Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Rushing. Racing. Resolving. Reviving our serenity with the hopes of a brighter tomorrow. Our futures are much clearer, Officer Cook, because of your undying, unselfish and unwavering sacrifice that has proved to be a most humble blessing for Dade County, though your family and everyone wished you were here today to honor us with your wisdom,integrity and morally noble dignity. You enjoyed and cherished your professional roles of labor and that opportunity wa sone you made a wise decision to join the ranks of the Metro-Dade Police Department. Surely, humility and the richness of humanity will forever follow your serene soul all its eternal days in Our Lord's greenest of pastures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

With fearless ferocity and tremendous tenacity did you, Officer Cook, secure and preserve the integrity and dignity of all Dade Count streets and roads Never intimidated by unwanted terror and evil, your goodwill and faithful pursuits at least endeavored to cutoff the wicked advances of a berserk man. The valor and honor will be always a reverent piece of your vitally important heroic legacy, Humility on humanity's behalf. All the citizens can expect is fine service and from Badge#1664 they received expeditious and loyal protection. All the principles, scruples and morals shaping a society the needs some polishing. it has its good and not so good. Your life and career, Officer Cook, balanced those scales of trust, truth and justice, firmly and fairly for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Fire heat things up. Tragically fire can take lives. That horrible day, May 16, 1979, when Dade County, Liberty City was under fire from a deranged man who thought taking revenge against police was his evil idea of who knows what? Your mission that afternoon, Officer Cook, was to head to that scene even though you were not required to go. But, your instincts and professionalism dictated otherwise. A man gives his life of honor, integrity and the highest of dignity to quell a situation that needed some sure fixing fast. The civilians and your brother officers were in peril and their lives were dangling by a thread. You heroically did your job and with character and courage did all you could do by God's power to stop violence from further branching out. Humility and civility working tenaciously to put a firestorm of evil. Never forgotten and always humane and humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Grandiose ideas are one thing. Gallantry and reverence speak on behalf of honesty, dignity and integrity, symbols of what all duly humble public servants must serve and protect the people by. Your outstanding character and courage, Officer Cook, were of heroic values. It's the very basis for all Dade County's unison, peace and the staples of safe havens. Always a cherished and highly respected comrade, may your blessed soul which saved lives daily be saluted and solemnly etched upon your family, friends and colleagues forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

A nugget of wisdom is better than a pound of evil. Just reverse your bad ways and start shaping up because the good men and women of law enforcement are out in tandem looking for you. You turned every stone in Dade County, Officer Cook, searching for that wickedness and bringing instead freedom of movement and some precious moment of perseverance. Our tranquil environment is because of the many heroes and heroines of character and resolve. All humility needs is some place to go inside one's own very heart of caring. Yours, did, Officer Cook, the fondest of memories remain from your distinguished career, one cut sadly way too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Bravery and boldness are humanity's shining humility. It required all your honor and strength of character, Officer Cook, to raise up Dade County's enduring spirit of hope and good cheer. You take some wisdom, dignity and integrity and pour them into your labors of love and at last some semblance and prospect of peace to be gained. Nothing finer than a man of morals and the very scruples that preceded your legacy, Officer Cook. Heroic and most astute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Express your opinions on violence and it's the same, it must be defeated and the wars are not completed until the last chores are carried out. Your sense of fairness and direction, Officer Cook, lifted Dade County from those dangerous pavements where your unwavering honor, diligence and dignity sadly was taken. Nonetheless, your ingenuity and integrity carried your banners of character and bravery way beyond the scopes of our comprehension. Saluted and now the rigors are most intense, guard God's sacred, golden and pearly gates of gallantry,no glitz or glamor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You paid the dearest of prices for our serenity. A warrior and blessed hero!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Urgency has got to be met with the utmost understanding and knowledge of the dire situation. The gravity of one's valor, honesty and reverence must support that brave soul's dignity, character and integrity. Evil is wicked and violence is never vain. Those whose proclivity is to commit acts of chaos must be arrested and locked away for our security and safe trails were under your wings, Officer Cook and so were Dade County's for that matter. Your hopes and aspirations did not die that day you gave your life, on the contrary, your family and colleagues carry on your heroic legacy with the very same virtue and humility that was deep in your soul. it burns for eternity and champions your most prudent of convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everything is set and arranged all your comrades today must demonstrate is proficient and efficient effort pursuing evil and carrying the batons of boldness most proudly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Vetting vigilance and virtual serenity takes all the right honor, integrity and the strokes of serene dignity. You figured out your tasks and their roles keeping peace and tranquility for Dade County while securing its borders, Officer Cook. so many have tragically come and gone, your blessed name, spirit and contented and humble character will never be forgotten. You are physically gone, your soul is very much alive and well in God's freest of kingdoms where tenacity, resolve and ferocity have spoken and acted most heroically to unseat unrelenting violence and turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were an integral part of your devoted and very treasured family, Officer Cook, never overlooked always solemnly saluted and honored for reverence and unselfish leadership, determination and the righteously proper motivation. It took a gentleman, gallant and game to responsibly act upon that domestic call, your last before sadly Our Lord called you home to be enshrined under His merciful and guiding wings of harmony.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Gifted and not for rhetoric, but real live action packed determination and the honesty of dignity that was used to protect and defend our liberty and freedoms while evil was running rampant in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose interior and whose soul was aflame with real heroism and humility. It was and always will be your willingness to lead other comrades and brave souls through this abomination of just utter ruin and mayhem which threatens society and mankind's journeys of truth and trust. Justice demands swift actions and yours, Officer Cook, represented the highest of standards and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

If smiles could talk, the echoes would reverberate around our world, Officer Cook. You had a beautiful smile missed greatly by your family, colleagues and dear close personal friends. A hero and a devoted warrior gifted with humility and honesty that was utilized to combat violence and its terror. No doubt Dade County was spared more evil ahead, but just tragic that Mr. Pearsall acted against you and your fellow officers the way he did that day. May 16,1979 was a day, a very horrific event for your family and the entire police world. Humanity takes copious notes and your soul of serenity and safety, Officer Cook, clearly was a cut above as was your maturity and wisdom coming from clear vision to fruitfully pursue our joy. Your as well, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The heavens are ablaze with dignity and resolve. Only Our Maker can make the perfect happen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Wickedness must be relocated to a venue far from society and harm's way. It takes a genuinely warm and extremely articulate person who is able to handle the rigors of service and preservation which you accomplished on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. Morals and mettle meeting up with character, commitment and the convictions of integrity, honesty and dignity which allow any peace officer to pursue happiness while trying to unseat an awfully arrogant enemy. You did your job with unwavering heroism and undying self-confidence, Officer Cook, so no one had any difficulties understanding why you were a gifted and grateful man. You had our trust and as a truthful man policing the roads was a natural occupation for a man humane and humble. You will always be honored and saluted for bravery and for engaging us and your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

The skies open up and the rain keeps falling. The heavens above are replete with wonderfully honorable heroes and heroines, angels wearing wings given to them by Our Creator for their job in policing their individual communities. In Dade County where you protected us so well, Officer cook, you'll not be forgotten for your stellar honor, integrity and the compliment of character and courage. Indeed it's tough for some to keep their manners in check, but if they want to last until they retire, better to be complete with humility and the rays of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

Sometimes police find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Desire and dedication usually come to their aid. What made you endearing to Dade County citizens, Officer Cook? Your honesty, integrity and the decency for which your dignity helped to further enhance the public. Evil and violence are two tremendous foes that need to be wiped off the face of this planet. Your efforts, Officer Cook, helped to subdue this nasty man who took you from your family and comrades. Humanity just needs to look up to those big blue skies to see your cherished and respected soul of harmony and unity revolving around our solar system. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2019

You just can't toss terror to the wolves nor flush evil down the drain. It is a process in the works involving all able bodied women and men, honorable and humanely humble to step up to that plate as you did on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. Sure and certain. this much is clear your integrity and dignity allowed the aromas of liberty and unity to filter through the streets and roads where you protected life and limb. Most of all, your amazing character and charm, Officer Cook, offered humility, sanctity and civility the proper entrance in order for enhancement to take affect. Solemn salutes for your bravery and boldness as you remain etched in your family and comrades' thoughts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

Tigers are ferocious. Police must face danger and what not the very same way. You faced evil, Officer Cook and gave up your life and career of principles, scruples and values to safeguard and to maintain the honor, dignity and integrity of all Dade County of which humanity salutes your wisdom and foresight. The reverent and respected gain entrance into God's world high above by virtue of humbleness and persuasive esteem. Great character and convictions that yielded results never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

The oak trees stand tall. Your acumen, leadership and honor rest humbly beside one of those trees where you are buried, Officer Cook. A Dade County police hero who represented authority done correctly and character the valiant manner. Everyone that boards that train of tenacity must have a valid ticket of transparent integrity and dignity if they are to fight those raging fires of violence, evil and mayhem that can spread real swiftly. But, with resolve and resourcefulness those missions on behalf of humanity were surely accomplished and though you departed this world, Officer Cook, at a tender young age of twenty- five, you will be forever saluted and honored for relentless resiliency and humility from your compassionate heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. St. Patrick's II section where you eternally sleep soundly, Officer Cook, is the humblest of love and blessings God has given to your immortal soul of serenity and peaceful times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

The gallant gallop right where they belong. Badge#1664, your honesty and humility, Officer Cook, preserved more in Dade County then we can ever imagine. Hope, faith and genuine goodwill all brought about by your heralded heroism gave society a new lease on life. And by virtue of your esteemed and courageous soul, can we move forward once again in peace, tranquility and freedom for all mankind. Always considerate character and the caring emotions from a warm and wonderful young man. I look at your picture, Officer Cook and just cry my eyeballs out. You'll always be in my thoughts and heart. Humility and civility crusading as one to baffle and befuddle wanton evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You should be with Karen, happy and enjoying your retirement years. I guess the good Lord had other plans for a man enriched bt energy, effort and unshakeable principles and beliefs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

Violence victimizes the innocent and just about anyone in its tracks of terror. Dade County was well served by your humbleness and honor, Officer Cook. Never better dignity and integrity merging with the traits of tenacity and resolve to deliver peace and unity for a venue calling out. Domestic violence is sheer evil and your heroic expertise, Officer Cook, was surely on hand that day to deter a wayward man from carrying out more aggressive threats against police and the public. Enhancement helps not only to stabilize an area, it assists in vitalizing it too. Saluted and honored for unrelenting understanding conforming wisdom and really sharp vision that has led humanity long after your very sad and untimely death, Officer Cook. Your family and society miss your smiling and cherished presence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Black on white and nobility combined with some sanity brought a most refreshing appearance to those streets yo upatrolled, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

Better that bravery and boldness meet each other, then honesty, dignity and integrity can become more responsive in this war over an adversary as nasty as terror. You tamed evil, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County as well as you could. A great and noble man of pride and character who placed truth and trust back into our community and humanity as a whole. Take humility and sanctity, God has the start of all the traits His valiant angels need to combat these and other crises. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

In all work and in particular police work, you must put your ego aside and bring nothing but top notch honesty, energy and efficiency to a very demanding position. It's where life and death mingle and no one wants this kind of meeting to occur. You persevered and were most resourceful, Officer Cook, in handling the day to day rigors of guarding those palaces here in Dade County making certain integrity and ingenuity prodded dignity along to restore calm and safe trails for mankind. Humility and civility are the wings of noble warriors and heroes of which you are eternally enshrined within those walls of honor in Miami and in our nation's Capitol. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

The wrecking ball of wickedness drops with an anvil like thud taking innocent lives. Your honor, bravery and esteem, Officer Cook, prevented a much worse calamity for Dade County folks that horrible day. Your actions were heroic and humble, humane and full of character, morals and the dignity that motivates one's own integrity. Your family, community and department suffered a loss beyond words. The wisdom of knowledge is to see its vision being perpetuated for generations to come. Humanity was well served and protected by your undying and unselfish courage under fire. Hold down those forts of ferocity with Our Creator's help. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2019

Jupiter aligns with Mars. Justice must be parallel to trust and truth from tenacious servants who bestow peace, unity and liberty for all humanity. You delivered uneqivical good work based on dignity and desire, honor founded on the values of character and humility which in turn shielded all Dade County residents from unmitigated violence and very tragic that it took you, Officer Cook, from your friends, peers and beautiful family. Only the best of regards to your mother and the rest of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your newest great-niece must be a couple years old by now. You surely have been sorely missed. God Our Master has your reverence, Officer Cook, looking down with amazement on what is going on these days.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2019

Integrity may not be invisible nor dignity divided. The sum of all the parts of each officer's framework must be equal, honor, humility and heroism stemming from your life, career and public service brought unconditionally to Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook. Serenity and security waving off evil and wickedness for all mankind. God's heaven's above have your sweet soul and even mannered disposition governing those gallantly peaceful gates where honor and pride fly high on your angel's wings forevermore, Officer Cook. They shall serve as a moderator for your strong character and cherished being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2019

Elementary is where one starts building a decent foundation. A cornerstone that mankind can remember forever. We will fondly remember your stoic feats of heroism, Officer Cook, which bordered on humility, honesty and have left an indelible legacy of integrity, dignity and intrigue. Dade County citizens were solemnly served and adequately protected by your peace of mind, Officer Cook. Cowards run, duck and dodge from danger. You entered into that rotten fracas with Mr.Pearsall and acquitted yourself very well saving your comrades and the civilians who were involved in some pretty messy ugliness. Never more humble and beloved. Revered, respected and resilient beyond any shadow of doubt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The pious pray and voyage to where vigilance is best reserved right in the heart of Liberty City in MIami, Florida is where your heart and soul rested, Officer Cook. A good man and classy human being gone before his time. So sad! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2019

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