Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Tomorrow will arrive and yet heaven is eternal for a man of heroic actions and piousness. Your actions everyday, Officer Cook, will be duly honored, noted and fondly remembered. bravery, integrity and class from character reached out and preserved the wisdom and vision of Dade County and its people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2019

A sunny day today in Key West, Florida where I am staying overnight co chaperoning ladies from a seminary in Hallandale Beach, Florida. I would be remiss if I did not leave a reflection for a gentleman of soul and valor whose decency and dignity fought evil much heroically and honorably. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2019

The fair weathered and faint of heart may never comprehend the messages. You understood, Officer Cook, your sacred role and duty to protect Dade County and its citizens very well. Determination leads one far down those roads of resolve and resourcefulness and your integrity and dignity did just that. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility saturating the angels of God's flock of humbleness and solemn honor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2019

Tenacious and honorable, the mantra of a versatile and dignified public servant who served Dade County with his heroically blessed heart. You were a hero, Officer Cook, full of character and integrity forevermore. Enhancing mankind with pure devotion and civility that sanctified all your earthly missions of faith and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2019

Feats of justice and trust are noticed when humility and honesty place themselves in harm's way to save the value of life. Our quality of peace and security depended on your good skills and quick thinking, Officer Cook and it all enhanced the versatility and civility of Dade County. Liberty and harmony take place when one is diligent regarding their humble dignity and integrity. You were a sweet and compassionate young man, a fine human being who acquitted himself by high standards. Virtues to be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2019

Every battle has its warriors of gallantry and humility. Seeing that you were an honored and dignified man, Officer Cook, there was no telling how much more integrity and accomplishment were left unfulfilled. Dade County's folks were spared because of your awesome effort and heroic actions that day and everyday of your young life and outstanding career. Violence had to think twice before acting and you were society's rose in times of trouble and duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2019

Culture brings amazing feats of might and strength to those battles waged for safety and serenity's good name and saving grace. Only the very best of intentions shielded Dade County from more impending harm and by your heroic actions, Officer Cook,mankind was rescued from brutal times all by a wayward man with no morals and fabric of integrity and dignity that you were cherished and have been humbly saluted for, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2019

Breathing and living come from the heart, the very same heart and soul you had, Officer Cook, that heroically and honorably protected the citizens of Dade County. Always a faithful man of character and dignity, a gentleman whose integrity humbly reached out to humanity. Never forgotten for sage and efficient work habits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2019

Quizzes test our knowledge just as physical examinations check our bodies out to see if we are up to the challenge. Honor, integrity and dignity put to the sternest of fights and you came through with flying colors, Officer Cook. A Dade County legend whose imprint was heroically left on those sidewalks where you gave everything for some semblance of security and peaceful navigation. Only remembered and honored for richly making safe our venues and those pathways of perseverance free of obstacles that impede society's hopeful missions of faith and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2019

A constant reminder to stay safe is all any servant worth the truth and honor needs to realize. You captured the hearts of Dade County, Officer Cook, fighting through adversarial peril and creating a bond between all mankind. Society relished your heroic deeds and humility all because of your unselfish dignity and integrity worn daily on your sleeves of serenity. Enhancement to last for eternity which is where your journeys now have taken your wonderful soul. You labored tirelessly on our behalf and have been saluted and blessed for acumen and feats of nobility like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2019

The defense rests in one's sturdy offensive of resolve and effort. All of your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, are a by-product of your great home environment, never more truth and trust in the Cook house. All your life and brief career you were bounded by principles and perseverance that helped to cast aside violence. heaven has a beloved and most esteemed hero and humanely validated man of diligence forever. Keep looking down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2019

Tales are just that . truth and trust carry tenacity's as well as honesty and the virtues of integrity and dignity. Your coverage of Dade County, Officer Cook, was excellent and very loyal service. Our peace, safe travels and prosperity all linked to your unwavering heroism and character. A fine man saluted for valor and vigilance now in heaven with your adoring soul lighting up humanity with your sanctity and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2019

Evil hoists its worst feelings upon a community that looks to broker and bridge good relationships with all society. Dade County had seen it all and for your undying efforts, Officer Cook, may your soul of humility and honor rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The tingling of tenacity, the desires of dignity and the incorporating of integrity so that grand servants worth their weight may fight for freedom and perseverance. Always saluted and honored for excellence and being mindful of your caring heart. The Lord gives and takes, He took a bright ray of hope back to be with our heroes and heroines to wear those golden angel's wings. Amazing what charm , charisma and character deliver to streets, roads and corners where dignity and substance must meet.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2019

Incompetency paralyzes integrity and creates a barrier between ingenuity and honesty. Police must be assured of a chance to battle over enemies so large and adversarial, plainly our harmony and stability rode on your uniform and badge of valor, Officer Cook. Dade County's surge of serenity was being tested each day and no matter, with your kind of reserved and modest character, we knew the work would be finished and society would honor your sacrifice and outstanding efforts to maintain prosperity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Securing and being trusted were why we remember your solemn soul. It protects the gates up above as well as down here.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2019

The tranquility of heaven is so peaceful. It's the humblest of environments where resourcefulness continues to mold and shape honor, character and integrity. Your forthcoming dignity and humility, Officer Cook, at least offered you a fighting chance to preserve peace and goodwill for Dade County. Wit ha gentle spirit did you patrol the areas for something other than interference from callous and unending wickedness. The brightness of your brilliant smile and values from unwavering vision brought everything closer to reality and mettle, maturity and wisdom can surely assist in that endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2019

The bars of boldness and bravery, the parameters of persistence and passion are set high to ensure all honored public servants perform their central duties at the highest level possible. You always worked at an optimum level, Officer Cook and Dade County's residents only received the finest quality of service preservation from a humble and dignified hero. Stumbling, bumbling and fumbling won't surely erase the eyes of evil and your ethics and character, Officer Cook, sealed our serenity and safety forevermore. Humanity had your soul for twenty-five years and now Our Master has a cherished man for eternity. We pay homage to your memory, Officer Cook ,as it watches over your family and peers of truth and justice from those perches of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2019

A hero of honor and humility who handled his roles with dignity, responsibility and integrity. All in heaven's blessed name did you, Officer Cook, go out and secure peace and goodwill for Dade County. Character and morals sure work well when commitment to excellence rests along your trails of tenacity. Enhancement lasts forever within humanity's sacred walls because of your undying and unselfish sacrifice. We salute your unrelenting resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2019

Rush. Race. Ramble. Evil comes rustling in like a tornado of tenacious terror and then you need to react swiftly if you want to keep losses to a minimum. You certainly went to that scene, Officer Cook, as you did during all situations with honesty, integrity and the character of dignity intact. Mr. Pearsall was a surly man and heinous to say the very least. You did all you could humbly and most heroically to shield all Dade County from his violence. Remembered. Revered. Respected and proudly admired, cherished, saluted for decency and devotion to humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Salutations for sanctity and civility. Heaven has all the traits concealed in their loving angels who protected and tried securing our freedoms. A tireless servant preserving the composure of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

Chivalry is not lost. What can get lost is an officer's honor, integrity and dignity if it's not attached to that servant's uniform and badge. And by golly it was with you, Officer Cook, your entire life. As short as twenty-five years can come and go, nothing stood between morals, mettle and humility. Dade County would have been worse off if you were not around during your day. You continue to be missed while we as a community struggles at times to locate its true identity. To identify and resurrect, to restructure and to reclaim our freedoms and liberties surely would make our purposes in life more surreal. For having character, faithfulness and loyalty to your colleagues may you soul be aflame and keep on watching over us. Humanity needs a little motivation, I'm sure you are observing, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Shining brightly in boldness and effort, heaven is the perfect spot where nothing will ever harm you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

A commander of compassion, a public servant humane, honest and heroic in humility and the decency that sanctity brings to life. You patrolled and navigated the corners and roads around Dade County as well. Officer Cook, as all your comrades. never a bad word ever spoken and always the solemn pledge to pursue evil while spreading goodwill and the warmth of serenity and diligence. On May 19, 1979, three days after making the ultimate sacrifice, Dade County and many from across the land paid you a fond goodbye, Officer Cook. Very tragic, sad and yet instrumentally poignant for a resourcefully dedicated young man and a human being of the finest regard. A legacy to be firmly etched upon memorial walls, tablets and street signs here honoring your unselfish valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, class and maturity. It takes one to know one well that saying surely applies to a friend whose natural instincts kicked in that day when you answered what was your last call of your sacred watch. A great man and spirit missed by his family and loads of friends. A boatload of boldness and bravery to be paid homage to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

The streets of Dade County where you courageously served, Officer Cook, can at times be nests of never ending trouble. Terror and turmoil, wickedness and violence so dangerous, your esteem and humility saved the day heroically. Though, you were taken so young, so honorable in discharging your professional feats of ferocity, dignity that devoted its name to integrity, you are sure to be respected, treasured and most admired for preserving whatever needed saving. You are sure to be etched and saluted for a mighty heart of gold and giving. Only God has the perfect flock of fearless women and men patrolling His sacred gardens of trust and truth, justice fairly and firmly doled out. Mankind greatly misses your presence , your big old smile and your complete repertoire of resolve, resourcefulness and the resiliency to battle through adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

Walking that fine line of honor, humility and dignity is the most correct and truthful way to conquer evil. Integrity and character present commitment at the highest of levels and surely as you gave your life, Officer Cook, now more than forty years ago, Dade County has your precious memories of a cherished and most beloved soul to keep and to carry out your legacy of humbleness and heroism. Your family, namely, your sister, Nancy, is tasked with carrying out the Cook Family pursuits as your parents and you subscribed. Peace and trust, unity come at a humble cost, though, no one wanted you in heaven so soon. Your earthly missions of goodwill and faith were deemed as finished and the good Lord took your well respected and refined soul of compassion and courage with Him back to heaven where you and your parents can rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Vitality and vigor, vigilance and valor. They all helped make humanity more unique and dignified forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

The Chief of eternal security is The Man Himself. Our Lord creates life and as He gives life sadly lives are lost. Some by accidents, some by illnesses and some are victims of homicides. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were taken from you with more left to accomplish. And surely you did that excellently on the part of Dade County's folks. Brave and honest, a gallant man with compassion and character nestled among your integrity and dignity that preserved and persevered. Loyalty and faith, so devout and reverent, you'll b saluted solemnly for heroism and charisma. It's located in a person's genes the wisdom, maturity and vision to complete one's central assignments without delay. Badge#1664 won't be forgotten! It stood for humane and civil care and consideration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

If you want to make an impression upon society then go out and act humbly and with honesty. Actions should always speak louder than words. Your swift response that day, Officer Cook, saved more lives than we could ever imagine. Dade County under a ruthless man subjecting citizens and the police to his heinous revolts. You were brave and dignified, Officer Cook, with a full head of character and humbleness of which enhancement has brought security and safe trails for mankind. We salute your valiant soul as it soars higher each day in Our Maker's lair of angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

Fortitude makes tenacity and mettle stand better. For your honor and dignity, Officer Cook, may Our Creator bless your soul of sincerity and integrity. It provided the necessary spark to get peace and direction moving forward as it always shall be for Dade County. Always polite and well mannered your heroic actions on May 16,1979, demonstrated without a doubt where your resolve and humility were. Placed in your gentle heart of serene and humanely brave responsibilities. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2019

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