Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With angel's wings and the perfect escort, Our Creator Himself, do you go about, Officer Cook, patrolling those deep blue skies. By day and by night your eternal roles are now more intensified. You maintained a core of courage and dignity while gracing Dade County's folks and venues with your smiling face and peaceful and gentle persona. An honest and likeable man doing a job you always wanted to become. It was your energy and focus that motivated other colleagues to perform in a similar fashion. Everything you represented, Officer Cook, is certainly, surely and sincerely absent from your family's lives and those whom you served and protected the humility and validity of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. your courage, sacrifice and honor, Officer Cook, is solemnly saluted, etched in our hearts and poignantly so honored each and everyday. Never to be forgotten!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2019

Time moves so fast almost like our lives that we try and plan ahead. Each new day brings a host of challenges and some hardships. Your career and life, Officer Cook, we exceptional and more than elementary. As your classmate and colleague, Retired Chief Geoffrey Jacobs stated so eloquently that your maturity was years ahead of the crowd. And then again so was your command and dignity that gave your integrity the needs to conquer violence and solidify some peace and serenity for all Dade County. A community that paid homage to your heroic legacy and the memory of a brave and spirited soul of a young and eager gentleman of passion and good cheer. Freedom is not be be taken lightly nor for granted. What a wonderful man you were, Officer Cook, very important, very fruitful and very endearing to those who admired and loved you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2019

Sanity and civility require one's mind to master all the skills and techniques both critical and crucial to the assignments and importantly honorable tasks ahead. Your courses were chartered for you, Officer Cook, before your birth and once you grew up and matured then it was time to set and manage your life's goals, aspirations and basic missions on society's behalf. Dade County needed and still forever needs brave and solid women and men of character, wisdom, understanding and the visions to see their purposes on this Earth until their completion. Violence and sheer evil committed by a man bent on revenge , whatever did not permit you that chance that your comrades were allowed to do. The good Lord gives and the good Lord merciful in kindness and compassion takes. At the tender age of twenty-five your inspirations, your humbleness and your convictions have been transferred to a higher front where the serenity and unity can never be broken nor harmed. Heaven awaited your arrival, those sacred streets and golden pathways where your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace looked forward to reuniting with his darling and brave son. Our prosperity and hopeful goodwill has been delegated to all future officers who have taken over your vital and diligent watch, Officer Cook. May you soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2019

Evil just looks to perforate a devastating mark in our society. So deep and so sorrowful, it's up to loyal and honest public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, so brave and dignified to stay those courses that needed adjustments. Dade County was under your gentle wings of integrity, humility and character so much so and because of your unselfish sacrifice do the residents have a semblance of safety, security and the stability of serenity all by a most cherished and esteemed young man. Too young with more life left to vitalize and invigorate society. Instead, we salute your commitment to both excellence and the pride you possessed in wearing your uniform of service an dresiiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2019

Your friend Jeffrey Jackson left a very touching post for you, Officer Cook. Your were their soul brother and colleague in fighting crime in Dade County. A wonderful man full of energy and exuberance. Honor, dignity and integrity like that of a humble hero whose name and heroic legacy stands forever in humanity's doorsteps and windows of welcome courage and fortitude. God has you, Officer Cook, well protected and as you walk that heavenly beat please look over your family, friends and esteemed and truly valiant colleagues who today risk their lives for peace and decency rather than conceit and mistrust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Jackson like Officer Piloto were your comrades and very close and dear friends of admiration. Your beautiful soul, Officer Cook, will keep us safe from harm. That man who took your life got his punishment, a crying shame you can't be present to see it all until the completion. There should never be a "forced retirement." I mean retiring happy and healthy on your own terms. Badge#1664 was character, was transparency, was humility and the pillars of proficiency. It was the world and was shared by your beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Niagara Falls is a wonderful sight. Something better your plethora of perseverance and courage, Officer Cook, that warmed the cockles of your family's heart and the hearts of Dade County. Large enough to deserve its freedom and serenity all from the loving honor and integrity of a surely humble and resourceful man of means. Mettle, character and the thoughtfulness of your cherished soul. No complacency. No panicking. Though that day tensions obviously were running high and like the sun, hot. Humanity's version of humility was that humane and focused gentleman, a public servant with a heart full of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has those protective golden angels flying high every second. You'll not be forgotten, Officer Cook. Warrior and wise man of charm and charisma.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Statistics are for scientists. Concern, care and consideration are for courageous men and women , heroes and heroines alike who serve and protect the public trust by maintaining law and order. You pitched your tents of tenacity here in Dade County, Officer Cook, in an effort to alleviate tensions and terror from troubled individuals. The sad state of affairs with our country today is that there seems to be no honor among some folks. You learned you lessons well, Officer Cook, honor and bravery, the courtesy of dignity, wisdom, integrity and character closing in and securing our harmony and tranquility vital to our everyday functions. Humble and esteemed, respected and revered for heroic actions never to be far from our hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Fitting tributes are reserved for those tenacious and spirited men and women of the law enforcement community. Salutes are for heroines and heroes who distribute the ordanances of freedom, safety and the humble honesty that all goes with dignity and integrity. Evil, violence and terror need many factors filtering in if they are to combat its dreadful affects. Your dreams and desires, Officer Cook, were to preserve and save life here in Dade County. Always the most esteemed of character and the most dedicated whose role was to charge head first into calamity putting a lid on its runof ruination. Humility and civility rest soundly in God's gates where perfection is a way of eternal life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

A means to an end must be accomplished if this world is to liberate itself from the clutches of callousness. Your crusade through Dade County, Officer Cook, provided the impetus for peace and serenity to seep through all homes and doors where people just want some sense of order. A man and a gentleman of heroism and humility working his character around the cobblestones and corners for all to thrive. Never forgotten and saluted for unending, undying, unwavering and most of all unselfish sacrifice to benefit humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Words of comfort help put words of despair in a more humble and meaningful context. When you gave your life, Officer Cook, to rise above the evil on Dade County's behalf to you were demonstrating your humility, honor and
integrity. A message hopefully accomplished though your character and amazing gravity have been surely absent all these decades later. We keep you in our hearts and prayers, Officer Cook, your family and peers have not forgotten your heroism at all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The gravity of the situation demanded swift action and you acquitted yourself very valiantly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Some semblance of order and decorum is expected at all moments. Stressful or otherwise you must perform your duties while keeping courage and stamina close to your belt. Your bravery, wisdom and dignity, Officer Cook, made violence stop and retreat while your integrity and character helped to firm up Dade County and its folks in safety and in security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Peace on earth requires the effort of all wise and visionary women and men. Duly honorable public servants who pursue evil as you did so splendidly on behalf of Dade County. Officer Cook, it was never about showmanship. It was above your humble dignity, honor and civility while keeping your integrity and scruples close to your side at all times. God shelters your wonderfully treasured soul while gave humanity and mankind a peak of who you were. A hero and a blessing to your family, comrades and peers of esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

To locate rejuvenation find some honesty and resolve. Your missions and tasks, Officer Cook, were to find serenity and a stabilizing unity for Dade County citizens. Always a fine young man devoted and diligent who cared sincerely for his family and community. Saluted for giving us and your folks a glimpse of your heroic gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2019

Your integrity, dignity and honesty has stood for justice, truth and trust, Officer Cook. Forty years ago your soul sacrificed everything for the humility of Dade county citizens. Never easy defending our safety, peace and liberty, you handled your accountability with some much acumen and character. Always a cherished man whose patrols led to humanity being safer while you traveled those roads and streets marked with danger at times. Mr. Pearsall should have never started his outbursts and maybe nothing so severe as the loss of a young man's life of goodwill and hope, a very faithful servant whose crusades of courage will be humbly honored. Heroism is the most esteemed accommodation a respected soul can attain. N trial and error. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2019

Police work is not just walking that trapeze of terror, torment and turmoil. It's about those dedicated and determined to make an impression in our society. With Our Lord watching you surely made that happen, Officer Cook. A deserving Dade County hero whose soul brought the richness of warmth and comfort into our very homes. Integrity, dignity and honor are deeply connected to every heroine and hero now wearing those angel wings to keep them a flight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. six years of service, resolve and resilience. I believe God has blessed your mortal soul, Officer Cook and just very tragic you cannot be here to celebrate your family happy occasions. Heaven is where your precious seat is for eternity. Humanity and its humility keeping us safe and sound.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2019

We clap our hands and diligently salute your stoic honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook. No need to be a prophet but your heroic actions on our behalf helped to stabilize an entire region of a community where you remain respected and revered, Officer Cook. Enhancement is Our Creator's way of waking us up to those who exposed their souls to the pitfalls of evil. It was your decency and desire that led the way, etched in our hearts and thoughts, great men and women don't just dream, they react and fulfill their aspirations and goals where character, mettle and morals really do matter. They are relevant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2019

Integrity and dignity never have ending. Only when a man of honor is sudden taken to heaven to patrol God's heavenly gates of gallantry. You performed your job, Officer Cook, with every ounce of terrific endeavor and energy. The good people of Dade County have their memories of you and what a life, though cut way too short. Every hero has their day and the stability and resolve are there as proof of your onuses and the burdens, Officer Cook, you shouldered on your broad shoulders of bravery and courage. The heavens are lit up as your soul, humane and heroic did an outstanding job of protecting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2019

Steadfast and bold, your bravery and humility, Officer Cook, have made Dade County and its folks more at rest. Honest and dignified, full of composure and integrity that went into your battles over adversaries that can baffle the most astute men and women of class and character. Never more heroic and passionate during your life and public service journeys where serenity, harmony and unity can take their responsible places. Heaven has your humility and humanity has your beloved family. A treasured and cherished soul of respect and admiration never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2019

The only taste of paradise we get is when our very lives and their missions are deemed as complete by God. The man who directs our very own paths, trails and roads where redemption and resourcefulness line up to accompany one another. Your heroic exploits, Officer Cook, included a whole gamut of events, the twists and turns of competent and most diligent police work. Painstaking at times, stressful to say the least and very demanding of one's own focus on honesty, integrity and the consequences of dignity or heaven forbid an absence of all three characteristics. This of course can never occur when the public safety and trust are on the line when wickedness comes to crash the proverbial party. A community that reveres its heroes and heroines and always respects your professional acumen and unselfish accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All the soul searching in heaven is conducted by Our Chief Watchman, the Lord Himself. And hallowed be your most blessed and dynamic life and high octane career of civility and nobleness, Officer Cook, Badge#1664. the pride of North Miami Beach, Florida and Berkeley, California.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Police should keep irrigating society with humble intellect, ingenuity and spray in some intuition. Keep moistening our grounds with mettle and outstanding character. Those springs and wells are now forever and indeed flowing with your virtue and vigilance, Officer Cook. A hero and a mainstay whose Dade County legacy stands loud,clear and humanely tall and honorable. So dignified and proud to willingly choose a profession and make a career of safety and serenity your primary concern. Mankind and society suffer these days from complacency and you did all you could, Officer Cook, to battle the ravages of ruination in a sincere effort to restore the solemnness that communities call for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity is a trait that must be applied, practiced and preached day in and day out with no letting up, keeping your feet to the grindstone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Distinguished and dignified are certainly better than disingenuous and dishonest. Your upstanding character, Officer Cook, helped to seal in serenity where hope and happiness resides with tranquility and an abundance of unity. A goal made possible, Officer Cook, by your undying heroism and honor. All to be solemnly saluted and paid homage to for formulating ferocity and manufacturing humility and its humble integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mettle, grit and a passion can direct many lives and all these decades later you are still very much an integral part, Officer Cook, of the Dade County and police nation landscape.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Evil causes dictation to reroute our directives in life. The courses paved by perseverance were set for our very futures, Officer Cook and you were supposed to be a part of that if not for that ultimately violent day perpetrated against you and your colleagues. Dignity drives one's paths of concentration. Integrity incorporates the motivations and honor humanely and heroically keep those sound minds of men and women on track to hopefully reach a fruition in life that assembles peace, prosperity and the promise of goodwill, faith and a blessed future. Always on the ball, Dade County was excellently provided for by your cleverness and courage, Officer Cook, aloyal and devout leader of others. The honor roll has numerous angel's wings on brave warriors crusading high in the sky sheltering their eternal comrades from further harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Development of healthy plans lead to accomplishment. You achieved, Officer Cook and never a hint of resignation or hesitation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Deterioration drains the pangs of solid and steadfast determination and dedication that is displayed by all brave, loyal and honorable heroic souls of public service. Your missions in life and during your career, Officer Cook, were to makepeace, humility and harmony a sacred and living fundamental for all residents in and around the Dade County community. The 331 zip code had your zeal, zest and grit working closely with those whom you protected with all your might, character and gallantry that those who share dignity and integrity possess in stressful situations. One dogged pursuer of happiness, a compassionate man following his trails of tenacity and resolve right out to streets at times marked with violence and just plain evil. Never forgotten, overlooked for having acumen and a broad knowledge of your environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For now is today and tomorrow is just that, the yesterdays have become the what ifs? Why did God need your special soul with Him at the tender young age of only twenty-five, Officer Cook?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Never pack those bags nor pitch your tents, violence takes no prisoners. You took everything seriously, Officer Cook, all business and in the interests of Dade County you surely deserve those angel wings for heroism and honor beyond the grounds of humility. All the personality and quaint character that dignity and integrity can muster. Own up to your onuses and God Himself will grant you your humble rewards . Exactly the point. Nearly forty years later your soul in cruising in overdrive, Officer Cook, making sure your family is healthy and happy and that includes your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Live and be well, Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of ingenuity, vision and the clarity of maturity and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Officer Cook, your beautiful smile and smiling face is safely tucked away where God Himself can see you. Refreshing and resolving, your hunts for peace and assurance were why Dade County's citizens enjoyed safe pursuits. Sometimes joy, peace and adventure carry a value too much to overlook. A life of prosperity ended way too soon and so was your dignified and intensely heroic character before we could catch more of your exploits on mankind's behalf. Humanity and humility as well as morals and mettle. We won't forget you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Enhancement stays firmly anchored away in God's rooms where perfection lives on as does your respect and reverence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

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