Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Guts and glory, better honor and the hunger pangs of humbleness and perseverance. Good, clear vision that carries wisdom past those challenges of facing evil. You faced a mountain that day, Officer Cook, one man, Mr. Pearsall and his violence perpetrated against Dade County's finest women and men and those citizens whom you loyally protected. Nothing worse than chaos exacting a toll against such a fine man, a diligent and dependable cohort. Our Creator has your dignity , integrity and grand character sheltered in His abode where no further harm will ever confront your soul ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2019
Fame is not a game and gallantry is not a gimmick. Surely, humility and honor breathe life into the disciplines of dignity and integrity. Great characteristics to have and to heroically behold. Dade County cherished you, Officer Cook, your family and department's hero of classic resolve, resilience and for restoring humanity's serenity and harmony, may your mortally sweet and pleasant soul be both rewarded and most blessed. The consummate public servant whose exploits helped save your comrades and folks from a most worse fate. Heaven knows you were a very devout and faithful young man, Officer Cook. And it will eternally remain that you will be so honored and saluted for balancing boldness and bravery within your pristine uniform and shiny badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2019
Courage over mettle, concern and tenacity, they all helped you, Officer Cook, combat evil while you were loyally serving Dade County residents. A man of humble honor and outstanding dignity and humane and heroic integrity to see your missions and fruitful journeys through. Trust and truth can only work straight toward peace lessening the violent affects that those inclined to commit carryout. You are and forever will be a hero and a warrior whose humility society has cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 27, 2019
With courage born of knowledge, with mettle and morals giving living meaning to honor, bravery and the fortitude of both integrity and dignity did you go out on patrol in Dade County, Officer Cook and faithfully discharge your obligations to society. It takes character concealed in humility, liberty hidden where not many dare to navigate. Surely, the good Lord's wisdom, mercy and hope followed your pathways and roads where resolve came amid peril. It arrived with virtual acumen and the awareness of something evil looking to launch its lunacy which you tried your utmost, Officer Cook, to head off. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Look under the rocks and you'll locate a man's smile and now forever do we salute your upstanding commitment to pride and excellence and trustworthy transparency. Clear as a bell. The firmament has your special soul, Officer Cook, guarding those sacred, golden and serenely pearly gates.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
Might does not always make right. What is deemed proper and acceptable are honor and dignity. They are the references of integrity and the fulfillment of correct character and values that you possessed, Officer Cook, in humanely and most heroically defending all Dade County. Our ways of living are the direct results of your undying, unselfish and most prudent of sacrifices. Mankind was bestowed your soul of blessings, Officer Cook, to share in the joys and happiness. Really very sorry you could not reap more pleasures with Karen and those humble life experiences that make our hearts grow fonder of you each and everyday. Your family was blessed heroically by your engaging smile and sterling personality. A smile that could light up a room. It sure is doing everything now! A whole next life of perfection! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
The hands of time swing faster and faster. Right before our very own peepers, our eyes. It takes humbleness and loyalty to unravel deceit and corruption. It took six years of faithful service to Dade County, dignity and integrity matching vision and wisdom character by character. Your wonderful life, Officer Cook and career marked by highs and lows was and has forever be so duly honored and solemnly saluted for respect and humility like no other. You ripped away the evil from that berserk man and a shame, crying one that he robbed the essence of your beauty and boldness right out from under your skin. Never forgotten and always a peaceful man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
Honor, humility and resolve reap rewards. Ruination and evil realize their heavenly punishments. Your soul and being, Officer Cook ,graced this land for twenty-five years of yearning and sweat. The toil over terror and violence that exhibits its nasty nostrils of whatever evil is cast and men and women such as you, Officer Cook, had to dig deeper to find a solution out of that hole. But, honesty and vigilance surely help tenacity and sanctity capture the images that Our Creator places in front of those to bravely carry on your heroic missions and a humane legacy sealed with peace and prosperity. It was a shame things happened the way they unfolded that horrific afternoon in Liberty City. A gentleman gone way too soon with memories just flooding in. I do hope your family and mother are well, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
All the gut wrenching, the soul searching and prayers still could not bring you back to Karen and your own family and colleagues. What a terrible day! No doubt though your heroism Officer Cook and esteemed humility made civilization take notice as society honored you for your triumphant journeys in life and during your career stoked by passion and compassion. Heroes and heroines really do shine on in God's most humble abodes where everything is perfect and only eternity is filled with those gifts of gallant angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
You cannot say let the chips fall we they may. The next shift will clean up this mess of terror. No. No. And no. Even though it was five minutes before your day was going to end, Officer Cook, honor, dignity and integrity filled the streets of Dade County attempting to enrich, revive and stop a scene from becoming even more chaotic. With gentle heroism such as yours, Officer Cook, the citizens were going to experience even more safety and security than ever before. You were the consummate public servant and the professional of perseverance, proficiency and politeness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
That proverbial light must go on when violence is nearby. It can't stay off. And your personality, Officer Cook, advanced upon that awful day of evil and mayhem that ensued. You kept open the doors of dignity, integrity and peace by being an honest and most resourceful man of courage and humbleness. God's divine love and mercy sprinkling its sands upon your cherished soul of character and its sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
As much as your family did not want you to go, Officer Cook, your father probably gave your soul a very loving embrace when he saw you. Together in the Lord's palms of perfection nestled with many other angelic heroes and heroines who too sacrificed their honor, bravery and the integrity where dignity's wisdom lies. Dade County was kept peaceful for the most part under your loving eyes. The class, desire and morals all making huge impressions upon God's sacred venues. Saluted for courage and the kinship of concern and kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
A sense of humor is fine. Just not when times turn a little rough and tough. Dade County was going through tough moments and during that afternoon on May 16, 1979, everyone around was on edge. It was a very hot day as tempers flared from a troubled and crazed man. You did all you could do, Officer Cook, to resurrect peace and goodwill. Mr. Pearsall's notorious plans were hatched long before he took your life and nearly those of your comrades. When gallantry, heroism and honesty came calling there you were, Officer cook, answering character and humility with a humble pride and smile to last all day. Heaven is where your resolve is most used to patrol those pearly gates of faith , trust and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
Honor toils. Dignity is diligent. Integrity is intense. Those bells at St Mary's Cathedral tolled loudly for your soul, Officer Cook, that Saturday afternoon May 19, 1979. It surely was most cherished and heroic as it navigated the streets of Dade County providing some stable of serenity and safe journeys for all residents. Forty years later you continue to be most humanely saluted for etching energy and efficiency within your fellow officers, all brave and bold who face violence straight up head to head. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
Dearly loved by your family, Officer Cook, you were duly honored for being a hero. The devotion, the dignity and the effort of your unwavering integrity all went into making Dade County a more serene and thriving environment. Thank God for your character, commitment to excellence and more importantly to humility as it assists humanity in resolving conflict. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2019
You can't hide your face when violence strikes. You must delve right in and attempt to halt its advances of adversity just as you did, Officer Cook, on Dade County's benefit. The cruelty of losing such a wonderful man with a very humble soul at a tender young age brings back so many memories. Your family has the very best of them , honorable, dignified and loyal to a tee. Your colleagues have duly saluted your integrity which hopefully has encouraged other brave souls to hang in there during trying times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2019
The volcanoes erupt and no telling where the lava will go. Tragically that day Dade County experienced one man's rants against authority. Your job, Officer Cook, voluntarily undertaken was to go to that scene trying your heroic utmost to spare lives of your comrades and the people from more hurt or even worse. It's integrity, honor and your endearing dignity that made all the difference in this war over enemies that are so large and just continue to lay ruin on the streets. Humble and resourceful, humane and diligent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character is blessed and rewarded for its handling of any given situation placed your direction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2019
Futility, fatality and ferocity. The first one must pick themselves up and carry on. The second one no one wants to personally witness. The third be prepared and act with a feverish passion. Your faithful journeys, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County served, saved and helped to preserve the dignity and integrity of honest citizens. For sure will your heroic character and undying commitments to pride and excellence be saluted for bravery and boldness that humility instilled within your humble and loving heart, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Concentrating on enhancement only made serenity and unity are forever by-product of our civilization.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2019
Perspective provides the protein for all public servants to be able to freely go out and pursue peace. They have to be honest, dignified and have a central core of integrity which is utilized to battle evil. You fought long and hard, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and for displaying humility and heroism may your blessed soul sweet and kind be eternally rewarded. A professional true and thru, with trust and truth, resolve and character will travel down that prosperous road of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2019
Elucidation brings out the communication necessary to get pertinent information around a community. Crime and violence need more than talk. They require humble honor, resolve like never before and fearless tenacity. Those streets in Dade County, Officer Cook, were made safer when your smile and serious character patrolled humbly and heroically around them. Always a fine human being and a very gallant and crusading gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Generations from now your family, comrades and friends can look back at one soul of a person. God took integrity and dignity shaped it and made us better off for your sweet soul, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2019
The other night on television they honored WTVJ TV for seventy years of excellence. During the program they had a piece on the McDuffie riots that took place in Dade County about a year after your tragic death. You served your community with humbleness, loyalty and most importantly, honesty. Can not ever forget dignity and integrity which today articulate both your heroic life and career. Six years of resolve, conviction and the undying and unselfish acts that saved your fellow officers and civilians and made your legacy stand for everything a public servant aspires to become. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. WTVJ Channel four then was the first station in the state of Florida run by a man named Colonel Mitchell Wolfson. Sleep soundly and in contentment, Officer Cook, you patrolled as any proud man would. Ideals and principles never left your mind or heart.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2019
You donned a belt of boldness and bravery so very well, Officer Cook, your expeditions in and around Dade County were all the consummate quests for excellence and harmony, it simply is tragic as to why Mr. Pearsall would have acted in an insane and heinous manner and going beyond the bounds of honor and decency. If you have a beef or gripe go get some counseling and help for heaven's sake. Don't act without integrity and humility toward the good men and women just doing their jobs trying to restore calm and safety. The hero in you, Officer Cook, certainly won't be overlooked for having cl;ass and character that will be forever humbly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Take care, Officer Cook, keeping pounding the sacred pavements up above where perfection has no limits.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2019
Just as lettuce and tomatoes garnish a plate of food, so too does humility and honor grace a civil person's heart and soul. It sure did, Officer Cook, it mightily enhanced your career and life of twenty-five relatively short years. Too soon you were taken by this very enigmatic character we label as violence. The insanity surrounding terror, there just seems like there is not hope. Yet we must pray for diligent and intensified public servants like yourself who waged a never ending battle on behalf of Dade County's citizens. You surely be thought of, saluted and so honore das your family's treasure of humility, heroism and for having a keen sense of reality during most difficult times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2019
The bait is there and the traps are set. Now all esteemed and humbly honorable warriors have to do is go out and catch the bad people committing evil. Not easy and most dangerously confounding at times. You handled your assignments and tasks with the utmost respect and dignity for your profession, Officer Cook. And seeing that our promise of prosperity and peace came about through your integrity and character, may the blessed hero in your inner spirit be forever revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2019
The bottom of the barrel must be scraped to find any remote chance at harmony. Dade County and its residents depended upon you, Officer Cook, their hero, humble and honored. So dignified and full of intensity. With stellar integrity and fairness abounding in your kind and gentle heart, it's no wonder you have been warmed and widely saluted for the very kind of bravery and boldness to be told. Humanity was just the warm up for your life and career where the touches of tranquility and unity were supposed to blanket your community's roads and shelters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
People love to have opinions. But they can only have them when the facts are gathered. Facts are not fiction,fantasy or fallacy. They are the proof positive that something is either correct or amiss. You understood your roles, Officer Cook, resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency are constructed by the fabric of one's own honor,integrity and dignity. This was your reputation patrolling in Dade County for some peace of mind and good old fashioned safe harbors for mankind. You can bet you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, for heroism, humility and the companions of compassion and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2019
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