Today 46 years ago Dad lost his life due to someone who thought it was a good idea to hurt a LEO. Not one day goes by that we don't think of you and wish you were hear with us. Daddy I wish I could remember. But I do hold on to the few memories I have. Love you and miss you.

Cammy Moreno Flores, daughter
Daughter of a New Mexico Fallen LEO

July 13, 2021

Hi Daddy, just checking in. It's been a while. You and brother are in my thoughts every day. Wish I could talk to both of you, one day. We are taking care of Mom as best as we can. She is a silly lady! Glad we still have her with us. I miss you Daddy and Brother. Love both of you bunches.

Cammy Moreno Flores
Daughter of a New Mexico Fallen LEO

June 25, 2021

hey Compa it is that tragic date. I hate to call it an anniversary but life is cruel. I relive the incident and it is always the same. I was so close but I could of been an hour away. God grant you and your family peace.

Richard Quintana-Sena

April 7, 2021

I didn’t forget Dad. As awful as it was for us, I cannot imagine how it was for you. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could pick up a phone to call you. Ask for your advice. You would be proud of my little guys. I hope that you get a chance to come sit with me in the stands and watch Ayden Ed pitch. He is awesome. Justin is following his big brother and is going to be an amazing ball player. Jace had to sit out last season but hopefully he will be back on the field again. I miss you. I miss you so much. I love you and we are all doing our best to take care of Mom.


March 8, 2021

Daddy, New Mexico is mourning. A New Mexico State Police officer from Lordsburg, was shot and killed in the line of duty today. An Officer from the Las Cruces Police Department was also shot he is fighting for his life in Las Cruces.
Daddy, can you and Brother please help and show Darian Jarrott his way. Please help him.
Just like you, he was too young to be taken away from his family. Please watch over his family.
We are all saddened about this. It brings back too many memories. (Too close to home, literally and figuratively.
I love you, Cammy

Cammy Moreno Flores

February 4, 2021

Say brother been lot of years but I never forget you and never will. Time is running out it seems like the end of the road cant believe it has been so many years yet it was only yesterday. Regards to your beautiful family and God bless you. Richard

Richard Quintana-Sena

October 28, 2020

July 13, 1975, 45 years ago, you were taken from us. It seems to hurt more and more each year. You will always be my Hero.
Love you and miss you,

Cammy Moreno Flores, Daughter

July 14, 2020

Thank you for your service and please know that your sacrifice will always be remembered. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

July 13, 2020

Rest in peace Liquor Inspector Moreno.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2020



March 6, 2020

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