Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The smoke billows from the chimney. The boldness, bravery and humble virtue, Officer Cook, came straight from your caring and merciful heart. God bestowed kindness, integrity and honorable dignity in your bones to face whatever was required to safely preserve the independence of Dade County's residents. Always the loving touch of commitment, morals and character which make a person's convictions more spot on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were beloved and admired, Officer Cook, most of all you were your family's humility as their lovable and esteemed warrior!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

Bobbing and weaving just skim the surface. You have to dig way down to complicate callousness and circle its wagons to tackle its wickedness. Sometimes tracking terror takes a very heroic and humane effort. Officer Cook, Dade County was under your passionate eyes and our lives have changed dramatically and drastically by virtue of your honor, integrity and hunger in dignity. The very violence that occurred that day was obviously very tragic for your beloved family and brave comrades. Sadly, nothing can bring a man back with his smiling face and humility, that's the complexity and now Our Master has your effervescent soul in His care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class without desire is compared to humbleness without loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

To deviate from dignity would be akin to not respecting honor and integrity. The start and ending make all the difference in defending us and you persevered, Officer Cook, tirelessly on behalf of all Dade County and its folks. Sanity. Civility. Humility. You name it and great character that has been diligently honored, saluted and paid homage all these many decades after your sacrifice so that reality of resourcefulness and serenity could create and begin to take hold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

The fragrance of tenacity is oh so sweet. The honesty and reverence that came from your heart, Officer Cook, was so endearing as it gently protected Dade County's residents. A sweet young man gifted with grit and dignity that rode on top of humble integrity as your faithfully built a solid career of public service. Never overlooked for having motivated and for leading other brave souls through pits of peril and danger, God only knows how much you are missed by your beloved family, friends and professional colleagues. It's humanity serving a wake up call to action for those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook. One gallant soul of a human being. A hero whose humane legacy speaks eloquently of your life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

While apples and oranges are sweet, it is much nicer to have a demeanor as such. Calm and cool under pressure. You'll fondly be remembered, Officer Cook, for performing your job under the eyes of honor, integrity and the perseverance of dignity which made your patrols against wickedness a little easier to handle. Never really simple and never quite so easy. Police work takes all the skill, bravery and acumen to get a handle on situations. Surely, Our Lord gave you an abundance of humility. and awesome character to at least instill harmony into the echoes of Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

Cuth and class blend well together so long as honor and reverence bounce off one another. Dade County and yourself, Officer Cook, heroically and humanely were determined to detour evil. All your family, friends and comrades can say is that your life and memory shall never be undermined nor tarnished. A badge worn with humbleness and esteem, loyalty and admiration because that 's what our world expects of the citizens whom you served. Salute and honor a man's character and courage from his warm and enriching heart and soul. Enhancement lives on forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

Society has recognized your endurance and engaging smile, Officer Cook. It's heaven best gift your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace could have. Only thing violence while defending Dade County should not have taken your life. A career buoyed by bravery and honesty, dignity and integrity. Your humility and commitment to open and frank ferocity will never go undone. Honored, respected and saluted for placing a balance of serenity and liberty where it ought to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2019

You took charge that day, Officer Cook, supremely servicing Dade County's needs and left no doubt of your legacy as an honored hero and man of traditions of dignity and the articles of integrity. One man's humble character making that distinct impression in society spearheading safety and tranquil life for us all. Mankind no doubt ha recognized your humility and civility while working feverishly to stop a mad man from more outrage. God bless you and your cherished soul, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and caring are now those humble heroes in heaven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

One swift and rotten person can rile the resolve of a few good honest police officers. One human being if he can be called as such took your life, Officer Cook and nearly those of your fellow esteemed comrades. Dade County has seen it all. Life coming into the world and lives of wonderful men and women departing for greener pastures in heaven. Our Creator gave you all the integrity, dignity and due vigilance by which to honorably utilize to control peace and calmness. It was a terrible ordeal and day when that was snuffed out. At age twenty-five, a heroic man, yourself, Officer Cook, gave newer and humbler meaning to stability and virtue by which humility flows forth. The consecration of your spirit began in Our maker's den where only brave and heroic angels wear proudly those wings that propel their eternal exploits to a higher calling. A more delicate and yet a more demanding task where no harm will ever come your way again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Propaganda can spread quickly. Always remember the lives of the honest and dignified for they have distributed the integrity that rests in God's goodwill. Your very nature, Officer Cook, was of a devoted and faithfully brave soul who protected Dade County with all your might, mettle and unlimited and engaging fortitude. Only the best of attitude and an alliance of acumen and awareness that spelled trouble for those looking to commit unearthly evil. But. one bad apple can spoil the whole cart. One heinous action can usurp society's treasured hold on unity and its freedoms for all. Your genes of valor, Officer Cook, conveyed a declarative message, humility and humbleness shall trump and be victorious over wickedness. Your sincerest of endeavors helped to refocus our visions of a brighter future, one made even more sunnier if you were here now performing fruitful missions on mankind's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly, character and decency are very much designed to weed out and get at the roots of ruination and resistance. Your family will always salute you, Officer Cook and only have the sweetest of memories even of you short lifespan. You were too good of a human being to be taken so suddenly even while doing public service assignments . Your comrades have and will keep on thanking you as will Dade County's own.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Better to be humbly extolling one's very virtues instead of glorifying one's evil actions. It seems sometimes we behold violence instead of standing up and accentuating one's heroic deeds. Your deeds of dignity and honor, Officer Cook, at least left Dade County with a chance at restoring peace and stability for a sounder and much safer future. Though a little less secure because of your absence from your family, department and humanity in general. God gives us gifts not to be taken lightly. He granted you twenty-five years of life and at least the framework of character and versatility was located everyday in your durability and accountability. All humane and humble heroines and heroes share this fabric as they walk the face of this Earth. You now, Officer Cook, stroll that proverbial beat in heaven maintaining those purest of passages for those who toiled in sacrificing their brave souls for some wanted harmony, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You delivered the good o f greatness, gallantry, grit and gumption each watch and during your private times with Karen. She will always love and miss her beloved hero!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

An anvil of adversity is comparable to sledgehammer being pounded on a wooden table. It will break apart and violence looks to undo the very serene nature of our society where mankind is used to living in normal freedom and liberty. You lead a very productive life and career, Officer Cook, that was uplifting to our very souls here in Dade County. Sheltered and a venue for various prosperity, that one day of May 16, 1979, underscored and undermined quiet stability, the riches brought by a noble man of humility and character. It was quite fitting and notable your Inspector's Funeral, Officer Cook, was full of honor and pride eulogizing and paying proper homage to your soul and its spirit of glory and illumination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Esteem is the very effort and efficiency is how well you perform your professional feats with ferocity and tenaciousness. Always well admired and loyal to your comrades. History records your heroic feats here in this world and God restores His kindness and richness of your humbleness in the next world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Violence, evil,terror and wickedness undermines the true comprehension of undying, unwavering, unrelenting and unselfish. But you were a wise and truly gifted young man, Officer Cook, who served with peace and serenity flowing in your caring and golden heart and sacred soul. Dade County was pacified by your honesty, integrity and truly humble dignity. The battles are still raging and being loyally fought by those women and men of character and conviction who have taken your watch. Taking over means accepting burdens, onuses and unenviable responsibilities. But cherished and compassionate beyond salutes and humane honors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A smile that engaged. Personality that endeared. Effort and humility that forever enhanced. A bold soul of unbelievable wisdom,maturity and vision. In your veins, Officer Cook, nothing but vigilance and trusted diligence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Fire kills. Gunfire does that and so much more to that equation. It tears holes, gaping ones into families now leaving them void of their virtuous and vigilantly honorable loved ones. Your composure, reassurance and faith, Officer Cook, allowed you the resources with which to preserve and to bond Dade County into a venue of prosperity and respect for humanity and its civility. mankind needs characters who commit to excellence and are scrupulous in their daily professional endeavors and affairs of awareness, acumen and being astute to circumstances as they develop and warrant. All the more reasons to honor your dignity, reverence and trust you garnered from those whom you loyally served. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Smoke and fire choke off the challenges at hand. The citizens, the taxpayers expect great service from officers specifically meant for this arduous, demanding and most expanding professional position. Policing communities and their streets takes up a lot of hours and resourcefulness that only common sense and point blank honor, integrity and the ingenuity of dignity bring to harmony and friendliness. You were a highly regarded hero, Officer Cook, who strove to protect and to live up to your transparent bond of bravery. All the decency and devotion nestled humbly into those covers of determination, grit and leadership motivation that assisted other warriors through the mazes of peril and mayhem. Never forgotten and courageously saluted for battling a callous man who for some reason just snapped. Glue makes things stick and your smile, Officer Cook, will for eternity be treasured. Priceless and fearless! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

The pressure pulsates. The hands are wet and beads of perspiration form so now all men and women finely trained and tuned up for those battles where boldness and mettle must meet and forge a bond between honesty, dignity and integrity. Dade County had your unwavering and trustworthy character and class, Officer Cook, teaming up to tear the layers off of violence. A difficult task where the responsibilities are many, your loyalty and steadiness made all the difference in security and unity being brought into the picture of humility. Always the cherished and respected rock of your family, a brave colleague and no doubt an angel with wings of wonder soaring to newer and more gallant heights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Priorities at times get eschewed. Peace and safe havens may not however. Dade County was under the declarative eyes and ears, Officer Cook, of your honor, dignity and immense integrity. Violence and evil can only be handled by those mature, brave and humble enough to pack their resolution and resolving character into an enormous commitment to values and principles. A man and a gentleman to be smartly and solemnly saluted for giving his community sanctity and the channels of charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2019

Certain ceremonies are just about the pomp and the circumstances. Inspector's funerals are surely solemn occasions that should never take place and it is unfortunate that women and men sacrifice their lives of honesty, dignity and integrity. It's a way for police fraternities, families and many friends to gather together and pay a final salute of honor and homage to the character and desire of each brave soul. Dade County was saved by your blessed and heroic soul, Officer Cook, the steady influence and glue of your family. You kept tranquility and stability a staple for those living and prospering here at home. A hero and a warrior of awareness and strength from within your caring and most compassionately humane and humble heart and soul. Your spirit, Officer Cook, flies high as your eternal journeys are now more prolific. That proverbial beat is where you serve and badge#1664 goes to patrol those heavenly gates of gladness and God's merciful glory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

Boldness is to behold the wonders of God's heroic angels at work serving and preserving life and its humility to be treasured. Your family and colleagues, Officer Cook, cherished you and your friendship, a bond of sisters and brothers from the law enforcement profession banding as one to tackle crime and with their selfless integrity and dignity make evil regret its moves. Society endeavors to honor you, Officer Cook,integrity, wit and vision that spread sanctity and harmony within the gates and streets of all Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

A pledge is a solemn word that a man or woman makes assuring goodwill and peace in a community. Your bravery and honor, Officer Cook, lead to a newer spirit for Dade County folks. Their security and safety all came about through humility and the arches of acumen , dignity and integrity. All the more clearer was your commanding presence during terse and tense moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Executing effort, good character and efficiency surely helps in this unending war over wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

Once the dirt is washed off and removed then and maybe then can you pursue peace and some semblance of unity. Serenity and a renewed sense of tranquility were a staple of your humble life and police career, Officer Cook. The people of Dade County were entrusted to your heroic and humanely honorable care. Concerned and endearing our world has been surely enriched by your cherished and most respected soul of wisdom ,maturity and the visions to see further down through roads of resolve and resiliency . Never more humbly honored and solemnly saluted for boldness and its bravery above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

Saved by a tireless humanitarian who gallant life and career embodied the principles of honor, integrity and the fabrics of dignity and ferocity. Dade county was protected by a loyal and humble gentleman representing his family and department. Always etched and duly remembered for humility and the pangs of pride and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

Sparing, fighting and battling adversaries sometimes requires a kid gloves approach. A soothing voice, a calming reassurance and a mellow demeanor might work better than a rude, nasty and just plain arrogant attitude which no public servant wants to be recognized for. Your justice, truth and honor, Officer Cook, was one-hundred percent heroically impeccable. Never any waver of doubt. Never lack of scruples and integrity which bolster one's humanely humble dignity. Dade County's people had peace and serenity because of your unforgettable character and endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2019

Clubbed and knocked senseless, you must fight to regain your balance to ward off evil. The battles are like forest fires as they rage on. You persisted, Officer Cook ,with your prudent and most proficient styles of policing Dade County. High end honor, real time resolve and boldness. Never ending integrity, ingenuity and the dignity of manners to keep your humble self in check. Solemnly honored and paid homage to for foresight and the quintessential reserved way you kept us living in harmony and in unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2019

Awareness can only hasten the beginning of the crusade to overcome evil. Your sincerity, goodwill and maturity, Officer Cook, were the components in your characteristic courage and humility from which Dade County was both served and protected with gentle honor and the healthy respect of your confirmed dignity and authentic integrity and universal acumen. Staunch and stoic, qualified and practical in your advancing truth, trust and its administration of justice. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2019

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