Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God's beauty are His golden, heroic and valiant angels at work humbling serving their communities with blessed heart, soul, character, dignity and respectful integrity. Just the right formula compounded by your loyalty, esteem and virtue, Officer Cook. Such a wonderful young man, a gentleman who honored his parents and mankind and learned all his lessons of structure and proper balance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2022

No sitting on your buns because boldness, bravery, honesty and integrity don't just appear out of the blue. You took opportunity and ingenuity, intuition and integrity to the next level of learning and practice, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 is remembered, saluted and never overlooked for Dade County has what serenity it relishes because of your service and sacrifice to better humanity. A dangerous job undertaken willingly and quite capably by a man on a sacred mission and journey where hope, faith and goodwill must somehow seize the day. That sad and terrible day of May 16, 1979 will always be a trying one for your family but your forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero next to the souls and spirits of your beloved and darling parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2022

Dignity, devotion and desire clearly carried and supported your upstanding professional and personal life and career serving your community, Officer Cook. A Dade County blessed with acumen, awareness and a certain mettle that never capitulated to evil. For our serenity, safety and security are always a police officer's main concern. But, than again your reputation preceded your legendary and heroic name, Officer Cook. Nothing can bring you back as your family, comrades and friends have all saluted your unrelenting integrity, character and stellar commitments to excellence and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You succeeded by having wisdom, virtue and a humane and humbly praised heart and soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2022

Around that horn of heinousness there you went, Officer Cook, heroically forever cherished for being sincere, humble and openly honest and loyal. Dade County was served by a gentleman whose politeness and scruples were polished as was your unyielding and unwavering dignity, integrity and reverent character. Such a truthful and a trusted public servant who will be missed by his endearing family and esteemed colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels fly high and heroes soar forevermore you were a valued resource who was sweet, kind and had a giving heart and a noble soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2022

Diligence was your pledge of honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. A hero's creed is respect, resolve and humble character. Dade County's community was where your pursuits of pride and excellence brought about serenity, safety and security for all its citizens. Protect with passion and preserve the quality of life and property with a heart and soul so noble and pristine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You constructed and fought through adversity with mettle, courage and scruples so valued and shared.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2022

Passion is not a liferaft nor is it a safeguard against violence and evil. But, at least if you demonstrate a willingness to engage in learning, the yearning with time, practice and endeavor, its pictures may become clearer later on. But not too late. Serving and saving lives goes hand in hand with being an honorable and valiant public servant of which you were, Officer Cook and will forever be remembered for. A citizen calling for you got attention and you were destined to answer that domestic call that afternoon in Liberty City in Gladeview to be exact. Integrity, dignity and character was risked in order to curtail a madman bent on terror. Your sacrifice served as a lesson for all men and women who protect to understand their duties and onuses willingly accepted. You'll always be saluted as a hero for aiding mankind through its dangerous of times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones constucted with virtue, wisdom and maturity always present and all accounted for. Dade County is grateful and forevermore will admire you, your life, career and family, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2022

Dedication, determination and domination are words to ponder. The very first two are for clarity, honesty and integrity as dignity must dominate your patrols and daily routines as one communicates and looks to resolve conflict. Dade County with its stability, safety and serenity all connected to you, Officer Cook, their hero, your family's who forever will be paid homage for having the essential possessions of perseverance, precision and proficiency following your trusted and truthful trails and paths of resourcefulness and reverence A man diligent young man ever so vigilant who will be missed every second by his adoring family members who carry the torch of your legacy and the foundations you built for fruition to take hope, shape and serve as notice to those inclined to commit evil. So a well mannered gentleman with a heart and soul of humbleness all blessed, loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2022

A source of inspiration, a ray of light, hope and goodwill. The fountains are literally shining right now in heaven, Officer Cook, for you were the consummate beacon of unwavering compassion, a heart of gold, caring and giving. With a soul of sanctity, nobility and civility you protected the people of Dade County with positive energy and tireless devotion, class and dignity spread far and wide. Heroism is integrity and its letters are spelled out in the words of virtue, character and blessed humility. You surely my neighbor, friend and hero were indeed proud to wear a badge of respectability sharing with it a uniform donned with humane integrity which has and will forever be cherished fondly honored and most solemnly saluted. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2022

Harmony hearkens to our very tranquility and safe trails. You paved that path, Officer Cook, a hero of heart, soul and honorable humbleness now for eternity blessed by Our Creator. For Dade County has come a long way since your ultimate sacrifice to provide us with a sense of stability and viability. Our very liberty coming through the tunnels of your tenacity, esteem and loyalty. Always a dedicated soldier who risked his very humane soul of virtue for our missions and journeys to move onward and upward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of class, desire and character whose commiment remains chronicled along with other angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2022

To protect and to preserve the quality of Dade County lives, Officer Cook, your professional character, honor and dignity that was tied to your unwavering and unyielding integrity shall never be forgotten. After all character, commitment and conviction have allowed us a semblance of an opportunity to live serener and prosperous times. To yearn and to carry your missions of hope, faith and goodwill forward will be and have always been the defining moment. We salute wisdom, virtue and versatility all ever enhancing as they patrolled the streets where it began and where a mean, callous and evil man took your heart, noble soul and blessed spirit away from family, comrades and acquaintances. An angel so humble, humane and cherished forevermore lighting up the night skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True allegiance and trustworthiness that was sincere and polished just as badge#1664. Remembered solemnly and saluted for vision and versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2022

A proud man full of passion,energy, heart and heroic humility. Your life and career, Officer Cook, symbolized everything ideal in integrity, dignity and revered character. They protected Dade County with every quadrant of truth and trust, diligence and dedication to be fondly and warmly saluted for valor and stellar commitment. You surely won't forgotten for unselfish and unwavering conviction given to humanity which misses you very dearly as does your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2022

Today is the start of our Jewish New Year, but more importantly your good name, Officer Cook, will not be forgotten. For your life and career Dade County was where safety, peace and propserity were kept. Always revered, dignified and a man of integrity whose humility, heart and honesty were and are forevermore blessed and heroically cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2022

The greatness of God's glory comforts, supports and blankets our very society. A young heroic and devoted young man who protected Dade County with all his heart, soul and might. with a spirit of humbleness, reverence and dignity may your blessed and consummate name, Officer Cook, be fondly remembered, saluted and etched within your family, comrades and solemn friends who have gained such insight and intuition from all your cherished earthly journeys. Missions of faith, hope and trust never lost in translation as you'll remain an inspiration that was esteem and loyalty. A loss so sad, tragic and just instilled within those men and women who carry your watches forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2022

Reward those who serve faithfully. Punish the heinous and those with no heart and soul. Dade County had a humble man always yearning to become a better public servant though you were the finest example of a most consummate and heroic young man, Officer Cook. Integrity, dignity, respect and character marked your most trusted and truthful trails of serenity where justice was indeed perpetuated and accented. We salute your bravery, virtue and humane wisdom that is now walking its heavenly beat along with heroes and heroines all angels and all humility. Society and families suffer great losses when lives are taken though your sacrifice, Officer Cook, served, saved and protected very honorably. Such an esteemed and loyal brother who is sincerely missed and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2022

Cowards have no heart, soul nor humility. For what they lack you certainly had in fortitude, heart and heroic honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, that fought long and hard for the safety and tranquility of Dade County citizens. A gentleman conceived in courage, consideration and the essential values of esteem, loyalty and admiration which stand as your growing legacy. Our Lord's fruited plains are filled with honor, blessing and angels of heroism who stood to protect and provide those foundations of serenity and sincerity. Always unwavering, unselfish and tireless endeavors poured forth to create cornerstones for our very futures of which you should have been allowed to be a vital part of. You forever are vital, Officer Cook and your spirit surely fly higher each second as you are missed very much by your family, comrades and a close knit circle of friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2022

Winning streaks are good in sports, but in life, hope, faithfulness and goodwill count more and are truly relied upon at every step and turn. You took your onuses seriously, Officer Cook, never letting them sidetrack your determined missions of humility, heart and integrity. Badge#1664 was Dade County amplified and personified as a public servant who needed no prodding. Never a waver or hesitation.Just a loyal and well prepared soldier of devotion who faced every circumstance with an upbeat attitude. You surely are missed by your loving family and esteemed comrades of courage and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and values lend their credences to these battles, wars and skirmishes over violence. They must be stopped at all costs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

You run from one scene to the next place where evil must be extinguished. Dade County was certainly fortunate you were there that fateful day, Officer Cook, to protect and save your colleagues and of course the folks whom you were loyal and open with. So much heart, soul and revered character poured into your labors of love, integrity and heroism from top to bottom. Everything you said and everything you solemnly commiteed to you followed through on your oath of both diligence and vigilance to be richly remembered and never overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angelic character and staunch commitments that were punctuated and accentuated in wisdom, virtue and maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

The crazies may not rule this world nor run it into abyss. The professional business and conduct of every man and woman makes the puzzles fit more soundly and its wickedness that must be swiftly dealt with. You performed your roles, tasks and responsibilities very well, Officer Cook and for this Dade County shall endure forever. The streets may be a little less safe because of your absence, yet, your common sense, drive and integrity were all legendary as was your honesty and dignity, character, commitment and conviction, all heroic, true and trusted. Excellence and pride were worn consummately and with a humble heart and soul directed by God lending His help. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

Grief and sorrow go hand in hand unfortunately. The Cook's and Wilkerson's now theTidwell's all have mourned and remembered your loss. Society more than bristled that such abominable actions, cowardly, cruel and heinous would take you away, Officer Cook, from those whom you loved and adored. They love you their hero,"Uncle Bo." A gentleman never far from them and surely never forgotten by Dade County's residents of whom you comforted, supported and protected their integrity, honor and serenity. The glasses are full to hoist a toast to a very handsome and humbly gallant public servant who is always paid homage for living a life of piety and for being a real trusted and persevering hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble man who shared his embrace with mankind, genuine intuition and truthful ingenuity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

The integrity of a person's life is the very dignity of their humane and humble character. Dade County, Officer Cook, is where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend andhero. It is the very venue where things were set in motion for a noble and honored life patrolling your beloved and esteemed community where your blessed and heroic name will always be saluted for wisdom, virtue and vision. Such maturity so well founded in morals, discipline and the values so important in combating evil and crime. Badge#1664 was respected, loyal and clearly donned by a devout man of faith, heart and soul to be revered as an angel forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

The sadness of life are a person's destinies and fates held humbly, honorably and heroically in Our Creator's hands of perfection and compassion. The world lost a noble warrior that day of May 16,1979 when violence ended your earthly missions and dignified journeys on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Integrity and character that forever shine brightly in heaven where your eternal roles become more important andmost essential than ever. Walking and patrolling the gates of gallantry will be and has been your assignment for over forty-three years. Such class and respect all humility, heart and soul dedicated to maintaining and protecting our serenity and peace. Always beloved, loyal and forever admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2022

Bereavement can both baffle and humble a person's heart. Grief and loss really perpetuate their truest of emotions. Your family, Officer Cook, went through tough times, moments, hours and months of sadness, tragedy that stirred thoughts of what might have been had God not taken such a sweet and most precious soul and spirit back to heaven to guard the pearliest of gates. But than again you were so gallant, loyal and most efficient while tackling jobs to upright Dade County and its spirits. Dignity that stood tall and humble. Integrity and character all well respected and saluted for solemn performance. Our serenity and stability may lack because of your absense, Officer Cook, yet a wonderful man gone too soon will be forevermore treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2022

A tour of perseverance, a tranmission of true allegiance they stayed with you, Officer Cook, your entire life. Heroism is not just a material that pops out of a bottle. It has to be loyally mastered throughout one's life and career growing with each heartbeat and with each breath of dignity and integrity expelled. Dade County and its residents won't forget you, Officer Cook, badge#1664 deserved a better fate as your destinies have been uplifted and elevated into heaven's nests where angels and heroes sleep soundly. There can never be a day of hope and dedication lost among those who now succeed you. Their watches must be open, poignant and completely honest. Effort breeds humility and where your character lies there is a renewed call of hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thoughtful and decisive the way you knew how to humanely perform your chosen profession.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2022

Valor, bravery and courage are the consummate elements of honesty, integrity and dignity. They were well placed, well spent and well learned by a solid professional in you, Officer Cook. A hero whose life and career were unfortunately cut short by a vicious man of evil. His taste buds should have been directed to live a more humble and productive life serving humanity. We all cannot copy you, Officer Cook and no one should. You were the epitome of virtue, wisdom and versatility all claiming their righteous roles and doing their jobs with sacred passion and purpose. Dade County lives smarter and safer by your vision and accentuation of your God directed and given talents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and conviction nestled in the blankets of faith, devotion, hope and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2022

A sound body and a sharp mind are the essential tools of a grueling, difficult and arduous profession. But, with your attitude, fortitude and will power, Officer Cook, all things were put into place to combat evil here in Dade County. It was your unselfish, tireless, unassuming and unwavering heroic actions that uplifted dignity, character and integrity to a higher sphere. One who makes the effort receives a reward humbly from heaven. To construct bridges, foundations and cornerstones takes every ounce of heart, soul and respect which you humanely earned for your time here. It's always going to be tragic and a great loss to overcome, your beloved family shares the emotions as they march forward with the torches of truth, trustworthiness and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2022

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