Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Relax and take comfort in knowing your beloved hero, Officer Cook ,saved the day here in Dade County. Where so much rides on a man's dependability and honesty, your dignity, integrity and ingenuity all proved to be as good as it gets and the violence that took you, Officer Cook, should never have been out there alarming and perturbing our freedoms and unity. Piece of mind and humanity make up humility's themes of life and your distinguished career in law enforcement is what creates the wisdom and maturity of heroes and heroines alike. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Courage and bravery belong on the dangerous paths where honor and dignity form a more integral team in defeating doom and torment. Your good graces, Officer Cook, saved a whole heap of trouble for Dade County under a man's duress. Structured and cerebral, calm and with a soft voice of compassion and reason all the building blocks for a more safer future. One made better if your appearance and civility were here to personally guide us through those mazes of harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Never delete a servant's dignity and integrity from their humbly honored head or footstone. It's the wisdom and vision sealed inside their very mortal souls to be uplifted to Our Lord's eternal kingdom where perfection is king and queen of heroism and humanity. Your good cheer and faithfulness, Officer Cook woke up Dade County and its folks just in the nick of time. Belting out bravery and boldness all while staying sharp and doing you due diligence to pursue and protect our humble trust. The truth spoke and Badge#1664 answered the call. The bells at St Mary's Cathedral tolled that day, Officer Cook repaying homage to your family's warrior and savior. Your colleagues have continued admiring your courtesies and unending courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

A band aid is just temporary. What needs to fix and correct a seemingly lack of respect for police and their communities are more frequent communicating. More centered on serenity and peace. Focus on ferocity and tenacity will be steered right into your directions of dignity, honesty and the sincerity of integrity. They along with ideals and morals can take one's career farther down those paths where Dade County relied upon your soul searching endeavors, Officer Cook ,to find a foundation of peace and make its cornerstones as central as one's humility.Mankind, society and humanity were preserved by your vision and character never to be forgotten as it never lost track or sight of its precious journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

The basis for boldness and bravery is the loyal esteem of a humbly honest and trusted man. A hero whose legacy has been humanely articulated all these decades later after you gave your soul of assurance, Officer Cook, to aid and to rescue all Dade County with God's tenderness supporting your harmony and civility while you were out on patrol. Dreams can come true if pursuits are precise and proficient in their perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

To catch a crook you must go by the book. To pursue evil you have to be aware of your surroundings, staying focused and honorable. Durable and faithful, you were a very blessed public servant, Officer Cook, fulfilling Dade County's hopes and dreams all yours as well. Our serenity and security came about through your representation of humility and the justice that only fair play and truthful trust bring. Celebrated and so poignantly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Your soul is that of an eagle, Officer Cook , heroically soaring higher each day. Dade County rebounded from undeniable evil, the undoing of a cowardly man who took your life, Officer Cook, denying your community and family the affections of your acumen and dignity, integrity's hope and goodwill to steer away violence from its midst. The quality of your character and commitment was unrelenting and now as a cherished and most respected servant, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

It was a very blessed thing to have met your niece, Gina, her brother, your nephew, Justin and received a warm and friendly letter written by your beloved mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, Officer Cook. What a family and what a breath of fresh air! A beloved hero and man of integrity, honesty and dignity al wrapped themselves around Dade County's harmony and tranquil moments. Badge #1664 was ever present to battle the heinousness of impending evil and for having thoughtful ingenuity and intuition may God gently and nobly bless your mortal soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Curb the chatter and concentrate on the real business at hand. Determination and dedication make real honor, reverence and insightful dignity and integrity matter the most during evil times. Your participation in Dade County's fights and efforts, Officer Cook, shall be gallantly so humbly honored. A prerequisite to protection and preservation is an actual accounting of morals and scruples that travel during humanity's struggles. Humility and hope were faithfully restored and your undying heroism shall be a foundation with which to spring back to health, peace and stability for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

A penny for your time, Officer Cook would have been well worth it. Never a value can return a precious soul of wisdom and heroism taken before his time. Dignity and integrity were surely left behind on Dade County's hot streets that day you sacrificed your life, Officer Cook, for the welfare of a nation and a community that reveres your gentle and humanely supreme kindness. It's character, class and decency to be solemnly remembered fro a stoic man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Conduct your life as a hero and humbleness will shadow your serenity all its unwavering days. God encircled you, Officer Cook, offering you peace and clarity by which to go about your normal everyday official business here in Dade County. Violence needs more than a rap, it needs speedy action from a man or woman determined to end its onslaught of terror. It took every last ounce of your goodwill and energy to free those involved in that man's callous clutches. Never more saluted and always cherished for respect and righteousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

A perfect ten is not how to judge a man's life. To characterize a public servant's life and career, look no further than their own honesty and integrity, humility and trust, dignity and devotion to duty when the calls come in. Dade County called that day, Officer Cook and you went with your last partner and answered a domestic call which resulted in your tragic death in the line of duty. A fine young man with still more left on those scopes to secure and to seek out peace and promise. Humility beckons when we least expect and for your values and mettle, Officer Cook ,you were and always will be a saluted hero of esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Luck is just that. Fate sand destiny are tied together on Our Creator's hands that guide the gentle souls such as yours, Officer Cook, through those forests where anything bad could be lurking. Dade County was where a piece of mind and some balance of calmness should have been the measure except for a wayward and diabolical man. He took your life , Officer Cook and created a difficult situation for your comrades and the citizens. Only your sheer integrity , ingenuity and dignity helped to save hope and goodwill for them and their families all this while your beloved family mourned your loss. Mankind is poorer and less protected now that you sleep soundly in God's perfect place. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Consent is made and entry to find the evildoers is executed. Everything must be top notch and no foul ups. Your career, Officer Cook, was the epitome of representing all Dade County, its people whomever needed your trusting smile and assurances tha tour safety would be your primary mission. Humanity's integrity was your ever present dignity and honorable heroic actions that saved lives. Character makes that clear and distinct difference where seconds count. Reliable and versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Vision must be clear, not dimmed. Devotion and principles must be precise. A clear signal of service and faith from a humane and humble man of faith and precepts. Your life represented diligence and everlasting vigilance for Dade County's folks, Officer Cook. A tall task requiring skills and certain characteristics of the profession. To chase and tame tyranny you needed all your virtue and versatility that only uncompromising morals, integrity and dignity bring to a community. The venues are large usually not small as you were not a matter of fact gentleman. Only valiant and clear in your trails for truth and trust. Humility answered civility and sanctity's phone. With your darling heroic soul now forever in heaven, men and women alike honest and humble pick up where you left off, Officer Cook. Satisfaction must be completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

When the smoke clears, the fog begins to diminish and ferocity can continue marching onward. Your tenacity and bravery, Officer Cook, made for better days for Dade County. Surely, you alone could not have battled evil all by yourself. That fateful day of May 16, 1979, you exhibited true professionalism and undying courage and humility trying to stop a sinister action that had derailed harmony for a community that keeps paying homage to dignity and integrity. All vital cogs in any crusader's hunts for justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Life is a world of pondering. An endurance of those energetic and honest. Police must remain calm and rational while trying to resolve conflicts. Always the best of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, utilized to protect the safety and peaceful lives of Dade County. A warrior and a hero of humility and character never to be forgotten. Saluted and treasured as a soul of wisdom and vision for our futures that would be brighter if you were here to witness your unselfish enhancements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2019

Officers who climb those oak trees better have a secure footing, better yet hold of those branches of boldness and bravery while their honor, integrity and means of dignity resonate around their humbly heroic statures. All the swinging and shaking means zip if your trust and truth are misplaced and misguided. Fortunately, Officer Cook, Dade County had meticulous attention to details and devotion to faithfulness and its doors of resolve. A hero who made a difference in our peace, stability and and unification for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

Birds chirp. Ugly acts of evil usurp. You acted as bravely and as honorable, Officer Cook, as a public servant of truth and trust would in dire straits. Dade County was under your levelheadedness and calming demeanor which saved and preserved the integrity and dignity of life. We can only be grateful for a very cherished and elevated soul of a gentleman with grit and gallantry aiming their sights on humanity. The cowards run and hide. The valiant seek peace and chase after it within the confines of the law. Always so honored and saluted for conformity and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

If Mr. Pearsall thinks he destroyed the morale of your department by killing you, Officer Cook and shooting and nearly killing your comrades, as his remains rot in purgatory maybe he should think again If he was spending the rest of his life rotting in jail cell he would have plenty of time to ponder his heinous acts of thievery robbing your family of its dignity, respect and the honesty of your integrity which sheltered and steered evil away from Dade County. A legend of heroism firmly planted in the walls of honor where brave and wise men and women rest soundly without harm coming to them ever again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and its configurations never stop coming. Commitment to character and convicting to do the right things were a large part of your life and very blessed soul and career. Great people live on forever in spirit. The lights forevermore stay aglow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

I don't know if politics interested you, Officer Cook, but, I do know one thing your heroic honor, integrity and fierce dignity surely stirred up the hunger pangs of Dade County folks looking for some sense of relief from all that mischief, mayhem and chaos that certainly invoked its war like affects upon the serenity and sanctity the folks are allowed to prosper in. Your anniversary, Officer Cook, will be here in about two months and it is hard to still fathom your life and career of humility unfortunately ending at violence's hands that rotten day of evil. Police fighting for life and you, Officer Cook giving your soul of humanity for courage to remain stapled to our universe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mayor Cook, I don't know, all your family,friends and comrades understand you were a great and reliable leader of others toiling for taciturn times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

Ash Wednesday just came, Officer Cook, the beginning of the holy days. Sure been a lot of missed time and happy occasions that you have missed out on. Your soul my neighbor, friend and hero has been overseeing all the planning and preparations. never out of sight and with your unending and unrelenting honesty, integrity and dignity, how could Dade County and its citizens go wrong in living the consummate lives of effort and endeavor. You are greatly missed and your heroic actions have never been forgotten. Society and civility thank you for having versatility, durability and most ethical accountability. Honored and revered for undying understanding and the proficient trails you created for other future men and women to follow in. Rest in peace. Humbleness allows anything to be achieved. Evil eliminates those factions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

Hats off to heroism and humanity. It is in the hearts and souls of very fine public servants that we can say we have some prosperity and promise down that road of resolution. Your searches and patrols, Officer Cook, permitted Dade County a glimmer of hope for its residents. The character, the conviction and the courage to fight off an evil man who looked to launch a cloudy of callousness over a community that respected and cherished your soul of honor. Sometimes dignity and integrity spin out of control and that is when you have to set your compasses in order to pursue and uproot. We duly pay homage to your memory, Officer Cook, complete with gallant intentions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

To please and to appease takes gumption and gritty motivation. Your brain must function smartly to coax the very best results out of one's honor and integrity. Only dignity and fine morals, Officer Cook, led your crusades in and around the Dade County venue. Trying and tough, but you were tested and passed with flying colors in character, precision and the actions that heroism bring s to mind. Those memories keep leaping back and forth, but never a bad word or complaint regarding your resolve and its uniquely humble and humane talents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No guarantees. Just good old fashioned noble and never ending resiliency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

Glory surrounds those pious and revered servants who extend their all for society's peace and tranquility. You displayed admirable skill, Officer Cook, in battling and infighting off terrible trouble back in your day and never has Dade County or its folks forgotten your courage and bravery. Honest, beloved and dignified with intense determination to stop outbreaks of violence that threaten the pathways of our personal perseverance. You were one of the many heroes, Officer Cook, whose life and substance augmented your personal goals and dreams. A little less peace because of your absence. Though, you remain in entrenched in your family's prayers and hearts. A spirit of humility that was very God blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

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