Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Cheerleaders root and rah rah! Public servants perform their jobs without fanfare and expecting any accolades. You were God's humble gentleman, Officer Cook, auster and full of vigor whose acumen cut right to the chase in your unselfish and unwavering endeavor to rid Dade County and its folks of pure evil. The character and commitment of your decency and devotion, Officer Cook, was never any better and for sacrificing your soul may you be rewarded and blessed forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2019

The softest of tongues communicates clearly and most eloquently. You were a hero of honor and humility, Officer Cook, the virtues of dignity and integrity serenely pursuing peace on behalf of all Dade County. Always cherished and resolute in your professional affairs, a sure legacy to be fondly and warmly received in God's eternal home of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2019

Never ridicule or humiliation, just a nice kind word of advice and compassion for all mankind, Officer Cook. Always a smile to brighten a dark day. Never more honor, integrity and dignity packed into your frame work of achievement. It's Dade County and its citizens who salute your unwavering resolve, humility and heroic leadership to stem this tide of terror. Tenacity and ferocity going against the unlawful likes of viciousness and its venom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Consideration, class and important character, the strongholds of your success, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2019

You did not deserve that rotten fate and awful destiny, Officer Cook, being taken suddenly by one man's outrageous evil. The epitome of his sheer infatuation with killing police officers. Officers DiGenova and Edgerton too did not need to nearly die by his hands of wanton wickedness. Dade County is where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, just miles north of where you gave your decency, dignity and integrity. It has been said that your maturity and honesty fought the most resourceful of fights and our harmony, tranquility and purposes in life can go forward because society had a great young man of heart and valor gallantly vigilant at all times with nothing but outstanding commitment and flawless character. 630 NE 170th Street surely is a home to fondly honor and remember. I sure will as I sobbed like a baby showing Gina Wilkerson, your niece your photo on my phone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2019

Life has its swings, the ups and downs, the highs and lows. Police work is about honesty and stability. Something your brave soul, Officer Cook, exposed to. You protected Dade County with everlasting peace and serenity that has been remembered and duly honored and saluted for humility, the constant integrity and heroic character that allows any opportunity to battle against an enemy so large as violence and its trailing evil. Always loyal and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now is forever my neighbors, friends and hero. Your parents and you, Officer Cook, your beloved souls are wrapped humbly in Our Creator's palm for eternal safekeeping. Your mom worked at Sabal Palm Elementary in North Miami Beach, Florida where we both went until eighty-two years of age. Wow! You loved your folks very dearly and the years you were absent. Just amazing her long and richly treasured life of devotion, diligence and humbleness.God bless your soul, Mrs. Cook and that of your husband too, Charles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2019

Skillful and secure, your professional wisdom, maturity and dignity, Officer Cook, navigated your honesty and integrity through danger times in Dade County. On behalf of society, mankind and humanity your character is to be fondly honored, etched and saluted for its instinctual intuition and ingenuity all from clear, loyal and trustworthy commitment to pride and excellence in handling an assortment of whatever public servants must do in their daily affairs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2019

Meant to say I'm sorry Nancy to have seen the obituary of your loving mother, Mrs. Julia Cook's passing on the internet may she, your dad, Charles and your brother, "Billy," Officer Cook rest in peace. My neighbors, friends and your heroically humble brother. Hope you are enjoying your Easter holiday. Your life and virtues, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County will be revered and reverently saluted for ever. You brought peace and accountability, durability and humility to an all important role of integrity and character. Humanity needs all the sturdiness it can assemble and your career brought the focus of ferocity into a clearer view. Once again, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. By the way Karen, I hope your Easter is enjoyable and now I found out your beloved mother-in-law, Mrs.Julia Cook, passed on March 7th of this year out in Long Beach, California. She is buried in Kentucky next to your father-in-law, Mr. Charles Cook. All the best to all your families. Nothing but good health peace and happiness!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Just looked up something regarding your wonderful mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Unfortunately, she passed away at age one hundred and three on March 7th of this year. Now and forever you are together with your loving and devout parents. Honor, dignity and proper respect are all walking gently, humbly and most heroically in God's gate sof grace and compassion. I'm sorry to have of your mother's passing Nancy, Gina and the entire Cook,Wilkerson and Tidwell families. Heaven is being well rewarded and blessed by these angelic souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and you too Mrs. Cook. A wonderfully faithful woman , beautiful and adored.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

You walked up to the plate and with your humble mettle, morals and humility, Officer Cook, you captured the imagination of society, a most respected and honored hero. One man whose loyalty, dignity and superior integrity began to launch evil away from the Dade County community where our cherished peace of mind and freedoms have begun to mature and take shape. Stellar character, powerful perseverance and humanely respectful maturity, wisdom and vision that championed your trails of tenacity which you blazed for others to follow in. Honored and fondly emblazoned in our hearts where esteem and efficiency went hand in hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Warriors and heroes, they all belong here in our world. Sometimes it's a diabolical place to fathom why does violence and hatred have to disrupt the normal everyday progressions of humanity? When humility and honore revere dignity and integrity then you get the message. Dade County got its wake up call quite loudly and clearly each day and in particular on that fatefully tragic day of May 16, 1979, when you , Officer Cook, gave your life and left gumption and gallantry on those streets where an evil and wicked man decided he could not respect the will of authority. Don't know how how your colleagues are doing today, but as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is about courage., class, desire and the framework of character, conviction and total commitment, solid and steadfast, true, trusted and faithfully loyal to the purposes that lied ahead. Senseless and seething what happened to your young life , Officer Cook. You kept your words of boldness now it is incumbent upon those future men and women.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Hats off to the men and women of law enforcement for having the know how and valiant acumen to undertake such a dangerous profession. No doubt integrity, character, honesty and dignity were where your attitude, fortitude and Dade County's gratitude lies today, Officer Cook. It has given peace and goodwill, the hope of humanity that your brave and wise soul won't be forgotten. Never overlooked because when undying, unselfish and unwavering sacrifice are commandeered for the good of the people one must stand and pay homage to living and breathing commitment and genuine enhancement. Your family and society will never forget your heroic soul and its humble spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wishing you, Mrs.Cook, a healthy and joyous Easter holiday. Your son, "Billy" will always be honored by me and my family. Still a shame we never got to meet two weeks separated us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Some people need a swift kick in the fanny to motivate them. You thankfully did not need such actions, Officer Cook. Swift and firm, fast and trustworthy, surely the salt of the earth. And by Our Lord's good graces you were honorable and full of compassion as well as dignified and complete with pride and integrity. A sense of direction with a compass always set on finding peace and security for all mankind. Gallant and heroic, resolute and resilient. You'll always be your family's angel in heaven and on this Easter day, Officer Cook, may your soul and sweet smile by rewarded and immeasurably blessed for eternity awaited your arrival although it was too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destiny and fate at not just dealt out, after all it's in Our Creator's eyes and ears to see and hear perfectly and for His heroes to maintain that proverbial watch of those sacred and pearly gates where esteem and bravery do travel side by side.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Violence is that ticking time bomb that when detonated can destroy an entire society. Its intoxicating affects leave wanton and evil ruin scattered about the roads. You persevered in your fights, wars and battles, Officer Cook, over such an enemy here in Dade County and are to be honored and saluted for bravery and courage that heroism instills in all of God's loving and dignified servants. The efforts of integrity and the humility of your gracious and resourceful character won't be forgotten. Just cherished, remembered and revered forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2019

Pleasant is having a good demeanor. You were an upbeat individual, Officer Cook. A heroic legend in Dade County who had honor, dignity and respect for integrity. No wonder our prosperity and peace, our very hopes and goodwill can be linked to your gumption and drive. The will to succeed and to survive through perilous times. Wickedness certainly leaves those vapors and fumes of violence. Your disposition was just right for society as was your unassuming nature and unselfish humility. Etched and affixed in your family's hearts and in those of your brave brothers and sisters who toiled that line with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A bright smile that is always captivating your fellow heroic angels who too have made that ultimate sacrifice to benefit mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2019

The sounds of sweetness and serenity are awesome. They are more than mighty fine. Your life, Officer Cook, was the total essence of energy and endeavor that enabled Dade County's residents to live more serenely. It was and will forever be a shame and tragedy that violence and just one man's evil rage cost you your honor, dignity and integrity which has always been saluted and honored for humanity never forgets heroes and those who serve their missions loudly and quite unselfishly. Humility and humbleness preserved for eternity in those perfect of havens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All class, decency and desire navigated your passions. A very truthful and compassionate warrior!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2019

Squared away in serenity, dignity and the courtesies of kindness, your wonderful life and excellent service proud and sufficient won't be cast aside. Never can we repay a debt of gratitude and thanks, Officer cook, for how you instrumentally handled honor, integrity and maturity. All the right stuff to try and cultivate peace and togetherness for a region crying out. Your sacrifice left your family esteemed and cherished crying out why? They continue your heroic legacy with your zest and zeal just as if you were here today. And believe me you should be here in humbly soak up the fruits of your labors. From a young man you followed your desires and dreams, goals and aspirations right straight to the police academy. badge#1664 was worn with distinction and reverence to be so richly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2019

Built to stay ready and firm in evil's faces of danger, your crusades in and around the Dade County area will never be forgotten, Officer Cook. So brave and honest, it is no wonder comrades relied upon your integrity and virtue to see them through. Your experience saw your trails of tenacity way beyond the normal everyday routines of police work. Outstanding and reliable. Humanity won't overlook your heroism, humility and resolve. All the finest of components of commitment and conviction. God's eternal house is filled by an honor roll of faith and devotion, dedication and grit like never before. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2019

Gentleness and kindness all now and forever ride on those heroic angel's wings in heaven. Yours, Officer Cook, are fitted perfectly. For having provided stellar service and preservation to all Dade County, may your honor and humility, respect and reverence, dignity and integrity be doubly blessed. A loving family and esteemed and brave colleagues who witnessed true and trusted character throughout your life that has enhanced and transplanted peace and hope in a community that so poignantly saluted your mettle and personal vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2019

Freedom allows a healthy dose of goodwill, hope and reality. Police voluntarily accept the risks of their job and cling to God's wings protecting them for evil. Your faith and charming personality, Officer Cook, assured Dade County would be guarded with all your might. For a gentleman of valor and honesty we take consolation that your soul will be preserved among the holy and pure souls of distinction who rest soundly in God's divine thrones of tenacity. You had integrity, character and the vision that dignity installs in every human being and for your heroism ,Officer Cook, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never extinct only a man of deliberation who understood his pathways and trails behind an outstanding career where patience is a virtue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. Also today is Passover Eve. A time of the year to share memories and to celebrate good times. Just wish you were here to share in those great moments, Officer Cook. Dade County has its many heroes and heroines legacies stored for safekeeping and God has your humble and honored soul soaring higher in His perfect venues of dignity and integrity. For when a man of stellar character and duly determined commitment gave their life we must pause and reflect back upon the reasons why humanity placed you here. The greenery in heaven is lush and so are the angels of valor with their mettle and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

If repentance, prayer and charity help to avert an evil decree we probably would not lose any public servants to brutal and obviously wanton violence. Mr. Pearsall had no scruples and his morals veered of course long ago. God did not want you to die, Officer Cook and neither did your loving family and beloved comrades. Dade County was a prism for terrible times during your watch and you made sure that liberty and unity looked each other in the eye. Always humble and loyal character the work of humility gracing your humane and legendary life of excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your vitality and virtues have been carried to Our Master's highest of thrones. Nothing will ever disturb your sweet soul again, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

No hemming and hawing. Just get down and do your work the way you know how to. Everything you learned about excellent police work, Officer Cook, translated to the very hazardous roads and corners of Dade County. Your important virtue kept peace and freedom where it rightly belongs. It's hard to say goodbye to a pious man of honesty, integrity and respect, all that was afforded your spirit of giving and boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of humility. A gracious man laying his life down so we can succeed in those loftiest of expectations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

The anniversary of your tragic death, Officer Cook, is fast approaching. A fate worse than anything else seems to take the best and most honest of men and women. Their heroism and dignity ignites their passions and nothing but integrity lights up the skies above where they repose forever in a spirit of resolve and effort. You gave Dade County your full and undivided attention to detail and specifics. Senseless violence only threatens over hopes, vitality and dreams making fruition and enrichment tougher to occur. Your family and peers of humility salutes and bestow their reverence upon your undying and unselfish soul for its achieved more than most people do during a lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

No matter if boxed in by evil and hope seems to be dwindling never give up. A hero of humility and honor never ever capitulates. You kept your poise, Officer Cook and forever made and left a profound affect upon all Dade County. Its folks pleased by having you among them to calm and to maintain security and tranquility for everyone. Proud character and a morsel of mettle will surely speed up those happenings. Never overlooked and heroically so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

A grown man doing a professional job of total responsibility. You reyes and ears, Officer Cook, watched over your family and community that keeps honoring your memory. A salute to justice and the resolute esteem you possessed for having undertaken a noble cause. All the wisdom,maturity and dignity combining forces with integrity all in the name of heaven. heroic and humane, mankind never forgets its most valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2019

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