Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

There's plenty of discrimination in our world. Violence inflicts so much harm, its afflictions are too many to name. When a good man dies sudden in the line of duty he or she is hailed as a hero. No questions asked. You had a life to live, Officer Cook, a career cut out from acumen and its dignity, sterling honesty and outstanding integrity. Certainly, Dade County and its residents received excellence in compassion, faithful commitment, persevering convictions from a spirited and dedicated gentleman of humility and hope. Enhancement that will live on as does your treasured and admired soul of goodwill, Officer Cook. Tall and stout is how your legacy is planted. It's enriched by God's raindrops that sprout forth from the heavens above and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Desire dresses up devotion, motivation and prideful leadership. Of which you possessed a bountiful amount of each trait.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2019

Piercing eyes and a smile to make happiness just jump out at you, your career and life as a Dade County police officer, Officer Cook, will be fondly remembered for visions and wisdom that your unwavering and unselfish maturity brought to the citizens in the forms of serenity and safety. it most assuredly uplifted the spirits of all who relied upon your due diligence and dignity that honor and integrity place that servant's heart. A heart that engaged humanity with everlasting vigilance to fight off the affects of evil. Always cherished, respected and revered, you'll always be a part of this humble landscape where you gave your life to save mankind from atrocious actions of a callous man. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2019

I don't why, Officer Cook, it seems like everytime a big jet flies overhead you and Karen should be on that plane flying to some vacation to get away from it all. Prematurely, you were taken to a perfect place where in eternity your brave and honorably heroic soul may rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was you and your esteemed and dignified brothers and sisters who served and protected Dade County with extreme care,concern and the class of morals and fine character. All these decades later you remain etched in your family's hearts and prayers along with your loving and faithful parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. All their sacrifices lead to you to want become the very public servant of resourcefulness and humility. It's the tapestry of your gallantry. Brave and treasured forevermore. I went out walking this morning early and get those thoughts with your EOW anniversary fast approaching. You were one valiant young man and a genuinely humble legend here and all across the world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2019

Intensity,integrity and ingenuity may never be influx. They always need to be bound as one by that officer's honesty and dignity, the heroism that shall carry their journeys, hopes and aspirations. What an inspiration you were to all Dade County, Officer Cook. What intuitive character, excellence in commitment and convictions to restore peace and liberty to all mankind. Your life ended much too soon and God has your cherished soul of serenity bound in the eternal bond of life along with your beloved parents the inspirational couples, faithful and adoring wrapped gently in His palms and arms of compassion. Humanity struggles at times to figure the puzzles of life out, humility helps to stir those mysteries of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

Dedicated to battle and to fight against the values of a society where honor and peace go hand in hand. Dade County for those who understand could be a tough place to get along with your neighbor. Obviously, for police it only hardens their resolve and resiliency to get it right the first time around. You had seen everything in your twenty-five years six of which were spent controlling while patrolling. Your devotion and dignity focused that afternoon on calming a young man, Officer Cook, twisted and just the epitome of outlandish evil against you and your courageous cohorts of honor and pride. Never more transparency, trust and truth while judiciously trying your utmost to stop an outrage that only deepens rifts in humanity. Humility and love help to channel fairness and firmness where righteousness fits. You are missed very much, Officer Cook, you did spend too short a time on this earth and yet you achieved more than a blessed name, a heroic spirit and the gratitude of many whom you delivered serene and hopeful moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

Kind. Ferocious. Considerate. The creation of a legend, humanle, honest and heroic who instilled a renewed sense of vision and wisdom into those whom you served and duly protected, Officer Cook. A man with a plan. A gentleman whose humility broadened his future horizons while out on patrol in Dade County. Perseverance and prosperity were always on your radar scope as was your unwavering integrity, fairness and trusted dignity. It made violence, terror and evil rethink its tracks of turmoil and torment. Persistence padded our hopes and your resolve, Officer Cook , to liberate and to perpetuate tranquility and togetherness for all mankind. to be so solemnly saluted and poignantly honored for we do know this: the wicked will never succeed and the vigilant and determined won't surely fail. Never forgotten and remembered so fondly for loyalty, friendship and for being present to backup your esteemed brothers during times of adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

The taste of a really great meal with a true comrade in arms must have been very nice, Officer Jeffrey Jackson and so being there to dine with your brother officer, Officer William Coleman Cook, a man of passion, whose accomplishments were right there with stellar integrity and character. It's exactly what the people of Dade County asked for and deservedly received in loyal, prudent and professional service with a smile. All that dignity and sense of purpose now directed skyward because of an evil man causing a ruckus and violently shattering your life and family's, Officer Cook, forever. Their happiness and joy have continued as they humbly carry the torch of your most humane and heroic legacy. Faith and spirit cannot revive you, but it sure cannot tarnish the excellence you brought to society and to those residing in and around Dade County. Conviction, character and morals championed your goodwill and fruitful journeys of life and during your career of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives and He takes. I have read those sentimental reflections and couldn't help but crying. The scent of fried chicken is really great, even greater when you are breaking bread with a supremely noble human being and a gallant gentleman with a gentle touch of humanity doting his passions and compassion for his fellowman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

A life of humility and honesty taken away by wanton and wickedness from one man. A human being whose testament of tenacity and dignity has stood proudly honored and saluted all these decades later. You accentuated integrity and character, Officer Cook, in all your trails of justice, truth and serenity for Dade County. Nothing but a positive pilgrimage of perseverance and goodwill humbly and heroically etched in your family, colleagues and friends hearts forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with your parents. Devout, wise and visionaries who brought the assurances of acumen and humbleness to the forefront.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

The book of life and the book of knowledge. For all brave, honorable and heroic servants they represent the standards by which they serve and protect their individual communities. You navigated around Dade County, Officer Cook and spread good cheer, peace and the harmony that unity embodies. A hero and a man of good standing whose integrity and dignity allowed you the solemn opportunity defend our missions in life against enemies who look to destroy the common sense of why we live and our purposes in life. celebrated and saluted for humility and civility which sanctity can surely utilize when defending the streets roads and various venues. Always very loyal and devout in all your responsibilities as you were very versatile and full of virtues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

Rejuvenate, radiate and resolve. Those words require a humble touch of humility and honor, dignity and integrity that one must possess to begin to battle evil. Violence keeps everyone including police officers on their toes of tenacity and good character. Your career spent patrolling Dade County, Officer Cook, was meant to inspire and to educate the citizens. Your smile was just one part of the total equation in controlling wickedness and spreading some semblance of serenity, security and safety. Now for your heroic actions and humility, God has your treasured soul of esteem and valor wrapped around his glorious hands of perfection where nothing will harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your journeys of enhancement and enrichment are eternally going around those bluest of skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

To nip things in the bud means to get a handle on a particular circumstance before it grows like a wildfire. You did all your could that terrible day, Officer Cook, when you received your angel's wings of heroism , honor and humility. All the savvy and dignity that supports the outstanding character that rescued Dade County from the treachery of one man's violent attacks against humanity and law enforcement. You now occupy that heavenly seat, where perfection is accentuated by your fellow brothers and sisters, Officer Cook, who demonstrated solid commitment and excellent wisdom, maturity and the vision to clear up confusion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

Authority is to be revered and yet humbly respected. It should not go to an officer's head to the point of where they may be arrogant, aggressive or who knows what else. Dade County lately seems to be a venue where some men and women have stepped out of line, out of touch with why they wear a uniform, carry a badge and utilize a weapon to properly defend themselves and the very public of which they take a solemn oath to serve and preserve the holiness of life and property. Thank God and Amen you, Officer Cook, were one of the very best public servants of your time. Those facebook reflections of your comrades spoke of your trust, grit and most importantly your humble and heroic honesty, dignity and integrity which bore the labors of your wars over terror and evil. Dade County, your peers and family all miss you tremendously and know that God has rewarded and blessed your cherished and uniquely special soul of serenity and comfort. Send down some solace so that they may faithfully continue humanely discharging your piece of mind and missions of compassion, mercy and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

Grace and gallantry are some of the traits that Our Creator instills in our very souls and provides us the empowerment to make society, mankind and humanity a much better environment by which we can thrive and succeed beyond our wildest expectations. You accomplished, Officer Cook, more in your all too short life of twenty-five years than most do in a lifetime. The clock keeps ticking and fruition is there to take hold of, to grab a humble piece of dignity and integrity. This is precisely what made you a hero and a legend forever in the eyes of Dade County. You served with honor, the residents have a sense of renewal and balance in their everyday lives because of your bravery, courage and sacrifice. Never again will harm, hazard or violence come your direction as you sleep soundly while guarding their perfectly manicured gates of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

Effort can only eradicate evil if the goodwill of gallantry and honesty are duly present. To fight through adversity is not merely just showing up, it's about the frank and decent way a professional goes about their daily affairs. Your abounding love for your community, Officer Cook, your respect for mankind, all the important education and lessons your devoted parents, may they rest in peace instilled in you and in Nancy, your big sister. Surely , as the sands of time sweep by nothing will ever be overlooked nor forgotten regarding your stellar character, undying commitment to Dade County citizens and your all humble dignity and integrity, loyalty and heroism displayed on your prideful and pristine uniform that enhanced, engaged and enriched our goodwill and prosperity. Saluted and so humanely honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

We try to extol your virtues of honor and heroism in our everyday lives, Officer Cook. A surely humane and yet difficult task considering the gentleman, kind hearted young man and dignified public servant who served Dade County with unwavering and unselfish resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness. A life too short, yet one that will be cherished, saluted and poignantly honored for sacrifice, integrity and bountiful boldness that brought peace to humanity and further raised those bars of bravery and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2019

A lot has changed in the past forty years since you left this world and your family, peers and friends behind. Never a more thoughtful and caring person whose dignity, honesty and integrity brought reverence and reliance to a community, Dade County and to humanity at large for service and protection. I hope Officers Martin,Jackson and Piloto, you all knew your heroic colleague, Bill Cook, brother Bill, here for too short a time, but solemnly saluted and humbly remembered for gallantry and humility par excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day we all might comprehend why an evil man took your life for his wanton, callus and wickedly heinous actions while you were being a loyal and dependable brother in arms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

Crime seems to go up and up and eventually that pendulum must swing the opposite direction. All public servants must adhere to rules and regulations in order to enhance their humble honesty, loyal integrity and desirable dignity. Your fights over violence, Officer Cook, allowed you to see your way through the tough times in Dade County. Cannot help but think what things would be like today with your smiling presence. You were the consummate hero and man of resolve and humane resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

The rich seem to swim in their bobbles of vanity. You swam in your wholesome honor, humility and the eyes of both integrity and dignity which only add a much needed dimension of distinct and clear vision and wisdom. All from living a devout and faithfully passionate life of ethics and principles, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 rests soundly as you do my neighbor, friend and hero with your folks in heaven. Character, charm and charisma all blended rather finely to shape Dade County in tranquility, harmony and reason. Only the loving graces of reverence and humility that made and created your trails of tenacity. Pathways constructed with enhancement to last forever. Rest in peace. The lights of heaven never diminish as Our Master of Mercy reflects the goodness of His heroes and heroines for us to witness. Their souls glow in gallantry and their loyal endeavors which permeated within our hearts and thoughts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

Diversion only screens one temporarily. Doom and chaos are going to be trapped one day and forevermore disposed of. Society and mankind look forward and yearn for that day of reckoning. You dealt with everything, Officer Cook and Dade County's folks never felt better except for when violence that erupted that tragic day took your life and soul. One so treasured, revered and respected, it was true honor, dignity and integrity employing every means to gain freedom. One cowardly and heinous man accentuating his wickedness upon our finest officers and those civilians who wanted simple peace and quiet. Always dignified and solemnly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor,. friend and hero. Heaven and Our Lord have you and your parents to watch over your family, colleagues and this entire world from a perch of perfect perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

Dishonor and deceit make fighting evil and terror more dire than ever. One must dig deeper in intensity, morals and the finer points of integrity and honesty to come up with solutions to solve issues, circumstances and to resolve disputes which jeopardize the peace and unity of a community. You performed your job, Officer Cook, very well, very bravely and very heroically. Never more character and conviction that handled assignments as they were placed your way. It's wisdom and maturity like never before, Officer Cook, that shall be remembered as a part of your legacy. It's transferred to your loving family members who pursue their lives, dreams and aspirations with the very same style of humbleness and alacrity as you faithfully did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

Tonight Dade County honors you, Officer Cook and the many other Dade County heroines and heroes who stamped their honor, integrity and dignity upon the landscapes of their community. An area where your character, commitment to excellence and the pride of humility worked deeply to enrich our citizens with peace and the promise of prosperity. No more worthy profession though very perilous that you willingly undertook. You can be sure your soul and memory will remain cherished and nobly saluted for bravery over and beyond the calls of duty and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2019

The patches on your uniform represent accomplishment and the endeavor. You were a righteous and fully personable man, Officer Cook, dedicated to solving the mysteries of life and crime. Dade County where you served and preserved was a hot spot for heinous and callous actions all done by one man. Crazed and out of control, you had to fire your weapon, Officer Coo, to defend yourself, your partner and your colleagues, pure and simple. The quests of life, peace and safety, humanity caught more than a glimpse of your outstanding work ethics steeped richly in resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A wonderful hero gone too soon and missed by family, friends, peers and myself and family. A gentleman with exactly that a gentle spirit now touching his angel wings to keep you soaring higher and higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2019

Sinister can't be serene as it can only do more damage to the thoughts and efforts of all good hard working servants. You were a very deserving man, Officer Cook, who should have been able to live out your years in good healthy retirement with Karen. Our Maker had other plans for your special soul of valor and honesty. Everything that incorporated integrity, character and humane actions was used to bring about positive change for humanity and that meant your humble and proud sacrifice so that we could move our missions forward. Yours , too Officer Cook, should have marched onward as well. Never overlooked, nor forgotten, only revered and respected for humility and precious wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2019

Vices are just that. Better to apply yourself to morals and the contents of good police work and due diligence. All the might and strength is fine so long as desire and honesty connect up with the dots of dignity and integrity. Be a man or woman of character, conviction and commitment as you so humbly and heroically displayed on behalf of all Dade County, Officer Cook. Furthering our hopes and dreams with your peaceful pursuits and justifiable journeys on goodwill's stead. Never forgotten and saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2019

Variety is the spice of life. Good vigilance, vim, vigor and vitality all help to sustain character, honor and dignity, all the integrity you had, Officer Cook, to defend and protect the very lives of Dade County and its grateful citizens whom you were loyal and faithful to heroically for six years. For a life so rich and humble to be snuffed out at such a young age, one can only salute your soul, Officer Cook and eternal enhancement of a community where you continued to be revered and respected. Humanity was treated to your humility and brave actions all abounding around excellence and stellar morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2019

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