Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Scott A. Gadell

New York City Police Department, New York

End of Watch Saturday, June 28, 1986

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Reflections for Police Officer Scott A. Gadell

I do remember this happening in Far Rockaway if I'm correct and being angry because we didn't have enough fire power as the perps did. God bless you Scott and we won't forget that you set the wheels in motion for the next step which were the speedloaders.

Retired. P.O. L. Ortiz

June 28, 2019

Another year in the Kingdom of God my brother. Continue to rest well knowing that through your sacrifice so many changes occurred that helped save many of us in our chosen profession. Until the day we meet.

Lieutenant Raymond Flores
NYPD (retired)

June 28, 2019

I never had the pleasure of meeting Scott or knowing him but the phrase “looking & load...” Was burned into my head in the 1980s and 1990s by the NYPD Range instructors. They always said that because that’s how Scott was murdered and that reminded us to look up while you’re reloading so the bad guy cant get the drop on you.
I’m 57 yrs old and around the same age as SCOTT would be IF he wasn’t Murdered at such a young age.
I think of home many years (33 actually) he missed out on.
GOD BLESS YOU “Brother in Blue!”
SGT John Fiordaliso, NYPD (ret.)

Sgt John Fiordaliso NYPD

January 17, 2019

May your memory always be a blessing.

Detective Sharrin

June 28, 2018

May you continue to rest in eternal peace. Never forgotten

Bob Drake Retired Detecive

June 28, 2018

May you continue to rest in eternal peace my brother. I want to thank you again for your service and sacrifice, and may N.Y.C. never forget that fateful day when you were taken away from your loving family and all of us as well. Because of your heroism you have saved so many.

Lieutenant Ray Flores
NYPD (retired)

June 28, 2018

Officer Gadell, I think of you often even after all these years. Because of your sacrifice, changes were made on the job that helped save others. You’ll never be forgotten brother.

P.O. Dominguez

June 5, 2018

I was a meter reader in the area back grandmother lived on Beach 30th off uncle(now deceased)was a police officer in the rockaways..PO Kenneth Kilgannon.I remember clearly when this happened..and the circumstances that led to PO Scott Gadells killing.For some reason it's something thats always stayed with me..I would(as a civilian)like to say thank you to all police officers who serve..who put their lives on the line everyday for us..and to especially thank PO Scott Gadell for his selfless sacrifice protecting the community he served.Always remembered,never forgotten..and very much thankful to all our brave officers of the law.May God bless the soul of PO Scott Gadell and of all those who have given life and limb in service.And may God bless and protect all of the fine brave officers who go out each day to serve and protect.

Civilian John Laperuta

January 24, 2018

Continue to Rest In Peace Hero.

P.O. Tom Cardno Ret.

January 5, 2018

Scott i was on the job 4 years working in Astoria when we all heardbthe horrible news about what happened. You are forever in my thoughts even after 31 years. God bless you and keep watch over all police officers.

retired police officer Lorraine Ortiz

June 29, 2017

Rest well my brother. May God always keep you safe. Because of you countless of your brothers and sisters were provided with speed loaders, and ultimately semi-automatics. Because of you we walk more secured, and went home after our tour.
Thank you for your service.

Lieutenant Ray Flores
N.Y.P.D. (retired)

June 28, 2017

I remember this officer's death, right before I was appointed to the NYPD.
God Bless and Rest in Peace, brother.

Jimmy Lucerino, Sgt.
NYPD Housing Bureau PSA 2

August 21, 2016

It was my honor to research newspapers, magazines, online & books to find your ID CARD Photo. I found this photo in a Online Article about your heroic sacrifice. I felt it was necessary to have a photo on this website so that your family & friends can remember you. Rest Easy Hero! Always Remembered!

APO Christian Durante
NYPD: 68th Precinct Auxiliary Police Unit

February 5, 2016

As I watch the news & hear of the NYPD officer being shot, I think of my little cousin, NYPD officer Scott Gadell. Googled his name & found this page. THANK YOU all for your beautiful posts & for not allowing him to be forgotten. Heartfelt words to those who have experienced such a tragedy. My thoughts are now with the officer & his family today.

Nancy kaufman

October 20, 2015

Scott you will never be forgotten. You are still missed after all this time. God Bless You and your family

Police Officer D.VanCura
NYPD co-worker at 101st pct

July 5, 2015

Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless

Detention Officer A.Zambito

July 4, 2015

RIP Officer Gadell. You live on in our hearts.

Lt. Victor Medina(Ret.)

June 29, 2013

RIP. You will NEVER be forgotten.

Sgt. McNamee (Ret.)

June 28, 2013

Hey buddy, I though of you again today and had to come here and send you a message. My mom is in heaven and I asked her to look you up. I think about you often buddy, mostly about what it would be like if you were still here. cant belive its 26 years. I will never, ever forget you and the fun we had together serving our country. you are the bravest man I have and ever will meet. Peace my brother

William F Pope Jr
US Army Reserves Retired

January 24, 2013

To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 26th anniversary year of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace

I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you. I thank your family and friends for shring their devotion to you through their reflections.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

December 9, 2012

Even though I was young when you passed, I was old enough to remember you. Not a day has gone by when your brother and sister haven't missed you or thought of you and although they are not thrilled with my new career choice, I know I'll have you to watch over me and be my 10-94 from heaven. As you have before me, I'm going to continue to make our families proud.

Our family is still 10-8 Cousin!!
We love and miss you...

Scott's Cousin
Deputy - BSO - Broward County, Florida

September 23, 2012

he was a great friend an buddy grew up with him he was a great man honest an trustworthy guy would have given you the shirt off his back god bless u d.s

darren steffens

January 21, 2012

To The family Of Officer Gadell:
I wanted to offer my sympathies on your death in the line of duty. Your bravery and courage serve as an inspiration to your family, friends and colleagues and will never be forgotten. My dad was a NYC police officer for many years, Rest in peace Officer Gadell. Olav Hashalom

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2011

I miss my friend very, very much, we were young reservists in High school. He was a funny yet serious guy, most of all i remember him always having my back during weekend drills. When ever i here of the town of wantaugh ny I think of my friend. it is sad that he had to lose his life, but he gave it in the line of duty unselfishly which makes him a hero. Scott you will always be my hero, Love you and miss your friendship

William F Pope Jr
US Army Reserves

July 1, 2010

I said a little prayer today for Police Officer Gadell and his family. He may be gone but never forgotten. He will always be a New York HERO.

Robyn Wilkes

June 19, 2009

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