Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Paul Jeffrey Harmon

Huntington Police Department, West Virginia

End of Watch Monday, December 14, 1981

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Reflections for Police Officer Paul Jeffrey Harmon

I was watching the news this morning and saw the candle light vigil held in memory of our fallen officers and thought of you Paul. I remembered spending time with you when you came down to visit us here in Monroe County shortly before you were taken from us. We drove around, talked and laughed as young men do. It's hard to believe that it was so long ago and the last I saw you. RIP Paul J Harmon our family remains so proud of you.

Donald Kountz
First Cousin

May 14, 2024

My first cousin. Grateful for his life, service, and sacrifice.

Thank you to ALL who serve.

Rev. Jonathan Daniel Moore
First Cousin

December 14, 2021

While working a detail tonight I heard HPD officers mark out tonight on the radio to visit your gravesite. These men and women working tonight were decades away from being born when you were protecting the citizens of this city, yet here they are, not knowing anything about you, 40 years later, coming to visit your resting place. Their actions speak volumes to the honor this profession has for its fallen brothers and sisters. God bless you sir, thank you for your service, and your sacrifice. Your soul, your family, and your friends will always remain in our prayers, but even more so tonight.

S/Tpr. M.H. Lovejoy
West Virginia State Police

December 14, 2021

This was such a shock to me when it happened. PJ and I went to school together when I lived in Country Club Estates so many years ago. He was a great friend and I’ve missed him since this tragic incident.

J.T. Hodges
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Marion County, WV

December 14, 2020

So hard to believe Paul that it has been so long ago that you were taken from us!!!
I never had the chance to know you, but the family has spoken of you so much I feel like I did know you.
I know that you were a wonderful person and a devoted cop Paul!!!
I have wanted to be a cop my entire life, and the stories of you are so inspiring. Thank you Paul for being a Beautiful person, husband, father, cop and friend.


January 12, 2017

My wife Janice was the EMT that arrived on sene and attempted to save his life I remember her comming home that morning it was so hard for her to tell me what happened, I went to school with Paul and his wife Twila, a very sad time in history of Huntington.

Wayne Meadows

December 15, 2016

You were senselessly taken from us 35 years ago today. Today is filled with sadness anger confusion and grief. We all love and miss u dearly. Everyday is hard but today is just deeper!! You are about to have a great grandson... And Jeffrey is his name Aryn wouldn't have it any other way!! Rest easy daddy. God can u whisper in my daddy's ear and tell him I love him and kiss his cheek

Jamie Harmon Gray

December 14, 2016

I remember it well. I pray it never happens again.

Lieutenant (Retired)
Huntington Police department

December 14, 2016

Was at Marshall at the time. You are not forgotten Brother.

Robert Thomas, USN-ret
United States Navy.

December 14, 2016

I'm going to fight for u on Monday daddy!! I WILL MAKE SURE U DID NOT DIE N VAIN!! U died for justice now I will make sure u get justice!!

Jamie Harmon-Gray

July 11, 2015

Police Officer Paul J. Harmon murderer needs to stay in prison for life He killed a Police Officer in cold blood That says it all Police Officer Paul J. Harmon was taken from His Family and Friends for just doing His Job Now Show them He Did Not Die In Vain Give Him The Justice He Deserves Keep His Killer Behind Bars For LIFE

Sheila Driskill

July 10, 2015

Dear Parole Board Member(s),

My name is Brian Lucas and I am currently the president of Gold Star Lodge #65 of the Fraternal Order of Police. I write this letter as the members of our lodge wish to voice our feelings on the upcoming parole hearing of Wilbert B. Mayle. To be blunt, we strongly oppose any leniency toward Mayle.

As you probably know, on December 14th, 1981 officer Randy Byard noticed two suspicious people he thought were getting ready to commit a breaking and entering. He called for backup and his best friend, officer Paul Jeffery Harmon responded. Harmon parked and started toward Byard and encountered two individuals that were not involved in what Byard was witnessing. However, these two individuals had their own issues. They had committed a robbery in Ohio and feared that they had been found. They attacked Paul, brutally and savagely beat him and then shot him with his own service weapon before fleeing. Byard ran to his aid but could not prevent his best friend from dying.

Mayle was convicted of first degree murder for his crime. We will never understand how he was sentenced to life with mercy as he showed no mercy in the beating and execution of Paul. To my knowledge, Mayle has never shown any remorse for his actions that took the life of a police officer, a husband, a father and a friend. Mayle does not deserve any leniency or compassion. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Paul’s death is still felt here within our lodge. His loss will never go away, will never fade from our memory. We strongly urge you to deny parole to this cold blooded killer and to keep him where he needs to be, in prison.

The members of Gold Star #65 appreciate the chance to voice our feelings. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we sincerely hope it helps with your decision.


Brian A. Lucas
President Gold Star Lodge 65

Sgt. Brian Lucas
Huntington Police Department

July 9, 2015

I left our contact information with Mr. Varner. He sent an email to me letting me know of your message.
We look forward to talking to you and your mom again.
PS. We had tons of catching up to do!

Patricia Johnson
Friends of Paul and Twyla Harmon

October 23, 2014

Johnny n Patricia this is Jamie Paul n Twyla daughter please leave a reflection with any info so we could get n touch with y'all. Mom would love to get back n touch with u guys. She tells me stories all the time

Jamie Harmon/Gray

October 2, 2014

It's hard to believe that so many years have passed since Paul's death. Our families became friends when Paul and my husband were serving together in the Air Force.
We still remember the December day when Twyla called to give us that sad, sad news. Words could not descibe how we felt. Paul was a good, decent man with a loving wife and two beautiful daughters. So unreal.
Sadly, we have lost touch with Paul's family but we will never forget the man he was.

Johnny and Patricia Johnson
Friends of Paul and Twyla Harmon

August 9, 2014


Jamie Harmon Gray

June 15, 2014

I just want to give respect out for his family. what a tragedy this must have been.
I am a student from Mission Hills Highschool researching fallen officers, and this case really shocked me.
This could've been my uncle in Officer Harmons position. And even though I didn't know Officer Harmon personally, I still believe that he must have been an amazing person. He is an inspiration to me and to others around the world.
heroes live forever in our hearts.

Kaitlin McWold

May 8, 2014

Hey Daddy, I think about u everyday and miss u so bad!! U r a great grandfather now, and I wish u could hold her I know u know how beautiful she is... love u so very much... don't know y u were heavy on my mind today, so I just needed to say hi to make me feel a lil better...LOVE AND MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH EVERYDAY

Jamie Harmon-Gray
Paul Harmon daughter

March 25, 2014

You'll never be forgotten brother.

U.S. Park Ranger LE, Adam Roberts
U.S. National Park Service (former HPD)

December 14, 2013

I knew Officer Harmon when I was a little girl..I remember calling him "Jeff"..His sister was one of my babysitters. He was always so sweet to me. Played with me even though I was several years younger. I was heartbroken when I heard what happened. You have never been forgotten.


December 14, 2013

Paul Jeffrey and I are cousins, and I was the lucky one of my family, because I remember the fun we had chasing his Mother with craw dads, when we vacationed together on Sarton Mt. in Monroe co. Wva. Even though we were ornery, he turned out to be a wonderful young man and I am so proud of him. My love and prayers to his wife and daughter. He will always be loved and remembered.

Julie Frontz Byrne

October 13, 2013

Paul is my first cousin his daddy and my daddy were brothers. I don't remember ever getting to meet him but from the family stories I am so proud to be related to him! You made us all proud!!

Becky weikle King
first cousin

October 11, 2013

I was honored to send off my 'No Parole' letter today for you, my brother in blue. Thank you for your sacrifice and may you forever, rest in peace. You are a true AMERICAN HERO !!!

My prayers continue to be with your family, friends and co-workers.


Sgt. Mitch Cheselka (Retired)
Orange County Sheriff, California
Polk County Sheriff, Oregon

June 16, 2013

RIP my brother of the Badge, God Bless your Family, Friends and Department. My letter is in the Mail this Morning and Hopefully the Suspect POS will forever be in prison. Thank You for your service and Courage.

Bob Reed, Retired Police Officer
South Lake Tahoe Police Department

June 7, 2013

Paul Harmon is my father, my name is Jamie. I was only a yr old when my daddy was taken from us. My husband found this site and I am so happy that he did. Being so young the only way I know my dad is through all the wonderful stories, so if u have a good story share I would love to hear.

You are always remembered n my heart
I'm so proud to be ur daughter!

Jamie Harmon/Gray

April 27, 2013

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