Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The loss of a beloved family member and department colleague can be most excruciating. Your loss, Officer Cook, was tragic and sad for when a man bravely and honorably spreads goodwill and peace we must be prepared to salute your honor, integrity and dignity. Dade County was afforded superior service when you patrolled those very streets where harm and evil should be restored and serenity and unity replacing them. A gentleman of character and commitment giving humanity his every ounce of endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2019

Never haunted and surely acting fearlessly, your days and years, Officer Cook ,were well spent toiling for some staple of safety for Dade County. Your life and dignity garnered the respect and mutual admiration of the entire police world and of course here where you grew up and began your steps up the ladders of mettle and leadership. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Exactly how your family and peers have etched your heart into their own. Legacies are earned not passed out like bubble gum. You earned Our Lord's bounty of blessings, Officer Cook, for bravery and boldness in commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Consideration and respect earn their stripes when one's honesty and integrity run side by side during times of terror. Your character, Officer Cook, was excellent and served Dade County quite well. Humanity was well received by your loving embraces and left no doubt your dutiful calls were very decisive indeed. The humbleness of a heroic man, your life and times , Officer Cook, reflected everything expected from a public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Lush foliage is great to see. What's better to witness? Peace and stability to a region searching for an identity. Dade County is an area that looks to the police from some balance of tranquility and you did your part, Officer Cook, precisely.Honor. Integrity and the wisdom of dignity to expose danger and replace it with some normalcy. You know you did well when colleague salute your honor and pay tribute to your unwavering tenacity, humanity's measure of your humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A career that had a lot more in the tank to utilize, it's sad it could not continue onward. You were the consummate professional, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Comets drop from the sky and are jettisoned to the earth below. All dignified and respected public servants must take their honor, integrity and dignity to the streets where they risk everything for safety and quiet. Your goodwill and faith, officer spearheaded perseverance and the quality of life Dade County was searching for. A trust man an d a hero forever linked to his humility, your career and civility, Officer Cook, have duly remembered for your all around good nature and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tragedies usually uplift a family's spirits though the pain, grief, hurt and sorrow really never truly disappear. You are truly missed Officer Cook. Never a finer man and human being!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

The A through Z's of police work are not as easy as you would think. You can deliberate as much as possible, until you are in those shoes with a gun and badge strapped on your waist, you cannot ever envision why things happen, go wrong as they did that fateful day, Officer Cook. Dade County, your comrades, family and friends paid honor to your fighting spirit and heroism beyond what dignity and integrity tell us of your humane and humble life. You went before you had a chance t olive and accomplish more for civilization. No rationale, but fierce effort and gumption to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Destiny deserves its day in the sun. Yet, there are no rhymes or reasons why its travels get curtailed or permanently cancelled. God saw your excellence, Officer Cook, honored and revered work protecting Dade County. He must have needed another angel to help keep the chains of dignity, integrity and fortitude moving perfectly in sync in His abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Giving us serenity, safety and security sometimes has a lesson to be learned. Well as a leader and as a follower, Officer Cook, those programs were taken to a higher sphere for further eternal analysis. May your cherished soul be most blessed, its humanity's way of rewarding your resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Crime provides fits for its most reliable. You just never really understand why violent times take place. You took up a cause of purpose and justified your department's vision with your future, Officer Cook, as an excellent and honored public servant. Dade County was in turbulent times that day of May 16, 1979, when for no good reason a man young like you opened fire against your comrades and civilians. He took your life and almost ended their lives. Befitting for one who has character and humble heroics, you can be quite certain you will be duly remembered for everything given for our missions of goodwill to keep marching forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Rumor and innuendo don't romance honesty and dignity. bravery, morals and integrity are always under the scrutiny of the lights. The press has its freedoms and so do the people of Dade County. Your undying courtesies, Officer Cook, forevermore made you a saluted hero of valor and convictions led you to become a great man and a fine policeman. The heavens smile with your bright presence, though you should be here now living in your retirement. Never better principles of character that humility in you uplifted our downtrodden spirits. From those big blue skies keep shining down humbleness on your loving family and inspirational comrades of esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Testimony lives and resides in eternity. A living memorial for your diligent and vigilant service protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. God's quilts and blankets have you covered and well secured. Well endowed in endeavor, efficiency and the perspectives of dignity and integrity, the honorable man you were, Officer Cook, humanity was treated to those saintly gifts of humility and civility that brought down harmony and unity for everyone striving for more. Wish you had more life and years to pursue your chosen joys in life. Your hobbies and photography all vitally important, it was your desire to make that crime scene squad. God hastened your calling where the views and pictures are forever exquisite and perfect.; Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

A master instructor, a great leader and a marvelous motivator, all during your young and relatively short career, Officer Cook. Six years of thinking, reacting and heroic effort beyond the professional responses to duty. When evil terror and violence threatened Dade County you did not turn away. You went toe to toe and keeping with your unselfish character kept this man from further harming other officers and residents while risking and giving your life for our peace of mind. You are a friend and legend, Officer Cook, to be celebrated, saluted and paid homage for your natural resolve and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Your virtue, Officer Cook, validated your valor and vivid pursuits of enigmatic evil that permeated the streets and venues of Dade County. Your attitude and total fortitude cast a courageous net over an area that relied upon your basic instincts. An for having having and decorum in your life and career may Our Lord the Almighty shelter your visual and wise soul of redemption and loyal faith among other angelic heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Life has its uniquely set of circumstances that call for certain actions of faith and ferocity. Dade County needed more than persona, magnetism and charm to see it through violence. They had your beloved and respected soul, Officer Cook, authority and honesty when necessary. Dignity and desire just as God Himself implanted integrity into your framework of character and your convictions. All made as a commitment to principles and pride. Precision is logical decision. You did your part, Officer Cook,trying to restore calmness amid the bedlam. Never more saluted and stoically honored for being a true and trusted hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

There are no misnomers regarding your maturity and matter of fact honesty and intellectual integrity and dignity, Officer Cook. it created that heavenly made peace and promise for Dade County's citizens. The best of plans and who knew how sad things that day would transpire? You will always be humbly,heroically and humanely saluted for having a charm and decency that was simply outstanding. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Dirty laundry must be washed. Filth on the streets must be sanitized and taken to a dumpster where it's destroyed. You tried your honest and best way to save Dade County from unfathomable violence. Officer Cook. all the heart of a hero whose integrity and dignity allowed you the chance to corral evil and present some semblance of humility and tranquility to mankind. Always reverent and most adored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

The powers that be are from heaven. They drive, steer and navigate our very compasses around society and even in perilous times. His mercy endures forever as does your bright soul of honor and heroic deeds, Officer Cook. A public servant who was not looking for accolades, just a sense of awareness and acumen through dignity, honesty and integrity that stood up for Dade County, humility and mankind's enhancements. Honored and etched firmly in your family and comrades' hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

You pray before and after consuming God's gracious bounties. Your family and friends, colleagues all prayed at the hospital for you, Officer Cook, hoping for the best of news. Your mighty dignity and humanely heroic honesty and integrity purified Dade County from the vile and reviling stench of serious evil. Character takes sometimes many lessons to finally know what is expected of you. Badge#1664 never needed motivating or prodding, just trust and security for a humanely civilized area. We respect and salute your character and commitments to vision and wisdom, Officer Cook, tremendously absent today and always. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

The power of speech is when to keep one's tongue in check. When terror and turmoil team with torment, tenacity and honest actions are better than letting loose with an uncorked mouth and lips to match. You were a gritty and determined young man, Officer Cook. A humble virtuoso when it came time to dig deep inside and save all mankind and your community of Dade County from the commissions of bodily injury and worse than that death. All your life was a healthy characterization of the basic tenets and fundamentals of clean and refined speech. Honorable actions, heroism in integrity and the dashboards of dignity all helping to not only cope but to dismantle doom and just pure evil. You made society feel at ease with less burdens and more revealing humility and sanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your batteries were charged and loaded with boldness and nothing but outstanding bravery in duty's calls. Saluted and fondly honored for caring and concern.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Obstruction hinders a world of good people. Danger, peril, violence and wickedness heinously take innocent lives and extort the efforts of finely brave and serene servants who look to put out the fires of fierce mayhem. Your parameters, Officer Cook, were to pursue and destroy all threats against mankind which tries to dignify honesty, integrity and the pendulums of perseverance and its letters of humility and character. You were a rich man in the sense of all your passions, dreams, goals and aspirations you compassionately reached out for, Officer Cook. There is no happiness or joy even as your heroic and cherished soul hovers above looking out after your beloved family. Evil at one man's hands stole beautiful heart away from us and your co-workers who smiled when you made them laugh. Just makes me sad! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I have missed your friendship all these decades later as I grow older and so should you and Karen have been allowed to age gracefully together as a happy and healthy couple.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

There are those who wear their emotions on their sleeves. You donned a pristine uniform, Officer Cook and demonstrated the highest regards for honesty, sanctity and its resourceful dignity and integrity. The fight was on those venues of Dade County where you character shone through. A beautiful soul of serenity and peace that's for sure. Heroism and humility built those very foundations of your ferocity, Officer Cook, then and now. Heaven has a servant with a golden and giving heart for certain. Take care of those who enter the ranks of eternity and with Our Lord's loving hands show them those ropes of real courage and perfect harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

You had a happy life and a career though dangerous, it was your plan to become a wonderfully top notch public servant, Officer Cook. Virtuous and most ever vigilant, Dade County folks saw your austere greatness and humanely savvy honor all at work protecting our dignities and dreams. Integrity marks a lane for mettle and scruples to flow through and it is still difficult to understand why a man bent on evil and ruination took your life, Officer Cook, and hopeful goodwill away from you. You'll forever be so revered, admired and heroically respected for salvation and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's the courage to carry on with your legacy that fuels your family's spirit and passions in life. They believe in honor and truth. They loved you, Officer Cook, you made them laugh and smile. That's certainly and noticeably missed now and forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

Gallantry and grace gallop together as one to ward off brazen and zealous actions of violent and evil people. You surely maintained peace and stability for all Dade County and society in total, Officer Cook. never clearer and concise courage in your worldly journeys on those streets and roads marked with peril. Honesty, integrity and dignity deserve valiant salutes for eternity and for desire and pious commitment to justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Attacks on police only mean one thing step up and intensify vigilance upon humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

A butterfly is a gentle creature of multiple colors. You were a righteous and devoted man, Officer Cook, of many ventures. You enjoyed mother nature and capturing its mystic and serene beauty. Dade County was your landscape where capturing evil meant prosperity and safe havens for people interested in living well. You took honor, dignity and character and molded integrity into the patterns of precision and humility to be humbly and graciously saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

America places a value system in truth, trust, hope and the eyes of faith. Justice demands everything for superiorly talented and honest women and men who sacrifice life and limb for safety and security. Your life, Officer Cook, revolved around keeping evil off the streets of Dade County and its residents safer than ever. Humanity had your cherished and most heroic soul, Officer Cook, doing its yeoman like job steering all the civility and blessed acumen into your sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement enriches our very lives as our master pours His serenity into your very spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

You can run and hide. Justice and God Himself will seize you. You were a supremely diligent man, Officer Cook. As you shouldered Dade County's onuses you kept your wits about you and never let honesty and dignity sway you away from integrity and good character. Our harmony, unity and freedom came at the ultimate sacrifice which has protected society as your humble esteem sleeps soundly in the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2019

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