Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God shines His grace on Thee, your heroic and honored soul, Officer Cook and from there His perfection is passed down to us to make humble and valuable work of these resources. No wavering. No selfishness. No beating around the bush. All out character and commitment to pride and prudent integrity, honesty and dignity in all we do and in all you did professionally in bringing in some safety, security and the trails of tenacity to all Dade County. A venue so large and a community so thankful for your sanctified heroic deeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Cooper, gold and silver are precious and valuable resources. But, what is more humble and uniquely special? Honesty, integrity and dignity which you consistently maintained throughout your career and inspiring life, Officer Cook. Wisdom is to be shared. Vision is to be gained. Humility is that very devoted gift instilled in us by Our Maker. Dade County was a scene of some awful issues, gunfire spoling serenity and domestic incidents overpowering mankind's lock on peace and resolve. Your acumen and fruitful journeys, Officer Cook, were supervised and overseen by none other than Our Lord. He saw awesome promise and valor among your vigilance. Always highly admired and greatly respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Tonight, Officer Cook, I am auditioning for the public address announcer position at Marlins Park in Miami. If I got the job I would love to invite your loved ones to the park and have the crowd stand to honor your memory for two minutes and eleven seconds. You paid the ultimate fo roue enjoying harmony, liberty and peace here in Dade County. That in itself would have me balling like a baby. Your importance was your mind and heart, honesty and its distinctly stylish integrity and dignity fighting off an adversary's forces of wickedness. The best of God's honorable flock of angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I know Legend and his siblings would love to see me again. I pray one day soon that will be possible. I know your beloved and most treasured soul will be high above the playing field doing its usual excellent orchestration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Attack a circumstance head on and confront a foe face to face. You did that everyday and even more on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, in the heart of Liberty City in MIami. Mr. Pearsall and five duly honorable, loyal and brave men confounded by a wayward and treacherous individual. Your heroism and character was like the bright hot sun, Officer Cook.Pearls of perseverance, and resiliency like never before. You stood up and delivered our quiet and peaceful moments. Enhancement and society the best of buddies with boldness and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Violence must not just be dismissed. I must be dealt with in a sophisticated and succinct manner. Only those whose class and decency should sign on the dotted line where their decision making and honesty makes the difference. It surely did for Dade County, Officer Cook, while you were patrolling for our emancipation and declaration of dignity and integrity reigning on the streets. Roads filled with obstacles and your wisdom, vision and humbleness were all very blessed by God, Officer Cook. Missed greatly and fondly saluted for charm, charisma and unselfish character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

No moping. Just roping in some resolve and evil from the streets of Dade County where you lived and honorably worked, Officer Cook, sacrificing your life and career of principles for serenity and peace to take their rightful places in humanity. All the dignity, integrity and humility that helped to fortify our land with your unwavering commitment to pride and excellence through stellar character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Give your soul to Our Creator and trust His divine intervention will protect you all your days and travels you undertake during your life and career. For having the patience and persistence to battle on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, may you be afforded salutes and honors for nurturing dignity and integrity which live in the gardens of honor and gallantry. Violence should never have taken you, Officer Cook ,from your beloved family and humble colleagues. Always fair and just, unity and harmony at sad times extract the worst toll. Nothing can bring you back, Officer Cook, as humility and heaven have your heroic soul of nobility and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

Innocent and intelligent. Ingenuity and authority. Dignity and honesty. The mother and father of dignity and character which serves its purposes during out and out mischief and mayhem. The kind Dade County witnessed in Liberty City in MIami almost forty years when you gave your young life, Officer Cook, for the promises of peace, hope and prosperity to filter their way into our community via safety, security and a semblance of tranquility. Thank God for humility, humbleness and the humane kindness you bestowed upon your loved ones, friends and esteemed and brave comrades who fought toe to toe with you, Officer Cook, trying to derail violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

Cowards clamor for the spotlight. Heroes and heroines are God's divine angels of honesty and valor who grace our land with everything from character,dignity and integrity mobilized to ward off wickedness. Your ventures in and around the Dade County community, Officer Cook, were fair, trustworthy and prudent in sparing lives. Our very souls at stake because of a berserk man. His actions ruined your family's hopes,dreams and peaceful happiness, though I know they remember your wonderful life and full court humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. And they certainly miss your innocent and sweet smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

History makes one take a good hard and long look at the past, present and future courses heroes like yourself, Officer Cook, blazed on mankind's behalf. Our society here in Dade County was promised many things. Your good and most blessed name produced its honor, dignity and integrity from your heroically noble actions. We remember and solemnly recall with resolve, reverence and respect. A day your family and department never saw coming nor wanted to witness. A young and gallant gentleman laying his entire being on the line for security and fruitfulness to reappear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

You were a shrewd thinker, Officer Cook, as calming and as reasonable as one could be despite violence and strife blowing the rooftop off of all Dade County. Its residents were well served and watched over by your authentic and genuine concern for mankind. You blended character and courage, with faithfulness and ferocity to feed the waters of honesty, integrity and dignity all playing vital roles in the safeness of humanity. Humility makes one appreciate what they have. Sadly, as God took your beautiful soul back to His kingdoms for you to patrol those golden gates where honor and sacrifice do forever go hand in hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

The wicked prey on the innocent. The innocent just look forward to keeping attuned to their steady diets of dignity and harmony permeating their communities. Your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, was your haven for heroism , honor and the most refreshing of humility. Humbleness breeds character and this engages integrity and dignity that is required to battle the constant strokes of evil. Terror, torment and turmoil we the citizens never want to hear or know about. But, with your sound mind and caring heart, Officer Cook, the happiness and prosperity of life was able to be realized. Never forgotten and humanely saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

Birds of peace and serenity released back into flight. Your soul of honor and humility, Officer Cook, has too been released to fly higher each day on behalf of your family and comrades whom you loyally and in a dignified and instrumental fashion served and protected humanity. Always watching out for your family and you remain cherished and forever respected for sacrificing your outstanding character to shield us violence and its aggressiveness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2019

Paddling upstream and searching for some sense of pride and peace, all any venue can do is to keep the faith and be ever so vigilant. Certainly stay aware of your surroundings as you assisted Dade County folks in this trying endeavor,Officer Cook. Your respect and resolve coupled with your resourcefulness and reverence brought serenity and a humble measure of confidence to a community looking for calm and a balance of fairness after that horrible domestic incident that took your life, Officer Cook. I can assure you that your parents , sister and beloved Karen all miss you, their hero of character and stellar humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

When the caissons come rolling along one knows someone did an honorable action that has benefited society. Drawn from courage and dignity, your astute integrity and humble honor, Officer Cook, resulted in the Dade County area being better served. Justice is not always so swift, as it is a process that may take years to finalize its truth and trust. Your good name has been gratefully honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for instilling resolve and resiliency into your endeavors to create goodwill and unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of character whose destinies have forever been brought to a higher platform where perfection, perseverance and proficiency never wane.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Commitment takes a certain gift of humble esteem. The labors of love, the passions of your heart and the dignity of your soul, Officer Cook, helped you to surge forward in your durability, responsibility and reliability you afforded all Dade County and society in general. Kind and never more considerate. A man with a serenely sweet soul whose voice of reason,wit and clear and concise vision allowed you to at least create a plan for a semblance of safety, harmony and the unity communities come to expects of their heroes and heroines. Proper and prompt delivered right to your door and never more humility and friendship than during your lifetime of noble deeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

To lead a mission one must be first able to take criticism and direction. Protecting the public is never a routine, mundane, delicate or easy chore. It commands respect. It demands sacrifice and humble honor. It expects effort and every cell of one's own dignity and integrity. To make a man or woman from the structures of serenity and sound minds, courage and compassion from one's own heart must be molded and refined. Your skills, Officer Cook, allowed you special admittance into the police academy where you trained, practiced and drilled over and over constantly on all matters pertaining to excellent policing. Manners. character, civility and the finer points of humility, a sacred tool vital in resolving and reviving any given venue. Dade County and its people were your location, Officer Cook, where for six loyal and dedicated years you toiled and sweated through the hard, perilous and trying moments. There will never be another superior and supremely confident man of valor than yourself, Officer Cook. Always cherished, greatly admired for building bonds and boldness among your colleagues and the goodwill of those whom you served. A great man and a finer human being taken way before his time and fondly remembered by mankind for constructing sound cornerstones and foundations of both ferocity and tenacity for tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Most people are creatures of habit. Hopefully, most public servants are ladies and gentleman of esteem and honesty. First and foremost and then integrity and dignity is better illuminated during those sometimes vicious battles over violence. Never a shortage of effort and enthusiastic resolve and compassion which you brought to work, Officer Cook, serving all Dade County and humanity with you rhumble and concerned heart, mind and soul. One that heroically hung in there during a very terrible and tormenting afternoon for your family, comrades and the entire police nation. Gallant and widely respected for sensational service and God given talents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Flexibility creates ferocity and so does maneuverability which allows mettle to flow gently within the confines of one's courage, integrity and honest dignity. It all meshed wonderfully within your soul of bravery and the boldness for which you defended all Dade County, Officer Cook. A superior savior and most notable hero. Those shadows you now and forever perpetually walk through,, Officer Cook, are all lined by unassuming and unselfish brothers and sisters who sacrificed their souls of redemption for our trails to keep on blazing in the revelations of resolve, serenity and happiness. A uniform worn proudly and very excellently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

The cogs of courage keep the spokes of the wheels turning. Keep moving forward and try not to look back. It's easy to want to look back in the past. I do it everyday and pray for some experience a positive one to occur. Your honor, Officer Cook, was pinned to your badge of boldness and dignity sharing integrity's feelings you had while trying to maintain harmony and liberty for Dade County residents. That sense of pride in your caring heart. The concern for your fellow neighbor. Character and conviction speak clearly and we must rise above the violence that threatens to derail and unmask the actions of those honorable to live and to enjoy their quests for happiness and tranquil times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Better hail falling from the skies than a barrage of gunfire. Situations and circumstances all good and dependable women and men must face sooner or later. Better later. Unfortunately, domestic disputes can turn evil and ugly. Sometimes they can be patched up, fixed and mended permanently. That day, Officer Cook, everything , your honesty,integrity and dignity worked feverishly to save lives. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero were duly placed in the line of terror to try and shelter us here in Dade County in peace. Sadly,that trait was broken the moment Mr.Pearsall shot your brother officers. A good man and devout gentleman gone at age twenty-five. No rhyme or reason that sounds plausible and yet we salute and forever honor your unselfish sacrifice for our society. Humanity and humbleness greeted your arrival in heaven, Officer Cook and so did your loving father, Charles. May you both rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Multiplicity and unpredictability. Two long words that police always must bear in mind when hitting those hazardous pavements to preserve,protect and save life. Never a day goes by, Officer Cook and not to think and attempt to comprehend that day what happened to you. A marriage happily to Karen. A wonderful family, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, live and be well and your big sister, Mrs.Nancy Tidwell. And of course your nephews, niece and great-nieces and great-nephew,Legend. All of which is what has been humbly bestowed upon your character, integrity and dignity for transplanting some optimism and serenity within our midst. Never overlooked heaven forbid and certainly never forgotten for stewardship and great leadership. All the valor and humility soaring in Our Lord's gardens of truth, trust and perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One tragic day and several bullets that destroyed and shattered lives of families praying and hoping for a more deserving outcome. God is the Master dealer who places our destinies and fates where He wants and needs them. Sorry you could not be a part of these future enhancements, yet you will and forever be a vital resource of who and why we are what we are. Death nevers seems to make sense. I preach it and still try to explain it and am bewildered many times by this tenet of our very breathing lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

Bolts of lighting signal some bad weather may be ahead. That afternoon it as hot and sunny here in Dade County. What transpired afterward was unmitigated terror unleashed by a distraught and out of balance man bent on pure evil. But, Officer Cook, you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, stepped in and tried to calm him down using every available means. You had to shoot him because you were defending you fellow officers and in doing so saved Officer Di Genova who was seriously wounded and Officer Edgerton who too was seriously wounded. As Chief Bowlin stated your bravery and courage, Officer Cook, were par excellence as was your dignity and humble integrity. It exacted quite a toll and on behalf of the people they thank their hero as does your loved ones who greatly miss your treasured presence. Legacies stay around forever and are with us as a part of our everyday lives of peace, joy and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. No one had an inkling this would happen to a very devoted and honorable man and yet here we are almost forty years later, four-hundred and eighty months of your absence from your cherished and most respected family's happy occasions. Their hearts surely have grown fonder by their 'Uncle Bo's" courage and undivided leadership and motivational skills. Taking other brave and decent souls through peril and danger to formulate and to create a bondable and permanent peace in our community.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

The pride of North Miami Beach and the humane, honored and humble hero of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families. Officer Cook, your department and Dade County can surely thank you for delivering on your solemn promise to protect and to serve us with your unassuming dignity, honesty and always superb integrity. It goes to reason why you were an accomplished young man whose upside of wisdom and vision would certainly have shone brighter if you were allowed to live longer and to continue your quests for truth, trust and security for society. Humility sometimes needs to take a second look in that proverbial mirror and with your quality of character and courage, that great smile is surely missed. Heaven has your mortal soul wrapped in God's giant palms of gallantry and amazement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

With glee we must serve Our Master. After all He pumps life into our hearts, lungs and brains with our very own blood. The very same instruments you solemnly utilized, Officer Cook, to stop evil. A crazed man on the wrong pathways of life, on the invalid missions of destruction and chaos. But, your life, Officer Cook, was celebrated and remembered for gallantry and the visions of wisdom and dignity laying their humble hands upon integrity, character and honor. The pleasure of serving proudly and with a renewed sense of community awareness and humility all by your side. Just tremendous pain, anguish and grief your family and department experienced when you gave your life of hope, goodwill and faithful preservation always to be poignantly so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2019

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