Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Chris Edward Clites

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Friday, December 10, 1993

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Reflections for Police Officer Chris Edward Clites

Hello Chris, just checking in on ya. It’s been 26 years since the day you were taken from us, you were only a 26 year old man at the time. Life is so hard sometimes- so unfair many times over. Over the years years we have lost many more of our brothers and sisters in the line of duty, the cuts are so deep that they really never heal thru our entire lives. There have been some really dark days for your closest friends after the day you were murdered, but knowing your spirit lives on and feeling you continue to look over our shoulders helps us out everyday. Every December 10th your closest friends still drink a shot of ‘JD’ from your DNA bottle - we salute one to our hero- “YOU”. I passed on a set of your handcuffs to a righteous man and outstanding Police Officer - Officer Tucker - he will continue to carry your torch and the torch of the “Thin Blue Line” separating Good from Evil- using tools from the heart “Righteousness - Integrity- Honor- just as you did. Thank you again Chris for looking out over my shoulder during all those critical incidents that occurred during my tour, I am now retired from CPD and I am so blessed to start the third quarter of my life. I miss you my friend every day- “The Eagle Has Landed”

P.O. Bret Bodell #1557. (Retired)
Columbus division of police

December 10, 2019

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Police Officer Chris Edward Clites of the Columbus Division of Police, Ohio and the additional 68 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation

December 10, 2019

Always remembered my Brother in Arms. Lifting a glass in Chris's honour. A salute to your bravery and drive to fight crime and suppress evil.

Blessings to all of Chris's kin and kith. Stay healthy and vigilant. -John

Officer John Holloway
Columbus Police

December 9, 2019

Happy birthday Chris, we miss you very much. We know you’re looking down upon us every day. We love you brother .

B. Bodell #1557. Retired CPD
Columbus Div. of Police

May 12, 2019

Rest in peace Officer Clites.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2019

God Bless you Warrior! It was said best tonight at the memorial ceremony at 5 sub, you are the guardian angel of the officers in Linden. Thank you for your sacrifice, and for giving yourself for the citizens of Columbus. Thank you to your family for their sacrifices as well, and may God continue to bless them.

Lieutenant Robert Sagle #5047
Columbus Division of Police

December 10, 2018

I was working in the Franklin County Jail the night this happened. All of us Deputies on duty that fateful night were saddened to hear of your passing. I remember connecting with you again when you brought prisoners to jail. All of us from Walnut Heights remember you, Carmen and Cameron having fun growing up. You will always be missed.

Deputy Chris Milburn
Franklin County Sheriff's Department

December 10, 2018

Hello my Brother just checking on you, it is so hard to believe it has been 25 years to the day that you were taken from us while fighting the good fight "Good over Evil". All your brothers and sisters miss you very much, and will forever keep thoughts of you and your smile in our hearts. Tonight we are sending lights up your way, and are having a "Memorial" to honor you as our Hero, 5 precinct Officers wanted to show you that they are still representing you by fighting the good fight. Rest easy my brother, you have done your part..and so much more....... True "Warrior" #1557

Bret J Bodell #1557
Columbus Div. of Police

December 10, 2018

I can't believe it has been 25 years ago today that you were tragically taken away. You will never be forgotten.

MaryAnn Wallace

December 10, 2018

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Westerville, Ohio Division of Police, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Police Officer Chris Edward Clites of the Columbus Division of Police, Ohio and the additional 67 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Chief Joe Morbitzer
Westerville, Ohio Division of Police

December 10, 2018

25 Years! Seems like a life time ago; yet just yesterday. Always remembered!!!
Blessings to all of Chris' friends and family.

Fight Crime & Suppress Evil!

Officer John Holloway
Columbus Police

December 10, 2018

Happy birthday Chris, love you brother ..... You will always be in our hearts and in our prayers ... Family for life ......

B.Bodell #1557
Columbus division of police

May 12, 2018



December 22, 2017

It's hard to believe that it has been 24 years since you left us. So many of your friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors and beloved family members miss you and won't let you be forgotten. You gave so many of us so many memories to hold onto. How we wish things were different that day............ Know that we are striving to keep your memory alive as you hold a special place in all of our hearts.

MaryAnn (Cap) Wallace
Neighbor /Schoolmate

December 11, 2017

Love you my brother: You will never be forgotten: True Hero.....

P.O. B.Bodell 1557
Columbus division of police

December 10, 2017

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Westerville, Ohio Division of Police, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Police Officer Chris Edward Clites of the Columbus Division of Police, Ohio and the additional 66 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Chief Joe Morbitzer
Westerville, Ohio Division of Police

December 10, 2017

Twenty four years... Remembering Chris and reflecting on this fateful shift so long ago. Stay sharp and healthy out there my fellow officers.

I shall give a toast to the brave and the fallen this evening. To Officer Chris Clites, who always had my six. Thanks my brother in arms. Peace to your family.

Officer John Holloway
Columbus Division of Police

December 9, 2017

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

To my brother, Chris, Our family loves and misses you. Although the calendar shows it has been twenty-three years; yet our heavy hearts feel as though your loss was JUST yesterday.

The Clites family will ALWAYS be thankful to all of the special souls that were with Chris that dark, tragic night.

To everyone who posts here and remembers in many other ways, my family says thank you for keeping his beautiful memory, his beautiful light from heaven shining bright.

Very few born onto this earth make a lasting, eternal impact, but as we know Chris was one.

To my teammates of the Columbus Division of Police, keep fighting the good fight of faith. Darkness will never overcome those who shine the light on to evil. Keep marching on proudly as a soldier in God's Army. Amen.

CHRIS....until we meet again:)

Carrie Clites-Meader
Sister December 10, 2016

December 11, 2016

I was there the day you came home from the hospital. I babysitter you and your two brothers then Cheryl when she came into the world. I totally remember the day the police came to my house to ask if I knew you and what kind of a person you were. Many many night you and Donald stayed at the house and we played cards or we went out. I miss you everyday not a moment goes by that you are not though about. You where the greatest person inside and out. Never ever to be forgotten!! Love hugs and kisses

Alena Brooks

December 11, 2016


To Chris's family and friends, he is not and will not be forgotten. Reflecting 23 years later, Chris will always be remembered and held dear to my heart and soul. I remember the triumphant moments we had after chasing down bad guys and defeating resistors. Awesome car chases. Scary moments. Reflective sad moments. Punch drunk third shift silly moments. Annoying each other moments. How excited he was about his recent marriage and honeymoon (and best not forget the new Corvette).

As harrowing an experience our final fight was, I am grateful I was able to work with him and be with him his last run. This year is always reflective, however, it has been more so after losing one of my best friends for twenty plus years, Officer Steve Smith (CPD SWAT). I am grateful I was with Steve, as well, during his final fight.

To the Clites family and all the officers and family of officers, stay proud and strong. Been a rough few years for our LEO family. Always hold fast and stay the course. Be the example of strength and honour for fellow officers and family. As I often tell my seven year old boy as I hold his hand walking in public, "Chin up, eyes up, be proud and walk like a man." Chin up, my brothers & sisters..


Officer John Holloway
Columbus Police / Partner

December 10, 2016

Hello everyone, I wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful posts. There is not a day that passes that I do not think about my brother. I have had moments of sadness thinking that Chris has been forgotten, it is heartening to know that he is remembered for the good guy he was. I remember his sparkling green eyes and eveready smile. He was a positive person who loved life. Again thank you for sharing and god bless all of you. Sincerely Cheryl Clites

Cheryl Clites

June 7, 2016

Wishing you a Happy Birthday Brother on this May 12, 2016. As the days and months turn into years, it's just a reminder of how much we miss you Chris. I know your spirit is with us and I thank you for that . Please look after our brother Officer Steve Smith he is in heaven now, watching over us with you . I know there's no bad guys in heaven but thinking about you and Steve on routine patrol together would be a bad day for the bad guys. I Will say a prayer for all of our fallen brothers and sisters while in Washington DC this weekend. Love you my brother....#1557

Officer B. Bodell #1557
Columbus Div. of Police

May 12, 2016

I saw a current Columbus Police Officer's wife share a remembrance of Police Officer Chris Clites on FB. I had not heard the story for awhile. I went back and read the story and posted my thoughts. After I posted it, I saw that 7 or 8 of my fb friends had also shared his story and I have very few friends who I had attended Maybury with. I cannot imagine how many of his friends and family had shared and are keeping his memory alive. I was so happy when I found this page and read he was a Christian and with Jesus now. It makes an awful story have an eternally joyful ending.
I didn't know the adult officer Chris Clites, though I know some FB friends did. I knew him as a Maybury Elementary Student who was in my class, different years. I know my friends who went on to JH and Independence did, and at least one was a very close friend to him.

I can still picture him but he really didn't look much different from the picture that is shown with his story. It almost looks like you put my young friend in a police officer's uniform. I can tell his hair was not the longish "cool" style of the 70s that he would kinda "whip" to get out of his eyes..,probably while playing Four Square or something. I remember very beautiful eyes that really stood out...I wanna say blue but not positive. Then he had that smile that is looking back in this photo. I also think, but again am not positive, that he was a fellow safety patrol, in the 5th and 6th grade. It has been a long time, but I do not remember anything but kindness and laughs from him.

I re-read the story and remembered the same heart-break and sickness I felt when I heard that familiar name and his story appeared on the news. People that were taunting him and the fellow officers are quite simply not even good enough to be called the lowest animals.

Had I never known him, I would still feel sadness, because someone protecting the community lost their life. Also, it should show us all how evil people were and still are.

Rest in Peace Chris. You are remembered and honored and always will be. May his family know this and feel the condolences and prayers as people are reminded.

Michelle Capuano
"Shelly Baxter"
Maybury Elementary School Student 1972=1979

Michelle Capuano
Elementary School Friend

December 11, 2015

Rest In Peace, Officer Clites....we Honor your Supreme Sacrifice and pray for the comfort of your loved ones, Both Blood and Blue. We know that you will always be yet another Blue Guardian Angel to look out for us!

Capt. Robert Michels
Uhrichsville Ohio P.D>

December 11, 2015

We miss you our brother and will always Love you....We will always remember the Content of your Character..."Semper Paratus" ...1557

Officer Bodell
Columbus division of police

December 10, 2015

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