Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The testimony is true. The name of Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664, is about faith and honor, diligence and precise dignity and humility, the stability of one's very own cherished character and integrity which punctuated your trails of justice for all living in Dade County. A pathway so far and wide, it was laid down by your unwavering and unselfishly undying will to commit to doing Our Creator's will. Securing and rescuing, preparing and planning. No doubt you'll remain forever revered, respected and so duly and humbly saluted for heroi ciwork and noble deeds of determination. It made fruition your heavenly reward as Our Lord perpetually blesses your mortal soul, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May those who now serve be blessed watched over.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

Tenacity, truth and trust rest their foundations of humility, ferocity and honesty upon perfection's pillars reserved for brave and dedicated souls of serenity. Heaven is the location that greets all who gave their lives and who fought for our values, morals, scruples and principles that make society a more serene setting in which to live freely, peacefully and healthy. Dade County was where you parked and patrolled those central areas, Officer Cook, looking for something amiss, evil and violence that needed exterminating. Harmony hovers, tranquility reigns, wickedness waits to display its heinous affects. You were a hero of dignity and integrity, the reasons why character, ingenuity and your wisdom were at such a level above the rest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

Everytime I see your picture, Officer Cook, on the Officers Down Memorial Page still just so hard to imagine that it's been more than forty years since you gave your heroic life for Dade County and its people. The resiliency, resolve and loyal faithfulness never better. With honesty, humility and it came with an entire package of dignity, class and integrity which greatly enhance one's chances battling adversity. Humanity, society and mankind salute your character and humane and honored commitment to protect, serve and make peace and goodwill a staple forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

The narrative is told, be tall, proud, yet rise and be honest and humble. The never ending supply of serenity and safe passages was provided by your inspiring leadership, Officer Cook. Dade County's hero and a greatly heroic man. Humility, dignity and the tenacity of stellar integrity carried your peaceful trails of vigilance throughout your career and well meaningful and well enriched life. All the character, commitment to morals and scruples has been uplifted by God's merciful wings to the skies above where nothing will harm you soul of distinction, civility and forever enhancement by which all people can thrive and live more freely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2019

A never ending saga is this sickness which affects our humanity. Serious evil must be derailed before that so called train departs for its stations of callousness. The citizens ask a lot from its heroes and heroines, but you, Officer Cook, were a cut above in character, integrity and loyally imparting determination and leadership skills to other comrades willing to learn and to listen to the sound advice of a warrior. The missions are never easy. The journeys can be arduous at times and yet you fought until your last ounce of strength was taken from you. Society has your humility etched squarely where it rightfully belongs and will never forsake your spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2019

The humane, heroic and dignified carry their scopes of integrity and dignity within their hearts of humble esteem. You have to want to become excellent, excelling in one thing is probably better than being just ordinary. But you never wanted any spotlight to shine on you, Officer Cook. Violence was handled as were all your central tasks with prudent clarity and the resiliency that brought a measure of liberty and tranquility to all Dade County. You remain cherished and are to be fondly saluted for bravery and feats of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2019

The Chief Legislator is the Man above, God Himself who listens and sees the calamities and perplexities confronting and confounding our beloved honorable men and women of law enforcement. And you always acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, with virtue and vigilance that has been duly honored and humbly saluted for we know honesty is always the best policy and a dignified gentleman with integrity never runs from danger. You ran that day to rescue and assist your Dade County colleagues while securing the freedoms of all residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2019

Insanity hits home when depraved individuals cowardly scheme to ruin the peace of any community. You served and protected Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your heart, honor, might and humble heroic courage. The valiant are those loyal and immortal souls of excellence who distinguish themselves in commitment, character and conviction. Always well respected and revered for humility and wisdom beyond your years. It will always be so tragic that you were taken so young with more zest and zeal, resolve and goodwill to contribute to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2019

When lighting strikes you had better beware. When violence breaks out you had be ready for the battle of your life. Officer Cook, you were a terrific young man with a great future ahead if violence did not take you from society, your family and loyal and esteemed brothers and sisters of the Dade County law enforcement communities. A hero of the highest regards for honor, humility and the sacrifice you made with dignity and integrity coming from your crisp and pristine uniform. Always highly thought of and never far from our hearts and minds. Sanctity and civility sure miss your outstanding character, charisma and engaging spirit. Your soul, Officer Cook, continue sits flight paths above watching over your beloved family and those who never run from peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2019

Never a problem, never a worry. Your resounding faith and diligence paved the way for other fine and honest officers to follow in. Heaven has your mortal soul for eternity, Officer Cook, a good man with a golden heart and every bit of humility. That in itself helped to swing the pendulums of your desired dignity and integrity which directed your pursuits of wickedness while shielding Dade County's folks of evil and providing some semblance of tranquility and unity. Honored and paid homage to for humbleness and the correct instincts of ingenuity and intelligent intuitions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2019

Being cunning and clever can at times avert actual danger, still being cautious and prudent might be a better plan of action. Your bravery and heroic actions, Officer Cook, everyday and in particular on May 16, 1979, saved the people and your esteemed and faithful colleagues. All the caring, concern and consideration went into rescuing humanity from a terrible man. God has your cherished soul in His haven of ferocity forevermore to be gracefully honored and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2019

Spirited and faithful, you were a detail oriented man, Officer Cook, dedicated to the trust and conservation of Dade County's citizens. Always professional, upright in honesty, dignity and integrity , you heroism and character shall always be so honored and richly remembered. Serenity and unity, we strive for complete and happy lives, it was sad yours, Officer Cook, was taken by a man of evil who perpetrated this against society and your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2019

The deranged, the devious and the diabolical will someday have their plans of violence and evil severely punished by Our Creator. He who can mete out retribution for taking innocent lives of ordinary people and those cherished, brave and honest souls of distinction who portray perseverance and resolve as well as their classic and heroic dignity and integrity. Your soul, Officer Cook, that represented Dade County has been on a special and very unique journey guiding all of our future women and men on missions of fruition and success. Violence, terror and evil demand excellent care and they need to be taken out of circulation. Always well thought of and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Maturity that is now multiplied among the twenty plus thousand of heroes and heroines soaring in the heavens above. Nothing but the love and grateful admiration, respect and reverence for you, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of honor, humility and civil pride. It took a life and career of excellence and ingenuity to rise above all else to protect and administer aid to a city and a community that continues honoring your pledges to justice, truth and trust. Your life, Officer Cook, has been and will forever be bravely saluted, solemnly humble and humane putting peace and unity back on mettle and moral's maps of mercy and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Diversity brings together the multitude of citizens from different nationalities. You were a deliverer, warrior and honorably heroic man, Officer Cook. The esteem of Dade County was on the line in the heat of the battles daily and your superior character, dignity and integrity saved more souls than you could ever imagine. A spirit of generosity, sincerity and the curiosity of a courageous man of gallantry patenting goodwill, faith and compassion among mankind. Never more revered, remembered and respected for principles, values and the ideals of ingenuity, independence and intuition. Humanity has been endowed with a newer sense of aspirations, peace and joy for which our journeys may continue. Yours, Officer Cook, were short circuited by callous and wanton violence all from one man. Never again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Vague is not vigilance. The purpose of diligence is to make one more aware of their environment. Dade County was valiantly protected by you, Officer Cook and your resourceful resolve and resilient honor, dignity and integrity. You certainly enjoyed your work and never gave more effort and desire to heroically stop an evil man. Character, mettle and morals all contribute mightily to any outcome and of course your family and comrades wished things had not gone so wrong that day. badge#1664 stands blessed in the eyes and ears of Our Lord and your acumen and decency will be saluted and rewarded for civility and in assisting humanity with its safety and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Reinforcements only help to stabilize any given circumstance and on May 16, 1979, that was exactly what you were , Officer Cook, along with your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln. The savior of Dade County who rose to the challenge and saved your colleagues and the residents from Mr.Pearsall inflicting further damage and possible mortality. Although, you were taken way too soon, Officer Cook. Your character was consistent with your dignity, honesty and integrity and surely humility and sanctity were placed back on the streets where they rightfully belonged. Your family, comrades and friends all pay homage to your heroic actions of mercy and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Toys are for kids. Weapons are to be utilized properly while defending your peers and civilians whom you took a sacred oath to preserve. Dade County was steered by your courage and convictions to deliver peace and goodwill, Officer Cook. A hero of humble proportions whose honor and bravery made the character in your integrity and dignity stand strong in bringing stability and security to your community. Always saluted and honored for decent and heroic compassion to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Dependability and reliability are the important cogs of honesty, integrity and dignity. So help any officer whoever shirks that sacred trust of the people they serve and protect. You were a gallant and humble young man, Officer Cook, blessed with heroic humility and the wisdom that navigated your trails of truth and justice for all Dade County. Police work is not an adventure it is the acumen and awareness that all faithful and loyal men and women function under. You were a superior human being whose soul of peace and tranquility has been rewarded and blessed for facing violence face to face. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2019

Accountability accentuates a loyal man's hunts for peace and journeys for justice. Loyal and beloved, your comrades, Officer Cook, have fondly remembered your true character, heroic and honorable.It saved the people of Dade County innumerable harm. Integrity and dignity are the sparks of serenity and they were delivered by a proven veteran . Sadly, your life and career, Officer Cook, were cut too short by an evil man trying to carry on a sadistic domestic situation. Fortitude and ferocity worked their clarity when you patrolled the corridors of a community that treasured, revered and respected your inner humility. With a heart of gold and a cherished soul of enhancement you can be sure you are never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

Sometimes a little finagling might bring you closer to finality in solving a circumstance, resolving a conflict, tearing down terror. Just remember so long as you complete your assignments with unwavering and unselfish honesty, dignity and the core of integrity. Dade County was well protected and served by your nobility and sense of direction and dedicational leadership skills, Officer Cook. Its citizens were given a renewed lease on life by your sacrifice. A very heroic and cherished young man , congenial and courageous transcending every last ounce of character and excellence to exact evil from its roots so safety, security and humbleness would find its locations of learning and logic. A hearty salute for your devotion and loyal determination to make society great once again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Esteem is earned. Energy is expended in order for hope to ring loudly. Passion is great. Proficiency is demanded from all public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

The premium for perseverance and resolve is honesty and heroism's calls for humility. The greatest affection and esteem that you possessed, Officer Cook, for your critical position of trust, truth and fighting tenacity on behalf of Dade County and its folks. Focused on desire, dignity and integrity, you were a morally upright man of gallantry whose courage and resolve have been solemnly etched and inscribed upon walls and in the hearts and minds of your wonderful family and close knit brothers and sisters who went to battle evil with you. A command of character and principles usually vaults a public servant into a range where they can at least begin their ascendence into a war over such an aggressive monster. Violence surely incorporates every ounce of wickedness to whip up those tides of tyranny and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

Your hopes and dreams , Officer Cook, were to dash the desires of evil people and to formulate a plan of action for Dade County to live freely and in safety. The nets were cast far and wide in your attempts to reel in ruination which evil and turmoil cause. The ultimate sacrifice which you gave to your community, Officer Cook, meant the values and mettle, the morals and character that integrity and dignity bring to an all important profession and we give thanks for your courage and humility all sealed forever in God's tents of trust and perfection. Your angel wings will take you higher and higher as your soul of peace ascends those boundaries not yet in our sights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

A lesson is the reason to keep learning. A life lost suddenly is one to be honored and revered. Contemplation requires a train of thought in which integrity, wisdom and dignity cast a certain realistic perception. Dade County needed your presence, Officer Cook, stumbling, bumbling and fumbling will never ease the burdens of violence. They will unfortunately cause situations to become more heated and intense. You were an excellent officer, Officer Cook, constructed to be fair and firm when necessary. A man of trust and truth whose role in mankind was to prevent adversity while sheltering us from evil. A hero forevermore whose humility and deliberate civility will be so humanely honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

Flattery is fine so long as ferocity maintains the everpresent battle over evil. You deserved to live, Officer Cook, your life and honor had more to offer this world. It was a shame and tragedy to have been taken so soon. your dignity, integrity and character humbly delivered the goodwill and resiliency Dade County was looking for.A heroic legend that humanity will not forget. You continue to be honored and respected for your superior leadership and motivation that endeared yourself to your family, friends and esteemed and brave comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2019

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