Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The scenarios may seem dire, the situations dangerous, the circumstances critical and yet through it all, Officer Cook, you maintained a positive and calming presence in Dade County. Its citizens trusted you and your style of police work never to be forgotten. Saluted and solemnly honored for heroism , dignity and integrity. Nothing important or imperative was never absent from your uniform and badge. Humanity thanks you, Officer Cook and your soul of compassion and charm for doing excellent work and in providing the resources of resolve and enrichment. Remembered and well respected among the rank and file brothers and sisters who fought those difficult wars over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Darkness will never cover your heavenly spirit, it's kept lighting up our world from chaos and impending harm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Darkness seems to attract the worst of bad apples.For your generosity and thoughtful sincerity, Officer Cook, the people living in and around the Dade County area were very well taken care of. Honor, integrity and the intuitions of dignity only put more bounce into your boldness and unselfish bravery. Conviction and congeniality were partners forever. patrolling the streets were evil and peril lurked put every woman and man on high alert. Your sacrifice bears the fruits of your labor, Officer Cook, humanity'a version of stellar humility. The virtues that validated your unwavering presence over us. You continue to be greatly missed. Your smile is illuminating the heavens above now and for always. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Service to citizens predicates stellar and clear conscience. Yours, Officer Cook, was never better. A smile and a gently humbled spirit to go with your honesty, dignity and integrity to stem the tides of turmoil and torment. For six years of goodwill , faithfulness and hope you gave every ounce of your heart for all Dade County and its residents. A well lived life though one cut tragically short by one man's rage and terror. He got his punishment and your treasured soul of peace and harmony has forever received God's humane and loving acknowledgement for aiding and rescuing us from terrible fates. Loyalty secures every hero's place in Our Lord's most sacred of points. Just as commitment and character keep perpetually rewarded one's soul, yours, Officer Cook, fruitfully undertook missions of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Predicaments are always something to beware of when fighting crime and certain violence. Never a more conditioned and seasoned public servant than yourself, Officer Cook, a Dade County legend and hero of the highest standard of honor, bravery and reverence for integrity and the character of one who is humbly dignified. You protected your comrades and were loyal to those whom you proudly served with. Humanity and humility are carefully safeguarded in God's pristine palaces of perfection where heroes and heroines don their angel wings to soar higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Police cannot function like a deer in headlights. With the safety of the general population in their firm and honest hands, they must have self-discipline, control over their emotions, dignity above all else and integrity of character stellar above reproach. You lived by rules and standards, Officer Cook, you and your big sister, Nancy, were brought into this world by your two loving parents Mr. and Mrs. Cook, may they both rest in peace. Dade County was duly served by your unwavering and unrelenting courtesies and manner of policing that had evil's attention. Always heroically saluted and fondly remembered as a warrior whose humility humbly touched the living spirit of humanity. Our Lord's seats are reserved for the class, decency and faithfulness to all calls of duty. You'll be revered and treasured forever, Officer Cook. God's eyes and ears protect your soul with all of His tender kindness, lovingly holding you in His palms of perfection where never anymore harm, pain or suffering will befall a terrific young man and a most gallant gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

A person's private life should be respected and so honored. Your public service career, Officer Cook, was filled with much joy and professional accomplishments. Replete with honesty, devotion and the dignity which supports the backbones of integrity, you can be sure your heroic character and class won't be forgotten. Dade County was wisely and accurately protected by your inane wisdom and vision so clear as a bell. never better clarity, maturity and the ultimate enrichment , enhancement to be revered and fondly saluted forevermore. A soul of humble esteem and boldness continuing its flight paths in the deepest of blue skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's very sad God deemed your life as finished all by an evil man's violence against police and those citizens whom you loyally served.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

Honor, sincere and a charmingly humble young man, your life, Officer Cook, has been remembered for heroic intuition, succinct serenity and a resourceful placing of harmony and safety within the borders, streets and roads of Dade County. Always a fine human being whose life and career enriched those who relied upon your fortitude and acumen to certainly help wipeout terror and evil. When character, commitment and transparency are disgraced and so dishonored, we just think what is this world coming to? A man of boldness, resolve and the trust of mankind whose legendary spirit of adventure is not overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Outstanding never obstantacious. Dignified not dazed. Integrity not intellectual incompetence. Those thrones are complete with regal and splendor, the final piece of bravery's perfect gallery of gallant spirits who rose up against such a spiteful and hated adversary.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

If you close your eyes you will fail to understand what you cannot view. Danger and peril require all organs to be open to the challenges of hearing and sight. Responding and rendering assistance is what you did so well , Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County. Excellence in honesty, determination to dignity and instinctual integrity all helped you to stop violence which cost you your young and valiant life. Never a more high octane public servant dedicated and heroic whose life and career will be perpetually honored for dinctive humility and the civil mindedness that belongs on every street corner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

Onlookers don't need to gaze . Just pitch in and lend a helping hand. Evil needs all the hands to eradicate its less than desirable movements around our society. And Dade County's folks had your stellar and sterling presence of mind, Officer Cook, assisting in maintaining calm amid chaos. That was a horrible day when you lost your life in God's heavenly name as your soul is now and forever blessed. It was modest strength from your heart and a sou las gentle that valiantly went after a menacing individual who was holding society hostage to his ranta and raves. We remember your character and humility all sealed in those walls of honor reserved for all heroines and heroes who never let up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

Our Master orchestrates. We cooperate. Police dedicate their faithfulness and devotion to all calls of responsibility no matter how complex. Communication is surely better than gunfire, a violent means to ending the peaceful pursuits of mankind. Humanity struggles with its identity and surely any public servant wants its honest and desirable serenity and safe havens for all to travel through. You persevered and pursued harmony here in Dade County, Officer Cook, no doubt because of your unwavering and very unselfish integrity, character and their dignity. Battles are fought to deliver the goods of goodwill and never will you be forgotten, Officer Cook, you continue to be humbly, heroically and humanely saluted for solemn effort which has left a solid impression upon humanity's backbone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

Gallantry instead of gaudiness. Glitz and glamor put aside for the heavenly name of honor and humility. One never knows when the time to act will arrive so you had better be prepared to take heroic action. Dade County and its citizens were under your careful and cautious eyes, Officer Cook, of integrity, dignity and instinctual ingenuity. Always loyal and passionate, so dedicated to morals and their values, you'll never be more humbly honored for arriving that day when you did. I know you were getting ready to end your shift. God sent your beautiful soul of bravery to an eternal resting place where perfection and valor now patrol smoothly with your gentle angel's wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2019

The stairways and their stairwells are full of serene and humbly able bodied men and women blessed by honor, heroism and the acumen that transports their brave souls of integrity and dignity to stay on guard in advancing past the worst of disturbances. Tuned and attuned, Officer Cook, you carried your badge and uniform very proudly and humbly all your six brave and bold years of truth and youthful trust preserving the image of of all Dade County. Its folks salute your legendary character, convictions and the mindful commitment to excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Service with personality and positive perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Stress and duress are never good for anyone and for police who must face danger, peril and strife every moment, the grief can be overwhelming. The burdens and struggles we the ordinary people must face are one thing. A man of your word and truthful bonds of honor, Officer Cook, Dade County and the world cannot thank you enough for your service and humility. Designed to battle adversity and showing tremendous resolve you'll be forever honored and etched into heroism's legacy of life and career enhancements all for serenity in Our Lord's holy name.Journeys and missions of faithful goodwill utilized with experience and patience all by means of maturity, wisdom and the endurance of effort and virtuous vision never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A ton of tenacity. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Every bit of energy expended, Officer Cook, on society's behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Think before acting and swallow your pride, better to be humble, honest and heroic than one who lacks simple morals and character. Dade County had you, Officer Cook and badge#1664 fighting on their behalf. Our pursuance of peace and its stabilizing tranquility pay more dividends than we could ever wonder. No wondering,you were superb in all your professional undertakings, Officer Cook, with integrity following through on dignity and loyal desire. Always a man of humble nature whose humility and sanctity worked exactly as Our Creator planned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Personification is the very humble identification of all who strive to pursue evil with fortified dedication and sheer determination. All the honesty and dignity in your being, Officer Cook, honed in on serving the pride and excellence of Dade County and its citizens. A heart wrenching day May 16, 1979, turned out to be for the entire police world, your community and wonderfully beloved family. The joy and humility you brought your family through your countless hours and six years of success in trying to eliminate terror from our midst. Character and commitment always to be cherished, admired, respected and reverently saluted for gallantry and boldness from simply staying the courses of morals and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has your immortal soul, Officer Cook, until that day of redemption.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Clairvoyance is one thing, insightful wisdom, honor and courage travel far and wide down those trails of the tenacious. You were feverishly vigilant over Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a hesitation over your unassuming dignity and relentless integrity. No wonder we were kept secure and safe at all times. The charisma of character and achievement has been duly stamped upon your legacy of heroism and humility, so gentle and endearing, so humanely righteous. The acid tests were passed with flying colors. Desire, decency and diligence all strolling safely and soundly in God's heaven kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching over mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Clairvoyance is one thing, insightful wisdom, honor and courage travel far and wide down those trails of the tenacious. You were feverishly vigilant over Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a hesitation over your unassuming dignity and relentless integrity. No wonder we were kept secure and safe at all times. The charisma of character and achievement has been duly stamped upon your legacy of heroism and humility, so gentle and endearing, so humanely righteous. The acid tests were passed with flying colors. Desire, decency and diligence all strolling safely and soundly in God's heaven kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching over mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Clairvoyance is one thing, insightful wisdom, honor and courage travel far and wide down those trails of the tenacious. You were feverishly vigilant over Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a hesitation over your unassuming dignity and relentless integrity. No wonder we were kept secure and safe at all times. The charisma of character and achievement has been duly stamped upon your legacy of heroism and humility, so gentle and endearing, so humanely righteous. The acid tests were passed with flying colors. Desire, decency and diligence all strolling safely and soundly in God's heaven kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Clairvoyance is one thing, insightful wisdom, honor and courage travel far and wide down those trails of the tenacious. You were feverishly vigilant over Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a hesitation over your unassuming dignity and relentless integrity. No wonder we were kept secure and safe at all times. The charisma of character and achievement has been duly stamped upon your legacy of heroism and humility, so gentle and endearing, so humanely righteous. The acid tests were passed with flying colors. Desire, decency and diligence all strolling safely and soundly in God's heaven kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

Clairvoyance is one thing, insightful wisdom, honor and courage travel far and wide down those trails of the tenacious. You were feverishly vigilant over Dade County, Officer Cook. Never a hesitation over your unassuming dignity and relentless integrity. No wonder we were kept secure and safe at all times. The charisma of character and achievement has been duly stamped upon your legacy of heroism and humility, so gentle and endearing, so humanely righteous. The acid tests were passed with flying colors. Desire, decency and diligence all strolling safely and soundly in God's heaven kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2019

External in effort. Internal in humility, trust and honor. But than again one must be fair and firm not just one time. Every second dignity and integrity must hover over every woman and man putting their souls in front of danger for serenity and peace. A community's harmony comes before anything else and surely, Officer Cook, your ingenuity, respect and reverence for society taught a hero as you were those greatest of learning sessions. For character and conviction, commitment to scruples may God bless your eternal soul. A spirit of civility and the sanctity that must be on those pavements where your ferocity followed down those tracks of esteem. Always admired and humbly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2019

It takes courage and heart to pump vim, vigor and vitality back into the mainstreams of humanity. What bothers mankind is that constant bombardment of brazen and wanton evil that threatens to erode the good work of most honest citizens. Dade County was the location where you protected the clarity and vision of its people, Officer Cook. Honored and remembered as a hero of faith and loyal intensity. Your mortal soul of humbleness and character had the all important truth and trust nestled within your missions on behalf of society. And your absence has made us a little less safe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2019

Be truthful and sincere, at least it will give you that fighting chance to turn away adversity. Surely, Dade County and its people had no gripes with your service and professionalism. It all relates to honesty and the general integrity and dignity which must be spread out to combat evil.Your life and noble career, Officer Cook, was the living and breathing example of scruples, morals and values, always the finest of character and the heroics of commitment to pride and excelling in all your journeys of faith and resolution. Enhancement takes humane endeavor and the efficiency to correct the wrongs of mankind which cause ailments of vision and wisdom. A wise man like your humble self, Officer Cook, recognized strength and looked to build over weakness. You had no weaknesses, just a man beloved and etched into your family's memory and those of your brave and esteemed brothers and sisters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2019

Incredulous and scurrilous, someday violence must abate and society has to able to live freely and be held accountable for their actions. A most cherished and responsible public servant, Officer Cook, you served Dade County with all the trustworthiness and truth that an honorable hero can possess. Maintaining goodwill amid crises, having constant dignity and integrity to fortify some of your fiercest battles, you surely will be remembered and saluted for humility and for being humanity's surest stabilizer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2019

Up the slopes may be difficult at times to navigate. One must pack some resolve, perseverance and the humanely heroic honesty that is expected of all duly beloved officers. You were a very cherished and well admired young man, Officer Cook. A Dade County legend full of integrity and the visions of dignity which steered your visions during your missions to protect and to serve humanity. Always confident, yet reserved, your calming voice of reason helped you accomplish more in your twenty-five short years all cut sadly short by wanton violence perpetrated by an evil man. You'll be faithfully and solemnly honored, Officer Cook, for restoring goodwill and harmony among society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2019

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