Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Pain from evil should be pancaked and just cast off somewhere deep. Deep six it. You cast your eyes and ears on Dade County's people, Officer Cook, to wrest in wickedness. To deliver on your bond while maintaining honor and dignity speaks humbly of your heroic nature. Just fine character. Outstanding commitment from a man donning a blessed uniform and having a pure soul that perceived trouble and followed his instincts where they would have the best affect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Soaring and watching, you keep your heavenly missions, Officer Cook, those dedicated will take it from here.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
A real diamond in the rough, your courageous exploits, Officer Cook, only harden the resolve of those who bravely and honorably continue your watch. Dade County was sanctified by your cunning and unrelenting dignity and integrity which helped to secure those pathways where all pedestrians may pass. Heroic and respected, a life filled with the richness of mettle and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everyone marche son in your purposes and missions, Officer Cook, peace and vibrance should be coming around the corner real soon.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
Poise and precision are what hoist a veteran officer's humility and honor. A youth may not always cross that finish line, but, your natural maturity, Officer Cook, was way ahead of the crowd as your friend and fellow academy classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs, so humbly spoke regarding you, Officer Cook. A man of dignity and proper diction and eloquence knows how to get their message out to their community. Dade County was your heroic community and never more honor and efficiency placed in danger to serenely cement a for everlasting peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fly high my heroic friend and one day your family will meet up with you in those deep and bluest of skies.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
Doves are birds of peace. Officer Cook, you were one of Dade County's many humble and most honorably heroic servants who paid the dearest of prices for our liberties. Of thee I sing and sing proudly for a man of pride and humbleness whose life meaning was resilience and all out endeavor to spare us more damage from one cold and evil man. Character does not always need a prayer, though we will keep your spirit alive in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
Hawks and vultures swoop in to catch their prey. Violence and terror track one another as they too swoop in looking to unload some serious repercussions. You trained and were very diligent, Officer Cook. Devoted and motivated to pursue nothing but safe trails for all Dade County, your mild manner and calming voice of resolve and character was exactly what a humble hero has on their heart. Inside of your soul was vital and visions of hope and good cheer for humanity to dwell ever so securely in. A life that was gone too soon and though you are in heaven for eternity, Officer Cook, your family peers and close friends celebrate and salute a king of kindness and the courage needed to profoundly continue in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
I'll bet right now, Officer Cook, your soul can see those trout just jumping in the lakes to be caught as well you seeing God's splendor and most majestic of mountains off to the side of where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man with a mission. A humanely heroic and decent gentleman gallantry fighting off turmoil and evil in Dade County to dispel one man's unmitigated undoing. Depression is not a reason to shoot people up and to callously to destroy family's lives taking their loved ones. All your awareness and convictions nestled together to create that ever needed safe havens and secure moments for all society. You were that consummate human being that humanity wished every person would follow under. Nothing is more perfect than to sleep soundly with other brave and noble brothers and sisters. Their sacrifices brought a newer definition to how mankind must behave if ever to overcome these doldrums where ruination shall never triumph over happiness and peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
With never a waver of doubt or reservation, you went about your life and career, Officer Cook, focusing on peace and tranquility so true and firm, it's what supports your heroic legacy of honor and humble travels. Public service calls out upon its duly augmented and actual angels of faith and devotion to summon a means of vitality and prosperity for their various venues. Dade County was very well served, saved and protected by a man, real fine human being whose character and commitment also never had any weakness. Your family draws from that well of inspiration and well being to somehow march on with your aspirations fully in tow, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Grit and gumption consumed your fight to make your community peaceful and proud once again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
God's lights never go out. The bulbs stay affixed just as your humble and reverently heroic soul, Officer Cook, keeps lighting up our skies sometimes darkened by evil. Dade County experienced some rough and perilous times during your day and only if things could get better. With a passion to participate, with undying honor, dignity and the respect that humanity bestows upon dignity you shall always be cherished. The spring is in the air that day your comrades said their final goodbyes to you, Officer Cook, not a cloud in the sky and hot. Tragically hot because of a hot tempered man revolting against society's establishment. There must be character and decency to conclude this epic battle over violence. It unnerves humanity. It galls against the gales of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
Charisma and candor might be conceived as a bit flashy. Probably better though to have some sense of personality. Not like some wind up toy soldier. You were surely not that, Officer Cook. You had a positive attitude and certainly had honesty, integrity and dignity following in your trails to make Dade County healthy and safer once again. The wars and battles continue onward today and everyday until terror and torment are stopped dead in their tracks. No one, your family, department and close friends ever wanted to see humility and resolve usurped by unwanted and heinous evil from a cowardly man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's heroically clear that your humble maturity and mettle took your paths in life right where Our Master desired for them to be.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
A mother watches over her flock. Our Father in heaven observes His faithful and most loyalest of servants. As they give back to their various communities somehow honesty, integrity, dignity and hope must spring eternal. The pain your family has suffered all these decades later, Officer Cook, as they continue your proud and heroic legacy, it must still be there. After all a humble hero of gallantry dug down to firmly plant some sense of calm and peace right under our noses where you grew up, in Dade County. No truer and no fine rman with an assortment of morals, ideals and scruples that carried you, Officer Cook, every step of your journeyed life and stoic career. We remember you. Your friends and police buddies all honor your memory. You sure should have been to personally see your enhancements, your character and humility perpetuating your amazing charisma and candor. All of this and that is missed. Though, Our Lord has you in heaven, Officer Cook, your pious and righteously vigilant soul patrolling those sacred, golden and perfect gates where angels of valor and diligence walk stride for stride in complete unison. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
It's kind of sad we don't live in a perfect world. More peace, less evil, no bigotry or baseless hatred. And yet if there ever was something near flawless, it was you, Officer Cook. When your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, gave birth to you sixty-five years ago what was chiselled and shaped precisely was your humble esteem, loyal spirit of endearment, honor and dignity, surely heroic and to be so solemnly saluted.It saved Dade County, your brave colleagues and venable citizens from one man's rush of undue evil. You'll always be remembered and cherished for your mortal soul giving its total team effort to strikeout serious harm where peace and harmonious unity certainly belonged. I hope you are well. Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero Officer Cook. Humility to make our hearts only grow fonder of your documented decency and dedication.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
The crede says follow every lead. The code states be civil and honest, determination will champion the causes of integrity and dignity. While battling such an adversary you always had a plan of action in mind, Officer Cook. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow your navigation in God's saintly quarters for all your eternal life, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was loyal and trustworthy in Dade County and those citizens whom you shared a bond with will never forget the hero they and your family lost that day. May 16, 1979 is fast approaching and hard to imagine nearly almost forty years is here. Humanity, humility and the gladness of your heart, Officer Cook, brought a newer measure of truth and justice to an area calling out for assistance. Your comrades and civilians whom you rescued have not overlooked your valiant deeds of nobleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
If you have a pool you must keep it clean and free of unwanted particles. If you want security and peace you must have stoic and honest public servants protecting the stakes that are sacred. Dade County being a rather large area needed and had great women and men helping to fight off violence and evil. They had you, Officer Cook, a man driven to be the very best. Nothing but the finest humility, nothing better than having composure when heated times erupted. Only the instinctual integrity and unwavering dignity to generate accomplishment even in twenty-five years of a wonderful life. We salute and pay homage to your valued heroism and herculean efforts to stop a situation from becoming worse. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
While the winds whip the flag around the pole. Your guided ferocity and tenacity reached out to those people living in Dade County. A measuring stick for all future men and women, brave and honest who dare to face danger and strife. You faced crises, Officer Cook, with nothing but courage, wisdom and the vision that helps move along exceptional dignity and integrity. Heroes and heroines who demonstrate class and gallantry receive their humble rewards from the Man above. Your beautiful soul, Officer Cook, shall never be dimmed as it was stay aglow in the heavens above from its loyal and treasured service to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
The bird sees. The police officer must react and be fierce in their driven honesty and integrity. With outstanding character, Officer Cook, were you able to thrive and to secure the venues and streets in and around Dade County. Always the highest caliber of courage and dignity to accentuate real acumen and enhancement. Society will forever be grateful for your heroic resourcefulness and humble faithfulness to all calls of duty. When the battles began brewing there you were, Officer Cook, patrolling and persevering. An inspirational warrior never to be forgotten! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
Crime does not creep along at a turtle's pace. It's fast and furious and mighty darn ferocious too. You worked tirelessly, Officer Cook, to right a ship full of negative electricity from an awful domestic dispute. Dade County should kiss the ground they walk on for your heroic actions to ward off. unfathomable violence. It cannot be vindicated nor excused for a brave and reverently honorable man tried his best to place some semblance of peace in our midst. Character assists humanity when humility and decency are apply applied. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
No chinks in the armor and no chips in the courage. They collide to form a dynamic one two punch in terms of fighting off evil. The challenges were there, Officer Cook, tasks finding sources of goodwill to breakdown those walls of wickedness. No simple or mundane assignment. Just all ahead acumen, awareness and the important strokes of serious honesty, complete dignity and incorporating integrity in all mannerisms to rid Dade County of unsightly terror. It takes a whole team effort, total efficiency and the grit that gallantry glances at during turbulent times. When times got rough, the heroes and heroines get tough as you mastered the fine art of compromise and compassion for all humanity. We all miss you, Officer Cook,. Your beloved family, friends and collection of brave colleagues. Heaven is that perfect shelter and most humble haven for angels of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
The humps of a camel supply it with water. The honor and humanely humble dignity gives the energy to enrich an officer's integrity vital to maintaining serenity and everlasting engagement. Well,you engaged, Officer Cook and for your loyalest of service you presented peace and calmness in the fairest and most trusted way possible. Dade County and its citizens could finally view the light at the end of the tunnel. Forever a sacred hero of the highest respect for his badge of truth and uniform of understanding and tolerance. Though, evil,wickedness and violence will never be allowed to fester. While you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, may God the Almighty bless your soul of perception, wisdom, perseverance and total resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
With a coolness of spirit and the most sincerest of hope, you went on your patrols, Officer Cook, looking to reel in ruination and whatever else crossed your paths. Streets paved by unwavering honor, the highest of integrity and the desires of dignity as they fight on in this battle over those brazen enough to cross paths with you, Officer Cook. Concerned and caring, society will forever salute your virtual vision and wisdom that came from maturity beyond your years of expertise and quality of character. The decades roll on, your memory, Officer Cook, remains heroically etched in your family's hearts for as long as they pursue fruitful journeys during their lifetimes of good health, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
The all important seat in heaven is reserved for honor and heroically humble character. It's where perfection never misses a beat. And for serving and saving Dade County, Officer Cook, may your soul of security and safe passages be humanely blessed. Only the highest of ethics, integrity and dignity virtually utilized in your wars over evil and its seemingly never relenting wickedness. We salute your savvy and moxie, Officer Cook, a composed and resourceful cog in your department's wheels of truth , trust and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
Deliberate if you will for when truth and trust come calling they will be answered quickly. And that you bravely did, Officer Cook, honoring all Dade County with your morals, mettle and advanced dignity and dependable integrity to steady peace and free us of violence's grips on society. Only the most blessed and heroic intentions by a man knowing how to calm and use his passions persuasively. A good life wrongly ended by evil from one berserk man. Respected and reverent. God's home is the perfect venue to guard and angels of valor, Officer Cook, you and your colleagues, humanity speaks on behalf of humility. A central driving force in standing between tranquil and harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
Laziness is never to be tolerated in public service. Safety, honesty and professional dignity and integrity shall dominate a devoted and treasured man. You were a completely reliable gentleman of faith and enduring humility, Officer Cook. Seeing Dade County through some of its worst of times. Only your fine character and amazing convictions allowed for peace and prosperity to seep through those walls where evil lurked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The dire circumstances required your voluntary appearance at that scene where your courage and unselfish sacrifice produced enhancement forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
Direct to the point works better when that officer is determined and honest about conducting their affairs. Which you do so well on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook. An arduous task all completed by a motivated and very dignified soul of a gentleman. Integrity assists greatly one who respects being humble. Saluted as a hero forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
Tolerance versus tenacity, both must be thought out and applied simultaneously while trying to keep the calm and peace all communities so desire. You were a terrific man and public servant, Officer Cook and Dade County and its good people never had any worry or concern. Just plain old honor, dignity and the healthy respect and reverence for integrity backing your soul everyday. Harmony and togetherness take time that awful day time was of the essence. Brave and full of heroic character that humanity humbly salutes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2019
Accentuate if you must. Alleviate what you need to get rid of. You tried to tame the tails off of terror here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 stood for respect and a hopeful reverence never better on your shift. Care and safety along with honor, dignity and the presence of mind to stay within humanity's version of integrity to fight your difficult battles, obstacles hitting close to home. No one will forget your legacy and heroism , Officer Cook, a shelter for well being and a road for trust and truth in locating fairness, firmness and faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 21, 2019
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