Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The terrains are slicked by some serious violence and its associated evil. All you were doing, Officer Cook, was your job on behalf of Dade County and its loyal people. A scoundrel of an individual Mr. Pearsall and yourself, Officer Cook, it's a crying tragedy he did not ponder nor contemplate his ignominious behavior against a decent man of principles, honor and trust whose integrity and dignity filled our world with much happiness and peace for twenty-five years, six of which were given and in laying down your career and life of character, commitment to excellence and humility in being heroic, may your soul be blessed and extra specially rewarded in those sacred gates of prestige and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The valleys are high and the views from God's splendid mountains beautiful. Always regarded and highly treasured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2019

Conjecture and speculation are opinions and facts bare out the truth behind one's sacred trust and honest humility. Your tenacity, Officer Cook, was born in your unwavering esteem and bravery, the actions heroic and resourceful that mended the fences in Dade County where those whom you served were given some balance and renewed sense of awareness and safety for their pursuits of happiness, tranquility and prosperity to reach higher. A man on a golden mission on behalf of mankind, goodwill, Officer Cook, trailed your every movement and your sterling and pristine character never any better. A legend of crystal clear vision, inspiring wisdom and clarity and charm conveyed like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2019

Flailing away only does just that. It's found in loyalty and in the battlelines where honesty, integrity and dignity is corroborated. Never a better young man, never a more gentle approach with concern, caring and consideration. Your career, Officer Cook, preserved the humility and custody of Dade County. Peace, harmony and stability brought on by your humble and humanely heroic actions. Humility and destiny were surely not frittered away. The good resources of resolve, clarity and wisdom assisted your eyes in guiding you through terror and evil. Saluted and solemnly etched in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2019

The trajectories of tenacity can torpedo most violence and evil launched its way. Your unrelenting and unending goodwill, honor and dignity allowed Dade County residents, Officer Cook, to live their lives with integrity and character just as you possessed and maintained your entire life. One sadly cut down by a monster's evil actions. Yours were heroic and gallant, the struggles continue today for our society, with your mortal soul looking down from heaven maybe those who serve and protect will offer the same yeoman like job as you performed. Humble, resolute and never more clearer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2019

Humility warms the hearts of humanity. It stifles whatever resistance evil and violence try to push through. Dade County had an esteemed and most humbly respected hero in you, Officer Cook. Never any questions about your goals and efforts of honor, integrity and dignity put forth to unearth a giant of an albatross. You saved lives and through your inner strength and courageous heart of gold may your soul of character and resiliency be blessed abundantly. He or she who gives back to their community and sacrifices their life will receive their heroic reward. Eternity is that hallowed place of perfection where the serene and humble sleep soundly without pain of harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

Humanity dictates safe havens and the peaceful movements of all people. Your life was the example, Officer Cook, of an honorable and well respected public servant here in Dade County and around our country. You took your training and lessons to heart bringing safe harbors to those whom you served and for having the consistency of courage, dignity and integrity shall Our Maker bless your humble and humanely heroic soul of compassion. Violence is a character not to be toyed or fooled around. Saluted and gallantly honored for legendary leadership, meaningful motivation and a desirable determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

Torment and terror pitch their tents of turmoil and when they do police must be prepared to tear down their outposts of unending evil. An adversary so vastly destructive it was your humbling appearance that day and everyday, Officer Cook, that made that distinct difference here in Dade County. The presence of perseverance, the awareness, the dignity and integrity of a nobly honored soul. It all helped reign in mischief and mayhem while residents could see the lights of serenity and safe havens. Your character and humility won't ever be forgotten and neither will your peaceful spirit of resolve and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

Faith and firmness surely bring trust and trust to those who honor their Creator. You honored mankind, Officer Cook, along with your parents whose raised two great children. You dignified your integrity and brought pride to the world by lending a helping hand to humanity by bringing back security, unity and peace of mind to Dade County folks. Remembered as a hero and fondly etched in our memories for character and conviction that never relented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your unassuming goodwill brought a renewed sense of gratitude and awareness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

A person with an attitude cannot have fortitude. But surely, ferocity and tenaciousness can travel with a brave and honored soul so long as integrity, character and dignity fortify one's conquests. Solving crime and resolving conflict is certainly never easy and sometimes things slip right through our very fingers. Your career and life, Officer Cook, marked an important period of time in which you served and protected all Dade County with the richness of enhancement and endearing yourself to those whom you held so dear to you.You remain cherished and respected, your memory won;t be forgotten nor will your humility which placed goodwill back into the hearts of your community where Badge#1664 is well thought of and remains legendary for your unselfish heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

Research is the best tool to look back into history. When a good man is suddenly taken from his loved ones and colleagues we mourn his loss. your loss, Officer Cook, was terribly tragic and Dade County's citizens have missed your presence. A bright smile, yet a man with much honor and humbleness who battled the forces of evil with superior dignity, integrity and the character of heroic ingenuity. Never forgotten and solemnly honored for dealing with strife. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

Desire, devotion, dedication and determination all dignity decency which you possessed an inordinance of, Officer Cook. Confident and yet humble, honorable and admired for the profession you chose to become. Wisdom and vision clarify a person's pursuits and yours, Officer Cook, benefitted Dade County beyond any measure of success you achieved. Humanity has missed your smile and faithfulness as God has blessed your heroically mortal soul of stability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The truth and trust shall triumph terror and torment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

The boards are covered with bravery, boldness and sure heroic honesty. Dade County was forever blanketed by your unwavering and very undying integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, which assisted your pursuits of violence as you were in the process of stopping a cruel man from harming more innocent people. The esteem and appreciation of your community, Officer Cook, as you were a loyal and treasured comrade whose concerns went above the bounds of your responsibilities. A man with character whose humbleness and humane principles and decencies are sealed in everybody's hearts and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

The throngs of people who paid honor and respect to you, Officer Cook, was clearly the dignity and integrity by which your outstanding character represented all Dade County. Humility and civility restoring peace and prosperity throughout a community that continues its pursuits of quiet while you humbly went after evil and gave your soul of serenity for aspirations and dreams to travel onward. Saluted and honored for heroic work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2019

The fearless courage, the humane side of honor and heroism all right there over forty some years ago responding to a serious domestic episode and giving your life and career for all Dade County citizens and your praiseworthy colleagues of dignity, integrity and character. The kind of heart warming character and resolve loyally demonstrated by yourself, Officer Cook. Officers must race and respond quickly to calls as they are dispatched to a various location. Trouble runs and flees but not before leaving violence and ruination in its wake. Humanity was heroically honored by your fortitude and amazing graces, Officer Cook. Twenty-five years of your life dedicated to service and the exclamation points of proficiency, perseverance and very prudent and practical values and ideals meant to enhance the sanctity of civilization. Where you forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero is where heroes and their personalities of ingenuity, intuition and relevant intelligence all sleep soundly with their mortal souls of serenity and affection being blessed, rewarded and sheltered from anymore harm. Keep God's perpetual lights shining down on us, Officer Cook. Our friend, warrior and hero of mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

Relive. Relate. Reminisce. Remember. You can never forget a hero's expertise's of resourcefulness, resiliency and resolve. They reveal the story of honor, humility and most importantly total and unselfish heroism. Straight from your serene and humble heart, Officer Cook. The esteem of Dade County rested squarely on your broad shoulders that had courage and the tenets of tenacity, faith and optimistic goodwill. It brought you closer to those very battles over adversity where your morals, mettle and character were called upon to act decisively as you always performed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ice cream and pie are great snacks. Bravery and boldness do more than band society together.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

Those furnaces are ablaze waiting to destroy evil,violence and wickedness that leaves its nastiest of impressions upon society. Chilling and ghastly, yet with your humane and humbly heroic honesty, Officer Cook, did you begin to tear away at its roots. Dignified and totally resourceful, your integrity and character won't ever be overlooked by Dade County and its people. The hopeful goodwill created the bonds of gallantry and good grace. Surely and certainly will humanity remember and salute your memory as God blesses and rewards your gentle soul and compassionate heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The wicked will succumb to their sinister ways while the righteous will reveal in their courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

Your squad, Officer Cook, composed of you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went to that scene on May 16, 1979, never hesitating. Only the excellence of humility, the courage of integrity and the character of dignity which more often than not can put out those fierce fires of evil. One man creating a nuisance for Dade County had to be stopped and taken into custody. badge#1664, you , Officer Cook, went even though you did not have to go and gave your life to eradicate this menace of society. A career of capsuled charm, charisma and quality service now summoned by Our Lord to meet up with your sisters and brothers who too made that very ultimate sacrifice. Undaunted. Unwavering. Unselfish. Always honored for relevant resolve and hopeful resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

Spending time with family is most important and so is getting home safe and sound. Too bad, Officer Cook, at the tender young age of twenty-five did your life and career come to a violent end, You gave honor and meaning to the words: dignity and integrity they equal character and transparency. Trust, truth and tenacity assisted you in putting hope and security back into the hearts of all Dade County. A venue where your truth and trust were gained humbly, humanely and most heroically. Never to be forgotten and poignantly saluted for bravery and the essence of kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your colleagues and of course your loving family remembers your sacrifice and sound professionalism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

All that you've done, Officer Cook, should be celebrated, saluted and honored for humble courage and heroic commitment you gave Dade County. Proficient and principled in character and conviction is everything departments look for in recruits. Fruition taken to a higher sphere where your dignity and integrity allowed you the chance to make mankind better served and better protected. Humility and humanity go as well as bravery and wisdom, without vision and clarity goodwill and hope may be lost. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

The victims of fate are those brave souls who enter eternity knowing their heavenly rewards will soon come. Your honorable and humble soul, Officer Cook, represented all Dade County with nothing but professional esteem, loyalty and class. The personification of never ending dignity and integrity which helped you to calm and to restore peace while maintaining law and order. Surely, society has missed your adoring presence as much as your unselfish character and humility now stored in God's den of heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2019

Peace requires some searching. Honesty and integrity need dignity to pave those humbly heroic trails that will result in serenity. In the end as in the beginning faithfulness and reverence were the stewards driving your car, Officer Cook, in and around Dade County looking for a quality of life while protecting the masses who saw sure resolve and character resting upon the trees of tenacity. Real humility all learned at home from your beloved folks may they rest in peace along with your soul my neighbor, friend and hero. Charisma does not always carry the battle, it certainly can lend a hand to make efficiency greater.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

The eyes of integrity, the ears of ingenuity, intuition and humility are the humble secrets to success in our very own constant trails of endeavor. To become a police officer, you must be a role model of consistent goodwill and character, have a backbone of honesty and a core of dignity. Wisdom and vision stroll down those lanes where you walked, Officer Cook, over forty some odd years ago preserving and aiding your fellow officers and those citizens seeking you intimate counsel. A wise man listens. A foolish one babbles on forever. may the light of God's good grace and divine introspection shelter your heroic soul, Officer Cook, from anymore harm which will never befall you. Eternity is that tranquil and perfect setting where heroines and heroes all soar higher and higher wearing gentle angel's wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

Bookends of bravery and boldness must never get sidetracked by callous and conceited behavior. Dade County was under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook and no detail of safety and unity was ever out of sight. The hero in you was sincere, loyal and fiercely protective of his community. One that mourned your loss to your beloved family and entire police world. Integrity and dignity must not drown in a sea infamy, it's the character and humility that must transcend the bounds of adversity as yours did, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society and mankind march onward although your soul and smile are missed terribly. A presence of resolve and conservation be be heroically honored for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

Valor and perseverance may never plummet. Honor and dignity must be like dough and rise to the top in integrity when carrying out those wars against evil. Your good nature, goodwill and special soul, Officer Cook, preserved, patrolled and protected Dade County like never before. A man filled with love and admiration battling against a man filled with hate, rage and vengeance took a wonderful husband, son, brother and uncle away from his family to be cradled in God's merciful and compassionate arms forever. The esteem and loyalty rose above adversity and championed a newer humanity to be forever proud of. Humility and humbleness reside in Our Lord's house of heroism until that day of redemption will come forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

The respect is earned by showing poise and loyalty in your all out effort to curb crime. Your honesty and its reverence for integrity and dignity comes through those channels of courage not conceit. Bravery is a source, humbly nurtured by humility and its nourishment of ferocity. Your good name and goodwill, Officer Cook has been treasured and cherished as has your faith and goodwill you demonstrated on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Giving your life for your friends and comrades only reinforces what your character, stellar and pristine was all about. You are honored, saluted and resolutely remembered for trying to stop a domestic incident from snowballing further out of control. Bedlam, chaos and mayhem must never surround any community where safety, peace, happiness and prosperity are the themes of tranquility and your undying endeavors, Officer Cook, which enhanced and enriched more than we can ever comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2019

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