Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Special Agent Julie Yvonne Cross

United States Department of the Treasury - United States Secret Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Wednesday, June 4, 1980

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Reflections for Special Agent Julie Yvonne Cross

I remember Julie from high school. I would have never guessed she became a police officer and was promoted to a secret service agent. In high school, she seemed rough a d tough. I would love to learn how she came about becoming a police officer and secret service agent. I am amazed every day that we never know what young high school kids can become and how important it not to judge our kids! It is so sad her life was cut short on that horrible night. Rest in peace, Julie . You made us Titans proud!

Toni Morrill

July 29, 2024

I went to high school with Julie. She was a great friend and classmate. Julie you are missed and remembered.

Jeff Tabor
Poway High School

July 17, 2024

Rest in peace Special Agent Cross.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2024


I never met you, but I can still remember the day that we learned about you in the Secret Service training academy. It made me very sad to learn about your murder so early in your career. Your death left an impact on me.

I have always admired the Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) for honoring you by creating a special award for women in federal law enforcement that is awarded for heroic events. You are a true hero and you made the ultimate sacrifice!

I always thought of you and I learned so much more about you when we coordinated a special event to honor your life. I learned so much about you during my research. You were an extraordinary and accomplished woman before you ever joined the Secret Service. You received multiple commendations when you were a police officer with the San Diego Police Department. If your time wasn't cut so short by these selfish criminals, you would have definitely risen up the ranks with the USSS.

Julie, I think about you regularly and I teach my agents about you and your life. All of our agents should know about you and your legacy. I will continue to teach my agents about you so that you are NEVER forgotten.

Rest in Peace Julie....

RAIC Hazel Cerra
United States Secret Service

June 4, 2024

I miss her to this day. I was her « mom » during her teenage years. I loved her so.

Nancy Cross Dunnington
Sister in law

September 27, 2023

Agent Cross - your service and dedication to the cause of justice will never be forgotten! God Bless you and your family always.

Richard J. Sachs
Supervising Deputy District Attorney
San Diego County District Attorney (retired)

June 23, 2021

Agent Cross, it's now been 41 years since your murder. You are not now, nor will you ever be forgotten. Thank you for your service, Sister and may you forever Rest in Peace. God Bless.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Department

June 4, 2021

Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

August 26, 2020

I worked with Julie on the San Diego Police Department and she was a close friend. She was very spirited, outgoing and fun to be with.
She was very excited to become a Secret Service Agent.
She will always be remembered and missed by those of us who worked with her on SDPD.
It is hard to believe she has been gone fie 40 years .

Jim Collins Captain (Retired)
San Diego Police Department

June 7, 2020

Agent Cross,
On today, the 40th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

June 4, 2020

Rest In Peace Sister LEO. You are honored and remembered on the 38th anniversary of your EOW.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

June 4, 2018

Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless

Detention Officer A.Zambito

June 4, 2015

I will never forget your beautiful smile and the wonderful times we spent together.

D.R.Michalek Detective (Ret)
San Diego Police Dept Friend

June 6, 2014

Julie there are no words that can possibly be said that can express how truly profound your loss has been to family and friends. You touched so many of our lives and your memory burns bright still after all these years. You gave your all and died in the service of this country. And I believe it is our duty as the living who knew you to always honor your life so tragically taken so, that all understand the level of your sacrifice and to never forget. RIP.

And to Lloyd old friend I hope the years have been good to you. You too were a victim of evil that night so long ago and I pray you have found peace. There is no one I would rather of had at my side when things went down than you. Your experience, training and level of fitness and courage allowed you to fight off the attackers for longer than most. I know you never thought of yourself as a hero but you will always be a hero to me. I and many others know that you gave it your all that night and almost lost your own life in the process. Your son Zachary can be proud! Thank you for your sacrifice and service.

God Bless you Lloyd and Julie rest gentle in the arms of the Lord!


Former Special Agent Steve Smith
US Secret Service 1976-1981

April 12, 2013

To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 32nd anniversary year of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered.

I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever. Your family is in my heart's embrace. Thanks to your family and friends for sharing their memories and devotion to you through their reflections.

I also fought very hard recently to keep justice for you as a co-chair of the No on 34 campaign to preserve the death penalty. You are one of the 43 law enforcement officers whose killers are on California death row, and one of two female officers. I will continue fighting for justice for you, my son, and all the other victims slain by death row killers.

Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

November 16, 2012

Hi, Julie. I hope you are doing well in the Kingdom of Heaven. Your death has touched me dearly; so much that I am pursuing a career in law enforcement.

You put your life on the line to protect your fellow Americans and paid the ultimate price. Thank you for your service, we are eternally grateful. You are missed and shall never be forgotten.

G-d bless you, Julie. Perhaps we will meet someday.

Zander Morozov

October 20, 2012

Julie, you and I went through the 87th San Diego Police Academy together (1977). From that time, we developed a special friendship. We were both assigned to the same Patrol Division right out of the Academy, and our friendship got stronger. I'll never forget our "dog walks" together. You with your Old English Sheepdog, Osso, and me with my Doberman, Thor! Will always remember how mad you would get when Osso ate a new pair of expensive shoes from Nordy's! In the end, we would get a big laugh out of it. We stayed in close contact when you went off to training with the Secret Service. I remember our last conversation the week you went off to the LA SS Division like it was yesterday. I loved you like a sister. I was so very proud of you! You were an excellent police officer who received high praise and respect from your fellow officers. No doubt you would have given the Secret Service the same level of dedication, performance and service for many years had your life not been cut short by your ultimate personal sacrifice to your job and country. I still miss you and think about your often.

Ret. Asst. Police Chief, Cheryl A.Meyers
San Diego Police Department

September 9, 2012

I am former U.S. Secret Service UD/FMD/WHD 1974-1977 and I met Julie Cross when I was in SDPD at Northern Division.
I was the one that Julie asked about joining the USSS back then and I gave her as much information I could to help her make an honest decision.
Julie was very bright and eager and I wished I had spent more time with her. I moved on to other law enforcement agencies, but I will never forget Julie or our talks.
I almost wished I could have discouraged her, but she would have made a very good agent for the USSS in my opinion.
LLoyd, if it means anything, I think about Julie too and wish I was there to help both of you out. Julie's death is very personal to me too.
Please contact me if you want to, or Zachary. [email protected], former USSS, SDPD, U.S.Mint Police/Treasury, U.S. Customs, U.S. Immigration, etc...

Former Officer USSS/UD FMD/WHD
Former Officer USSS/UD/FMD/WHD

August 31, 2012


My father SA Lloyd T. Bulman (Ret.) was your partner and in the vehicle with you conducting surveillance on the night you were murdured. I know that your murder haunted him for a long long time when I was growing up. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. When I was a police officer in Northern Virginia, I visited the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial and sought out your name in addition to several other Law Enforcement Officer's that I knew that were also tragically killed in the line of duty. I gave my father a tracing I had made of your name when I was there and I could tell it brought a tear to his eye. Although, he doesn't speak of the incident often, he will never forget you.

Special Agent Zachary S. Bulman
ICE/Homeland Security Investigations

Special Agent Zachary S. Bulman
Son of USSS SA Lloyd T. Bulman (Ret.). Julie's partner

July 22, 2011

God bless you Julie. It was an honor to have known and worked with you. This should have never happened, you had your whole life in front of you.

Rest in peace.

Tom Lahart
San Diego County Sheriff - Retired

January 23, 2011

I never knew Julie personally, but was good friends with her brother Jim and met her on at least one occasion in San Diego. I remember when the news of her death broke and how it affected the family. I have tried to reconnect with Jim, who may have moved to Calgary, but have been unsuccessful in locating him. Rest in Peace, Julie, you are still loved after all these years.

Mike Gerow
San Diego


October 29, 2010

God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain; but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

Rest in peace.

Michelle - wife of US Marshal

May 11, 2010

Julie lived with her brother and I during her teenage years. She called me Mom. I have so many wonderful memories of her and miss her to this day. Watching scary movies every Thursday night with our popcorn and chrushed ice cokes is one of my cherished memories. I love you Julie. Nancy

Nancy Workman Dunnington
former sister-in-law

August 5, 2009


I was on duty the night the B.O.L.O. was broadcast concerning your homicide. Even though we looked, unfortunately, our crew was not able to locate the suspects. I am glad to read that that justice was finally served. Rest in peace!

John Bellah, Corporal (Retired)
CSU-Long Beach Police

August 5, 2009

29 yrs. ago and you will never be forgotten! God Bless Julie Cross' family, frinds & the Dept of the Tresury - Secret Service.

Retired Sgt.
City of Miami PD Fla.

June 2, 2009

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