Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Perjury only makes the truth later in coming. It deceives the public trust and when life is on the line deliberate methods must be employed immediately. Dade County had your sense of pride and direction knocking on its doors where valor, honesty and the integrity of dignity reigned. Your life and character can never postpone your prudent resolve and humbleness demonstrated in your unselfish acts of heroism. Violence had to be stopped and you tried calming a man bent on nothing worse than heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

The effort and honorable sacrifice, Officer Cook, are etched in stone. No amount of time will bring you back to your family and comrades. You are forever their hero of humility, respect, dignity and integrity. It shines as brightly as your soul of serenity in heaven. Humanity witnessed humble servitude and the passions you displayed each day while out patrolling in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

No fiction, fantasy or fallacy, Officer Cook, only ferocity, fruitful success and fairness by means of justice, truth and trust. And that is precisely why you were revered, respected and greatly admired by your department. You stayed true to heroic fashion outfitting us in Dade County with decency, desire and faithful resolve. The means to fighting violence with ethics, honesty and the braveness of dignity and integrity. No small stone of ingenuity, intuition or your superior intellect. Society and humility have to make an accounting day by day and yours, Officer Cook, continues reaping God's most blessed of rewards. Character and a mission of everlasting esteem delivered by a humane and unselfish gentleman whose angel's wings are perfectly fitted for your valuable eternal destiny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2019

The chairs of character, courage and courtesy were placed down for heroes and heroines to guide us through peril. You provided Dade County with professional respect, honor and the dignity that integrity covers those who serve with. A humble man of humane and loyal heroism never to be forgotten. Our world is less safe because of your absence one that i don't think your family, friends and peers has ever gotten over. One terrible loss to society as humanity continues your quests for some relief and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Never more scruples and the highest of values. Protecting requires extreme care and you operated with nothing but efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2019

Gallantry is no gimmick. And valor is never in vain. Those beautiful souls of peace and humbleness rest soundly in God's enchanted heaven where never a hurt nor pain will harm them forevermore. What a life and career you were bound for, Officer Cook, if not for a wicked individual who felt taking lives of honored men was better than living. For your dignity, integrity and admiration may you be remembered as a hero whose legacy spreads way past the boundaries of Dade County where you tirelessly patrolled for safe havens for all mankind. Your friends, colleagues and family have saluted and honored humility and undying hope and devotion to the core responsibilities that come with the territory of your unselfish tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2019

We are anointed with a certain acumen. The curiosity of awareness and being astute surely helps any loyal and dedicated public servant in their battles over adversity. You fought for our very lives here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Some forty years later your honor, humility, reverence and dignity cannot forever be overlooked nor will your patience and persevering integrity. We have our freedoms and rights and so did you, Officer Cook, until the evil Mr. Pearsall decided to rip apart those beliefs and morals from your very humble and most heroic soul. Resolve and resolute, fruitful and faithful, Our Lord has all that stored in His serenest of skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class and the precision of character lead all your commitments to pride and excellence. One gallant warrior!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2019

To sniff your cup of coffee in the morning would be mighty fine. To be alive and well and well and enjoying retirement with Karen, Officer Cook, would be great. Heaven holds the keys to those devoted and determined who had honesty, dignity and the character of integrity within their patrols of peace. You gave Dade County more than simply humility and respect. You gave the ultimate sacrifice so our harmony and unity could continue unabated. One incident,one nasty dispute, three officers down, shot and hanging in there. You, Officer Cook, lost your life as the doctors and emergency personnel did all they could to revive you. We salute and honor your spirit , a soul that was heroic and cared, most humane and quite decent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2019

The old axiom better to give than to receive. It conjures up all the memories of our esteemed, honorable and cherished of heroes and heroines. Your integrity, wisdom and vision, Officer Cook, left Dade County and its residents with the solemn bond of bravery and peace though your total determination and pursuits of joy, happiness and harmony that should never be devoured by evil and violence. You tried along with your partner and comrades that day to bring an ugly domestic incident to a more serene conclusion. Tragically, Mr. Pearsall had other ideas that he was scheming up for months. Just wicked, heinous and terrible your family and comrades had to suffer the loss of you, Officer Cook, a humble man with a tranquil heart and now a soul at peace helping Our Maker and walking that proverbial beat guarding their sacred and golden palace gates where angles of bravery rest their loyal spirits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.Heroes live humane lives of distinction never looking for the glory. God found Badge#1664 and has rewarded you, Officer Cook, humanity said a job well performed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Accurate and aware. Your acumen and courage validated all the due diligence and desire from your heroic, humane and most humble heart. The organ that must beat if one is to live. And there was so much to live for, Officer Cook. Your life represented Dade County and its citizens in their hunts and searches for peace, promise of prosperity and the maintaining of truth, trust and justice completed by solid character and a commitment so transparent that nothing could breaks its windows of wonder. Safe to say you will forever be honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for raising humility and resolve bar. A bar set high to those standards of conduct you had with you, Officer Cook, at all times during your all important watch over our land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Pardon the expression. You heard it from the mouth of one who has lived in Dade County over five decades. Your feats of humility and of strength, Officer Cook, transported tenacity and serenity around us providing that essential integrity and dignity which of course you properly maintained throughout your life and most blessed career. Public service requires sacrifice and articulation. It's a fitting tribute to you, Officer Cook and your superb endurance which was robbed by one man's rant and rage against the establishment. Sorry you could not witness those cornerstones you first augmented. You took important first steps now it's up to those brave and humble to exactly follow through with your honored and most heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

To act accordingly, to behave like a human being, now you can start enhancing, encouraging and engaging society. Take negatives away and lessen abominations from evil and our world breathes and feels wholesome once again. You created a central harmony for all Dade County, Officer Cook. A haven for us to be fruitful in our pursuits and endeavors. Nothing better than character, commitment to excellence and a reason for conviction. It lays the foundational frameworks for a more securer future. Civility and noble deeds are what makes humility accentuated in a talented soul of a man, Officer Cook. You cherished, lived life and were a peacemaker with a happy wife and parents who instilled all the rights lessons for which clarity, wisdom and vision shall dwell within us forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Passover and Easter come together next week to celebrate freedom of expression and the liberties that serenity and tranquility reign down upon us. Dade County and its population could not share alike if not for your virtuous vigilance. Officer Cook. I mean maturity, character, morals and mettle in one nest with your undivided attention to detail and dedication. Honor. Integrity. Dignity. When preached and practiced in all homes tend to leave a lasting affect on our souls. Your loyal and wonderful soul, Officer Cook, soundly and most heroically reposes in God's highest of abodes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

No ducking. No shirking. No running and hiding during the tensest of times. You were all in, Officer Cook, on Dade County's side with your unwavering, undying and most humble unselfish dignity and honor sharing integrity's burden during those dangerous times. Today, your family, peers and friends fondly honor and salute your true and responsible resolve which was destined to be successful. Only thing your family and colleagues wished you could see the progress you began forty -three years ago. Turmoil and torment capably handled by your humane and treasured legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Billions of dollars and a multitude of resources are spent daily fighting crime and adversity daily. The cost of a life whether a civilian or a public service hero cannot be measured. A loss of life can never be replaced. Forthye reside in Our Lord's most splendid of castles. It's the venue where courage, honor and humility lie for eternity. Now is the time to salute you, Officer Cook, a true and faithful Dade County legend of real character, convincing dignity and articulate integrity which brought forth security and safety for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Leave nothing for granted and take cautions when needed. Your surveillance over Dade County, Officer Cook, was what real heroes are about. Blanketed with decency and desire, it's the dignity and trust that blended your integrity and honor together to produce some peace and stability for all mankind. Humanity thanks you for your forthcoming humility and character that have been stoically remembered for preserving the ingenuity of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2019

Keep persisting one day sooner rather than later you'll succeed mightily in your efforts. Dade County could rest sounder because of your never ending heroism and humility, Officer Cook. A king of kindness,boldness and the character to support your commitments to dignity and integrity. a man's bond of truth and trust backed by mettle and cherished serenity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class. Class and desire carried your pathways of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2019

God rewards the souls who are courageous rather than cute and lacking courtesy. Always well behaved and well groomed, Officer Cook, ready to battle on behalf of Dade County, No small feat. Honesty, integrity and dignity take big shoes to fill when one cherished man lost his life because of one individual straying from goodwill. Your faith and trust, Officer Cook, will be perpetually blessed as will your humane and heroic soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2019

The salt of the earth tastes better in heaven that is because you gave your life, Officer Cook, for all Dade County to recognize and to realize that safety is paramount to anything else. Honesty, integrity and dignity that never wavered nor faltered. It was a mutual respect and admiration for a hero of humane and resolute nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of crisp character who donned a uniform of scruples to survey this serious evil out there on the pavements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2019

Smiles in heaven are serene, peace on earth must be seen. Day after heroes and heroines venture out to restore and control violence as you so splendidly did for six years here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Coping, hoping and having decency, honor and dignity surely assisted a mighty brave man tackling sure wickedness. Our sights are high and so was your character and clear desire,Officer Cook, to make society prosper once more. Nothing better than humbleness and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2019

Police walk those planks of mayhem which in turn cause chaos and leave a pile of evil to clean up. Your tasks in Dade County, Officer Cook, were to heroically and honorably patrol for peace and goodwill utilizing your entire framework of ferocity, character,dignity and the humble integrity which followed you your entire life and all too short of a career. No matter you are forever saluted for valor and resolve which has benefited humanity. Humility and serenity converse along the same tracks as did you esteem and effort. Loyalty and faith guided your passages and now God's angel of love and respect guards those forts of gold. Sacred and divine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2019

Song sung blue every garden grows one, song sung blue everybody knows one, funny thing but you see it with a a cry in your voice. The tears the wailing and sobs of your family , friends and department comrades, Officer Cook, were all present on May 19, 1979, at St. Mary's Cathedral to honor you rhumble, heroic and humane life, career and integrity. Dignity was always attached to your side, badge and feats of resolve, Officer Cook. Where not many travel, character and excellent perception pursued the eyes of evil and the sounds of silence, joy and serenity girding Dade County and its residents who witnessed a loyal , man full of unwavering, undying and very unselfish humility endeavoring to make peace and prosperity a mainstay of mankind. You were, are and always will blessed and rewarded, Officer Cook, for your special and unique soul knew where your rounds of resilience had to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Inspector's funerals bring that certain closure all too soon for your life which ended most tragically while performing your highly respected public service duties. Only addition never attrition or subtraction. Violence and terror must be stopped in its tracks of torment and turmoil before more innocent bloodshed occurs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

It can become very downright treacherous and ornery in those trenches where tenacity reigns. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where you applied your virtue and honorable acumen. All the approaches of dignity and integrity to see ingenuity and intuition through during your most loyal and faithful journeys of diligence. All the peace and unity coming through those blinds of bravery and boldness. Surely, we can solemnly honor humility, civility and sanctity which today is being serenaded in the heavens above . A humble and heroic young gentleman during his utmost to restore calm and reason to the venues, roads and corners where honoring your life and dreams is prudent and professional. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No shortcuts only serene and meaningful work.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

Heroes and heroines of all ages and walks of life must be so honored and saluted for directing those travels through dark and violent times. Your peaceful manner, Officer Cook, was guided for twenty-five years by Our Creator Himself who steered your vehicle through the Dade County community where your humble and heroic integrity, honesty and dignity are fondly remembered by all your comrades and family members. Where character, commitment and conviction meet are also the venues where your due vigilance and valor were on hand to humbly succeed. Gunfire should not have taken a gallant young man full of life and the expertise to try and calm those whose tempers were boiling over. Enhancement for future generations. The baton is becoming heavier to take, someone needs to step up as you so eagerly did, Officer Cook. Security and harmony are always on the line and danger should not interfere with the peace process. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

Begin cutting away the layers to arrive at positive outcomes and you'll find more resolve and effort than you ever imagined. You conquered evil, Officer Cook, in a charming and serious manner. Dade County had your full aptitude, fortitude and gratitude for displaying the heroic and humble honor and integrity required of its heroic flock. Safe trails, tenacity and a passion came from your undeniable acumen and confident awareness. The moments have come and gone, it sure would be a pleasure if God had allowed you to be here with your beloved family and colleagues cheerfully encouraging them as you would have continued your pursuits of joy and gladness with Karen. She has not forgotten her beloved and darling husband. She remarried around ten years ago as life still navigates forward. Despite living an exemplary life and performing your assignments in an unselfish manner we won't forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

Police cannot put their hands in many places at once. Yet, the job requirements are for their tempers and honesty to be held in check. Resourceful and dignified go with some integrity which you always maintained, Officer Cook, when driving around the very streets of Dade County filled with danger, peril, mischief and sometimes despair. Hopeful anticipation helps to conquer those fears we the people experienced and your smile and sage wisdom brought newer visions to the problems evil can and does bring about. You'll not be overlooked, Officer Cook, for a sound body and soul now eternally patrolling those gates of humility. It's civility and noble deeds that called you the day God called you home and took a young man full of talent and God given effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2019

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