Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When weighted down by adversity one must act properly in honesty and devotion to integrity and dignity. Duties will get completed when every i is dotted and every t is crossed. You can never cross up good morals and a balance of good character and yours, Officer Cook, was heroic and stellar in saving Dade County and its folks from the destruction of society by one callous and evil man. He took your life, Officer Cook, during your service and preservation of a venue where you grew up and learned the important lessons that would serve as your dedication, determination and motivational leadership skills imparting vision, clarity maturity and wisdom to other brave souls willing to lend an ear. Always peak and top notch effort and we salute your gallant crusades of truth , trust and justice for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

A feather of ferocity is better than a thimble of adversity. Translated better to be an honest soul worth pulling your own weight in these climactic battles over misery and harm. You certainly acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, with modesty and resolve. Surely, a man's valor and vision shall carry his humble dignity and integrity far down those trails of righteousness. And for having heroic character, decency and the scruples that helps emancipate those searching for liberty may your soul, Officer Cook, be blessed as Our Creator provides eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

Never bask in glory for the war over wickedness has just begun. Boldness and bravery are a hero's best comrades who will have their opportunity to shine at a later date. Your days and years, Officer Cook, were well spent securing harmony and prosperity for all Dade County residents. Never a moment without a reflection about your considerate dignity and thoughtful integrity, humane and tremendous honesty that constructed firm and safe passageways for all to travel in. Respected and loyal , resolute and efficient, a man of command and motivation to be able to demonstrate excellence in your field of choice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. desire and destiny are linked to fate and all your missions, Officer Cook, were of sound mind and intellectual pursuits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

Isolate and eliminate. The threats of evil whether of one person or a group sets off a chain reaction of events which require deftness and acumen which you maintained throughout your life and career, Officer Cook. A steady force of ferocity fueled by integrity and dignity's characters. They fortified your exploits of excellence in journeying after justice. A gentleman of truth and trust bridging those gaps where fairness and firmness is expected. Always a hero so devoted and most faithful to his comrades, a brother to other men and women, brave and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

Anticipation builds to a crescendo. Violence places individuals on high alert and makes the occupations of all crime fighters that much more perilous. You took your onuses and burdens very seriously, Officer Cook, as all honored, brave and dignified public servants must. Dade County was under your superb and superior protection and forever do you remain a humbly cherished and important hero. The years have passed and no one can ever forget your resolve, fighting spirit or humility which added a dose of decency and class to the roads where you battled and patrolled for goodwill and harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

Tyranny floods in while tenacity must be implemented everyday of one's humble career. Surely, each and every watch, Officer Cook, you utilized the best of skills and the highest degree of respect and reverence stemming from your unwavering and undying heroic honesty, dignity and integrity. It all meshed well in securing the streets of Dade County where its citizens were provided the assistance of safe shelters and havens to pursue their lives and prosperity. Your family, colleagues and friends all salute your humility and God given talents all in heaven's name.A man of grand character was taken too soon and only God knows why. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

You won't find evil hiding behind cloak and daggers. You find it where you may least expect it. You pursued peace and harmony, Officer Cook, all the days of your life and by virtue of your unselfish sacrifice this proves heroism and honor are related to the principles of integrity and dignity. When a man of commitment, conviction and character is taken suddenly snuffed out from continuing his dreams and aspirations we mourn his loss. Evil must never feel in control and enhancement shall be a living part of your legacy of humility and humbleness. The world is poorer. Your spirit, Officer Cook, never died it went straight to heaven to reap its most humane reward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

Pound that pavement of persistent perseverance and sooner rather than later success will find its way right to the heart of violence. Dade County was served by your heroically honorable presence, Officer Cook. Always a most well revered, respected and resourceful man of valor whose character and faith brought long lasting peace, safety and the tranquil movements needed for happiness and prosperity. Our Master's kingdom above is replete with bravery, humility and the highest of values. Your soul , Officer Cook, continues to be blessed and rewarded fro having rescues your community from unrelenting violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

You have got to keep those horses in the barn.Violence and wickedness must be stabled and not allowed to run rampant. Dade County and its citizens relied upon your instinctual reservoir of honor, dignity and integrity to pull it through some stressful moments, Officer Cook. Always willing to lend a glad hand your courage and ferocity fueled your missions around humanity most humanely and heroically. A life of merit and honor, diligence and valor to be solemnly and proficiently saluted. You were a great man of virtues whose character was the finest and is sorely missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

Hostility means keeping goodwill bottled up when its every resource must be utilized by society to live more freely and with a renewed sense of faith. Being devoted to your profession, Officer Cook, made you more aware of Dade County and its people. The surroundings have changed today and sad that your honesty, dignity and integrity are not physically here. They are heroic in nature and are being kept safe in God's heavens above where many other brave souls sleep soundly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humane and wise beyond your years.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

Diabolical means deceitful and dishonest and must be cut off in its tracks of terror. Chasing after tranquility means doing whatever is needed for the public's peace of mind and trust they instill in their saviors. You were a humble hero, Officer Cook, who graced this world for twenty-five all too short years and yet you accomplished
more than who lived longer. Your unwavering and unselfish integrity and dignity were all a part of your plans to end the evil sheltering itself in Dade County and you'll not be forgotten. It's still and will forever be a sad day when you gave your life of character and morals for mankind to move forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

Charming and captivating, your persona, Officer Cook, helped you to fulfill your vital roles in protecting Dade County and its citizens. Never a lack of effort, only enhanced integrity, dignity and honesty in waging those long drawn out battles over violence. We salute and pay homage to your humility, all a part of your heroic legacy which stands today and forever as a vital measuring stick for all future men and women who risk their souls of esteem for our safety and peaceful pursuits in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2019

Treachery and tenacity. One a form of bedlam, the other a means to honorable and dignified conduct. All while staying like a bulldog pursuing peace while trying to vanquish evil. You did all your assignments and roles very well, Officer Cook. Dade County's folks could not have been in any steadier hands of humility treating society with all the character and integrity that sincere heroes strive for. A host of everything floods in and one must be ready and able to answer that bell. God has surely rewarded your special and treasured soul, Officer Cook. Tragically missed. Our Lord has a very great man of courage and faith bonding those masses of heroes and heroines together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

Simultaneous to sincerity and having the common sense to safely and securely resolve any conflict is also having the tools of tenacious character, honesty and the core fundamentals and principles of integrity and dignity. They can only boost one's own chances of being successful in their endeavors. To bolster humanity, Officer Cook, you had to have the right stuff, meaning heroic and devoted actions that saved and aided all Dade County and their residents through those mazes of mayhem and who knows what other calamities lied before you and your comrades that day. God's public servant whose faithful trips turned into a tragic fateful day beyond any understanding whatsoever. You were strong, brave and most compassionate, Officer Cook, always cherished and looking to enrich, enhance and educate mankind with lessons that are now eternally abounding in that perfect after life, heaven where your mortal soul soars heroically higher and higher on those humble angel's wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

Delegate what is relevant. Attack the problem square on and you'll see the difference. Compose yourself, prepare a method of action keep honor, bravery and boldness close to intensity, integrity and the characters of dignity , somewhere humble success may rise from the ground. From God's eyes and ears, Officer Cook, were you directed in and around Dade County. Just always keep in mind, humility, civility and sanctity must lead above all else. Courageous and mindful of manners, ethics and proper conduct. Your reward and blessing, Officer Cook, has come although your loved ones would clamor to have you back where you belong. The kingdom of Our Creator is that perfect fortress where sacred gates, streets and pathways are duly preserved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

Dire straits call for dire measures. Never a more composed and resourceful gentleman of gallantry and of sacred honor. You meant everything to our world and of course to your loyal and devoted family members, Officer Cook. Heaven has your package of perseverance along with your enhancing dignity and integrity all stroked by wisdom, vision and clarity. So much more to live for and unfortunately God had other more golden plans for your angelic and heroic spirit. Keep observing those serving and protecting as that baton gets heavier everytime it's passed from one angel to the other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

Officer Cook, you were a humble, admired and very esteemed Dade County hero who never shirked nor deflected responsibility. You went to that scene on May 16, 1979 as you went to countless other scenes and acquitted yourself with dignity, integrity and the stellar character that has made you a legend to be solemnly and fondly so duly honored. Resolve and resiliency as well as anyone can expect. Badge#1664 did yeoman service bringing transparency to a region and community where your mortal soul is always going to be revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

The ceiling is surely raised in honesty and in courage. You raised the level of heroism and professionalism here in Dade County by far, Officer Cook, with your acumen, integrity and humble dignity. All the endeavors poured into your labors of love to quell violence. The terrible obstacle toward peace and freedom. You certainly are missed as is your welcoming character, charm and charisma all directed into a goodwill for humanity. You stayed the tracks of tenacity while out patrolling for evil. Never more remembered and saluted for diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2019

Police work deals with all kinds of various situations and their different circumstances. All you did day in and day out was hold your own in dignity, honesty and integrity, Officer Cook. This is all any department can expect from law abiding and brave women and men. Dade County lost more than a hero that day. It lost the heart and soul of the Central Division, a man firmly capable of calming and distributing peace and security to a community who continue spaying respect and homage to. You cherished your roles and tasks of resiliency, effort and by virtue of your unwavering and unselfish humility can those flames of fire and fierceness be extinguished forever. Our Maker has your very special soul of mercy and grace, Officer Cook, overlooking His mountains of heroic angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

The ball of boldness and bravery must never be dropped. The baton surely must be passed on at some point in time and though it was much too early, hopefully those serving today will remember your much loved and heroic legacy, Officer Cook. The honor, faith and trust that preserved the quality of life for all Dade County folks. A spirit of appreciation never to be bally hood. A gentle soul whose kindness and goodwill reflected your most sincere and humble environment. A warrior of character and crystal clear wisdom, vision and clarity never to be overlooked. You are to be lovingly honored and revered for giving your life to save others including your beloved and esteem comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

Gallantry glistens while bragging only produces smoke and mirrors. Nothing better than being a cherished and reverently respected gentleman of grace and humility. Officer Cook, Dade County was under your tender and humble care, concern , compassion and consideration during your watch and now that you are in heaven watching over us, please utilize every drop of dignity and integrity to help those serving to stem the tide of terror. Nothing is more important obviously than returning to your family safe and sound. treasured and loyal until your last breath. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

Cowards don't know the term boldness for their brazen acts of wickedness spark more disturbing evil and destruction than we could ever imagine. You acquitted yourself very excellently, Officer Cook. Dade County was rescued from the clutches of an evil man with more than a passing tendency to commit mayhem and violence. Your blessed name and honorable service, Officer Cook, has been paid homage to and for having integrity and dignity, God will surely bless your mortal soul even more. Character and politeness share equal responsibility in guarding the public from impending disaster. And no doubt your heroic actions staved off more harm. You made the ultimate sacrifice for peace and serenity to march forward, shame God did not have it in His plans for your journeys to continue to a more completed fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

The shelters of hope and renewal are always open in Our Master's fraternal home of heroism and perfection. Bravery and trust speak louder now than ever before. Your sincerity and acumen, Officer Cook, contributed to mankind being protected and served by a most faithful patriot. heroic and honorable, diligent and most vigilant in times of crises. Surely, Dade County was experiencing a most trying day on May 16, 1979 and there you were, Officer Cook, with your principles and scruples in tact saving the citizens and those colleagues who worked along side of you. Never forgotten and etched in your family and comrades' memories forevermore. Enhancement and enrichment live on because of public servants such as your humble self, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

Where there is a torrential downpour of violence there must be a supportive gathering of honest and decently hard working public servants who are willing to steer peace and prosperity back into the hearts and souls of mankind. An admirable man who was dedicated and devoted to his community here in Dade County, you'll fondly be remembered not just noted, Officer Cook, for having the dignity and integrity to participate in all of your department's pursuits of some semblance of safety for humanity. A hero through and through, nothing more truthful than a soul whose cherished loyalty remains saluted and so humanely honored. Fighting crime is never simple nor is it for a faint of heart individual. Your career and life, Officer Cook, delivered the recipe for resolve and goodwill administered to all society as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has the character, the commitment and the convictions to excellence and pride.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2019

An avalanche of grief, agony, misery and sorrow seems to engulf our world with all the trappings of terror, evil, violence and wickedness that at times seems too overwhelming for the most sophisticated, versatile and honorable public servant. When you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook, never better work, never finer discipline and humbly heroic decency. The scales of justice always were balanced fairly and in a most trusted way. You sacrificed your life, Officer Cook, character, grace and integrity for humanity's well being never to be set aside nor forgotten. A hero of virtue and foundations, the cornerstones for a peaceful and safer environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2019

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