Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Master Trooper Michael Earl Greene

Indiana State Police, Indiana

End of Watch Friday, February 5, 1993

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Reflections for Master Trooper Michael Earl Greene

I was a Senior at Lebanon High School in '93. I remember the funeral for Trooper Greene was held in the high school gym. They allowed students to attend. This was the first police funeral I had attended. I'll never forget seeing one entire side of the gym and the basketball court covered with officers from practically every state in the country. The line of patrol cars in the parking lot seemed endless. This was my first lesson of the brotherhood of law enforcement. Sadly, as a member of the media I have covered dozens of LEO funerals since. It always reminds me of the supreme sacrifice the men and women in blue make, every day. I thank Trooper Greene for standing in the gap that terrible day in 1993.

Scott Allen
Lebanon, IN resident

May 3, 2024

When I see that face, I can't help but see his grin - it would spread slowly until it covered his entire face. And it was always a guilty grin, like a little boy caught stealing a farmer's watermelon. With his personality he could have asked the farmer for a watermelon and be told to take two and Mike knew this. But he also knew it was more fun and adventurous to steal it... Later, as we'd all be sitting around eating the stolen fruit, Mike would hide talking his way out of trouble and let the rest of us think he'd gotten away with another Tom Sawyer crime. I remember a certain drunk the night before his annual inspection..


December 9, 2023

I was on the road the day that Michael Greene lost his life to a lifelong criminal, drunk and thankfully died in prison before he could wait out all his appeals and ultimate execution he deserved. He said goodbye to his wife the way they always did............. still tragic to me this day even though I have moved to Florida.

no rank
no agency

November 2, 2023

One of the worst of my days was just starting a friendly relationship with Mr. Green. We meet while I was working at Bobs he was just an awesome human being!

Steven Taylor
Bobs Towing, Lebanon, IN.

October 16, 2023

I remember when this happened
To this day and including today when I go past I say a prayer for him

Eric Kamradt

May 13, 2023

M/Trooper Greene,
On today, the 30th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just as a Law Enforcement Officer but for our Country as well when you served with the Indiana National Guard. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

February 5, 2023

What a brave officer. Performed his duty till the very end. Some two bit scumbag comes and ends at all. The memory of that day never goes away.

Charlie Hart
Charles E Hart- witness

November 15, 2022

Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest | Salute

S. I. Drake - Lt/IPD | IMPD (Ret)

February 5, 2022

Oh the days back in Jasper County. One of Mikes favorite places to sit and run traffic was the parking lot of Brushwood Church, checking southbound traffic. I don’t think there was a lot of tickets written , but a lot of pleasant reminders about ones speed. Thinking of an ole friend.

37-79-1 Andrew R. Boersma Coroner
Jasper County Coroner

February 5, 2022

I miss you today as if it were still Feb 5 1993. What I wouldn't give to go back to Feb. 4th....The hurt will never go away, I have just learned how to put a smile on my face and live with it. You are loved and missed by all that knew you and many that didn't. Anyone wanting to share a story with me can reach me at [email protected].

Deputy Michael Greene (only son)
Monroe County Sheriff's Office (Indiana)

April 23, 2021

I have the 5th marked on my calendar and every year I stop to recall the day and the days that followed. His was a tragic loss. A thank you is not enough for his service and sacrifice and the sacrifice of his family to what was a senseless act.
Russell Johnson

Russ Johnson
Jury Foreman at the trial

February 25, 2021

Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest | Salute

S. I. Drake - Lt/IPD | IMPD (Ret)

February 5, 2021

Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest | Salute

S. I. Drake - Lt/IPD | IMPD (Ret)

February 5, 2020

I'd just started working at Rock Island Refinery, when Trooper Greene was killed. I think of him and the sinless death. God bless Trooper Greene.

Daniel Thomas Ballard
Trooper Daniel Moore's brother in law

January 3, 2020

Mike worked Boone County and I worked Clinton/Tippecanoe County. We had several opportunities to meet in the median on those slow late evenings. He also met me for Sig-10 blood runs headed south to IU med ctr. He always has a smile and was always encouraging. 1993 was a sad year for ISP losing Mike and Todd. I am glad to see his son followed his footsteps as a L.E.O. Rest in Peace Mike.

Doug Kelly, M/Trp. Ret
Indiana State Police

July 11, 2019

My Mom had heart valve replacement surgery at Methodist Hospital the day of your Dad’s shooting. I will never forget that day or him. I say a little prayer whenever I am on 65 and see his marker.
May he Rest In Peace and his family be comforted by their many cherished memories of Master Trooper Greene.

Laura Bade Limbach
Resident of Indianapolis

June 17, 2019

We miss you every single day, Dad! Wish you could have been here to see our weddings and your grandchildren. You would have been the best papaw ever! I hope you are taking good care of my Spencer! My heart has been shredded into trillions of pieces. Love and miss you

Shannon Davis
Master Trooper Michael E. Greene
Indiana State Police

February 6, 2019

Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest | Salute!

S. I. Drake, Lt/IPD-IMPD (Ret)
Indianapolis Police

February 4, 2018

I was working at Methodist on the day of the shooting, a very dark day as news was coming into us of the incident. A few years later I was called to the jury and served as the foreman of the jury. We all did our very best to bring about justice. This did not bring back your father, husband, friend or neighbor for which you have our sympathies. Our hope was that justice would bring some sense of peace through those terrible times.

Russ Johnson
Jury Foreman during trial.

February 5, 2017


Monica Zahasky

February 5, 2017

Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest

He said, "My name is Mike!"

S. I. Drake, Lt/IPD-IMPD (Ret)
Indianapolis Police

February 4, 2017

Missing you every second of everyday. The pain of you not being here never goes away.

Deputy Michael Greene (son)
Monroe County Sheriff's Office (Indiana)

October 19, 2016

Eternal Rest

S. I. Drake, Lt/IPD (Ret)
Indianapolis Police

February 5, 2016


Mi AMIGO, thanks for the good times while I was on your squad. It was such a shocker as I know it was for everyone that knew you. I have wonderful memories of you and the rest of the squad. I remember teasing you by saying “I want to be like Mike”. I know I shall see you again in a place where officers no longer have to patrol. Recently, I reached the rank of Master Police Officer with the Orlando Police Dept and I remembered how I aspired to be a master trooper, just like you. I read on one of the reflections that your son is an Officer, God bless him for following in his Dad’s footsteps. If I ever have the privilege of meeting him I will certainly give him a hug and tell him how funny you were.

Brother, you will always be in my heart.
Tu Amigo de siempre, Enrique

Master Police Officer Enrique Nazario
Orlando Police Department

September 30, 2015

I remember that sad day every time I passover 65 on 1100n so sorry. Rest in peace

Brownsburg Fire

July 26, 2015

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