Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Eternity is that everlasting marriage and bonding of all honorable,humble and humanely heroic men and women. Their dignities and integrities lie peacefully under Our Lord's sheltered palaces. It's where perfection, preservation and perseverance have no opponent other than evil. you performed your central roles, Officer Cook, better than most of your colleagues and the cherished soul that you possessed granted us serenity, security and lasting tranquility thanks to your stellar character and supreme sacrifice. Never doubted or buffaloed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and humanity uphold your faith, wisdom and goodwill. It was all in your life and career voyages,missions and heavenly journeys to our austerity and freedom of movement

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

Police work is that humble bond that consolidates honor with decency and dignity while integrity stays glued to your side. All the humility and esteem that allowed Dade County, Officer Cook, to be free of harm. But very tragically on May 16, 1979, your character and class were ambushed by an awful act perpetrated by Mr.Pearsall. He provoked the hearts of all citizens and police who strive for unity and the respites of resolve and taciturn times. Your cherished soul, Officer Cook, will forever be eternally saluted and honored for forging the boldness your peers and family knew you had in your genes of greatness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What burned in your heart, Officer Cook, was a quest to yearn. What lit Mr. Pearsall's heart? Heaven and Our Creator only know.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

Applying a little grease to your efforts never hurt anyone. Sometimes whatever is necessary must be utilized to conquer an enemy so large as terror. Your endeavor, Officer Cook, spared Dade County and its folks the audacity of a wicked and callous man. he took your life of humbleness and honor right from under your dignity and integrity. A hero of the highest regard for his fellowman you will be revered, respected and remembered for your reliability when tough moments called for motivation. You were a great son, husband, brother, uncle and great-uncle, Officer Cook. With outstanding convictions and uplifting character were you able to go out on patrol and keep liberty and peace close to our sides. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

You show your true inner being when you involve yourself in any community. Its peace and prosperity resting on your every movement, Officer Cook, a righteous man and devout public servant. Hope and trust can take truth to venue sit has never seen before. Your honor and dignity, Officer Cook, was well placed as was your integrity and ingenuity. A life and heroic career carved out of sanctity, noble deeds and the civility for which mankind lives. Never a more progressive thinker and capable gentleman of gallantry who seized the wickedness off of Dade County pavements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

The insane and immoral continue defiling our world. Their quests must be quieted forever if unity and civility are to carry on. Dade County under your eagle eyes, ears and sweet soul, Officer Cook, had many tormenting times for which your cool and calming voice prevailed. and so did your character, commitment to morals, mettle and pride Honesty being the very best policy allowed your sense of humility and fairness to trail your integrity and infinite dignity down those trails where peace and resolve were called for. Solemnly we honor humanity and your treasured spirit , Officer Cook, for instilling a renewed enhancement within our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

By land, by sea or by air, crime must be handled. You surely handled Dade County, Officer Cook, with honor, feeling and your humble brand of ferocity. The stability and harmony we experience is because of your undying and unassuming heroism. You can be sure dignity, character and your unabashed integrity won't be forgotten. You'll be saluted for courage and valor, resolve and the tenacity to battle through adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2019

Rancid and raunchy, violence ruins the best laid plans of society by unleashing its devastating doom upon any given locale. You placed your life and career in danger's way, Officer Cook, to shield Dade County's folks from these and other troublesome outcomes. You take a devoted public servant of honesty and humility and add some dignity and ingenuity to integrity's fortitude and what you get is excellent and prudent service that spread some safety and a semblance of serenity throughout humanity. Your humility and humbleness, Officer Cook, brought good cheer and goodwill into our community where you continue to be so honored and humanely saluted for bravery and boldness over and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The grind of some keeps going forward. Your pilgrimages have been catapulted heaven's way. It's where valor and perfection greet one another to walk those proverbial beats while guarding those golden and sacred roads of resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

Evil can be so secretive it can lure one into a false sense of security and hope. But, you were scouring the many venues in Dade County, Officer Cook,looking for some sense of peace and stability. Your honor, integrity and dignity all were constructed into the buildings of faith and goodwill for all mankind. Always class, decency and desire from a gentleman of gallantry and principles which accentuated your journeys and life and career pathways. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

As I grow older, Officer Cook, just to wonder what you would look like today. You probably would still have a full head of hair and that gorgeous smile. The face of a young man cut down by another man's evil compulsions and terror perpetrated against Dade County's people and its establishment. A man of honesty, bravery and boldness focusing on some integrity and dignity to get through these absurd times. We'll never forget your heroism, Officer Cook, the lasting bonds of character and humility when resolve and vision are upheld by wisdom and that word maturity. Your grace and ingenuity helped to bring in peace and to mend those broken fences where stability and tranquility shall forever reign. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everything your family dreamed of and pursue is a forever dedication to your humane and quite esteemed legacy. A cornerstone and foundation well planned out and well built for us desiring goodwill, hope and the faith presented by God's divine graces. Pictures never lie. Just seeing your smiling face, Officer Cook, behind Old Glory makes me want to sob like a baby! At twenty-five your destinies were planned by the Master Himself, though your family and comrades surely have many unanswered questions, why? Life continues for them. You'll be forever in their hearts,minds and prayers for the future as father time marches forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

The tank never ran dry when you peacefully patrolled Dade County's different areas. Officer Cook, being confident was a resource you did not take for granted. Its harmony and stability were riding on your undying honor, dignity and integrity to see your missions and their visions through until completion. Unfortunately, Our Creator had other plans for a brave and humble public servant. You set the building blocks in order for all future men and women to determined to follow in your footsteps. Great genes and excellent character and amazing commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

The sacrifice of a man or a woman's life should mean something to a community. A venue, Officer Cook, that was designed to hold the vessels of your endearing soul. For what you meant to your family, friends and comrades of courage and integrity, Officer Cook, your professional exploits meant we would have more serenity and safety by which to gracefully pass through. Conviction and commitment should mean something. All the values, versatility and virtues to assist you, Officer Cook, in this seemingly never ending war over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Kind and considerate Our Maker's dome of honor filled with angelic wings always is perfect when patrolling His pearly gates of valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

The sacrifice of a man or a woman's life should mean something to a community. A venue, Officer Cook, that was designed to hold the vessels of your endearing soul. For what you meant to your family, friends and comrades of courage and integrity, Officer Cook, your professional exploits meant we would have more serenity and safety by which to gracefully pass through. Conviction and commitment should mean something. All the values, versatility and virtues to assist you, Officer Cook, in this seemingly never ending war over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

Those who involve themselves in God's holy work are rewarded for their humility, honor and earnest fruits of labor. Your work put Dade County and its citizens back where they belonged. a steady and sturdy framework of tenacity along with peace and serenity never hurt anyone. And for a gallant man of character and commitment top excellence, Officer Cook, I can't fathom after all these years later why anyone would harm your precious soul and those of your esteemed and dignified comrades and the people you preserved and delivered ever lasting life. Humanity takes your integrity and wisdom, Officer Cook and displays it in Our Lord's most perfect of eternal plains. Integrity and morals do matter as your life is memorialized and duly honored for coming to the rescue of those in harm's way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

A marriage made in heaven, Officer Cook, you and the Metro-Dade Police Department. A hero of honor and humility born to serve and to protect the quality of our lives. In Dade County such much was occurring back during your time and because of your heroically humane actions, Officer Cook, your character, integrity and dignity replaced violence with vigilance and the validation of security and safety all by your unassuming and unselfish maturity. Never forgotten one second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement can raise its flags of ferocity real high as your respected and cherished soul flies higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2019

A cobra strikes fast just as evil and violence and so one does not get many chances to correct things the first time out. Dade County and its citizens were held under siege that fateful day of May 16, 1979, when you tried to handle a wayward and just plain wicked man. Your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, were surely put to the test. Lo and behold you heroically answered what turned out to be your last call of humility and character on mankind's behalf. Safety and security for a community reaching out for some resolve and respite. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2019

A heart of pride, honor that was humane and heroic. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, served Dade County very proficiently and was the reason why we have that renewed sense of direction today. Nearly forty years later our harmony and transparent tranquility was brought about through your character and staunch commitment to justice. Truth. Trust and tenacity made your trails more clearer. Missed terribly and saluted for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2019

Real simple. No. Police work takes a lot of training, practice and the precision by which one must carryout their affairs despite inherent stress, duress and danger. Peril is that train that nears its arrival point searching to unseat the harmony we all come to expect. Dade County demanded action and your humility and honor, Officer Cook, brought the quickest response to a very ugly domestic scene in which you gave your life to shelter, preserve and save the citizens and your colleagues held under fire by Mr. Pearsall. A great man and wonderful human being gone before his time. So much character and class, so much desire and motivation. Dedication and determination ,fiercely loyal and so honored for combining integrity, fortitude and wisdom to all facets of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2019

To move a mountain is impossible and sometimes so is defeating the crimes and callousness of evil. It lies under us frustrating our goals and dignities in and of life. To live peacefully you'll need humble, honest and loyal professionals such as yourself, Officer Cook, who went to bat for all Dade County citizens. A man of inspiration whose dreams as a young man were to become a top flight public servant who is perpetually saluted for heroism, humility and the visions that instinctual wisdom delivers. God has your cherished and respected soul, Officer Cook, in heaven where its blessings protect your family and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2019

Stoic and heroic are certainly better than stale and cowardly. You showed us and your department, Officer Cook, your mettle and morals that surely won't be forgotten. Dade County and your family pays homage and still wells up when thinking about their beloved, "Uncle.Bo." Dignity is presenting yourself in a refined manner. Integrity is being trusted and able to lead others through peril. Honesty is an enhancer of God's providence, His trust in your serene and blessed nature. Nothing but praise and promise exuding from boldness and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The skies this moment are dark but aglow from your illuminating spirit. Doom, darkness and desperation will disappear from society's radar one day real soon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

The days in the life of any officer is surely more profound than a sportscaster. Talking and communicating goes well when peace and calm are implemented. You augmented goodwill and faith, Officer Cook, along with your honesty to deliver Dade County residents their freedoms and unities while hustling around town scouring for any violence that would create any adverse affects. Great character and solid commitment and consequential convictions mean good results. Surely, you're missed by your family, friends and brave colleagues, Officer Cook. You defended us and the world thanks you and your family for twenty-five years of fulfilled missions and hopeful journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

When one must implode a structure, dynomite works wonders. While defending us from evil, Officer Cook, your superior wisdom and vision, graded well together with your honor, integrity and dignity. Dade County was personally under your passionate and professional watch. One that welcomed serenity, safety and the fabric of your ferocity. A healer on behalf of mankind. The humble,heroic and humane await their humility from God's divine eyes and ears. The salutes, just let them keep coming you deserved the rich plaudits of mankind for service and dedication like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

Preserve us and save us Oh mighty God in the big blue skies up above. A man's good name revered and respected for humble honesty and the sanctity that you, Officer Cook, brought dignity and integrity to Dade County's many venues and locations. Character and achievement nestled by your badge of courage and the pangs of perseverance all making humanity very glad and proud of your heroics. Never a problem and never a sliver of doubt, only concern and caring to a society needing some basic endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A talent and genuine warmth taken way too soon by violence's evil eyes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

The pot of treasure lies buried beneath God's perfect thrones of honor,humility and tenacity. Only those brave, dignified and heroically humble public servants may partake of them. You were surely a very resourceful and noble gentleman, Officer Cook. Kind of a mankind's wonder child, though you were a not a child when you gave your life of solemness. Yes, to your parents you'll always be their darling and loyal son. You rescued Dade County from peturbing evil never pristine and always donned a crisp uniform saturated in ideas, ideals and the evolution of quality character. We walk. We run or bike, swim and play tennis or whatever recreational vehicle of happiness we ourselves choose because of you, Officer Cook. A kind man with a serenely humble soul that forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero under Our Lord's guiding wings of gentle and unwavering mercy. Mettle and morals can dictate the eventual outcomes where adversity and their foes match wits or rather try and out duel good and nobly civil souls of peace on Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

There can never be any asterisks after your heroic name, Officer Cook. Only what if and why? To such a fine young man full of vim, vigor, vitality and life. Only bravery, courage and valor shall follow your trusted and beloved soul of esteem and tranquility for humanity and for all Dade County where you thrived, lived and turned out to be one resourceful and resolutely honorable public servant. The caravans of kindness, faith and hope trumpeting ferocity and tenacity for all your humble ventures of diligence and vigilance. Highly respected and solemnly paid homage to for unwavering and unassuming acumen and valid trust and fairness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 was bravery, awareness, dignity gallantly efficient. You gave your all, Officer Cook, your family peers all prayed for a better outcome. God's havens host the honored heroines and heroes who shiny angelic wings help you soar higher and higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

A pledge of allegiance is what makes up the core of person's honor, bravery and humility of having dignity and integrity. You could not to begin to battle evil and those associated nemeses without an inkling of intuition and ingenuity, Officer Cook. Dade County's loyal and most cherished workhorse of peace and the resolve of harmony hovering over us A community where no woman nor man travels without some reason or purpose. Life has missions and so too journeys that must be navigated with all out awareness and the strokes of boldness pressing against our very hearts and minds. Never far from our prayers, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are mutual pals that must be incorporated into the ward over terror. Have faith and be devout. Our Master will rescue you from danger.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2019

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