Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective James Kenneth Kennedy

Knox County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee

End of Watch Tuesday, March 27, 1984

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Reflections for Detective James Kenneth Kennedy

It’s a fall day here, and my memory stirs a time when we sat outside during an after work session at Pete’s. We were all tired but sitting there in the fall air wood burning whiskey shots and beer. You’re still thought of and will be forever. Big brother in Blue.

Terri Doyle
Retired FCPD

October 13, 2024

Rest in peace Investigator Kennedy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2022

Rest in peace.


March 28, 2021

Hey J. . I was watching a show tonight and they were with the Knox County Sheriffs Office. My heart skipped a beat ♥️ I remember you so well and still terribly sad that you were taken from your family and friends that day. I try to remember the joking you, the one who took me out into the parking lot when I was so mad at the Sergeant and said to calm down. If you gotta hit someone hit me. We both laughed. I do believe you prevented me from getting fired that day or going to jail. My big brother in Blue

February 26, 2021

Rest easy

Mark Mottola

March 27, 2020

A true friend. Love and miss you.

Cindy P Murrian

June 15, 2019

Remembering that fateful night on this Peace Officer Memorial Day. RIP, Jim.

Detective B. J. Thompson
Knox County, TN Sheriff's Office (Retired)

May 15, 2018

Hi Kyle

When I knew your Uncle Jim he was working out of the mason Dist. sub-station and I was working in the 911 communications center (EOC) from 1979 to 1982. Everyone liked Officer Kennedy and his partner Officer Randazzo. After 4pm-12am shift some of Jim's squad and some dispatchers would hang out at Mason District Park. We would all elaborate on what happened that night on the street calls we dispatched them on. We had a good time unwinding. I remember when I found out he was leaving for another job and I was so sad cause he was one of the better cops. When I heard what happened to him (a few years later) I didn't believe it. To this day I want to believe he's still out there patrolling and keeping people safe. You can be proud of your uncle not only for being a great police officer but for being a great man with moral, values, and integrity. Here go the water works. Take care.

911 Dispatcher
Sherry Byrnes

May 20, 2017

Hi all
This was my uncle. I was 2 when he was killed in the line of duty. I wish I could say I remember him but unfortunately I don't. I've read a lot on here and see many of you have great memories of him. If anyone on here checks this or what please share stories of him with me.
[email protected]
I would love to know him better through people who knew him.
RIP uncle Jim

Kyle Kennedy

January 24, 2016

Hi all.
Just yesterday a local office was layed to rest here at my home town. It made me to think of my uncle that I never knew and from what I've read here a lot of you have had fond memories of him. I would love to here more about who he was and what type of guy he was. I've heard from family but not a lot about him on his job or with peers.
If anyone wants to share stories please email
[email protected]. I was only 2 at the time of his death and only have two pictures of me and him. RIP Uncle Jim.
Nephew of Jim

Kyle Kennedy

January 24, 2016

It been 30 years now a I still reamber that day.Larry is with
you now as cancer took him.You two can now help God keep watch over the Heavens and Earth.
Bless you my friend I'll never forget what you taught me
and the friendship we had and the sacrifice and short life you gave.It was a honor knowing you and working with you.May you be in peace with the Lord.

Shane Haun

July 8, 2014

Hard for me to believe it's been 30 years today since I received the call. Sadly, all the things that could have been were cut short. Your life and sacrifice will never be forgotten by your friends.

MPO Mike Bishop
Fairfax County Police (retired)

March 27, 2014


Just checking in.

You are never forgotten.

Thanks for watching over me all those years.

Retired Detective John Pennington
Fairfax County PD, Va.

August 25, 2013

To the family members of James Kennedy, please know that there are many people like myself who still think about Investigator Kennedy, and are thankful for his service to the community. May James Kennedy's soul rest in peace.

First Sergeant Thomas Webb (Retired)
New York State Police - Troop "D"

June 2, 2013

To the family of Investigator kennedy. Please accept my apology for the inadvertent error in my last post when I used the word daughter. The sentence should just have said reflections from friends as you were survived by your wife and no children. I am sorry that you were robbed of your life at such a young age.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

March 27, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 28th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered.

I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever. Your family is in my heart's embrace. Thanks to your daughter and friends for sharing their memories and devotion to you through their reflections.

Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

March 27, 2012

Hey J..
Remembering you today.. 30 years ago I met you and you took me under your wing, you were the best! You called me your little sister and I will never forget your kindness. I wish I could have been there for you that day so long ago. But I honor your memory this week. One day we will meet again and I hope I can stand next to you and give you a great big hug. Your friend always. Terri Doyle

Terri Doyle Retired Police
Fairfax County Police Department Virginia

March 24, 2012

Each time I hear of an incident in TN I always think of you. I vividly remember you standing in the rear of the dispatch area and telling me that you would be moving away for your wife's job. I was sad to see you go and happy for your new challenges. You were a tremendous person who deserved so much better. One thing is for certain, those of us who had a chance to know you became better people. Your positive outlook, refreshing approach to the job, and most importantly your friendship carried forward and obviously still does 27 years later.

Sam Keys, Jr. Retired
Fairfax Count, VA Police

July 4, 2011

Its been 27yrs now and not a day goes by that I don't think of that day when Larry and you went through this.Larry is with you now but so many dear friends here still miss and think of you daily.You were a good friend and a TRUE HERO.May you walk with GOD.

Shane H.

May 28, 2011

Investigator Kennedy,
On today, the 27th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Knox County. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.



March 27, 2011


There wasn't a day in my life as a cop that your influence wasn't present.
I recently drove past a former bar in Fairfax County and remembered the night you calmly marked out on a fight. You were always the consummate street cop. Your death although tragic saved my life on many occasions.
Your example made me confident under fire. My brother still remembers the ride along he shared with you. He recently spoke of your valor.
I hope that my survival of twenty eights years on the job would be a testament to your leadership at a time when a young officer needed an example of what true policing was about.

It was an honor working beside you. You will always be remembered. Thanks for the memories.

C Squad
Mason District Station

Retired Detective John Pennington
Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia

September 14, 2010

Investigator Kennedy, you will not be forgotten! R.I.P.

Deputy Sheriff
Livingston County (Il) Sheriff's Ofc.

March 27, 2010

Remembering today.

Fairfax County Va Police Ret

December 8, 2009



February 26, 2008

"The Badge"

He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.

He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.

Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.

He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.

His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.

He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.

And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.

But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.

Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.

Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.

So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.

In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.

Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.

Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

January 29, 2008

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