Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God's tape measure is divinely perfect no imperfections, nothing. Thankfully, Officer Cook, you were a true and through trusted hero who labored tirelessly on behalf of all Dade County and for humanity in general. Dignity and its scopes of serenity, courage and its integrity surely make your honesty and respect crystal clear. Now as your outstanding character rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known that your humility and civility were bounded by the ropes of real fighting resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

I would surmise that disgruntled and depressed would fit the audacious character of Mr. Pearsall. If he thinks he won his battle then wait until he must answer his creator in heaven. His lack of morals, honor and fabric of decency confounded you and your comrades, Officer Cook and because of your heroism and dignity, we can say that peace not always assured was given over to those yearning for some respite of joy. It was your dreams and healthy aspirations to make policing a means of occupying your life with the public trust. Your truth and tenacity made the pages easier to turn and produced a balance of bravery and resiliency to be fondly and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. His fearless daring earned Mr. Pearsall a very hot seat in purgatory! You were your family's warrior and the entire police world's gallant gentleman of enhancement that is forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Sometimes a cooling off period is needed. Doesn't mean run and hide and shirk your responsibilities. On the contrary, you go out and continue battling with all your might and mettle. The reasons why we need excellent and most proficient men and women serving the purposes of resolve and honor. You met the standards, Officer Cook and so did that of your humble integrity and dignity of character in restoring a semblance of calm for Dade County folks. Humility is earned, it is to be treasured an dis to remain at all moments humanely humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord's branches of boldness and mercy, His goodwill touch us all in some way, shape and manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Those pyramids of honor, humility and heroism you constructed, Officer Cook and that set the wheels of boldness, bravery and belief forward won't surely be overlooked. It was and always will be your stellar character, insightful commitment and courageous convictions that helped to gain our freedoms and liberties in Dade County. A venue where indulging in ingenuity paid dividends. Your life and career of accomplishment, Officer Cook, are bound up under God's gentle wings, now angel's wings you wear with virtue as you patrol and walk that proverbial eternal beat. One with no marks, dangers or evil lurking to harm your very faithful soul once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Perils and evil are what makes a man and woman's bravery and honor spin like a top. It's a topsy turvy world out there and no matter, you were present and accounted for, Officer Cook, to see and address the immediate issues that violence causes. Dade County was supported by your good graces, heroism and humble honor. May 16, 1979 is a solemn day of remembrance for your family and department and to cherish your reverence, respect and resolve giving your entire wisdom and vision to those wars over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Police work predisposes its public servants to predicaments that sometimes are difficult to escape. You exposed your very special and brave soul, Officer Cook, to fighting the forces of evil here in Dade County. It took a whole boatload of dignity and integrity all the while your character and commitment to success had to be paramount along with the citizens' safety and peace. You'll not be forgotten for your humility and humane heroic actions that saved your fellow officers and the people whom you loyally served for six years of leadership and esteemed kindness. Mankind appreciated your gallantry and prudent considerations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

A quirk of fate is just that. A whim of wisdom may provide the biggest reason, Officer Cook, as to why you were so honorable and accomplished at such a young age. Calculate your courage, devotion and dignity, add your humble and heroic integrity to your outstanding character and Dade County can live on today more peacefully though a bit less safely because of your untimely departure from this society at the hands of a coward and evil man. Nonetheless, as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, history will recall with great humility how your resolve and calm made all the sense in the world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Team up and terminate terror before it grabs its treacherous tail and wraps around our world. Dade County and yourself, Officer Cook ,were one dynamic duo. A tandem of honor, wisdom and the dignity that integrity blends into producing harmony, unity and the staples of serenity fro all mankind. Never a moment without remembering your blessed, bold and brave soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer DiGenova, Edgerton, Lincoln and Detective Blocker, your friend and comrade, Officer William Coleman Cook, Bill Cook to you all, Badge#1664 his pride and humility sealed in the walls of heaven's honorable den of leadership,desire, decency and the utmost determination and dedication. He paid the ultimate price for his family and for our liberty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Heaven is the safest haven from heinousness. No doubt your soul, Officer Cook, is enriching those sisters and brothers brave and honest as you were who too gave their lives for safety and a shelter for prosperity. Dade County had its good and bad times, we thought the days and months, the years ahead would be gladdened by your unassuming gallantry, unwavering dignity and cooperative integrity. The signs just never dreamed of you losing your life and proudly humble career to violence all at the hands of a crazed man. No scruples. No manners or ethics. Depression leads desire down a path of sinister evil. Your colleagues, Officer Cook, all men of blessed character and stature were watched by Our Maker's eyes and merciful heart to pull them through danger. He needed you and unfortunately had your journeys and missions terminated by unbelievable grief and sorrow your family and peers faced. They have persevered because of the community wide respect you garnered saving and serving mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism, Officer Cook, lives on by your loved ones' virtues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

A fork of ferocity, a spoon of serenity and a knife of kindness, all used by yourself, Officer Cook, to maintain a proper balance of fair play,trust and dignity for all Dade County. When terror mounts its attacks on humanity, society then must act accordingly providing protection and preservation to those seeking safe shelters. The harbors of heroism were close by, Officer Cook, when your spirited soul patrolled our streets, venues, roads and corners where your steadfast compassion could be felt most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero . You never sought the spotlight. This is what heroes and heroines brave and bold are all about.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

I would surmise that if Our Lord alone could control evil and violence the need for police would be obsolete. Nothing but absolute resolve and resiliency from your gentle soul, Officer Cook,that allowed you the gallant chance to reign in evil. You were a man of courage, character and the staunch commitment that Dade County found necessary to conquer abysmal difficulties. Terror strikes a fear and in part delays the planting of harmony, unity and the freedoms to move about and pursue happiness. Your soul, Officer Cook ,has been saluted, honored and etched permanently in our memories and hearts, Humanity cannot pass on reverence, respect and perseverance when the stakes are greater. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Terror and turmoil are those big elephants in the room that must be escorted out at once. Dade County as all big venues expects dignified and terrific performances from their public servants. You gave your life, Officer Cook, in an effort to reverse its nasty means. For your honesty and integrity to work together you had to have commitment to morals and the values that valor humbly bestows upon its heroes and heroines. Never a finer man and a more intuitive human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of humility and enhancement forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

God hears His souls of humility crying out. Their professional exploits led to serener times and more peaceful moments. Dade County h ad your wit and vision, Officer Cook, leading those charges of courage and tenacity. A trail blazed by a humane and heroic man of passion with all the compassion guiding your trusting and truthful pathways. You are not forgotten and have been and continue being saluted for service and a smile that in itself has been greatly absent all these decades later. Humility, nobility and civility must keep rolling along if resolving crime and its adverse actions are to be eliminated totally from mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Patrol faithfully, Officer Cook, your family and department knows the heavenly reward you are receiving is worth your bravery and boldness. It served and protected our universe in Dade County quite sufficiently. Superb and superior honor, integrity and dignity which augmented your character and undying convictions. Law and order is never easy to come by and your fortitude made your ferocity more meaningful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Violence needs intense invasion in order to rid it from humanity. Society has suffered many tormenting times and for your honor, integrity and most heroic dignity, Officer Cook, Dade County was saved from many future troubles. Character is an amazing asset when applied to those situations that called for its principles and mettle. You performed your duties, Officer Cook as humbly and as confidently in order for a calming influence to circle around a community that keeps honoring your beloved memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations only take root when justice is served by a deserving and diligent public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

The corridors of courage are hidden within the walls where wickedness must be swiftly dealt with. Dade County was made much safer and more serene all because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook. Honesty, dignity and integrity are not just flashes in the pan. For having most heroic character and commitment my neighbor, friend and hero may your soul of humility and sanctity be most blessed as your family and peers continue honoring your legacy. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

Despair deserves dedication and fearless observation as you did so well, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County. A man with a humble heroic legacy that spared the citizens worse violence than ever before, for having the humility that honesty, dignity and integrity bring to an all important position may God bless your faithful, loyal and treasured soul of serenity for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2019

To climb out of a pit takes cunning and cleverness. Courage and dignity require determined devotion. To make amends in this war over evil, one must be stoic and faithful to their partners and in doing so must have principles of acumen, integrity and be mindful as you always were, Officer Cook, Dade County's humble and esteemed hero who had had its best interests in mind and bared his soul of safety for our sanctity and civility where they rightfully belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Authority is the actions of those brave and willing who accept onus in leading others through peril, thick and thin.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

If society has any fighting chance to beat down violence, guns must be taken from those who should not be authorized to own them. The day of your death, Officer Cook, your violent adversary had a whole cache of weapons and where they came from is anyone's guess. You preserved and bestowed peace and serenity back into the arms and legs of all Dade County. Measure for measure you afforded the citizens the right to pursue happy lives. Fruitful and mundane. All the honesty, dignity and integrity pumped back into the eyes of humanity by a hero of humility and tranquil moments. Your wonderful soul, Officer Cook, floats and circles our land at all times. It's never not occupying a cause just as your life and career had purposeful thought, wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

Building sandcastles on the beach is wonderful. Building bravery and boldness from the mold of courage and caring consideration is a marvelous idea. You begin with insightful integrity and incorporate some ingenuity designed by dignity and honed by honesty's revelations. Dade County was under your stoic and staunch heroism, Officer Cook, the entire equation of effort, efficiency and energy were very sound. Nothing lacking, no meandering, no wandering. Perception and preservation humanity and humble esteem would be very proud of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character is a day to day challenge in its commitment to maneuver one's morals and mettle around boundaries where danger is hiding.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

The aches and pains from mourning your loss, Officer Cook, society certainly hopes they have been lessened a bit. Nearly forty years later a man wit ha sweet soul and loyalty beyond anything was brutally taken from this world. Honor, dignity and charismatic integrity ripped from under your family and humble comrades. Answers why seem hard to come by. Yet, your wonderful array of acumen,wisdom and vision has remained intact. Only now everything is forever in God's perfect of gardens and palms. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, may your life and career be the standard for how society treats and trusts a man humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

Greed, lust and temptation surely try to target the good men and women who stand ready to defend our freedoms. All done in a prompt and pristine fashion, Officer Cook, on behalf of society, humanity and the mankind here in Dade County. Security, safety, peace and stability all primed and prepared to travel where the righteous and humanely humble go. You are always in our hearts and prayers, Officer Cook, as I've reflected and told your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, is too in my heart and prayers. faithful and loyal with honor and dignified integrity such as yours, how could anyone go wrong? That terrible day of May 16, 1979, your family, colleagues and friends watched and listened hoping for better news at North Shore Hospital. You gave everything for our harmony and nothing will change that fact of clarity. Nothing but resolve and commitment to excellence, pride and principles all unifying. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were the consummate partners never to be undermined nor deterred from their roles. Service and searching for violence while promoting prosperity and tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

The wear and tear of wanton wickedness and tenacious terror can sap the energy and effort out of most brave and honest women and men. One must guard against these lurking factors when lining up against such bedeviling opponents. Your days, Officer Cook, were well spent toiling and battling these arduous enemies, assignments all must deal with at some point during your careers. Dade County was under your superior integrity and dignity now stored in God's giant lighthouse of heroes and heroines, angels of the finest humility and voice who now walk that proverbial heavenly beat. Great people with austere character now gallantly patrolling those sacred gates where your soul, Officer Cook, keeps on observing the coming and going of your family members and devoted comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

Hand clapping and panic surely never solves the dilemmas caused by evil's obstructions. All the perilous obstacles you had to overcome, Officer Cook, to shield us from violence in Dade County can't be overlooked nor hidden away on bookshelves. A truly marvelous and humble man who took joy and pride in your excellent work habits and ethics that made you a hero of honor, dignity and the ingenuity that integrity ushers in. A new day is dawning and terrible you can't be here to actually see your humility and resolve taking shape. Your smile, Officer Cook, is hidden in those clouds of courage where other valiant angels troll preserving the gallantry of Our Lord's pearliest of gates and pristine pathways where you'll forever be greatly admired, revered and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

The scope of service and protection extends many miles within any given locale. Your venue of preservation and perseverance, Officer Cook, was Dade County where all the residents asked for was a little respite and harmony to pursue their missions of goodwill and faith and journeys of joy and happiness. It took everyday, Officer Cook, to liberate a population from the evils that lurk in our society. And your soul of heroism, may humanity be blessed as your dignified and honorable spirit climbs higher and higher along with your unselfishly devoted character. It makes every crusade worth its sacrifice. Still, sorry, Officer Cook ,you could not be a part of these changes which helped enhancement assist each and everyone of us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2019

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