Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A vest of vigilance, valor and versatility can make or break any public servant's career. A profession where not only wisdom and vision enter into fighting violence, but , having morals and the honorable scruples of dignity and integrity which were all a part of your heroic life and position, Officer Cook. Dade County was sadly thrust into chaos and mayhem that tragic day when a man bent on revenge attacked you and your comrades while you were performing your central duties of character and commitment to deliver some semblance of peace and tranquility to a community so desirous of pursuing their dreams and aspirations. Never forgotten and saluted for resolve and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2019

Nothing feigned or fake, Officer Cook, just your real smile and mild mannered disposition which seemed to be just right to deal with domestics and calming down irate people. It's no wonder many women and men would want to partner with you. Virtue and valor, humility and honor all supporting your missions of mettle,dignity and the class of integrity. Each layer carefully poured onto the other. An affect that has helped Dade County survive these years of torment and misery since your ultimate sacrifice. Society has appreciated your willpower and faithfulness to get things moving along in the right and you are to be duly honored and mightily saluted for principles and pristine loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2019

For all the sugar in a doughnut, you wouldn't need more to pump up your adrenaline. And since you had the virtues of acumen and awareness already, Officer Cook, you were better prepared to serve and preserve the quality of life for all Dade County. You steered mankind the right way with a fine set of morale replete with humility and heroic honor that uplifts integrity and dignity that go into fighting evil. Never a simple chore as the tasks become amped up and because of those who commit this mayhem one needs to always stay on guard and careful. The blueprint of humility and its purposes of passion and compassion directed by your mortal soul of esteem, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The days are longer now and in a few weeks will be getting shorter. Does not mean we overlook your caliber and decency which stayed firmly by your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2019

Passion is fine so long as honesty, integrity and dignity can lead you out of trouble. Violence and evil can tragically exact a price for which there is no turning back. God has your dependable and most dignified soul, Officer Cook, for eternity and for performing an honorable task it's your conviction, character and commitment to excellence that will be blessed and rewarded immediately for rescuing and saving lives. The calls go out and away you went, Officer Cook,searching for evil and rounding it up, bringing prosperity and peace so that humanity could thrive by your heroic civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2019

Courage is honor humbly bestowed upon a heroic and humane individual of dignity and integrity. All one needs to know is that you were diligent and most dependable, Officer Cook, in times of dire duress and crises. Dade County and its residents were amply protected and served by a devote dstudent of learning and communicating. If only that fateful day when you and your fellow colleagues directed Mr. Pearsall to drop his weapon and surrender peacefully. Nevertheless, your soul of crusading character and staunch commitment remains sealed within those sacred and resourceful walls of honor and dedication. never forgotten and proudly saluted for bravery and boldness that was utilized as well as your unwavering resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 23, 2019

Anniversaries illicit the best of memories and for those who lose a loved to violence it's the worst of dates because of the agony, grief and sorrow that is brought to that valiant and honorable servant's family. Your family, Officer Cook, was the rock and you were the glue that kept your loved ones together after your dad's sudden passing. Your mom, Mrs. Julia Cook, was the faithful and devout servant of Our Creator who despite losing you and her husband within less than three years survived another forty years before passing at the tender and humble age of one-hundred and three. You were her beloved, cherished and darling heroic son who mended fences here in Dade County with your unassuming and unselfish acumen, decency and desire. As pure as your integrity and dignity which as one component assist to avert and seize violence before it fans out into more colossal chaos. Never more respected and wise beyond your age. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

Titanic tussles are caused by terror which unfurls tenacious winds of evil. Its wickedness undoes the goodwill and peace that communities and their residents live for an are entitled to prosper under. Your responsibilities and assignments were to keep serenity and safety tied to those walls where welcome stability and togetherness go hand in hand, Officer Cook. A first class citizen, a prime leader whose pristine, humble and heroic character stoked the fuels of your honorable dignity and integrity. Violence must surely be reigned in and you were that dedicated man of your solemn word and bonds of boldness to complete those tasks. Sadly on May 16, 1979, your life and career was ended by one man unleashing countless harm upon Dade County. You reacted swiftly to save your comrades and those citizens caught in the crossfire of his wanton and callous actions. Always fondly saluted for valor and vision, the most cherished of wisdom and maturity from a top notch man of ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

Wrath is terrible. Hostility holds up the progression of our modern day world. So too and so true does wickedness and terror unleash its fearless assault upon us and we must be on guard and ready to defend ourselves. You were as prepared as you could be, Officer Cook and Mr. Pearsall's anger and rage should not have taken your heroic life. At twenty-five with so much more left to fulfill and yet dignity and character, grace and charm never once departed from your cherished soul. One filled with respect and admiration for your peers and family members who everyday seek some solace and comfort in knowing you did what you always wanted to do. Enhancement and determination were your bonds of assurance that things would be fine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

Subourning to perjury would be akin to a total lack of morals, truth and trust. How could one go on patrolling a community without some decency that creates a culture of dignity and integrity? Dade County had a great and nobly humble and humane servant journeying about searching for the answers to peace, unity and some branches of boldness to affirm his devotion and faith to the dispatches that are critical in rescuing others from danger and peril. Humanity and humility look each other in those mirrors where discipline and work ethics do matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

Evil never seems to discriminate as it just relishes ruining lives and wreaking havoc where safe shelters are expected. Your good and blessed name and honored soul, Officer Cook, helped to shine down upon Dade County where your dignity, humility and heroic feats were and forever greatly appreciated. No man or woman's character shall be obstructed from performing their duties and for having acumen and resolve, respect and valor, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decades later your life and career, Officer Cook, remain a vital part of the landscape in a venue where your efforts were tenacious.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

When violence turns a peaceful community into a senseless setting of chaos and bedlam all the help from honored and brave servants is essential to the tasks of taming and tearing down those curtains of callousness. Your goodwill, faith and trust, Officer Cook, helped to usher in some semblance of serenity, safety and the security that the citizens of Dade County relied upon. For having the courage and convictions of integrity and dignity, may Our Creator bless your mortal soul of unrelenting heroism and sanctity to give mankind the purpose in life by which to carry on. Legacies are never easy to follow, yours,Officer Cook, was of relevant resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness to be solemnly saluted and etched into our prayers, thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2019

Experience and engaging, listening, seeing and learning, the big picture of pain and suffering caused by extreme evil is still pervading our world. And so you require good personnel to combat its serious affects. You cared about Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. When humble, heroic and humane honor are designated with their dignity and integrity to stay the courses then it makes a remarkable impression. Your kindness and desire, decency and drive are missed yet saluted and so honored for their tenacious fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2019

Irate and ill mannered that is what people who conceive, deceive and commit cowardly actions of violence, evil and wickedness. A package of cobras being unleashed upon society preying upon the good and noble souls of the majority. Officer Cook, a man of esteem and humility whose appeal and virtue spearheaded prosperity, wisdom and freedom for all mankind and Dade County where you sacred soul and most heroic name lead the charges everyday toward defeating evil. Simply said. Hard to get accomplished because of the many perilous obstacles that lied ahead of you. Badge#1664 performed cheerfully with a beautiful smile that is sorely absent and the right frame of credentials to mold courage and faith as one entity. Now up above in God's sphere of angels do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, honesty and the integrity of enhancement. Twenty-five well lived years of fruition. A reverent name to be fondly celebrated and duly etched into Dade County's archive of heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2019

Before diving in heed the warnings and be cautious. Officers place themselves in harm's way daily to succeed in securing peace, unity and whatever liberties and freedoms evolve from their resolve. Your movements in Dade County, Officer Cook, transported tenacity and the goodwill that is now heroically and for eternity relevant. Never a reluctance to answer that ultimate call not knowing its outcome and still you saved the citizens, your partner and colleagues that awful day when integrity, honor and bravery were treated in a very undignified and humiliating way. A real crying shame, Officer Cook, what transpired. For humility and valor you were marvelous in your outstanding endeavor to ease the burdens unbridled by a berserk man. You were a gentleman with a kind and compassionate heart who is taking his position to a higher calling patrolling that heavenly watch. Saluted and duly honored for faith and devoutness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2019

Epitome is the example of virtue being personified. It's found in the very genes of all who serve and protect the public who clamors for peace and tranquility. All the effort and hard work, Officer Cook, went into your labors of love and esteem on behalf of Dade County and its residents. Never any lack of integrity. Never any forgetting your dignity and integrity, just truth, trust and justice being delivered by a gentleman with a heroic and pure soul of resolve and resourcefulness. You carried on with character, class and decency which is now being both blessed and rewarded for their ultimate and unselfish sacrifices. Humanity was better served by your undying thirst to tame terror and the evil which destroys lives so valuable and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2019

Safety, security and peace are the very foundations which make our society more bolder and purposeful. Indeed, you were a courageous and honorable man, Officer Cook. A mainstay here in Dade County who led by example and a public servant who dignified his very professional position with integrity and conclusive character. That alone surely amplifies why your heroic legacy surely reverently saluted. It's found in the vision, wisdom and clarity why all heroes and heroines do what they love. You served with virtue and sacrificed your life and career of values so mankind could march forward with their aspirations. Violence and evil took away a ray of hope made brighter by your smile and engaging personality all very much missed today and forever by your beloved family, friends and peers pf precision and pristine perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2019

An inauspicious day, May 16, 1979, when ignominious and heinous violence took your life, Officer Cook. the three main characters of your life and humbly heroic career were as follows: dignity, integrity and honesty. And never more demonstrative that day and all through your watch and life of morals, mettle and the basic arrangements of acumen awareness and being astute. You'll always be saluted and solemnly remembered for candor, charm, composure and compassionate courage. God summoned your wonderful soul to His chambers where you are now charged with guarding His voluminous pearly gates. Humility, civility and sanctity all followed your trails of peace, prosperity and hopeful faith and goodwill for all of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

The pages are set the ink has dried and the honesty, integrity and dignity is permanently inscribed. Your heroism, Officer Cook, was most uplifting as it raised the spirits and goodwill of all Dade County. Never a more charismatic man of ingenuity. Always a man of resolve and the wisdom that spells clarity and vision, perseverance and principles as all public servants must conduct their affairs on behalf of humanity. God's humility was sent straight to your gentle and serene heart, Officer Cook, never to be forgotten, only saluted and solemnly honored for its diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

A pleasant smile. A hello and friendly greeting. But, fair and firm and very faithful to the challenges that lied ahead. Everyday nothing but honesty, bravery and the goodwill spilling out from integrity and dignity which extinguished the fires of fierce terror, domestic issues are most complex to resolve and your undying and trustworthy actions, Officer Cook, heroic and sound brought safety, security and joy to your community that has kept on paying your soul homage. You brokered good relations and a kinship to mankind that will last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character stays with a hero and heroine for eternity and can never be disrespected nor tarnished because of how you humbly wore your crisp and pristine uniform of valor and vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

Silence is golden unless it is usurped by evil. Serenity is peace. Humility is a humbling confidence in all that you perform. And you performed your heroic duties, Officer cook, in a first class and honorable fashion at all times. Dade County was never slighted, though your family and community where unduly robbed of your smile and wonderful presence by a crazy man who wickedness permeated the hot day on those streets where you gave your charisma and character for dignity and vital harmony to spread their wings far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of integrity and much love. You remain cherished and revered forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

Light is the source of power which illuminates a dark area. Your very soul, Officer Cook, has done just that in heaven these last forty plus years. It is still difficult to imagine how long ago Dade County was being held under one man's unrelenting evil which you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln tried your utmost to diffuse. But, your dignity , character and integrity were the resources of hope, faith and devotion to your professional duties and they will be how you are fondly etched in our hearts and prayers. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, one-hundred and three years when she passed on March 7th of this year. I know she missed you very much as now and forever are resting in peace along with your father, Mr. Charles Cook, in heaven where heroes and heroines sleep without harm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

Serenity is sincerity. It's the hope and goodwill of all duly honorable public servants to provide safe resources and havens where prosperity and dignity may lie. It was here in Dade County where you started your law enforcement career, Officer Cook. Humble, heroic and a real gentleman filled the streets with integrity and character. Not so called, real humility offering sanctity and civility to dodge around violence and prejudice. The trust and truth for twenty-five years, six of them spent loyally protecting our environment. Never forgotten and surely remembered for boldness and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2019

A crown or cap once cemented down protects the integrity of a tooth. And so does courage and character from one's heroic heart secure and save humanity from unthinkable evil. Your life, Officer Cook, preserving life and property in all Dade County was never questioned and always dealt in the present and how could things work for enhancing harmony, liberty and freedom in our midst? The answer lies in your integrity and unselfish dignity that try to wrestle a weapon from a desperate man before he sadly committed further acts of violent behavior against police. Your career and life of nobility and sanctity should not have ended the way it did. Just surrender and listen when an officer instructs you to drop your weapon and show your hands. Mr. Pearsall had chances to do this and ignored orders making the situation more tense and heated. You are to be bravely honored for superior effort and proficiency Officer Cook. Forever beloved. Forever respected, revered and resolute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Lives are placed in jeopardy to save another life. Integrity is displayed out in the open defending our sources of safe havens and serenity for all. Heaven has the grand masters of heroic ingenuity and transparency beyond expectations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Never one to pack it up or away, only your instinctual persistence, Officer Cook, paid dividends for those relying upon your honorable and most humbly heroic actions. Dignity and integrity don't take time off for vacations as violence never takes a timeout. Only the conclusive courage and charm from a man on a mission to unify and destroy the efforts of sinister actions that undermine humanity's sometimes frail appearances. With class and vision could you go out and patrol your community like no other. The best of human beings with a whole host of family, colleagues and friends who can look back upon the memories of a gallant servant who walked the walk and refrained from talk while performing under adverse conditions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God is humble and forgiving. His humility is felt throughout our land every moment in some way, shape and form.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

Tenacity must be tucked in real securely while out battling terror and unfathomable evil. Unrelenting and unending. But, your heroism , Officer Cook, spared the good folks of Dade County more harm. More dignity and integrity nestled into the very fabric of morals and mettle that created a bond of peace and goodwill forever to be solemnly saluted and paid homage to. Total teamwork and dedication usually lead to optimistic outcomes. Just sorry that fateful day of May 16, 1979, when you gave your character and commitment of clarity to try and thwart an evil man's advances upon our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. From pillar to post you were a resourceful gentleman and a great friend to mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2019

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