Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Diamonds of dignity are a community's best acquaintance. Dade County was your area of expertise, Officer Cook and you certainly poured your labors of love and heroic esteem into your integral and dignified efforts. Character takes practice and a rather good upbringing, your parents, Officer Cook, raised you and your big sister, Nancy, with decorum and morals. Principles and resolve keep faith and vision soaring around our world. Our joy and serenity all have been tailored by your tenacious ways, Officer Cook. the citizens demand accountability, you delivered versatility, durability and the responsibility that fighting danger entails. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Stamina helps to slow things but just for a while. And when serious issues are invading any community fast action is expected. You surely gave prompt service that sad day, Officer Cook. But than again that is what makes a modest hero, so revered, respected and bravely admired. You fought a good battle over evil and for having dignity and integrity, you will be richly blessed for saving Dade County for the worst of strife. Sadness and joy are unequal and yet your career and life my neighbor, friend and hero had those enriching properties that have made your heroic legacy glowing proudly in Our Master's most taciturn of firmaments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

The candles burn brighter when the souls of our esteemed heroes shine on. On in heaven where heroes and heroines one day meet up with their loved ones. I am still puzzled why God took you, Officer Cook, at your age with many more years of endeavor awaiting society. For having defended Dade County and its folks with your honor, grace and peaceful dignity, may your integrity and character stand up at those gates where glory and splendor await. Humility silently walks around just as your humbleness, Officer Cook, earned its rightful place up above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

To face reality, you first must have the stamina and heart. Danger and peril paint a picture not so pretty. Dade County's canvas needed more than a little touch up. You were the sterling silver knight, Officer Cook, dressed properly who was prepared to go out and humbly perform a truly invaluable public service. Serving, saving and preserving does require a certain amount of tact and character. For having resolve and wisdom, may God reward and bless your mortal soul of peace and unity, Officer Cook. heaven's gifts are those located in those pearly gates of valor patrolling from above while observing their colleagues take heed of danger. You were a hero and always will be a hero whose compassion was far reaching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Always take a positive and enhance its application for trying to accentuate a negative maybe tougher than you could imagine. Police work is not an easy vocation as it is taxing and physically demanding upon every soul who signs on the proverbial dotted line. Dade County was your territory, Officer Cook, tough and mean at times and it extracted every ounce of your energy and heart to combat wickedness. It is found in courage and tenacity where one's daily bread can be located. A great human being and an even more genteel a man. With character and commitment , honesty, integrity and dignity travel way down their trails of meaning. Humanity pays homage to your humility, Officer Cook, all meant to better mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Your excellent work and astute professional habits, Officer Cook, will be remembered forever. You can't forget the honorable soul of a dignified young man who sacrificed his life of boldness, bravery and integrity to silence the serious evil that caused unrest on Dade County's streets. Always a duly faithful and caring individual, your exploits and resolve will be so honored as will your humility and gentle soul. Today, is thirty-nine years since my dad, Owen passed away, Officer Cook, of course I've never forgotten him nor yourself either, for heroism and ferocity do go hand in hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Sorry Officer Cook. I meant May 16, 1979. We must not allow the senseless deaths of heroes and heroines killed by violence to tarnish and to dismantle the hopes, dreams and peaceful goodwill of our society. Humanity will never stand for that. Honor , dignity, integrity all shared by those donning a uniform of pride and excellence going out in their communities to promote and to protect the lives of those wanting tranquility. You were, Officer Cook, a heroic legend in Dade County who must not be forgotten for educating and enriching the lives of those souls whose happiness and joy was dependent upon your valor. it is therefore incumbent upon those who continue your fruition to pay homage to humility and civility all noble and valid. You gave your life for peace and to undue one man's callous crusade against public servants. Our Master has a wonderful and charming soul to guard His pearly gates. Take care and give your parents a big hug from me. Sorry I never had that humble fortune to meet them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

A good man is blessed and honored for his decency and loyalty to his comrades. You were their brother officer and an esteemed hero, Officer Cook, by making Dade County and its citizens wiser and safer with your journeys through adversity. Terror launches its attacks when we least expect and good men and women, brave and honest, humane and heroic answer those daily dispatches where no telling what might transpire. On May 16, 1079, a call of an officer down where a domestic situation was happening, a call where one never knows what will happen. You and Reserve Officer Lincoln went to that scene and all the character, class and pride was ripped from your family, taken for no good reason. Depressed and distraught, that man was simply evil. Your efforts were heroic and enhancing. Just sad you could not see these foundations you humbly placed down. God knows the entire story of why? At the tender age of twenty-five with a beautiful wife, Karen and a whole family left to mourn your loss. Devastating! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Tourists take pictures of where they visit. But, the scenic landscape of heaven needs no picture as it is perfect in every way, shape and form. And so were you, Officer Cook, pristine and persevering all through your lifetime and police career. Metro-Dade Police Department was very fortunate to have a most honorable representative patrolling those roads and corners searching for a semblance of safety and security for its residents. Badge#1664 performed with class, integrity and dignity. Make no mistake you have been honored, saluted and duly remembered for heroism and humility that assists in eliminating violence. The souls of your parents and yourself, Officer Cook, can fly high daily because of the humbleness by which you all honored your Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

We all have our moments, Officer Cook. God gave you twenty-five years for humility, honesty and dignity to shine through those windows where darkness and evil lurked. You were and forever are your loving family's hero and man of integrity. A warrior who graced the streets of Dade County with your peaceful presence. It surely made those inclined to commit evil to rethink their actions. Nothing but outstanding character and excellence in all your accomplishments. We unfortunately cannot turn back the clock. Though your wonderful soul of serenity and care, Officer Cook, forever resides in God's precious and most perfect of settings where many gallant heroes and heroines sleep soundly knowing they made that distinct impact upon mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Loved in life. Honored in death. Treasured memories. Surely saluted as a hero of Dade County forevermore, Officer Cook. Brave and humane standing tall against the wings of dignity and integrity blowing character skyward toward heaven.. Your soul my neighbor, friend and hero kept perspective alive and hope from running out. That day, Officer Cook, a very hot one indeed you answered a call with your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and performed the only way you knew. Decency, desire and trust reigning down from your spirit of esteem and loyalty, thus creating a heroic legacy to be fondly remembered. Never more unwavering, undying and unselfish compassion in handling any issues that all public servants must deal with at some point during their careers. Rest in peace. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your darling, brave and handsome son sacrificed for his community where his name remains blessed and richly rewarded for his acumen and awareness. The better of maturity, wisdom and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

Your courtesies, courage, concern and consideration crested above the normal range. Your emphasis, Officer Cook, was in providing the finest quality of service to all Dade County. You'll surely never be forgotten, not when a young man of honor and humility places his entire framework of integrity and dignity in harm's way for our safety, serenity and security to continue blanketing our very pathways of persistence. The character that makes society mindful and proud of your heroic feats of ferocity and bravery. You never abandoned us, Officer Cook, staying in our minds and hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

What a man! A genuine hero of courtesy, honesty and safety all here in our backyard of Dade County policing our very venues with valor and vigilance along with unselfish integrity and dignity. Officer Cook, you were a great man and no doubt a legend of heroism right here where you lived. That song my old Kentucky home, well your loving parents are now together forever in Cynthiana, Kentucky at Battle Grove Cemetery. I saw your dad's picture, you do look a lot like him in his Naval uniform along with your darling mother. It was taken about seventy years ago. A great couple, devout, humble and full of happiness.I'm sad you are not here to continue your journeys in life with Karen and to dote on your great-nephew, Legend and great-nieces, Alexis, Skyler and Legacy. Clearly you left behind a wonder portion of hope and goodwill to inspire others to do the will of Our Master. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

To converse and to convey, public servants perform this on a daily basis and it never grows old. You should have been allowed to retire and to age gracefully, Officer Cook. Must of been the good Lord needed your vim, vigor and honor in His heavenly palaces and castles of courage, character and commitment to watch over those who too possessed dignity and integrity as yo uso masterfully did preserving life and property here in Dade County. A man on a mission to stabilize harmony, liberty and freedom for all folks and by your truth and trustworthiness may you be blessed, saluted and so humanely honored for being a hero! Dedicated and determined to lead, motivate and to devote your life and soul to constructively building sounder foundations for a better tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

The month of may is fast approaching and with it comes the anniversary of your sacrifice on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook. A noble man wit ha humbly honest and heroic heart of gold. You gave back dignity and integrity, passion and truth of character and trust in your commitments to excellence and pride. Never a better public servant full of resourcefulness, resiliency and resolve restoring our faith in your due diligence. Now and for always does Our Lord have you and your loyal soul tucked away among the heavenly and pure souls of other gallant heroes and heroines. You walk that proverbial beat gently guiding your family members and fellow officers on their lives of joy and prosperity. The world sorely misses you, Officer Cook and prays for that ultimate resurrection one day soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

A little more oil will make that engine purr like a kitten. Well with your gentle tone of voice and plenty of acumen and reason, Officer Cook, did you honorably protect the welfare and institutions of all Dade County. A hero of humble valor and esteem patrolling for peace while searching for violence which must be weeded out at once. It cannot meander nor wander around causing havoc and mayhem. A man of faith, character and morals accomplishing his aspirations, dreams and goals in twenty-five years, too short a span. Our Creator has your humane and shining heroism shielded from harm where your bright soul may soar to the highest of heights for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

Your loving parents and yourself, Officer Cook, are forever cradled in God's tender and gentle arms of compassion. They were the antithesis of what a proud and humbly honorable family is all about. Dade County was well served by your unwavering and unselfish dignity and integrity all incorporated into humility which has kept humanity safe and secure, though a little less since your heroic sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and endeavor get the tasks prudently carried out.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2019

Fate surprises us at times we least expect. Your life and career, Officer Cook, marked a critical time period for Dade County residents. Always truth and trust. Always honesty and never politics. Never better integrity and the characteristics of dignity which reinforced your serenity and hunts of humility. Humanity salutes your unwavering and unending personality marked by your smile all missed greatly. Your heroism and legend is surely continued by your beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You saw fruition through, a tragic pity evil robbed your family, friends and comrades of you, Officer Cook, God's angelic hero whose soul climbs higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2019

One must have a faculty to begin to comprehend why bad things occur to honest and personable individuals who risk their lives for our sense of pleasures and harmony. You did exactly as you were trained to, Officer Cook, to make Dade County a more resourceful and friendlier environment. All of your prowess to detail, all the integrity, intensity and decency were applied to that day's myriad of events. Humanity stands and honors your commitment to humility and civil deeds constructed to bring about a more desirable future, one made brighter if your smile was present to help uplift our spirits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made your family very proud of your heroic accomplishments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2019

A crusader goes out and makes that significant difference where others may not ever venture. You wanted to be a police officer, Officer Cook and nothing was going to short circuit your humble labors of love. Dade County found out that you were a superb man of faith and unselfish devotion never to be forgotten for having acumen, integrity and the dignity to begin your battles against violence and its corrupt evil. Callous, brazen, wanton and heinous can only start to describe Mr. Pearsall's arrogance he had against honest and trustworthy men and women who hang in there during times of torment and chaos. Saluted by mankind and humbly honored and paid homage to for having the gumption to tackle any task given you. Assignments become more difficult and complex as one progresses up those foundations of enhancement. It's always here. Your soul is now at peace, Officer Cook, never to be be hurt or harmed by whatever still plagues society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2019

Unconscionable what happened that fateful day, Officer Cook, to a public servant of the entire world and in the community of Dade County where you grew up and became a superior man of resolve. To have honor, diligence and the loyalty of one who aids his fellow comrades surely says what society and your family knew about their loved one. A heroic and dignified gentleman of the highest caliber of integrity there is. For this we can rest assure your sweet soul will forever be wrapped around God's merciful palms. Perseverance takes effort and effort takes learning and practice in order to bestow humility and resiliency within one's humble soul of safety and happiness. You continue to be very much missed and now your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, has joined you and your father, Charles in heaven. Wonderful parents and you, Officer Cook, had gallantry sewn into your uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2019

You were the quintessential peacemaker who made a distinct difference for all living in Dade County during your watch, Officer Cook. Humble esteem, dignity and the integrity of being honest and focused on your efforts to deliver serenity and the sounds of tranquility. All performed very ably and in an unwavering manner. Humanity stands and salutes your heroic humility, Officer Cook, all character, conviction and commitment to both excellence and pride made your trails of justice, truth and trust better for mankind to succeed and to thrive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2019

Clever and yet very reserved, you were a humble and honest man, Officer Cook ,with the capability to serve all Dade County. Your legacy of heroism, Officer Cook,remains firmly and most honorably etched in your family's hearts. The people received outstanding service and character from a man who believed in the values and principles of both integrity and dignity. Like an artist, the canvas was prepared by Our Master Himself many years before you joined your department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Charisma and charm that society absolutely misses. You were beloved, adored and widely respected for your composure and calmness under duress.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2019

The eyes view what the ears hear. What evil creates good men and women must tear down and rebuild again. Dade County was enhanced by your heroic and humbly honorable presence, Officer Cook. It's no misnomer, you were a blessed man and an even more gifted a public servant. Talent and tenacity can accelerate integrity,, character and dignity far down their trails of resolve. If God granted you more years, Officer Cook, well, it would only be just starting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2019

Frustrated and puzzled can never solve anything. Surely, you cannot begin to battle violence and terror if you are not composed. Officer Cook, you were a fine young man, determined and dedicated in your unending wars over wickedness. Dade County and its fine people certainly respected and admired your faithfulness and loyalty toward your fellow officers. Heroically and humbly speaking May 16, 1979, represented that solemn day, very tragic when you left your heart and soul on the streets for safe travels and happiness for humanity. Our world is sorely missing you, Officer Cook, God's servant of humility and nobleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2019

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