Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The fabrics of ferocity help the curtains of courage and honor remain high . To turn the tide of terror you had to be brave and resilient, Officer Cook, an officer and a gentleman who served the people of Dade County with character, class and cherished esteem. The resolve to eradicate all sorts of serious problems which led to tensions. The enhancement remains true to form as you were a trusted and morally righteous hero of humanity and of self humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2019

To take away the strangle hold of serious crime you require serious and able bodied women and men to serve with righteousness and real honesty, integrity and dignity. No half hearted attempts because violence needs character and a certain devotion to duty that means dignity and integrity must race as one to those scenes where mayhem and bedlam look to lurk and stall the goodwill of society. Your efforts on Dade County's requests, Officer Cook, at least tried to foil a desperate man from doing more damage to those citizens with heroism and generosity. Never forgotten and respected with fond and somber salutes of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2019

Police assist and perform all tasks with assignments so intrinsically valuable. Your missions on behalf of mankind, Officer Cook, were to hunt down terror and stop violence and wickedness in its tracks before more torment and turmoil could usurp the quietness of your community, Dade County. A man of genuine dignity and the honorable integrity to be authoritative when called upon. Trying to stop a man possessed to shot and kill you and nearly cost your comrades their dignified lives what can we say? You were a hero of mankind whose legendary distinction is very crystal clear. You stood up and faced this adversity toe to toe never giving an inch. Always loyal and faithful, resolute and full of conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2019

One day that curtain will come crashing down on those individuals who commit and heinous violence. Evil will never be victorious. Those humble, heroic and honorable will saver God's sweet odors of perfection for their peaceful movements will have lead to more prosperous times. Your career in Dade County, Officer Cook, was replete with respect and the mutual admiration of your beloved and brave colleagues who recognized your intense manner and consummation of courage, dignity and integrity, the makings of unwavering wisdom, vision and ingenuity. Humanity solemnly salutes your unselfish humility a steady tool of your tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and precise commitment to excellence and pride in service and preservation of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2019

Balance can knock you for a loop. Those public servants who shun the limelight and publicity will be ultimately blessed beyond comprehension. You were a most humble, heroic and honorable man, Officer Cook. Your trails in Dade County bestowed a semblance of peace and unity where not many can restore. It was obviously a terrible day when an evil man took your life. Dignity, integrity and reverence speaks volumes and for what you did on behalf of humility may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2019

Life is predicated by correct decisions. You made all correct decisions, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County. Never more honesty, integrity and the construction of dignity. Your last partner, Reserve Scott Lincoln worked with a man of humility, character and loyalty never to be forgotten. An angel now in heaven whose soul of serenity is humbly and humanely blessed and rewarded for distinction. You were a gallant gentleman, Officer Cook, revered, respected and treasured by all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Perseverance is dictated by morals and values found in the hearts of those esteemed and solidified in serious contemplation. Think before you act. Your journeys and missions were only of hope and everlasting bonds of goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2019

Twenty-five years of life and productivity gave you, Officer Cook, a wonderful legacy for your family to carry forward by. Honor, bravery and reverence, integrity and effective dignity to go out and battle such evil. Dade County was held together by a man full of endeavor and resiliency never better. A hero so humble and yet when it came time to patrol, you were always accountable and reliable. Never hesitation, no doubt your life and career, Officer Cook, had more in the tank to turn away violence. Why things happened the way they did, only Our Creator knows that answer. For eternity is your upstanding character, courageous commitment and passionate journeys and convictions held tightly in God's palms. Nothing will ever harm you again. But than again so terrible what happened over forty years ago while serving and protecting mankind with humility on behalf of all Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2019

Your colleagues that awful day of May 16, 1979, were hanging on to their lives as you, Officer Cook, were taken by wanton violence. God must have needed your humane, loyal and humbly heroic soul in heaven to stand guard with all your honesty, dignity and professional integrity and character. It's a commitment that you made to all Dade County that is now etched and sealed within the honor rolls here in Miami and in our nation's capitol. Always faithful, fair but firm. Trust and truthful, sincere and compassionate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were just doing your job that day and tragically an evil man committed a heinous actions against public service representatives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2019

Tenacious not tenuous. Respect and honor. Integrity and dignity. Never a more genuine concern for a community that has forever heroically held you in high regard, Officer Cook. Dade County was the location of your career and life where your family preached and lived with humility. Never more character and enhancement given back to society, its harmony and tranquility replacing eviland terror. Legacies are earned and judging by your efforts and resolve, badge#1664 and the uniform you donned with pride and esteem will be valiantly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2019

Honesty and integrity are important. But, than so is efficiency and accuracy. Your dignity and integrity was always placed in harm's to shield Dade County from harm, Officer Cook. No doubt the resolve and resiliency were never absent and for certain your unwavering and undying actions on May 16, 1979, saved lives, both your colleagues and the citizens you took an oath to protect by virtue of your vigilance and unselfish humbleness and heroism to surely be revered and most respected from a treasured soul of peace and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hercules was a powerful man. You, Officer Cook, led by example and excellent characteristics that followed your loving soul onward to the skies above. Angels one and all circling the planets with their humane dignity intact never being harmed or endangered ever again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2019

Yearning is learning, a motivation to hopefully drive your desire and destinies. A humble man, you were a hero, Officer Cook, whose years of experience and honor brought inspirational dignity and integrity to your department and community of Dade County. Character and commitment to both excellence and pride have legitimized your legacy of esteem, humility and the valor of which you made that ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, to spur on security and safe havens for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever did your actions of acumen and awareness spearhead goodwill and hope for a sounder and more serene future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2019

The fire in one's belly burns with passion. Yours, Officer Cook, burned from the time of your youth and for truth and trust, honor and bravery, you were certainly a very poised and humble Dade County hero forevermore. Our serenity, security and safety were all designed by your character and unwavering and very tireless dedication as you remain cherished by your family, peers and close friends. we salute your instinctual reverence and respect this fourth of July, one where your family misses your smile and endearing personality now hidden in God's chest of angels. Humility, civility and sanctity patrolling those golden and sacred pathways in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2019

Curious people always want to know. Concerned people want to act. meaningful individuals want blend in. Those honest and humble as you were, Officer Cook, did something heroic about what was ailing Dade County. You came to a domestic scene and tried your utmost to stop a wayward man right in his tracks of terror. Integrity and dignity bring character and achievement to the forefront. Surely, humanity laments your loss and your entire family and police comrades who have memories of a young man gallantly staying the courses of care and respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

Commensurate with experience is effort and honesty. You can't begin the battles over wickedness a plan of action and acumen. Thank goodness, Officer Cook, you were one courageous man and a true heroic warrior. It gave Dade County and its citizens the opportunity to exist peacefully and in unison. A man with character taken to the heavens above where your humble soul now rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A deluge of grief that your family has tried to overcome all these many decades later with your beautiful smile sorely missing from all family functions. Keep looking over this world, Officer Cook, someday a ray of hope and spirit will dissolve this doom and gloom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

Commensurate with experience is the virtues of honorable vigilance and unrelenting dignity and heroic integrity. Violence and evil scorch paths of pretty nasty stuff and with your goodwill and character, Officer Cook, were you functionally able to keep Dade County and its people from being harmed further. A humane and humane gentleman never taking his feet of ferocity off that pedal of pristine resolve. An enhancement that will be saluted and fondly paid homage to forevermore. Your revered and highly respected soul, Officer Cook, keeps ascending to the heavens above where your missions and journeys have been most rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

Play is play. Work is work and police work requires a certain touch, a gentle tact that not everybody has. You had some factors, Officer Cook, that helped you to handle just about anything handled to you. When Dade County called and said its folks needed securing and persevering, you were heroically and humanely present doing excellent things. When a man or woman of admiration gives their soul for peace and harmony to filter through we must answer their burdens and accountability with a salute for having valor and the increments of integrity, dignity and ingenuity. All loved and admired by your family, friends and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Champion a cause and continue your purposes and violence can be overcome.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

The wheels turn. Justice at times seems to be going full speed and yet mistakes get made in the deliberations of trust and truth. Your common sense approaches, Officer Cook, meant leveling the playing fields in and around Dade County. The consummate public servant out there protecting the ingenuity of all society. You can be certain your blessed and revered name and will never be forgotten. The heavens above receive virtue and the good awareness needed to solve and to preserve life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor, dignity and integrity don't need enemies as they must be calm and humble during tense moments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

The best tools to utilize when battling, fighting and giving your life and career to conquer evil is one's feet, eyes, ears and legs. Yours, Officer Cook, saved Dade County and its citizens from much adversity and because of your unselfish, unwavering and undying acumen could your vigilance and diligence stand the tests of time. Honesty, reverence and the parts of dignity and integrity performed marvelously when they were called upon. Never better resolve and humbleness. Mankind solemnly salutes heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook. Humanity was fulfilled by your faithful embraces which delivered morals and mettle, the kind that grand character brings to civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

Clarity is the very best vehicle of realization. Of course, honor and integrity, dignity and respect take those brave and humble souls of serenity further down those trails of tenacity than one might think. You were a hero and tremendously dedicated to all Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. Always loyal and considerate, polite and pristine, sure wish evil did not take a great man from his loving family and police comrades. The best of humility and character driving down those roads and streets marked with mischief and many other impediments that can limit the free flow of freedom, goodwill and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2019

We must be adamant and rise above this evil and frustrating trip around society this wickedness plans. All any worthy and loyal officer can do is to perform their tasks openly and honorably stay focused on the business at hand with trust and the ferocity that dignity and integrity believe in. As united we stand we all may fall at some point and the assignment to is dust yourself off and to continue battling a foe so adverse as you did, Officer Cook, as a Dade County hero. Good habits are infectious just as ingenuity, intuition and intelligence are to the plans of women and men, desirable and decent in their humble undertakings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

Arrested and abated, tough to tackle the crimes that threaten to take down our peaceful environments. Your days and six years of professional service, Officer Cook, were well spent cruising the venues and corners looking for the remotest hint of danger. Surely, your character and commitments to honesty, pride and justice won't be forgotten. A hero of esteem and humble confidence wholed others through hair raising turns with tenacity and resolve heroically at your side.The finest public servant who recognized goodness in nature and goodwill in mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

Macaroni and cheese, pretty simple to make and to serve. Good character, integrity, dignity and honor pretty routine for most brave and humane public servants, for a minority not so easy to maintain. You just have to keep grinding and pounding the pavement as you so nobly and heroically did, Officer Cook, to raise the bar of boldness and the levels of noble distinction. They say the good pass away young. Still terribly tragic your death in the line of duty coming to aid your colleagues and the people you were so dedicated and loyal to. Heroism is sacrifice. Desire is decency in addressing the matters most prevalent to peace and security staying around forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

To pervert justice, truth and trust would give heaven's name a very bad mark. Your trust and truth , Officer Cook, has made your honor, integrity and dignity carry much weight during these last forty years since your unselfish and most humbly heroic sacrifice on dade County's behalf. All any body wants is peace and harmony, unity and liberty. Easier said than done and your efforts in your community, Officer Cook, shall remain blessed and saluted for conveying humility and the sanctity to take tension and terror off of the streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

Our nostrils take in fresh air, the very same air you breathed into your lungs, Officer Cook and sadly where Mr. Pearsall fatally wounded you. That day here in Dade County will not be forgotten nor shelved for dust to gather. Gallantry and honesty along with integrity and dignity form a dynamic partnership in piecing together goodwill and because of your heroic character and stellar commitment to pride, excellence and morals, may your humility and resolve be nobly blessed and rewarded abundantly in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your missions and drives of perseverance will never go unnoticed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

One cannot buy happiness. You can acquire a good name by being honest and sincere, loyal and humble. It was found in your courage and dignity, Officer Cook, integrity to fight the adverse affects of evil and violence. Dade County and humanity as a whole benefitted from your fruitful journeys and missions of character that heroically saved your brothers and the citizens from one's unrest. Never forgotten and saluted for inspiring a healthy dialogue among all society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To encourage and to enhance, it is our very future and so many lives are placed in harm's way to deter this perilous obstruction. Better to construct than to deviate and destroy innocence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2019

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