Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

That infamous day of 911 was violent and brutal for our country and the entire world. If you were here today, Officer Cook, you would have volunteered to go to New York on a search and rescue mission. No reluctance, no hesitations. You gave Dade County and its residents your entire character, commitment and convictions to undying excellence simply because you cared. Your heart and soul were golden and serene. Your honor, dignity and reverence for integrity above reproach. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known that your loving family carries on with your heroic legacy stamped in their hearts of endearment. I was a Rabbi of a synagogue when I found out the terrible news.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

The day begins and ends. Eternity is forever. Heroes and heroines rest soundly buy virtue of their honor, integrity and unselfish dignity. It's the only way to eliminate wickedness from our midst. And for Our Lord's name, Officer Cook, that is exactly what you achieved during your six years of loyal and most trusted service as a public servant protecting Dade County. You remain treasured, respected and most notably a hero forever all by having character and mettle chasing down terror. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

Beloved, brave and bold, God surely blessed your soul, Officer Cook, one full of humility and honesty, dignity and integrity. Never a moment when endeavor was not accounted for. Dade County and its citizens may live and lead more solid days because of your unwavering sacrifice. One that benefited humanity and mankind beyond words. All action makes better character. All purpose creates better understanding and certainly we salute your wisdom,vision and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

Violence just rips society apart. Your job, Officer Cook, was to preserve the dignity, honor and integrity of all Dade County. A surely large task that a strong and able bodied young man such as yourself was able to carryout. Responsibility and humility keeps the pathways and trails of tenacity open forevermore. Our bravest men and women now tackle what you went after in order to restore peace and serenity to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

Turmoil and torment cause tussles no one wants to witness. Terror that struck Dade County that day of May 16, 1979, was terrible and sorrowful for your beloved family. All those years your wonderful mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, may she now forever rest in peace along with your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace, she bore grief beyond for you were her courageous and bold son, her darling son who cared greatly for the pride and civility of the entire community where you served, patrolled and watched vigilantly watched over us.The greatest humility, the very stellar dignity, the highest morals that brave and honorable servants possess all led us into a future that would have been made brighter, Officer Cook, by your smile and charm. We'll never know what made Mr. Pearsall do what he did to you and to your comrades nearly taking their lives of esteem and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank God for Detective Donald Blocker finally silencing a man of hate, vengeance and lack of obvious virtues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2019

Nobility stands heroically on the perches of serene and perfect humility. God's heavenly thrones are so pristine the vision and clarity is quite amazing. Though sad that so many heroes and heroines sleep soundly by virtue of their acts of mercy, compassion and concern for mankind. Your convictions on behalf of Dade County were focused on ridding us of torment and evil, Officer Cook, a proud and yet humble man, a gallant gentleman with his sights on service and preservation. One does not forget a man's life, career and his ethics that were of the highest caliber. Integrity and dignity don't get pushed around, sullied nor tarnished for if that were to happen then where is the respect? You left behind a wonderful legacy, heroic and astute and deserve the thanks of humanity for rescuing us from harm and misfortune. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2019

When the stock market crashes it's one thing. When violence and terror interrupt the best laid plans of society and its folks it certainly demands immediate action. You gave Dade County your honor, heroic dignity and uncompromising integrity, Officer Cook, to make stability and harmony unified once more. A hero for sure and a warrior whose vision and wisdom captured the heart and souls of your beloved family, friends and plethora of comrades from across our great nation. Humane, humble and devoted to the feats of ferocity and resolve, your unselfish and undying dedication won't be overlooked. We salute and nobly honor your righteous soul of safety and heavenly goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2019

If it takes one to know one than it was terrible you and your fellow officers did not know the evil of the man you were trying to stop from committing a much worse offense even though his actions were a travesty and tragic as it left your family, Officer Cook, void of your honorable and humanely heroic presence. The character, commitment and conviction were always out inforce defending Dade County from crime and its bedlam. Saluted for gallantry and always well respected and revered for making society great again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of dignity and integrity. it all has a hand in partnering up to create a more stable and serene environment. Domestics entail more than just uncivil conduct between two persons.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2019

Creating goodwill and peace is far better than the bands of boldness and bravery being snapped in two. Your faith and resolute mannerisms, Officer Cook, offered the people of Dade County hope and fortitude. A solid public servant full of honesty, dignity and the enhancements of integrity sheltering those looking for fruitful journeys ahead. Sad your missions and humility was usurped by underlying evil. You won't be forgotten for being a hero and a cherished and personable man of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2019

Resolve is the greatest rejuvinator of resiliency and resourcefulness. its wings fly higher when the brave, humble and honorably heroic stand guard over us. Now from heaven do you, Officer Cook, watch over your family, peers of excellence just as you solemnly were and your close friends who were happy to befriend such a fine human being, warm and engaging. That big old smile is very sorely missed, but they all understand you have and will forever be quite cherished, respected and fondly saluted for dignity and every last morsel of mettle and integrity that rightfully and diligently protected Dade County's loyal residents. The astute have that keen awareness. The valiant have that motivation to serve, save and preserve the values and ideals of life and its pertinent missions of goodwill and hope. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, always performing at a pristine and peak level. Perseverance was spot on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You sacrificed your career and life for the enhancement and enrichment of our society broadening our tranquility and dignity. The best of heroic versatility, credibility and responsibility now rests soundly within those pearly gates of proud achievement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

When violence vilifies our world, virtue is left to stand ever so vigilant in its fight to maintain some semblance of peace and unity. Our society, mankind and humanity must not be caught up in a wave of terror and wickedness. A weakness that all who ever serve their posts with honor and heroism shall never lose focus nor become caught off guard. You served Dade County, Officer Cook, with a rich and unwavering character of tradition and only had the tenacity trailing your unselfish pursuits that you had the passion to learn, practice and preach as you rescued the people and your esteemed colleagues from abominable harm and hate of a spiteful man. Integrity, wisdom, vision and dignity now and for eternity reside in the House of the Lord forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

When a stellar man of character is hurt or worse, all who know them suffer. And families are too immersed in their sorrow, grief and agony as the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families were when you left this world too soon, Officer Cook. A monumental chore keeping peace and safety sewn together and for what you meant to Dade County my neighbor, friend and hero, your ultimate sacrifice proved that fact. One man, one person creating havoc and bedlam on those streets the golden pathways you traveled down, Officer Cook, to navigate from point to point seeking prosperity and perseverance while staying humane and heroic. Humanity shines brighter because of your unselfish and unwavering role of responsibility. Accountability, durability, versatility and reliability all forever nestled in Our Creator's palace of pristine heroes and heroines with soft angle wings to guide them on higher and higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

The roads are narrow, the tasks are arduous, those with patience and acumen will succeed one way or another. And you pursued peace and showed the citizens of Dade County not just that fateful day but everyday why you were honorable and heroic. You swooped down on serious trouble and with alacrity and clarity closed in on those committing violence in order for us to live prosperous lives. Character and commitment are the lynchpins of bravery and valor. With your resolve and charisma, it's no wonder why you were so well liked and saluted for having humility and sanctity to demonstrate to all mankind the human being and gentleman who strived for tenacity and fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

You paid your dues of desire, decency and devotion, Officer Cook and with steadfast determination and dedication you created those bonds of esteem for all Dade County and its people. Never forgotten for having the gumption and grit to gallantly pursue peace while searching for evil and its hidden violence. Saluted and fondly remembered for humbleness, honesty and the enhancement that dignity and integrity ring in. A hero and a warrior welcomed into Our Master's perfect sphere of serenity , perfection and sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

Dignity and integrity deserve the respect of the society they protect. Your excellent service, Officer Cook, brought us closer to serenity and a little more unity. It's the peace and harmony that should exist in our world, one made brighter by your honor and heroism. It's very tragic when good women and men pay with their lives of humility and character in order for the gates of hope and faith to stay unlocked. Nonetheless you remain cherished and humane in all your journeys on behalf of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2019

The perfect vision and perfect hearing of God perpetually watch over those men and women pristine and honorable who sacrificed their lives of dignity and integrity to keep America safe once again. You kept law and order in Dade County, Officer Cook, in order for the citizens not to be disillusioned by doom and evil. Peace and proudness must reign supreme and judging by your unselfish and heroic character so may you loyal and humble soul of humanity be rewarded and most assuredly by blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations all cemented down by your humane and civil mindedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

Police work is not like rolling the dice. Lives hang in the balance and good old fashioned servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, gave your community of Dade county and its people everything. Your heart and soul of honor and character was exposed to pure evil that day. Sheer bedlam perpetrated by Mr. Pearsall, a man with no morals, dignity or integrity. Your reverence and respect for humanity, Officer Cook, will remain treasured and so richly honored for gallantry and the boldness that is your legacy never to be shelved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility meant commitment. Trust and truth meant the very finest of transparency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

You steered serious trouble away from Dade County, Officer Cook, further legitimizing your humbly and honorable legacy. Heroic and decent, dignified and recognized for integrity, the kind of personality fit to deal with any situation placed your direction. You accounted for our peace and safety, never more loyalty and charm. Accountability, humility and eagerness guided your pathways of pristine resolve and crystal clear courage all from your golden heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always missed and never forgotten!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

Those inclined to commit violence are the ones with itchy fingers and sooner or later they will be apprehended and sentenced for their culpability. You were a very devoted and responsible officer, Officer Cook, a mainstay of your department who saved Dade County from terrible adversity that day and everyday during your watch. One of preservation and conservation whose heroics brought civility and sanctity to the streets where you gave your life. Never easy to lose a loved one and I know you mother my she rest in peace suffered and yet her devotion to serve Our Lord was a basis for her long and rich life of humanitarianism. Mrs. Cook and Mr. Cook, your beloved son, "Bill," was a man of character, desire and total dedication to his professional duties. His versatility and acumen were spot on along with maturity, vision and the sagely advice he transmitted to his loyal and brave comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

Destruction is detrimental to the goals and aspirations of mankind. Society expects safe trails and only the very best of men and women can achieve these means through their honesty, humility and the presence of dignity and integrity which is utilized to battle evil. Your life and career, Officer Cook, started that domino affect of courtesy and mettle because of your rearing and quality home environment. Dade County and its residents live freely and more together by virtue of your undying sacrifice to eradicate terror and mayhem from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

The pedals of perseverance and resolve were always pumped by your honor and humbleness, Officer Cook. Always giving priority to Dade County and its citizens you were instrumental in bringing goodwill and good cheer to mankind. A man of integrity and dignity always looking for that piece that would conquer terror and wickedness. A great public servant with outstanding character and convincing commitment to pride and excellence who wore his heroism on his sleeve of sincerity and generosity. Cornerstones built for enriching our lives of joy and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Durable and always versatile,unafraid to tackle the dangerous obstacles that lied ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

Solving a crime is like pulling teeth from a tiger. Violence's vice like grip on society conjures up the worst of evil. Thankfully, you were there protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. A man, a gentleman of honor and dignity whose integrity fortified your morals and grand character. It is because of your unwavering and unselfishly humble humility that we can live today in serenity and in security. From heaven's perch, Officer Cook, do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of enhancement. You continue to be greatly missed and solemnly saluted for heroic actions that have laid the foundations for our futures of which you should be a part of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2019

Tragedy strikes like a snake and its stings of sorrow are plentiful. Much grief and anguish. Much pain and emotional and physical suffering. Your loss to your family, department and close personal friends, Officer Cook, it just reinforces our belief in God and the lives He creates. Your meaningful journeys in and around the Dade County community brought new hope, productive goodwill and honorable heroism that a man of God who expounded the virtues of dignity and integrity believed in. One small act of violence is totally counteractive to what society demands of us all. Mankind places the burdens and yokes upon revered public servants who are unafraid and undaunted by their challenging tasks that lie ahead. Saluted and honored for commitment to pride and excellence. A loyal and faithful brother to your colleagues in arms. Prosperity and promise are around that corner. Just sorry, Officer Cook, you could not be present to witness all these glorious changes because of one's man's tyrants against you and your fellow officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

The flowers are full of bloom. The boldness full of honor and humble esteem. Your sincerity and trust, the love for your job, Officer Cook, made you a better officer and an even finer human being. Gallant and heroic, so complete with sterling character and stellar commitment to fundamentals, your pursuits of happiness while chasing after evil in Dade County won't go unnoticed. You sacrificed for the good of the public performing the will of Our Master while surrounding us with peace of mind all by your maturity, wisdom and clear and concise vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

I still cannot believe your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook passed at the tender age of one-hundred and three. She and your father, Charles, may they rest in peace along with you, Officer Cook,their honorable and darling heroic son who saved Dade County with your might and heart. A better ending would have been preferred instead of a life cut short by wanton and heinous violence which you and your partner tried to stop. Enhancement and humility have been summoned to the highest land to keep watch over us and those who pursue evil ensuring our harmony and safe havens. You gave, Officer Cook and we give your homage and solemn salutes of faith and devotion back. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Her long life was the faith and resiliency she had to deal with your dad's sudden passing and your sacrifice on behalf of folks living in Dade County.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2019

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