Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Reading gives meaning to life's mysteries surrounding bravery and courage. Nothing but undying, unwavering and unselfish honor, integrity and dignity now in heaven where you rest in peace, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of rituals and resolve following your character around Dade County where you served a vitally important mission on behalf of mankind. Humility and civility now forever housed in God's fortress of goodwill and great valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

Perseverance paints a vivid picture of trust and hope. It is found in those men and women fierceness and loyalty, goodwill and dignity, Officer cook, which serenaded Dade County with humility and safety. Your career and life was full of awards for excellence in your professional endeavors and for having commitment and character, always saluted for morals and politeness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

Evil bombards society with nothing but pain, sorrow and agony. You surely were a hero of mercy, truth and honor, Officer Cook, dedicated to preserving the pangs of serenity and safe passages for all humanity. Thankfully you had good character, stellar dignity and insightful integrity within your very cherished and humble soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

Clear and loud was your service and preservation over Dade County. Honorably and quite nobly, Officer Cook, you acquitted yourself with virtue and integrity which leaned on the broad shoulders of integrity. Wisdom's fountains of ferocity maintaining their controls of a circumstance that got out of hand as you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were doing your assignments lending a hand rescuing your brothers from this barrage of brazenness. Always the best character opening and closing those chapters of decency and desire. pure devotion to humility and your steadfast determination to end a domestic dispute that took your young life and ended your hopes of happiness and dashed a most promising journey headed to the top. The rungs are tough at times to climb, God everlasting mercy and granite hands of perfection are there to assist you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2019

You and your squad, Officer Cook, turned up the notches of tenacity that awful day and everyday trying to summon the exact tranquility and unity that the folks of Dade County needed to survive this unsavory onslaught of wanton evil. Terror struck by a man possessed to lives and bypass what our world demands incharacter and ethics. For having the aptitude of acumen, awareness and good vision, it is found in heaven's wings, Officer Cook, where your honor, versatility and dignity are all being blessed and humbly and heroically rewarded for having the moxie and savvy to do the right thing on our behalf. Responsibility is a task of resolve an dits found in your resiliency what we mean by effort and proficient persistence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2019

A chill sending goose bumps up our spines, that's wickedness delivering a sad and yet powerful punch that was counteracted with resolve and honor sure as the sun shines brightly. Indeed the day and hour you gave your life on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, it was blazing hot. And with honesty and humbleness burning within your loyal and dignified heart of courage there you were in intensity and integrity fighting with every last ounce of your willpower to make a statement of peace and harmony for its citizens. Character, class and persuasion heroically carrying your mantles and mettle as your journeys began and tragically concluded because of one man's growing frustration with mankind. Your balance of humility and sanctity did an outstanding job of shielding never to be forgotten. Saluted and solemnly etched in our hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2019

The blast of bravery and boldness, the gust of gallantry hurtling honesty, humility and heroism those sacred walls of Dade County where serenity and safety look to seep in. You dismantled doom and destruction, Officer Cook, in order for enhancement and truth and trustworthiness may forever revive the lives of society. Never doubt. Always well respected and thought of in character and in courage to commitment and its humanely humble excellence. Your family misses you. Your colleagues salute your virtue and vindication as your friends can only ponder and fondly remember a gentleman with a completely civil heart and straight laced constitution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Steeped in scruples and vigilant in values, the ingenuity, integrity and dignity spelled hope, faith and goodwill emancipating us from our struggles with violence and evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2019

Tyranny tugs at the heart. Terror tears the heart and blows wide open the soul of a community just seeking peace and unity. A good man taken suddenly from his family, department and many friends and acquaintances. No reservations, no doubt and certainly no hesitations simply just an outstanding human being and fine officer that you worked so hard to become, Officer Cook. Honesty, integrity and dignity must be practiced, preached and ascribed to every waking second of one's life and career. Metro-Dade Police Department got a superior servant of Our Lord sheltering those havens in harmony and of course your sterling character, perfect wisdom and proud vision. It was the culmination of your courage and crusades of clarity and humility that stoked the fires of unselfish fierceness inside of your bright and beautiful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

Ferocity is not fiction. But tenacity is unrelenting truth, trust and honor being humanely displayed by brave and humble servants. These women and men comprehend their roles within the frameworks of society and plain and simple get down and provide the much needed boost to their communities calling for help and relief. Peace and prosperity were delivered soundly and solidly to the Dade County area by you, Officer Cook, their hero and esteemed friend in arms. With a smile and friendly greeting did you go out on patrol looking to round up evil and cast a blanket of boldness over your home. A venue where rules, morals and ideas conveyed a uniquely special and most important message. Humanity and humility saved while integrity incorporated a willingness to weave its wonders throughout a legacy of friendship and faith bounded by character and desirable commitment to excellence and pride in donning a crisp and pristine uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

The convictions to courtesy and courage, the acquittal of acumen and awareness, it's humane and humbly heroic honor that you possessed in your entire being, Officer Cook, that spared Dade County's residents a much more worse fate. Destinies take us to places we cannot ever imagine. Your treasured life and noble career of humility, sanctity and civility, Officer Cook, are forever being honored and solemnly saluted for never vacating vigilance and virtue. The ever so public servant adored and cherished by his loving family members and esteemed and loyal comrades in arms. The friends you made, Officer Cook, too numerous like the constellations in the sky to count where your mortal soul floats gently higher and higher each day until that day of the ultimate resurrection, the redemption that finally completes the cycles of the after life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The passing of a hero is not just a storybook, it's the living legacy for the survivors who must channel the energy and passion that you had to now carry on with your missions that you responsibly championed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

I officiated at a funeral on Thursday where taps was played by a bugler and the American flag was folded and presented to the widow. I could help but to think about you, Officer Cook and your sacrifice, your honor and humility as you excelled in service and in protecting all Dade County. Coincidently your picture on the fallen officers page, "Always Remembered," came up. With patience, perseverance and prudent heroically prudent actions you saved an entire community from one individual's hell bent violence. You performed very admirably and most passionately. God must have needed your sweet and thoughtfully distinctive soul of serenity close to Him. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

Achievement is being able to purposefully excel at a given task. We all have roles and jobs, some rather large, others small and less arduous. Police work concentrates upon doing the will of God in keeping the peace of any given region and in doing so where peril and obstacles may impede our progress, intelligent and honorable souls must plan for alternate action. You gave Dade County and its residents all of your being, Officer Cook, a, man of inspirational knowledge and the wisest of vision who saw clearly what needed to be accomplished for safe trails, harmony and the virtuous songs of tranquility to come down and be as one element. You heroically save your community,its citizens and your colleagues from great harm and near death while making that undying, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice for mankind and society to move its grandest of character forward. Our Lord's haven of heroes and heroines is totally replete with resolve, resourcefulness, trust and truth. Perfect humility to compliment Our Maker. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

To captivate you must have charm and charisma, a bright smile and an engaging personality to go with class and mettle. Your parents, may they rest in peace, Officer Cook, instilled the simplest of ideas and manners in both you and in your loving big sister, Nancy. No doubt you turned out alright. Better than that you were thoughtful and reverent. Widely respected and always a go to kind of officer who carried his humility and honor respectfully on his sleeves. The truth and trust never waning, evil was faced right square in the face all by your faithfulness and loyal esteem as a hero and a gallant gentleman. All of sound mind and body, your character, Officer Cook, is sorely missed, surely goodness and God's mercy have followed your cherished soul to heaven where you can forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

To affect continuity there must never be an absence nor a lack of honesty and integrity. It makes all the difference in how dignity will navigate down those long winding roads where decency must too go. Here in Dade County your appealing ways of peace and longevity, Officer Cook, were how your mastered your profession where values, ideals and wisdom weigh heavily on those scales of justice. And seeing how loyal, fair and trustworthy you were, Officer Cook, evil and violence had to look and think twice. Too bad Mr. Pearsall did not use the same brain God gave him. No matter if you are depressed, troubled or whatever taking an innocent man's life , a servant of his community and nearly that of his colleagues is simply no excuse for mayhem and wickedness all premeditated. Today, your family, community and the world solemnly and heroically salutes your fortitude and loving guidance that reached its peaks in our serenity and security. One small step for mankind. One humble and beloved soul of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of dignity and wholesome character and stellar commitments to pride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

To illicit integrity, ingenuity and intelligence takes all the heroically humble and humane honesty that only dignity and scruples can bring to the top. Your profession, Officer Cook, that you undertook willingly was one of many things where danger and peril can impede you progress on creating a peaceful environment not only of safety and serenity, but resolve and effort. You had a central position of importance and forevermore will your family members, loving and adored, your comrades, esteemed, humble and brave remember your courageous actions on May 16, 1979, that helped to rescue all Dade County from a terrible and most evil man's revolt against the acumen of authority. It's safe to conclude your soul, Officer Cook, is tucked away for safekeeping in Our Lord's heavenly eternal home where perfection only following behind you and those who made the ultimate sacrifice fro stability to reign down upon humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, maturity and wisdom assist in crafting excellent vision. Keep observing us Officer Cook. You are a hero and were the best at your public service position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2019

A bright mind with a bold, brave and heroically honorable heart. Your humane legacy, Officer Cook,points to your passions, preserve and persistence in proficiency, You created a most stable and meaningful bond between all citizens all by your courtesies and consideration. A gentleman of character and commitment to both pride and excellence, with morals and mettle nestling together our peace and tranquility have been sealed within the walls where your loyalty and faith, Officer Cook, will be solemnly remembered, saluted and forever engraved in all of your family, colleagues and friends' hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2019

Advance and acknowledge your faith and hope in resolving any conflict placed your way. Domestic discord can lead to much harm if not nipped in the bud and your humility and honor gave Dade County and its citizens a renewed hope that goodwill would be coming around the corner. Always treasured and revered, respected and resolute in determining how best to deal with adversity. A sincerely honored man full of fighting spirit and heroism that now keeps guarding those pearly gates of valor in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2019

To love somebody there must be an emotional attachment. There always will be with you, Officer Cook, Dade County's hero of integrity, humility and unselfish and unwavering honor. The power to battle through some tough times, no doubt on May 16, 1979, there was conclusive character and enhancement that left cornerstones and their humble foundations will constructed. Your legacy stands brave and bold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals and resiliency support the visions and wisdom that mature men and women possess.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2019

Curiosity piques our inner emotions. Silence is golden when it can greatly affect the welfare of humanity. For having honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, may your mortal soul of harmony be blessed and rewarded for heroic actions above and beyond resolve and responsibility. Character beckons and it led your pursuits of wickedness in order to eliminate this adversary from our midst and for harmony to filter through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2019

Serenity and humility carved from the stones of honor and dignity, integrity, Officer Cook, so sincere and decent it served and protected all Dade County and its folks. You were the consummate public servant and hero whose legacy and esteem shall be saluted forever. A man on a mission of fairness and trust guarding our interests and allowing us to continue moving forward despite your absence which has created that awareness for your family members who pursue their ideals and aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2019

Officer Cook, your life, career and happiness were all placed in danger to serve, protect and enhance the quality of life here in Dade County. Your heroism and humane actions dictated salutes of valor for having the intestinal fortitude to go out and patrol the community where your blessed name continues to be very respected and revered. Your soul hovers constantly above leading the direction for both your family and colleagues who dedicate themselves to loyalty and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2019

Faith holds the ferocity of decent and honest men and women who dare risk everything for our welfare. Dade County was your zone of zeal and zest and nothing was going to deter your important missions of esteem and love. Integrity and dignity placed on the streets for the best of safekeeping and your humane and humble actions, Officer Cook, saved lives and rescued your comrades all by your loyal heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2019

A bond so firm and yet so fair, all the truth and trust that enriched and enhanced life in Dade County. Its people saved from unrelenting evil all at the hands of a man bent on violence. Your goodwill, Officer Cook, was never more unselfish and professional in that we could stand on our faith and devotion because of your undying resolve. Morals and mettle huddling together to form a band of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The foundations have been fruitfully arranged now your precious soul, Officer Cook, looks after those women and men who defend our liberties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2019

Bravery and honor help to make serenity shine even brighter. Your bright smile, Officer Cook, is now and for eternity illuminating heaven's skies. Honesty, dignity and integrity that surely and solemnly guarded those residing in and around Dade County. Forty years ago just hard to imagine your presence has been greatly missed. Your beloved family members pursue their lives of happiness and joy humbly and humanely as their heroic, "Uncle Bo, " continues protecting those gates of sacred and and perfect means. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2019

Officer Cook, I just went to the Fallen Officers Memorial Page and saw you picture. I just officiated at a funeral for a gentleman where I visit the Jewish residents there. They blew taps and I cried just like they did at your Inspector's funeral over forty years ago. For a man of heroic heart and humble honor, your exploits saved Dade County and its residents from unbelievable evil. Integrity, dignity and humility all taken to heaven where your beloved and mortally cherished soul may rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courtesy coupled together to defeat the wild and nasty winds of violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2019

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