Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Loving life and your outdoor hobbies, now you serve that more important eternal role and that is to watch Our master's pearliest of sanctuaries. Only your esteem and effort when coupled with your honesty, integrity and dignity can get that assignment completed. Unfortunately, Officer Cook, five minutes of uncontrollable terror took your wonderful soul of gallantry, Officer Cook, from under your beloved family and valiant comrades. The wars continue and hopefully those future officers are as brave and honest as you, Officer Cook, to get the best of their efforts to blot out this unmistakable mayhem. Dade County was under the best set of eyes and ears that scrambled to find resolutions and solutions to what continue to perturb the spirits of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2019

You were that golden shield, Officer Cook, who spread those umbrellas of understanding and further wisdom throughout humanity. Your family takes pride in your heroic actions and honorable life of dignity, respect and the reverence of integrity. Nothing can even start to battle adversity until one stays true to their words of which you, Officer Cook, took a sacred pledge to police and patrol Dade County like never before. You'll always be an angel whose wings continue flying your beloved soul of distinction higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The bridges of bravery were humbly built by your undying, unselfish and unwavering convictions to courage, kindness and concern for your fellow citizen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2019

Being humble, honest and decent does not mean you punch the time clock and leave your job when your shift is over. Five minutes before your shift ended, Officer Cook, there you and your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were trying to make Dade County more at ease and certainly safer for all. Character and the class that integrity and dignity bring to the front fighting violence on behalf of society. It was your humility and genuine faith, Officer Cook, that carried your life pursuits of happiness and serenity. Honored and etched in your family's hearts, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement means bringing positive into better focus.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2019

Mankind is nourished by those brave and honest of women and men. They are the stabilizing forces that look to put a permanent dent into evil the kind that Dade County experienced during your watch, Officer Cook. Good work habits and plenty of dignity and integrity were poured into your labors of esteem and humility. It made the citizens more at ease with serenity and safe travels. You are never forgotten and are to be faithfully and loyally saluted for honoring humanity which remembers you unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who commit violence should beware for those pious servants are out there looking to seize you and place you in jail.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2019

Today, Officer Cook, I celebrated my sixtieth birthday with my wife. It's always going to be so terribly tragic that you can't observe anymore birthdays because of an evil man's hideous violence. Obscenely and plain bombastic his callous actions against a righteous Dade County hero of humility, honesty, integrity and dignity fulfilling your missions of mettle and character to quash and to quiet evil against yourself and your fellow officers while preserving and rescuing the citizens under this coward's attacks on freedom. Society, humanity and most of all your family, Officer Cook, honors and salutes your revered commitment to resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2019

Desire, decency, dignity and devotion must dedicate their fruitful labors of love to the precepts of integrity and honor. They are the means, the very foundations built upon sterling character. Commitment and excellence you solemnly possessed, Officer Cook, in your fights and hopes of dispelling pure torment and adversity right here in Dade County. No more greater respect you had for your comrades and fellowmen than your undying and humbly heroic unselfish sacrifice demonstrated to all the nation on May 16, 1979. Remembered and revered for raising the bar of resolve and efficient resiliency. Humility to be blessed by Our Lord forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2019

A baseball announcer once said of his team the lambs are being lead to the slaughter, well if police don't get a quick handle on violence and terror I'm afraid for what might lie in store. For all your honesty, heroism and quick reacting, Officer Cook, there was no telling the damage Mr. Pearsall would have inflicted upon the people of Dade County. Your home and community where your character, dignity and integrity has been faithfully honored all these decades later. You were a young man full of passion and pride, so decent and charismatic, all that is terribly absent and yet your loved ones know your treasured soul always floats high atop our land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2019

The smoldering affects of violence leave that unforgettable impression. Society tears up when its good men and women lose their lives protecting our freedoms even though the job description at times calls for sacrifice of character, honor and dignity. You gave everything for Dade County, Officer Cook, baring your soul of humility for a piece of mind and safe passages for all citizens. Your family and peers have nor forgotten their loved one and have fondly,humanely and most heroically saluted your inspirational valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2019

Tar and feathered, crime and those who subourn to evil should be dealt with in a quick and resourceful manner. Dade County had your loving humility and bravery, Officer Cook, battling adversity with honesty, dignity and enhanced integrity. All the heroic character in the world that God has now and forever stored in His palaces of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2019

One can never sugar coat serious trouble nor can one take a lazy approach. Never easy to answer any call as it may God forbid be the very last one you attend to. Armed robberies, domestics any scene where gunfire is involved needs prompt and close personal attention. You gave your honorable soul of vision and humility for all mankind and Dade County where you were raised and educated, Officer Cook. A man of passion and principles who went out that early morning of May 16, 1979, with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and tried your utmost to calm a depressed and diabolically wicked man in Mr. Pearsall. Before he left his home that fateful day he gave everything he had to his brother. You left your beloved wife, Karen, said goodbye and never unfortunately returned home safely. Evil took your sweet personality and beautiful smile. It robbed your family, friends and colleagues of your precise perseverance, dignity and integrity that imparted some stability and serenity to the residents of Dade County. You had class and character. The man who shot and killed you, Officer Cook, was missing everything. he just deserted the army if for not shooting you and your comrades, they would have dealt with him. Once he shot and nearly killed Officer Keith DiGenova his problems only got worse. Society has to struggle through problems, panic and unrest. You all have to clean up the messes and try to survive through stress, peril and grief. Your loved ones were left with sorrow and a gaping hole your untimely death left. Achievement, fruition and humbleness are gathered heroically in God's banquet halls where nobility and peace are now and forever a perfect fit. Always missed and solemnly saluted and so poignantly honored for respect, morals and being there to support your brothers in the battles and brawls over violence. Boldness is more than talk and idleness never accomplishes anything but produce useless and wasteful banter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

Serenity helps lift the fogs of fierce evil. It is what makes society feel at ease. You assisted your comrades that day, Officer Cook and everyday always adhering to your words of alacrity and wisdom. The wise know their humbleness represents honor, humility and the senses of decency and dignity which all strive to bring integrity and character much closer to reality. Dade County can rest sounder because of your undying and civil mindedness, Officer Cook. Humility speaks and the righteous answer those bells where boldness, bravery and heart must dive right into disconnecting violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Step by step, day by day you tried to unhinge terror. May 16, 1979 was that heroic example of heroism, resolve and pure energy flowing throughout your body, Officer Cook, it told the truth and was very faithful and trusted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

Sunscreen may protect you from the sun. Not every patented piece of equipment can shield you from violence. If only they had those side panels, Officer Cook, during your time. You paid the ultimate price for Dade County and its folks no doubt. Even ounce of valor and honesty, integrity, dignity and character was given on those perilous pavements to enhance serenity, security and the safe passages of all mankind. Humanity honors your reverence, respect and resourceful resolve while saluting your sage wisdom and vision, clarity of your maturity and plethora of morals and mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

Always polite, never condescending. Only acumen and honesty that ascended to the top. Now all your labors of love and candor, Officer Cook, have been eternally shifted to the epitome of essential precision. heaven awaits its heroes and heroines whose duties of determination, dedication and desire have brought their courage and consummate dignity and integrity to a locale so critical to seeing that those brave and capable future officers are observed serving and saving lives. Dade County was where you made your home, Officer Cook, it is where your character and professional quests were sought after. To focus and be able to stay positive during tense and violent moments takes all the muster and stamina of which your disposition accounted for being responsible to handle rigors and duress. Saluted and solemnly honored for valor and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

You were consumed by passion. Those you battled against were consumed by rage, anger and vengeance. No matter the time, day or venue, Officer Cook, you stood humble and heroically firm on honor, dignity and the vehicles of vigilance while maintaining integrity all through your life and career. Too short,but never lacking the basic fundamentals of trust and commitment. Society and of course your family proudly salutes and honors your poignant memory. You gave something for the values of peace and unity to spread out among mankind. A debt that cannot ever be repaid. No one is perfect, you, Officer Cook, were a cherished soul and an outstanding leader of others brave sisters and brothers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

Taking the initiative means taking integrity to the highest level possible. The top tier of tenacity and the mountains of dignity utilized to ward off evil and to bring a sense of urgent peace and serenity to Dade County and its people. You were a hero, Officer Cook, never any doubt. You were an honest and firmly faithful public servant who protected us with all your heart and loyal soul. It's humanity that dearly misses your humility and esteemed bravery. Now that's all in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character means no dodging, no shortcuts and no perversion of justice. Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664 was about truth and trust, grit and gallantry now walking his sacred beat in those perfect havens above watching over his family, peers and devoted friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2019

Violence is vile, vicious and most venomous. Its affects upon society are so far reaching and for that Dade County can thank you, Officer Cook. A young and vibrant man, a public servant of honor, gallantry and the humility that honesty, dignity and the respect of integrity genuinely bring out. It's sad when a man of character and engagement tackles a foe and that foe living out his last minutes on this earth can still wreak bodily injury to brave and loyal men of emotion and resolve. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. always a cherished to be saluted, etched and enshrined wherever those walls are found. Fruition was located in all your pursuits of peace and joy for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2019

A great portrait of you, Officer Cook, behind Old Glory. A more simple and humbly heroic soul who went out of his way right into the face of peril every moment. We here in Dade County remember your unselfish sacrifice built on the chains of courtesy and courage, the strings of integrity and dignity and the bonds of basic honor. How you went about your professional business and when duty called you answered that call one you attended to many other times. Surely, your family, comrades and friends wished the outcome was different. Our Lord has your soul of valor, truth and resolve encapsulated with other brave souls doing His mightiest eternal work guarding those golden and most hallowed gates. Only perfection and precision reign down upon us and your cherished family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pictures are worth thousands of words. In short, Officer Cook, honesty, integrity and dignity fought those enigmatic battles. Freedom surely comes with a sacrifice and we will honor and salute your undying and unwavering transparency forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2019

Better to defuse than act bewildered and confused. Evil, terror and violence don't care about our very feelings, it's the people you serve whose lives hang in the balance. Dade County sincerely appreciated your best endeavors, Officer Cook, a man young and bold with a generous concentration of courage, calm and honesty that strove for excellence in all your work habits. Thankfully, integrity, character and commitment to dignity stayed sewn to your chest and badge. Humanity was humbly, humanely and heroically preserved by your prescripts of perseverance. Always the finest and most outstanding in your searches for truth, peace and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2019

Heroes and heroines who give their lives and souls are vetted for more important voyages where God's shining vigilance is to crystal clear and precise. It's heaven that awaits its honored and esteemed women and men who show us the ordinary citizen what true humility, integrity and dignity are all about. You demonstrated grit and gallantry on behalf of Dade County giving us the tranquility and noticeable unity we dearly want. Society has taken note of your career and solemn lifetime of service, Officer Cook, never forgetting your friendship and character that made you a humble and most admired gentleman who deserves recognition for all your feats. Ferocity, fearlessness and tenacity never any more excellent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2019

Your father's passing and your violent and untimely death doing your due diligence to protect and to serve all Dade County, Officer Cook, shall not be forgotten. Honored and revered for having wisdom, maturity and the soul of vision that saw you through your patrols, only dignity, character and integrity that will forever be treasured. Security, serenity and the peace of mind humility leads humanity to, it can be attributed to your heroism which is going to be respectfully and faithfully saluted at all times. I pray your mother,Mrs. Julia Cook, is doing well these days and wish her and your family happy and healthy holidays. You were her beloved and darling son, brave and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2019

Brave souls glide along in God's heavenly kingdom. They never hide for your beauty and hope gave us encouragement, Officer Cook,to fight beyond those black and darkened walls where wickedness lurks .Dade County was a firestorm of evil that afternoon when you and your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went to investigate, but, more importantly rescued the folks and your colleagues from this man's rage and evil actions. Integrity gives dignity that humane and heroic uplifting that signals society that serenity and security are advancing our way. Never more faithful and resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

The flesh and soul are one entity when battling the sheer forces of evil. Your heart and mind, Officer Cook, worked simultaneously to conquer the outrage of one man alone who unleashed terror that awful day of May 16, 1979, his violence took a wonderful servant and proud man from his loved ones and the entire police fraternity. You'll always be looked to, Officer Cook, for advice and how humility instills in humanity that harmony and unity to carry on with your humble and most heroic legacy.. Dade County took a blow and to show how they have reacted all these decades later, they pursue happiness and their lives while other valiant souls patrol the district and its sometimes hazardous havens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your watch ended sadly, it did not destroy your family's resolve to further enhance that which you began forty-three years ago.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

If Ponce De Leon founded that fountain of youth. then you embodied the spirit, Officer Cook, of what it takes to make an excellent gentleman and a duly humble and brave public servant. Dade County and its citizens were mighty glad to have you aboard to serve and to protect them. The best of heroism, honorable and humane actions to save the citizens and your comrades from one Mr. Pearsall, the man whose took your character, commitment and dignity right out from under you, your family, colleagues and close acquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator's paradise is the perfect place for your eternal watch over us where never anymore harm will come your way. You were our savior and your family's darling and cherished loved one of humility,respect and kindness. Boldness always by your side.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

Grudges gauge out the eyes of effort and disrupt the flow of integrity, honor and dignity as one pursues peace instead of wickedness. You followed your heart, Officer Cook and came to work for Metro-Dade police because this is where your niche was. Serving with a smile and desired character. All the humility and civility pumped back into the corridors and venues where decency and class should be. We salute your life and honor a man whose heroic legend meant everything to your loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

God dons the crown of splendor and glory. You wore your honor, courage and dignity on your chest everyday of your humanely humble life, Officer Cook. A career carved out in Dade County while executing protection of their citizens to the letter of the law. No pipedreams, just your wisdom,clear vision and morals that brought a sense of reason and resolve to the phrases of serenity and safe journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and commitment always to be treasured. One young man taken by evil way too soon. A lesson to be learned by all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2019

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