Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Dennis J. Harrington

Buffalo Police Department, New York

End of Watch Saturday, October 2, 1920

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Reflections for Patrolman Dennis J. Harrington

Another year passes on the anniversary of your death. I wish I could have known you. I'm sure you would have been a great grandfather. You were taken at such a young age, even your own children didn't get to know you. I wish I could change all that. I find myself wondering how all of our lives would have been altered if you hadn't been struck by a car and pass away that fateful day. Your son's would have had a male role model instead of being raised by their mother in your absence. We grandchildren would have been able to see you every time we went for a visit and during summer break from school. How would that have looked? Week never know, but I know I will still wonder, what if?? You are not forgotten grampa. It just took me awhile to find you here with your brothers that also have the ultimate sacrifice, as you did. I'll love you forever.❤️
Your youngest grandchild,

October 3, 2024

We're creeping up on 104 years since your death Great Grandpa. With every year, every new wrinkle, and each grey hair I spend my time trying to learn of our family and the saccrifices so many long years ago they made for me to be here today. I wish I could have known you. I'm trying hard through print to know what kind of man, father, and husband you were. I'm sure it's not doing you the justice you deserve. I have so many questions...questions only you can answer. Even though you were taken from us too soon, I was able to meet Great Grandma. She always had a twinkle in her eye and loved to sing and play her organ. She was a treat. And even though Grandma was unable to communicate fully with us, I know in my heart that she loved you until her dying day.

Dawn Adenau
Great-Grand Daughter

September 14, 2024

I've been lax in leaving reflections here for longer than I should have. Time has gotten away from me, but today I've thought of you again with love for you and much respect and honor for you. We live in a hostile and angry world at times where some people don't have the same respect for the police that they should. But when they are in trouble and need help, they still call on the police to protect them. I'm glad you don't have to serve in this time period Grandpa. I love and miss you and Grandma.❤️

Colleen Harrington Longtin

August 20, 2023

On this 100th anniversary of your untimely departure please know that
no passage of time will ever erase your service and sacrifice. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

October 2, 2020

Patrolman Harrington,
On today, the 100th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Buffalo. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

October 2, 2020

Today, 98 years ago, you were taken from us, your family. Last Monday, I was finally able to visit your grave site for the first time ever Holy Cross Cemetery in Lackawana, NY, as well as my Grandmother, your wife, Emily and your youngest son, Cornelius, my Uncle Neil.
It was emotional, and yet comforting that I was able to visit all of your resting places. I wish I could have transported myself back in time to see when you and my grandmother were married and your children were born, in happier days.
I think of you often, wish I could have known you, I love you and am so proud of you and your service.
Thank you to all officers, past and present for their service and putting their lives on the line every day they go to work. God Bless you all.

Colleen Harrington-Longtin

October 2, 2018

Another year has gone by. I am thankful that you have not been forgotten by your fellow law enforcement personnel on this message board. It's comforting to see posts from others that didn't know you, but know the sacrifice that you made. I thank them for that and for keeping this website going. God bless them.
You have not been forgotten by me either, Grandpa. I still wish that I could have known you, that you could have raised your children, that you could have seen your children and grandchildren, your siblings and their children grow and become adults. It would be nice to know how our lives would have been different with you in our lives.
Our family has lost 3 members in the last 5 years, so I trust they are with you now. I will meet you one day, but in the meantime, know that I love you even though I never met you, and I am proud of you and your service to your city. I honor you and pray for all the police officers, K-9's and other personnel that work every day to keep us safe in the midst of the craziness of the people who intend or inflict harm on others. God bless all service members everywhere.

Colleen Harrington Longtin

October 2, 2017

Patrolman Harrington,
On today, the 97th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Buffalo. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

October 2, 2017

Thinking of you still and wishing I could have known you, even if for a short time.
With love and honor,

Colleen Harrington-Longtin

May 21, 2016

Thinking of you all week, Grandpa. It is a sad day for me knowing that you died in service today. I honor you and all that have fallen in the line of duty.
With love and admiration.
Colleen Harrington Longtin


October 2, 2014

Thinking of you, Grandpa, and wishing we grandkids could have known you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
With love,

Colleen Harrington Longtin

October 3, 2013

I think of you often and wish I could go back in time to have the opportunity to know you.
With much love and great respect,

Colleen S. Harrington

March 24, 2013

This reflection is more about my Grandpa's youngest son, my Uncle Neil as we called him.

August 6 was the birth date of my Grandfather Dennis' youngest son, Cornelius Patrick Harrington He is/was my favorite uncle, more like a father to me in so many ways. He, too has been gone several years now, but sadly missed by all that knew him.

I wonder if he got his extraordinary sense of humor from you Grandpa, or his gift of gab. He always told me "old men talk forever". I wish I could talk with him again.

I've been thinking so much recently about our family heritage again. I want to know everything about our ancestors, but not exactly sure where or how to begin. There is never enough time.

Colleen Harrington Longtin

August 11, 2012

This, I believe, is my great uncle. I am Raymond Timothy Harrington's son. Colleen, I would love to speak with you!
May Dennis rest in peace!

Officer Philip J. Harrington
Denver Police Dept. (ret.)

September 6, 2011

Tomorrow will be the 90th anniversary of the accident that took you from your loved ones.
Although I never knew you, I have memories of sitting in Grandma's living room, looking at the picture of you that she had hanging there and thinking how handsome you were, and that you really had a head full of hair (which I inherited from you I guess; thank you for that).
My Grandma never remarried, but still managed to raise two boys by herself. She was a strong, independent woman who was proud of who she was and where she came from. She was very proud of you and the fact that you served your community in such an honorable way. I'm sure it must have devastated her when you passed away, but you always had a special place in her heart, and in ours. With honor and gratitude, love and respect, you are remembered today and always.

Colleen Harringto Longtin

October 1, 2010

I think of you often, grandfather, wishing I could have known you. Your chosen profession is an honorable one; today I honor you and am proud of your service to protect others. Your memory lives on.

Colleen Harrington-Longtin

October 31, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 89th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya


October 2, 2009

The internet can be a wonderful thing. On a whim, I put in "Buffalo Police Department", knowing that my Grandfather had been on the force when he was killed. The only thing I had been told by my Grandmother was that he had been hit by a car while on duty and died.
My Grandparents had two children, both boys, when this occured. My father was only 2 1/2 years old when he lost his father.
When I found this site, and scrolled down and saw his name, I was overwhelmed. I now know what his badge # was, what precinct he worked in, the day he passed much more than I had known before.
I thank you for keeping this site and giving me a glimpse into my Grandfather's past.

Colleen Harrington-Longtin

Colleen Harrington-Longtin

January 17, 2008

You are remembered today and thank you Sir for your service.


October 14, 2007

A city as great and with a history such as Buffalo can never forget even one sacrifice. If I am the first to remember Brother Harrington, then shame on at the right hand of the Lord

Ptl Brian Tarbox
Lighthouse Point PD

October 2, 2005

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