Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Heroism and honesty form the most dignified and integrated team that can defeat terror. No doubt your humbleness and thoughtful attitude, Officer Cook, helped to circumvent callousness here in Dade County. The labor can be exhausting the efforts must be efficient, yet no doubt you will be remembered and saluted for character, commitment and the convictions to resolve conflict leading to our peace, stability and happiness in all our earthly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

Supremacy only belongs to the Master of the Universe. We are God's creatures chosen after birth to carry out a specific purpose in life. Yours, Officer Cook, was to be a superior public servant and you surely never disappointed your family, comrades or friends. Fruition must have a valid reason and your aspirations of acumen and trust were founded on the missions of truth and devotion. A man of principle and faith honoring His Lord and staying unbiased, dignified and full of humble and heroic integrity. It led your squads and enabled you to to demonstrate leadership through motivation and mettle, resolve and resourcefulness to be humanely and masterfully honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

Supremacy only belongs to the Master of the Universe. We are God's creatures chosen after birth to carry out a specific purpose in life. Yours, Officer Cook, was to be a superior public servant and you surely never disappointed your family, comrades or friends. Fruition must have a valid reason and your aspirations of acumen and trust were founded on the missions of truth and devotion. A man of principle and faith honoring His Lord and staying unbiased, dignified and full of humble and heroic integrity. It led your squads and enabled you to to demonstrate leadership through motivation and mettle, resolve and resourcefulness to be humanely and masterfully honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

Police have to be diplomats of sorts, but they are not by any means saints or choirboys. You were a hero, humble and so honorably endearing, Officer Cook. It's what made you the the supremely finest officer who toiled and tore down barriers leading to peace and hopeful prosperity. The eyes of all remember your days and life guiding your family and department through adversity. A terrible and most untimely loss to your family and peers. Dignity and integrity running up and down in your uniform and sterling character. You'll be richly, faithfully and solemnly saluted for service with a smile and tenacity always on par with humility securing society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Whatever was required you answered the bell, Officer Cook, willingly with boldness and proven bravery now imparted on your angel wings so your soul of serenity may soar higher each day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

To err on the side of caution, it takes a demonstrative effort to reign in terror, evil and violence. It seems like every other day another senseless, brutal and cowardly act of wickedness shears this great country apart. Your honorable and dignified effort, Officer Cook, placed integrity back into the hearts and souls of citizens here in Dade County. A rather large metropolis nothing like New York or California, though an area far and wide spanning north, south east and west. You patrolled those corridors that took your directional gyroscope to with class,desire and character. The actions of one man last Friday in Virginia Beach , Virginia took twelve innocent lives and the police eventually killed the man responsible as did your friend and comrade, Detective Blocker take out the man liable for taking your life , Officer Cook, during the fulfillment of your official duties. Bold, bright, humble and heroic, they made you a legend to be so honored and saluted to be solemnly remembered for aiding and saving lives not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Passion is one thing. Care, concern and consideration can stop an escalation of evil from rearing its ugly teeth of terror.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

Faith and devotion help direct the compasses of dedicated and determined courage throughout a region. A response of resolve and honesty at least helps put together the pieces of a puzzle sometimes so hard to place back together. All the dignity and integrity you maintained steadily, Officer Cook, was redirected back unto the streets and corners of Dade County. Your home where you lived with your beloved folks and sister and where you and your beloved Karen purchased a home to live peacefully. Fate and destiny drew you to that scene in Liberty City where you endeavored to calm down a man of anger and torment. Terrible it was leveled at the establishment and at the civilians who look for some semblance of harmony and tranquility riding on their wings. For giving your life and career, Officer Cook, may the Almighty reveal His countenance and may His grace shine brilliantly upon your treasured soul. The embodiment of character , commitment and the intuition of conviction, the intelligence of wisdom and vision. Always that maturity way ahead of the crowd. Valiant and mighty humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

Deliberate and delicate. One must delegate their entire beings to the health, welfare and prosperity of an entire venue. Nothing may be overlooked nor forgotten in one's performance of one's own duties. You took your professional roles quite seriously, Officer Cook, you had that bright smile all missed terribly today. All these decades later, still so hard to fathom over forty years ago Dade County saw its hero, yourself, Officer Cook, giving your life for our goodwill and future missions to march onward. Character and honor during crises, integrity and the pursuits of dignity during tumult and bedlam. Badge#1664 acquitted itself in a humble, humane and most heroic fashion to give society the chance to keep producing its greatness. You , Officer Cook, were that shining star now and for eternity glistening in the heaven's above for monumentally outstanding service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

Senseless violence and calamity spreads so far and wide and all any department can do is hope and pray for the safety and welfare of all who ever serve, protect and preserve the honesty, integrity and dignity of life we are all afforded. Dade County and its residents had your missions of resolve and resourcefulness patrolling the streets trying to keep peace and togetherness as a staple of life. The vim and vigor of our earthly purposes as spelled out by Our Maker's blueprints. One person, just one wayward character, that one rotten apple can make enhancement and its positive vibrations go off the righteous tracks. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were predicated on heroic humility and the proficient perseverance that is now etched upon walls of honor here and in Our Nation's Capitol. A sacrifice worth fondly remembering. A legend of stability and noble deeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

The annexation of acumen, being astute and aware brings the versatility of honor, dignity and integrity to character's highest level of humility. In other words being civil, calm and patient during times of duress is better flying off the handle and acting irrationally. You always were concerned, Officer Cook, with the welfare of all Dade County and wherever you worked before donning a Metro-Dade police uniform with a shiny badge. bravery, boldness and heroism don't need anymore accords or accolades, all they need is for a public servant to go out and patrol for peace, stability and an inner feeling of faith , hope and goodwill. All done in a fine manner with scruples and morals to be saluted as Our Creator blesses your mortal soul of serenity and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Following through on your life pursuits, Officer Cook, delivered the assurances that due diligence and your vital vigilance won't never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2019

A grateful few are way more desirable than many who just plain don't care. Fortunately many still remember you, Officer Cook, "Brother Bill" to your comrades and for the short six years of your short life well spent fighting crime while sparing the people of Dade County a much worse fate. A faithful and gallantly honorable gentleman with a heart and soul of intense and unrelenting dignity and stellar integrity. The fuses that lit the spark plugs of serenity, hope and safe trails for all mankind. A gesture surely to never go overlooked. Humility and civility are those noble characters that play the inspiring sounds of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence. Those drums just are beating them in heaven, Officer Cook, keep pounding sooner or later those many brave warriors here will get violence rounded up and obliterated once and for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We pray your comrades , Officer DiGenova and Edgerton are doing well despite nearly being killed over forty years ago. You forever will be missed very badly. Your beloved and esteemed family misses your beautiful smile and sense of humor!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

Parachutes help you land a bit easier. What assists all decent and loyal public servants is their humble and heroic honor that can spell all the difference going into a war over callousness and wanton repulsive actions which threaten a community. Your symbols of engagement, Officer Cook, were you outstanding character, humane and cherished dignity and integrity which focused on cultivating peace and goodwill among humanity and grateful for your humility and open ended determination and profuse dedication. Never more critical and always and forever saluted for valorand validation in diligence and staying vigilant over us. Your soul, Officer Cook, watches vividly from a vital point of perfection where heroes and heroines sleep soundly in their sacrifices. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With violence approaching sometimes the landing spots are not always so soft and cushy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

Resolve and humility display their hopeful civility when applied with some genuine honesty, integrity and the clarity of dignity. It all goes right down into preserving the general welfare of any given community. Dade County was your territory where you blazed a trail for other fine and valiant men and women to pass through. A hero such as yourself, Officer Cook, was so passionate about your life and career, so why did evil act of heinousness take your cherished soul from among family and peers? Only the excellent character, outstanding commitment to excellence and pride, convictions that marked your heroic legacy, one that is forever saluted and so fondly remembered for respect and faithfulness, never dodging danger, only running right smack dab into a situation no matter the circumstance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

Never one to just glide through life, your gallant pursuits of happiness, goodwill and peace helped shaped the very future foundations of Dade County. Its citizens were revered and respected by your honor, humility and confidence during tense moments. Never just a morsel of hope, only the all our blitz against bombastic conduct and a very clear and wise character that only a terrific upbringing will generate. An environment full of love and compassion, Officer Cook. Your beloved folks may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero were very endearing and engaging. Your colleagues will never forget your charm and endeavor spread far and wide to rid our world of unrelenting violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

Untruths only lead to more pain and misery, it's the sorrow and anguish that families and departments bare when their brave and honest loved ones are taken so suddenly without a goodbye. Dade County said goodbye to you, Officer Cook, a warm and wonderful human being whose humility and humbleness supplemented your integrity and dignity during your wars over violence. You cannot mistake justice and truth with terror and tyranny. The greatest of morals and the fibers of ferocity keeping our community safe and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman with a gentle spirit and a heroic soul of generosity and sincerity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

Proliferate goodwill and persevering resolve in all that you perform. Never a lie or bad word spoken ever by you, Officer Cook, only the truth and trust in your heroically honorable actions protecting and fortifying the spirit of Dade County and its people. The esteem and character that accentuated your trails of justice and peace. harmony and humility uplifted to the heavens above where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2019

To curtail and to corral callousness, you must be honorable, dignified and bold in your endeavors. You cannot start your hard fought battles without some degree of integrity, ingenuity and most of all character. No compromising class or decency, it was straight ahead motion, Officer Cook, as you tried your hardest to stop a wayward individual in order for Dade County and its citizens to live quietly and happily. Our missions going forward were the direct result of your authentic humility and sincere esteem for your position of trust and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

If you captivate you cultivate greater relationships between mankind. A source of serenity and the humblest of honor, heroics and esteem, your ventures around Dade County, Officer Cook, have long been remembered for having the most blessed of dignity, acumen and integrity as they all went into battling the enemy of evil. One man stirring up a pot of trouble and your presence helped to stop a much more terrible day, the day your family, comrades and dear friends lost you. Character, charisma and commitment went up that conveyor belt to the skies above where heroes and humility can take their rightful and most perfectly peaceful of settings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You beloved and treasured soul now reaps the praises of Our Lord forevermore. The greatest of endearment, enrichment and of enhancement, continuing to enlighten our society all these decades later. A great man, a gallant warrior gone way too soon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

Honor the fallen give them the honor and homage as you would afford the brave, dedicated and dignified who go out and risk their lives for our safe travels. You did, Officer Cook, you fought tooth and nail for Dade County's transparency and no doubt your trustworthiness has been blessed and accentuated in God's kingdom above. For establishing enhancement only humility and integrity shall reign down for your loyal and heroic soul now resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The traits of tenacity steered in the trails of truth. The deep roots of resolve and esteem nestled in your colleagues' thoughts and hearts forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

Simplicity for some is a normal way of life. For those who master and cherish complexity it can only lend credence to their trails of justice and truth. The trust you gained from your experiences, Officer Cook, preserving, protecting and outfitting all mankind and especially Dade County with a heartfelt peace. A grateful community paying homage to your humane and heroic honesty,integrity and dignity which allowed you the opportunity to put out the flames of evil. Only the best of intentions and intensely wise convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

Rounds of resiliency, resolve and resourcefulness pierced the hearts and souls of Dade County's folks. Your charm and character, Officer Cook, saluted for honorable heroic actions that attempted to foil the foul plans of an evil man. Dignity and integrity coming together to pursue violence and humanity appreciated your trusted and truthful ways, Officer Cook. A young man vigilant and virtuous whose life and career meant all the difference in our protection and safety. No doubt your maturity was way ahead of the crowd as aptly put by your friend and classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs. Take care Chief hope you and your loved ones are doing well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

A concerned heart, a compassionate soul, a caring charisma, a considerate manner they all go into making tranquility a permanent fixture in any venue. The community of Dade County revered you, Officer Cook and have respected your heroism and honest ways of managing your daily affairs. You took pride in a being a public servant and have been saluted for bravery and character that maximized your lawful pursuits. Violence sets off those chains of no return and for having humility, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, may Our Lord in heaven bless and reward your mortal soul of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

With outstanding optics and humbly unselfish courage did you defend our liberties and freedom, Officer Cook, here in Dade County. A man with a caring heart and gentle soul, our serenity, security and harmony all came about through your loyalty and fortitude. The morals and mettle from honesty, dignity and integrity that assisted in extinguishing the flames of fierce violence. What transpired to you, Officer Cook, on May 16,1979, it had plunged your family into mourning your devastating loss and your brave comrades into remembering a faithful and truly trusted brother in arms. Never forgotten and always humane and devoted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2019

Capturing vile and evil people takes a serious effort put forth by versatile and honorable men and women whose bravery, honesty and integrity strikes the chords of dignity. Dade County was supremely served and loyally preserved by your unending passion, heroic compassion and the humility that makes a hero's life and career shine on. Heaven has the perfect flock of ferocity and resolve to contain resiliency within those greenest of pastures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are more than a band aid and your fairness and firmness, Officer Cook, locked in our serenity and peace of mind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

Cultivating goodwill takes some ingenuity, intuition and creativity. Your life, Officer Cook, captivated the hearts of Dade County's residents and because of your acumen, humble honor and dignity that integrity channels into those battles over violence were you able to overcome adversity. On May 16,1979, God gave His sternest of tests and your humility and heroism shined like a diamond. He took you sadly to another world where heroes and heroines can fully keep guarding those pearly gates of peace and freedom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanity and civility were kept up while you navigated those perilous corners, sidewalks and various venues where you due vigilance paid dividends. You continue to be greatly missed by your family, peers and friends. Badge#1664 spoke softly and valiantly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

Nastiness just needles our world. One prick and all the pain and hurt, it never seems to end. Good people, brave, honest and loyal souls such as yourself, Officer Cook, dignifying integrity and humbleness, humanely and heroically serving the needs of Dade County. A community that valued your resourceful labors of bravery, character and esteem. Surely, God mercy will forever follows your trails in heaven where perfection is not just perception but a harsh reality for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2019

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