Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The objective of punishment is to deter someone from going on a criminal spree. Always the total honesty and loyalty to your department, family and close knit personal friends. Never was Dade County in better hands of a super and humanely heroic man. A gentleman of dignity, integrity and the common sense of humility and its unwavering resolve. You were a very faithful and devoted public servant, Officer Cook. Our serenity and quietness was in the hopeful and humble hands of a man full of morals and mettle to compliment your outstanding character that your family, peers and entire world sadly misses today and forever. God's celestial palaces are filled with brave and heroic angels who soar like kites in those bluest of skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

The junctions of justice run through the streets and roads of trust and truth. You can't have tenacity and ferocity begin their pathways into violence if one does not possess a sincerely humane and humble honor, respect for dignity and cherish in the powers of integrity. Your character, Officer Cook, was constructed properly as you conducted your professional affairs on behalf of Dade County with inspirational humility and the gentle persuasions of civility. If only your calming voice could have stopped that tragic domestic dispute that placed your glorious soul among God's many other angels of gallantry and good grace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Avery competent and beloved human being, we will never forget your heroic and fighting spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2019

The propellers spin so fast just as terror unleashes its out of control mayhem. It certainly did during your time, Officer Cook and after your life sadly ended with the McDuffie riots. You were there to protect the people from whatever wickedness they faced, peril did not deter your sincerest of labors. Humble honesty, charisma and character were your virtues of integrity and dignity that hung in there to battle a nemesis of nasty proportions. Never more thought of and etched into your family's heart, our hearts and prayers. Our Master has you, Officer Cook, walking that perfect beat watching over us forevermore. Heroic and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County has badge#1664 to thank and of course you, Officer Cook, their friend and savior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2019

Like a lion in its den, violence looks to pounce upon those folks who desire peace and tranquility in their pursuits of joy and prosperity. All you ever wanted, Officer Cook, was for peace and safety for all mankind. A vital cog in humanity's struggles for truth, trust and fairness in justice . Dade County was your place of work, your community where you grew up and resided for most of your young life. When honor and reverence, dignity and integrity are trampled on by one man's missions of evil, we must put a stop to his cowardly and dastardly actions. Your heroism and humbleness shone brightly tha thot day when you gave your soul to save society and you shall be saluted for your undying, unselfish and inspired attempts to calm this man's wicked heart. Heinous and reprehensible. Always fondly remembered for resolution and its distribution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2019

From day one November 30, 1953 until May 16, 1979, nothing bur honor, pride and the spirit of accomplishment. Fulfilling your life aspirations, Officer Cook. Designs on dignity, incorporating integrity in your hunts for humane and serene liberty for all Dade County residents. The aim was for humility, the goal of humanity sharing amongst each other realized. Hardships require more austere effort and surely you gave, Officer Cook. You sacrificed for your colleagues and the citizens whom you loyally and faithfully served. Tyranny did not tarnish your reputation or character. It was about quality and the quintessential endeavor along with God steering your trails of justice and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2019

Sniffing for some peace and serenity within the corridors of Dade County is always a challenge. Keeping honesty and its networks of never ending dignity, character and integrity, they too must be funneled in the right direction. Your hopes and dreams, Officer Cook, were the backbones to a brighter humanity, a safer tomorrow. Just never thought your life of morals and resolve would tragically stop at twenty-five. So much more to achieve, so much more to uplift and to enhance. It's being lead by Our Creator who has your beloved soul protected in His skies where angels of valor walk in humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2019

A complete man, a common man and an unusual man, one unfazed by violence and fearless in your pursuits of peace, Officer Cook. Crime and those acting callously must abate at once as Dade County is too important a venue to suffer these awful intolerances. Serenity, security and safety must have the character of honor, integrity and dignity dispensing truth and trust among the citizens. Humility, humanity and civility executed to the letter by a mature gentleman, now a hero in eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Police scramble for our safeties. But, fumbling and bumbling just won't cut the mustard. You made your mark in Dade County police history, Officer Cook, by preserving the dignities and honor of all citizens. From point A to point B you had all the bases covered. A superb man of strength and endurance during those most heated moments. Thank God for your faith, loyalty and diverse administration in handling bedlam and who knows what else. You will be honored and heroically remembered for a life of piousness and the respect that is still missing within humanity's walls of truth and justice today and everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A dear soul who departed this world all too soon. Though, Officer Cook,you left behind one sterling and outstanding resume of legitimate proportions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Fighting crime is not a picnic nor is it a camp out. One must be diligent and fiercely loyal to your comrades and those residents whom you took an oath to serve, Officer Cook. Dade County had a hero of honor and deliberation in its midst protecting all that you could. Integrity and dignity working in unison should be able to combat evil and for saving lives, Officer Cook, humanity salutes your fruition and ferocity. The cream of class always rises to the top and for your endeavors may your soul be blessed as you walk that humane and heavenly beat where perfection shelters God's angelic heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Carrying the burdens of your department, you acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, perfectly. Never more meaningful resolve, never more honesty and bravery, all from your unselfish dignity and integrity which brought your career to that humble level. Now almost forty years later you are being saluted and so humanely honored for heroism and character above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The building blocks were set in stone, your life and public service career delivered desire, serenity and the gentle touches of gallantry to all Dade County.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Never change your style of attack. Whatever brings you success keep churning out the honor, integrity and dignity. It is the very best insurance policy against evil. You went right to the source, Officer Cook, facing peril squarely in the eyes, always will be a tragedy that your life and career had to end prematurely. The good, the loyal and the righteous go to heaven where they serve an even greater role supervised by the Perfect One Himself. Where your character, humility and trust go forever hand in hand guarding those sacred and golden gates of brave souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Being timid and tepid does not mix with tenacity and honesty. You'll require the full loads of decency, devotion and integrity's faithfulness. Dade County had your great vision, meaningful maturity and wonders of wisdom, Officer Cook, to assist you in those all important searches for truth and justice. A valiant and most trusted public servant who is missed very much by your adored family, brave comrades and closest of personal friends, you be revered, respected and fondly remembered as society's hero of humility whose talents and God given gifts were for twenty-five years the formula to defeating doom and impending evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

It's not frigid in heaven. It's a warm place humble and honored, reserved for those humane and heroically dignified men and women who served their communities with resourcefulness and efficiency. You served excellently, Officer Cook, bless your heart and may Our Creator reward your very humble and treasured soul of safety and good cheer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and class shall always triumph over terror and evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Boldness and bravery are boxed with honor and dignity, the hopeful reality of integrity. A job so difficult and demanding that you handled extremely well, Officer Cook. Dreams, afterthoughts all humanity's gifts of goodwill and your heroically engaging character. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for humility and the gallantry that delivered peace and harmony to Dade County citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2019

Virtues add more to durability than you could imagine. But then again responsibility is having a semblance of pride and honesty in all that one does. Everything in life and surely during your professional career, Officer Cook, pointed upward. Loyal. Dignified and with integrity that saved the people of Dade County and your brave and cherished comrades too. Designed to be determined and devoted to character, this will be solemnly saluted as will your valor forevermore. Decency and desire come at times with a value. Your life, Officer Cook, should not have concluded not with much more left behind to channel your passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Walk humbly. Perform honorably. Heroically dignified and intensely resolute. Your memory, Officer Cook, will be perpetuated for eternity for saving Dade County. Our happiness, peace of mind and unified lives of distinction all were brought about through God's loving of embraces. No more a quality character and the baskets of boldness and bravery nestled in with mettle, morals and the fabrics of your uncontested values and ideals which helped to keep violence at bay. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Preserve the dignities of life, the resolve of your integrity will honorably shine through. It sure does, Officer Cook, in God's greatest of perfect worlds. A humble hero, devoted and respected by Dade County's citizens and your own loyal brothers and sisters who dedicate their fine character and humility to marching onward in those battles over folks who are brazen in their mannerisms. Taking a life is serious business and humanity has no tolerances for such unwarranted terror of which nightmares are born. A terribly tragic day for your family, colleagues and the nation itself, Officer Cook. You were deemed a devout and most faithful man with certainly more to offer this land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Never serve up any aggression to an already agitated monster. Kind of like walking into an animals's cage thinking nothing will occur. Terrible that Mr. Pearsall did not have any honor,integrity or dignity like you and your comrades had that day and all the time, Officer Cook. He might have realized the our peace and goodwill was taken by his wanton and very classless actions on May 16, 1979. You persevered and protected us, Officer Cook, a hero of humble character and quality of conviction. Mankind salutes your warrior legacy and has never overlooked your simple style of public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Grace and a smile can work wonders. What functions superbly during violent times are a man or woman's heroic honor, integrity and the reverence afforded dignity. Wickedness spreads and someone must go out on patrol to put out those flames of ferocity. Negative and never a good thing in society. You acted with joy and a good spirit which now rests in Our Lord's lair of brave angels. Valiant and versatile. Durable and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Enriching our lives with liberty and trust for mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

The mettle and morals come from the very same heroic mold. Your life and time as a police officer, Officer Cook, was well intentioned as Dade County was saved by your treasured honesty, dignity and goodwill. Never more security and safe havens for all because of your undying integrity to fight for our community's rights to live freely and most safely. Cornerstones and foundations of truth and trust suggest justice was true and humble when you reached out for peace trying to calm an evil man. Saluted and stoically revered for excellent service and the overwhelming support of your loyal and dedicated colleagues. Humanity thanks you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Dignity, honor, humility and respect for integrity are comparable to a turkey with all the fixings. To fix crime and provide safe shelters is not going to be accomplished by one manor woman alone. It is a total team effort as when you served Dade County , Officer Cook. Evil looks to huff and puff and blow those doors of desire and heroism down, sorry under your watch it was not going to occur. You were a considerate man of class and character channeling goodwill and fueling your morals and ferocity down those roads of resolve. Always cherished and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2019

Distribute dignity and integrity to the humble wings of honesty and heroism, it will make humility fly ever so softly. Now and forever are your wings and soul of undying character, Officer Cook,soaring higher each day in heaven. That perfect configuration where all angels of valor rest soundly for comporting themselves bravely. Dade County given your solemn bond, Officer Cook,that there would be safety, peace, unity and tranquility from wanton and heinous evil that caught you and your colleagues in a very tragic day for your family and Dade County. Society has saluted your instinctual wisdom and virtues as they have mourned your loss. A life and career snuffed out and robbed by one man's evil actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The banners of your boldness are out in force, Officer Cook. A brave young man heroic until your last ounce of energy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2019

I meant to say in a past reflection, Officer Cook, that I wished you and I could have played tennis and had breakfasts on Sundays. But, that sadly never materialized. Though, you'll always remain my friend, neighbor, and hero of all Dade County who displayed and epitomized the highest codes of conduct, loyalty and professionalism when dealing with any situation and circumstance brought your way. Humanity and humility along with grit and character leading your trails and paths in and around a community, no,your venue where you forever remain a legend dedicated to fighting crime,evil and violence which took you at age twenty-five. More left behind for your esteemed family members to continue. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. It will always be "Officer Cook," Badge#1664. It gave us resolve, effort and sheer courage from your unwavering and humble heart

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2019

The double edged sword is sharpest at both ends of the spectrum. Violence and evil at one end, terror and torment at the other end. The very virtue and vigilance, Officer Cook , you possessed helped to carry you every beat of your heart and very movement in Dade County. Never more heroism and herculean feats on behalf of humanity. Humility and its glory stored way up in Our Lord's kingdom of enrichment and enhancement. Never a doubt and always a heartfelt of resolve and resilience. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dispose of danger and bring some cheery sunshine into those rays of pleasure and safe passages for one and all. Only the best of feats, Officer Cook, saved one more life of morals and mettle.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2019

The poison darts of danger have a way of reverberating around our very world making chaos and bedlam seem like a frequent occurrence. All you could have done that day, Officer Cook, was to keep applying the pressure until your attacker relented and simply put his hands up. Tragically he did not requiring more risky actions. Yours, Officer Cook, were dearly cherished as was your character, clarity and the honesty that only brings out the best in integrity and dignity.If you properly use your brains and common sense approaches somehow one will survive and live to fulfill more fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2019

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