Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The height of heinousness strikes at the courage of those heavenly heroic crusaders. The cowardly acts of one crazed man took you, Officer Cook, away forever from your beloved and adoring family and dignified and integral comrades who fought long and fiercely with you to defeat violence here in Dade County. A n optimistic man with a concerned heart and civility in his outstanding character, no wonder you will always be in your family's hearts and those of the many who befriended resolve and effort like a tandem should be afforded respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2019
At the helm of honor and endearment was you and your hero's badge, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was all dignity, integrity and the enhancement of true character, commitment to practicalities and most notably noble deeds performed on behalf of Dade County's folks. Accountability, reliability and the versatility to go patrol a neighborhood that still and forever honors the spirit of your kindness, charm and humility. Now in heaven illuminating society to see its way through its destinations and journeys of monumental proportions. Saluted and valiantly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and heor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2019
The realms of possibility are endless when officers conduct themselves with honesty, humility and the desires that enlighten dignity and integrity. The fights and battles are long, the wars are wicked, by resourcefulness and character that you possessed, Officer Cook , assisted you uniquely in your everyday preoccupation with Dade County's security and peaceful designs. Always a respected and treasured legend and most heroic public servant, God's graces shine upon your eternal soul of humble esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2019
Unity is breached when callous evil divides a community. To counteract those actions, Officer Cook, you had to be honest and dignified, focused on integrity and have the appeal of character that only humility knows. You served the purposes and were a hero of high regard. God reserves judgments, though your family and colleagues understand your soul of virtue and peace is greeted by eternity calls to guard and protect those pearly gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2019
Time. Only more time is necessary to solve the world's ailments. Our Master gave you twenty-five years, Officer Cook, to make an impression on this society. Humanity and Dade County have all the proof locked in your honorable soul of integrity and dignity. Badge#1664 was living evidence of your travels around our area where you tried to supplant senseless evil and replace it with some stabilizing unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Earth had your wonderful soul out and about doing more than just its job, Officer Cook. Never better character and surely never more outstanding commitment to pride and excellence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
Secrets are not always revealed. It was no secret, Officer Cook, you were a superb and supremely heroic gentleman of gallantry and devotion. Dade County certainly counted on your instincts of integrity, ingenuity and invention to pull your dignity and wisdom through those battles over callous mayhem. Heaven as your beautiful soul and shining face t o help your comrades here deal with foes and enemies that threaten our own brand of humility. Mankind needs good people serving the causes of justice and security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your refreshing personality is very much absent and it's terrible you did not get to see all the changes your heroism brought forth.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
Violence and terror require one gets the assignments done right from the gates. You can look back but don't get satisfied or complacent. Never a time to cheer your feats when evil still runs in and out of those venue and streets paved with peril. You placed your honesty, integrity and dignity in harm's way, Officer Cook, to shield Dade County from adversarial strife. A very loyal and dependable servant called to heaven too soon and surely before your time and fruitful missions were then completed. Our Lord determines destinies and when humility and civility are deemed as done then one's brave soul is uplifted to a newer and higher calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
The breezes of boldness blow strongly against the backdrops of brazen and wicked misconduct. You saved lives as you were faithfully doing your role, protecting all Dade County, Officer Cook. Foundations and their cornerstones laid humbly down by your unwavering and unselfish heroics. Humanity was justly preserved by a man whose lips spoke the gospel truth and you were also a man of resiliency who relished his professional tasks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
A telling affect of tenacity is what it creates in the soul of a devoted and humanely heroic public servant. Your kindness and concern , Officer Cook, catapulted Dade County from feeling down to feeling serenely hopeful. Stability and harmony are not elements that come easy as they must be preached, practiced and enhanced to gain the maximum effort put forth. Always remembered and solemnly etched in our hearts and minds. Your stellar character and outstanding performance gained you, Officer Cook,God's many eternal blessings. Keep guarding those pearly gates and look over your esteemed family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
Expedition is a tradition. Police officers must navigate around danger and try to rid evil while replacing it with some common sense and goodwill. You maintained trust and truth, Officer Cook, while staying focused and honest. Your good practices most heroic and humble led the way for others to follow in , all bravery and dignity must assist integrity if our society is to live peacefully and in togetherness. Dade County was proudly served and preserved during your days, Officer Cook, a very respected and most cherished family member. resolve and character extol a man's telling persona. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2019
Never fret, don't give up the fight yet, it was your mannerisms and morals, Officer Cook, that lead you through the extremely tough times. Nothing is granted and never does there seem to be a day without some semblance of calm. In a perfect world that will occur when the final redemption is realized. Those Dade County streets were rocking and when things get heated, you then need a most humble and competent man of distinction to humanely and most heroically stand up for our freedoms and taciturn times. Class, character and the courage to commit oneself to wearing a badge with pride and honor, forty years later your family my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, can only think and ponder what if you did not respond to back up your comrades being hurt by gunfire and a berserk man. as troubled as he was, there was still no excuse to take your soul from our midst plunging your loved ones into mourning your loss to our very society that integrates trust, truth and peace into its everyday activities. Rest in peace. The lights stay eternally lit in heaven. The brave and bold have a perfectly humble view of those sacred gates they guard.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Perseverance and proficiency must never plummet from honor's heights for if that ever occured, decency and dignity would block integrity from incorporating its intensity during times of wickedness. Never a man, never a soul, Officer Cook,you faced responsibility and accountability squarely. It only made your career more heroic and very accomplished despite the fact that at age twenty-five your community and family lost a bright light to violence's unending sounds of terror. Domestics are difficult to get a handle on at times, that sad day, Officer Cook, your fabric of commitment to pride and desire shone brightly on a very hot day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul marches on in its watch over other brave souls who dare and risk their lives for our sanctity and piece of mind. Security, safety and serenity seem to exact a toll on our most beloved and tenacious of women and men lately. Dade County was in very faithful and capable hands.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Command of situations is one matter. Demanding of others,, that's exactly what we the residents expect from honorable and brave public servants of esteem and excellence. Do all your due diligence and Our Creator will guide you through the highs and lows of professionalism. A master communicator, Officer cook, a devout and loyal man of resolution, you led other souls of wisdom and vision through those Dade County venues where virtual violence needed corralling. Always a beloved son, brother, husband and uncle,a great-uncle whose heroic spirit lies in Our Lord's walls of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
The humble and heroic never bail when trouble and evil strikes. Their dignity, honesty and integrity are just the antidotes to get a handle on this heinousness that threatens our very world. Your years were spent, Officer Cook,tracking and trailing evil, a smell never savory, just savage in its attacks upon a civilized society. Dade County had you, Officer Cook,their consummate warrior and hero patrolling its gates and various venues. Now your legacy is so honored by your family who attempt to continue onward with those goodwill journeys you started. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Dade County's roads are like speedways, you never what to expect. Violence and terror too are just like that, you also never know what might occur. But, your career, Officer Cook,policing and preserving the public trust matches wits with wickedness and the wild side of what God forbid can happen even with outstanding character, stellar honor and the impactful integrity and dedicated dignity to baffle and defeat adversaries so large and massive. Just one person causing trouble and now we must salute you, Officer Cook, your family and department's hero of logic and intuition who made humanity better with his God given instruments of intellect and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Obstacles, perils and interference that must be dealt with and resolved to a satisfactory conclusion. God has all the perfection of acumen and humility churning in His castles where there will never be any cause for concern or bodily harm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Let mettle marinate. Let honesty and dignity rise to the humble top along with integrity. Everything going well, Officer Cook ,as you served and saved Dade County from the cold and callous clutches of Mr. Pearsall. A happy life with a beautiful wife. A beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your big sister, Nancy. Nieces and nephews, great nieces and a great nephew. Humility navigating your courage and charisma down those narrow paths where you tried to circumvent violence from us. Honored, saluted and humanely admired for articulating your concerns and compassions upon a society where serenity and unity should be the rule of thumb. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
There is so much that must be absorbed by the many gifted and humble women and men of acumen and ingenuity. Dade County was promised some respite of peace and liberty and your boldness and words of trust, Officer Cook gave the citizens that chance to face some prosperity and some stability. Never more admired and treasured as a soul of serenity that has been planted as our very foundation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Chasing after terror needs the very best endeavors of every hero and heroine available to fight impediment to our very happiness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Chemistry is not a requirement to battle evil. Just some skills and morals will assist any worthy man or woman whose heroism is very prominent among their honor and dignity. You were a very trusted public servant who saved Dade County and its folks from more harm. Mankind respects and reveres its brave men and women who delve into the tasks of solving dilemmas. A man whose legacy stands firm in enrichment and enhancement, you were the consummate man of mettle and values, Officer Cook. History will never overlook bravery and intuition like yours, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
The brave don't rave, for it is found in their honesty, dignity and integrity where commitment and character launch their offensives to outsmarting violence. Your heroism and supremely good nature, Officer Cook, followed you throughout your trails of tenacity and ferocity. Evil needs to be stopped from its advancing into further ruining society's peaceful pursuits. We salute gallantry and valor all brought in fruition by your unwavering resolve and humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Pain can be searing. torment and turmoil can literally tear the peace and stability from any given locale apart. You provided the vert best service to Dade County, Officer Cook and its citizens have cherished and so solemnly saluted your honesty and integrity to those calls of duty. Character never leaves the souls of those who delivered upon their words of boldness and humility. Heaven has your adoring spirit , Officer Cook, right next to that of your beloved father, Charles , may he too rest in peace. Humanity will be forever indebted to your heroic actions, Officer Cook, that were humane and most dignified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2019
Once the wheels go flat and the car stops, better be prepared for the next step. After honesty and dignity comes many other unique by-products including integrity that utilized to baffle and befuddle blatant chaos. Your missions, and journeys on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, were to use whatever reserves that were needed to put out the smoldering flames of violence . Unwanted and most diabolical it's perplexing as to why its paths and ravages at times cannot be cut off. Advancing sometimes so fast, seconds count when life and its preservation are at risk. The stakes call for heroism, action and bold humility. Humble and loyal surely add to the positives that must be hopefully accentuated. You did your utmost, Officer Cook and nothing was in vain only the pain ,agony and anguish your beloved family and close comrades suffered the day you went to heaven to serve a more pristine and vitally eternal job, guarding those pearly gates of honor and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2019
Scatter your intensity and serenade your serenity, it will make a formidable duo. Your friendship and grand character in Dade County worked relatively well, Officer Cook, procuring and securing peace, harmony and the dignity by which all people are entitled to live with. Life and its morals have value and the personification that only offers enrichment t o those who reach out. Honor, integrity the words by which will day vanquish violence from our midst. Your heroic deeds, Officer Cook, started the ball rolling, it's entirely up to those future menand women to seize the opportunity and take that proverbial baton gently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2019
Geering up for a grand moment and taking reach on turmoil that jeopardized our very lives, You masterfully treated Dade County, Officer Cook, to some sane and practical times. Duress stretches the mind and despite evil and wanton mayhem by a crazed man , this young man, yourself, Officer Cook, persevered and at least attempted to find a solution though your weapon was used to defend your partner and colleagues that inhumane day when all heck broke loose in Dade County. I know you are observing the coming and going, Officer Cook. Humility and civility are God's perfect staples in His heavenly abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2019
Ride that wave of bravery and boldness straight to the constellations above, Officer Cook, the views are spectacular as was your class and hopeful consideration. Dade County witnessed greatness and stellar honesty, integrity and the affects of dignity during your watch over an area where respect and yearning to learn mattered the most. Enhancing and contributing to mankind's service, our stable and tranquil settings are all because of your unending resolve and courtesies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2019
Travel and see for yourself the gratitude of Dade County. Their hero and savior, Officer Cook, has been with you in spirit all these years after that horrible day when life and honesty were savagely taken. Your career and goals, Officer Cook , were undermined by a man who went to no ends to see people and public servants suffer the indignity of having humility stripped from them. Your name and blessed soul, Officer Cook, remains vitality important to your legacy of heroism and society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2019
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