Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Age and beauty are well just vain. What is more courage and consideration crusading as partners engaged in a battle for all ages. Dade County, Officer Cook, rested on your broad shoulders where dignity and integrity perch themselves during evil moments. Safe to say you tried calming and appeasing Mr.Pearsall and by doing all you could your heroic spirit remains forever respected and greatly admired for searching and seizing opportunities to arrest crime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Rest easy Officer Cook. Your life and career were your pride and joy. Watching over Dade County was no small potatoes and for having the acumen, honesty and versatility may your mortally heroic soul of peace and pleasantries be honored, blessed and so fondly saluted. Character and intellect are why maturity and vision are all too important in hunting down wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Perfect humility and civility nobly locked away in God's pristine fortresses.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Diapers are for babies. Dignity is for humility to serve humanity. You must have a whole heart of talent and some skill to reap resolve's blessings from honesty and dignity. The wars just arose, Officer Cook,when you started your career protecting Dade County's residents. A sure and confident man whose sole purpose was to explore ways to stop sinister surges of serious trouble. Great character. Grand personality. Handsome and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just the right man to lead other souls through peril. A strong heart and a healthy prospective on life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

A kingdom spanning all generations and a community deeply indebted to you, Officer Cook, a man of character, courage and honorable convictions. Surely, Dade County saw a renewal of sorts during your time and only enhanced more because of your integrity, dignity and vitality, the vibrant youth of a young man following his heroic and most humanely humble resolve right into the streets where evil would never stand. Just keep watching over your family and peers my neighbor, friend and hero as you rest in peace. Glory does not need personifying, what does need persistence is perseverance and prudent measures to strike at evil's heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Sometimes being clandestine flushes out evil. But, remember all public servants take up the very same fights, battles and wars on violence. Never more determined, dignified and poignantly honest, your crusades, Officer Cook, awakened Dade County's hearts. Heroism and humility binding as one to combat callous and heinous actions from just one man. A life cut way too short by this unrelenting evil and still and always fondly honored for fashioning class and vision to last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones will paved . Foundations grandly cemented. Roads well preserved. Just a prideful and cherished man of goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Bravery, boldness and one bright and beautiful soul, you sure were, Officer Cook. Never gave your parents or anyone trouble. Just a very blessed human being whose compassion and honesty connected with Dade County's folks. Integrity and dignity are supposed to conquer terror and yet for some reason all your efforts just did not truly take Mr. Pearsall out of causing more harm. I don't want to be misunderstood, you did an outstanding and heroically humble job and surely deserved a better fate. Why? Oh why? Your family, friends, colleagues all miss you, Officer Cook. A bright and responsible man with a kind heart , never a mean word. Only wisdom and truth now tapping on tenacity's gates in heaven's abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Today , I heard the bells toll near where I work as a chaplain. Those very somber bells tolling for you, Officer Cook, some forty years ago at Our Lady of St. Mary's Cathedral paying homage and heroic respect to your honorable life and remarkable career.Public service means all the ins and outs of gallant honor, desired dignity and the true incorporation of integrity. It's intelligence, intuition and ingenuity pacing good solid character and faithful progress that you mastered in preserving life and tranquility here in Dade County. Never more efficiency and always resilient beyond society's beckon calls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When you were borne into that cathedral one final time and taken out to the sound of bagpipes and taps, that's all one needs to understand about your life and personified career, Officer Cook. a heroic angel circling around us day and night.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Clear upheaval comes from the fangs of violence's mouth. Its teeth take a huge bite out of those esteemed and bravely honored souls of harmony and trust. A hero forever. Your pathways, Officer Cook, were for the most part safe and secure as you patrolled around Dade County with a principle and a passionate purpose. Your bonds and affirmations were fulfilled, it is still a real tragedy you could not truly witness your foundations that you constructed out of real hard work and and honorable humbleness. You got to see your dreams and aspirations begin to take hold, God needed your loyal and treasured work closer to Him where your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace could see his darling and most beloved son's smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Salt flavors food. Honor and reverence make more humble and serene a man's scopes of courage and desire. You had all the sense, respect and manners from having civility and class composed in your dignity and ingenuity. Integrity, Officer Cook, was one sure item by which you valiantly served and protected lives of Dade County's citizens.Never more charm and engaging personality where your big wide smile id certainly absent. Your family continues your heroic legacy clearly making inroads in their lives where health, peace and goodwill stand bold and tall. Humility never had to search for you and for unselfish conviction, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero..Clever and cunning should be partners in trying to dispose the wanton wickedness that pervades our very peaceful society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

The very best laid plans of mice and men, only thing men and women of honor and humility don't scurry away from danger. They embrace it and endeavor to wipe it out. Your clear missions here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were to see us through a period of domestic evil and have some assurances of safety and a code of values to further enhance our very lives. Of happiness, peace and joy, your integrity and resolve persisted in making dignity stand prideful. Always a devoted and loyal hero who we solemnly honor. Humanity lost a legend and a gentleman of gallantry who now graces Our Lord's den of angels of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Conceived in liberty, not cancelled by conceit. Those deserving men and women who gave their lives of respect and honor belong in God's perfect heavens where only dignity and integrity follow their cherished souls of serenity where they passionately guard their sacred and pearly gates of enrichment. Your travels around the Dade County corridor, Officer Cook, were well worth your effort and fondness. Never shall your commitment to lead and motivate other brave souls be overlooked. With humane care and humility to beware we here salute your intense battles of bravery and hopeful fruition Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

Bonds forged can never be broken. Tenacity out whips terror and torment and is personally cleaned off the roads and pavements by trustworthy and honest public servants. Dade County never saw better character and the fabrics of resolve and integrity placed together with dignity to see your trips through, Officer Cook. One day we don't know the date, but evil will be forever vanquished and terminated from our land. it's because of your heroism and humanely sacred soul that carried the perceptions of wisdom and maturity along with clear vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

A partition protects. What serves a duly honorable man or woman? Courage, decency and strength of heart and their dignified character. Your professionalism, Officer Cook, served to cast aside any doubts of your remarkable integrity, ingenuity and humility all from your heroic soul. Dade County had everlasting enhancement and engagement when you surrounded those streets of danger with your uncanny and unwavering feats of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2019

The clouds will disperse and then the rays of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness will finally set in. Let us hope and pray with your spirit, Officer Cook, observing from above as Dade County , once your terrain can be safer and more serener than ever. It was because you made a vigilant commitment to honesty and due diligence. The lives of those whom you protected have not forgotten if they are still around. To thrive is to strive. To be valiant is to be one of class nor deceit. Your life and days, Officer Cook, were of truth, trust and due justice afforded to all mankind. Humanity praises your heroic actions and hopefully your loving family graciously carries that baton of your everlasting legacy. It's signed, sealed and etched in their hearts and in stone. Cornerstones and their foundations laid down for a noble purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2019

The menaces are out still confounding and confusing us with unadulterated violence. No matter, Officer Cook, your special and humane soul is up in heaven looking over those who have bravely taken the mantle from you. Yet, the battles and wars don't cease just now. We in Dade County respected your wisdom , integrity and heroic dignity and just very tragic Mr.Pearsall did not get this point drilled through his very brain. You performed admirably and in an outstanding fashion saving and serving. Tranquility and unity are not real easy to locate, but with God's divine intervention the tasks shall be accomplished sooner or later. Peace now is everything. Humility and its sacred heart now in His kingdom of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2019

On the cusp of more achievement, your life and career, Officer Cook, has stood for heroic honor, undying dignity and uncompromising integrity. It all went into Dade County's assurances of security and some sense of serenity. We regard character, concern and care as much as commitment to pride and excellence and the convictions that humility and civility steer into our very lives. Cherished and beloved by your adoring family, you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, for saving and preserving the quality of our very happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2019

Precedent is important. Perseverance and resolve are honor and dignity's best of comrades when any duly affirmed public servant is out patrolling for peace of mind. Dade County was under your watch, Officer Cook, a humble and righteously cherished young man. The humility and heroism within your soul will always be saluted for unwavering and unselfish courage and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2019

Destiny is not a creature of habit. For it is in the serious nature of violence to scald society with its burning and brazen wickedness. You stopped, Officer Cook, a situation from becoming further inflamed with placed the citizens and your resourceful and brave comrades in severe danger. Making Dade County safer and better was tough and trying, at least your humble confidence, honesty, and the resolve of both integrity and dignity stood their grounds. Humanity won't soon forget your heroism nor will your humility, sanctity and civil mindedness be replaced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

Police don't look for that one moment of glory. Their days, weeks, months and years rest in God's eyes and ears watching and hearing them rage on in this day and age of terrible torment and turmoil. It was a very sad and awful day on May 16, 1979, when Dade County, your folks and department lost you, Officer Cook. A gem of a gentleman , gallant and honestly humble until the end. Your mortal soul was robbed of its humane dignity and integrity. The bonds of humility breached by the cowardly actions of an evil and brazen man. But, your never forgotten and heroically so honored and reverently saluted for passion and persistence in endeavoring to conquer violence while securing our very sacred streets with trust, truth and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

Ink blotters soak up ink. What soaks up a man who gives his blood and soul for Dade County's folks? Your honesty and humility, Officer Cook, shaped you into the man and public servant who dignified integrity and the finest character that made your loved ones proud of you. Heroic and and stellar in performance and in class which only creates better goodwill to battle such an aggressive nemesis. You did everything you could that day. God took an angel to guard His forts where ferocity and resolve carry great distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

Silence is golden when the sincerest of efforts is created to formulate peace and goodwill among mankind. You forged great relationships with all Dade County, Officer Cook. It was no accident you losing your life. It was no accident. Your honor, kindness, integrity and dignity valiantly now sleep soundly in God's kingdom with all souls whose character and convictions helped to shape humanity. Humility is that quilt that covers the pious of which , Officer Cook, your heroic legacy rests upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

Weeding our crime takes some soul searching and very deep digging. Its roots must be exposed and then it's full steam ahead. Never looking back, your passions, Officer Cook, were to keep us here in Dade County secured and peaceful. Never more honor, integrity and the dignity that all who knew you revered. Admired and terribly missed, with your character and commitment, this is what makes heroes and heroines stand tall and proud. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

Built ram tough. Well, Officer Cook, your parents raised you and Nancy, on morals and values that basically made up your honor,dignity and integrity all while protecting Dade County from evil. Tragically, you gave your life for our serenity and safety while composing yourself with reverence, respect and unwavering humility from outstanding character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbly saluted for decorum and desire that further accentuated enhancement for our generation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2019

When the barge pushes off better have plenty of bravery and honor steering your rudder. You navigated around Dade County, Officer Cook, looking for serenity and peace, instead tragically you found mayhem and all sorts of wanton violence at one man's side. Never forgotten and solemnly honored and saluted for integrity, character and the dignity that goes into public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility stands for humanity's cornerstone. Always cherished and highly respected and greatly admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2019

Encouragement focuses on positive accentuation. A man works, eats and lives to become a police officer carrying out dangerous missions where life and death all hang in the balance. A life and humility, Officer Cook, that needs to be humbly and heroically honored for dignity and integrity. Your character and refined commitment to pride and excelling in all your achievements has been and continues to etched in your family's heart. A soul of a man, a gem of gallantry all to make Dade County's own peaceful and satisfied. We will never forget your bravery and absolute acumen and awareness. It emancipated and was of a trustworthy nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2019

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