Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A public servant so dedicated, heroic and loyal. Where consummation and class could be found, it was located within your vessels of virtue, valor and vision, Officer Cook. A man valued for having honesty, integrity, dignity and character when patrolling Dade County for our very tranquility. The earnest journeys and missions of badge#1664 were surely humble, treasured and won't be forgotten. A gentleman with a kind heart, humane soul and a spirit of adventure who relished his life and career protecting his beloved community. You certainly built the very foundations of ferocity through the cornerstones of excellence and unselfish commitment to exceed expectations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2022

An indicator of integrity, intelligence, intuition and ingenuity is dignity, honesty, character and humility all implanted in a loyal, esteemed and cherished noble public service warrior of heroism that humanity certainly appreciates. You were just that, Officer Cook, confident yet humble, devoted and distinguished but always faithful to your colleagues who battled the very adversity that confronted you and your partners while performing humanely each watch for Dade County and its people. Never overlooked nor forgotten the homage, salutes and respect paid to your unwavering, tireless and unselfish heart, soul and spirit continues today as you ascend the heavenly ladders where angels soar while walking your eternal beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 29, 2022

Treat people as you want to be treated. Society may just recognize the difference. Police officers must be distinct individuals by virtue, integrity and heroic dignity and honor. You were everything your beloved parents dreamed you would be, Officer Cook and for this Dade County can be mighty fortunate and grateful for six years of devotion, reliability and faithfulness at every corner of your patrols for our very harmony and stability. A man of humility, heart and character blessed and rewarded for your earthly efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are to be poignantly saluted for such outstanding work ethics, scruples and professional discipline.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2022

Grace and humility all from a heart so heroic and dignified, such a proud young man venturing on his daily patrols of Dade County to make the environment more tranquil and safe. We'll never forget the truth in the words of integrity, character and reverence. They helped to shape the man you were, consummate and considerate. Virtue, versatility and wise beyond your years, a life that enriched yet a life so dear and taken senselessly by an evil man. Forever will you, Officer Cook, reap blessings and rewards upon your loyal soul and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 28, 2022

A man of soul, grace and wit with a big old heart of honesty, humility and always that available smile so genuinely humble and adored by everyone. Your family, Officer Cook, has missed your sweet mannerisms all these decades later and forever treasures you and all the memories of a gentleman still so young and just really you were robbed of life and its blessings of happiness. Our world is less safe today and yet character, integrity and dignity were always the real true story of a life full of bliss and bravery that balanced the ledgers of learning and yearning to become the best public servant whose virtue and wisdom were way beyond the crowd. The streets are full of everything good and bad one who is diligent and capable must sort through a maze of horrors as you did so perfectly. We salute you and forever pay your spirit its due homage for a job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County will remember badge#1664 replete with resolve and thoughtfulness fairly distributed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2022

Feathers are light and they float humbly to the ground. Your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, so heroic and so authentically loyal and esteemed ascend the heavenly ladders for your career and life preserving the quality of life to accentuate Dade County's further steps and missions of faith, hope and goodwill. Outstanding work that was from morals, mettle and scruples to be fondly cherished, revered and nobly saluted for their wisdom, vision and virtue. Accountability, reliability and responsibility was always in the best of hands when evil threatened mankind. Your family carries your heart, soul and spirit all the days of their lives with the baton of boldness, bravery and humanity sharing the onuses of healing and helping as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, charisma, commitment and conviction, truth and trust perpetuated in your energy and effort put forth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2022

A seasoning of honesty, integrity and dignity usually makes all the difference in a positive result. You learned and gained your experiences, Officer Cook, not through osmosis, but by being diligent, vigilant and respectfully humble. A young man, a hero blessed with more than a novelty of a good heart and a sincerely harmonious soul all to be solemnly remembered and saluted for their class, character and virtue. You were wise beyond your years and it's a sad and crying shame you were not given many more enjoyable years of retirement with Karen. A marriage blessed by two loving, caring and devoutly resourceful individuals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2022

A legacy of heroism accentuated by a heart and soul of humility that never needed prodding. As your friend and partner, Officer Keith DiGenova said to me you were a loyal and excellent officer and a friend to so many who paid their respects to you at your Inspector's Funeral that Saturday afternoon of May 19, 1979 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Miami. Dade County will certainly remember a man who held his own pride, dignity and integrity close to his badge channeling hope, goodwill and blessings to all. To your family we offer our comforts and words of humbleness, blessing and serenity during this holiday season. A season tempered by your absence and yet heaven is where you observe and watch over them with your parents next to you as you rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. Meeting Mr. Digenova for what he went through and survived that vicious and heinous afternoon along with Officer Robert Edgerton may they and their loved ones experience peace, security and the humble rewards of Our Creator above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2022

Maybe that cloud of darkness will be lifted up and driven away. Violence, evil and terror tamed and taken out of the gate and buried far, far away. Humanity needs no more turmoil, torment and trouble to stall its advances of acumen, serenity and the versatility of those who proudly and ably wear a badge and a uniform of stoic honor, detailed respect and pride. If dignity, character and integrity can't support a brave warrior than seemingly nothing else can. Officer Cook, you were gifted, skilled and quite obviously a talented man who always gave nothing less than one-hundred percent to shield Dade County and its people from harm. Your heroic actions not only on May 16, 1979, everyday highlight a remarkable life, career and the virtue of a man of intuition, ingenuity and articulation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2022

You led by example, Officer Cook and your loyal and humbly esteemed comrades followed in your paths and trails of honesty, reverence and truth. Trust and character allow the souls and hearts of those privileged to serve the chance to create an arena of peace. Stability for all here in Dade County to pursue their passions in life. Your career and diligence offered that ray of hope and goodwill to faithfully share their wealth of integrity, dignity and humility. And seeing that your heart was brave and unwavering it goes to reason why you were so consummate and outstanding in all your endeavors that today as well as yesterday and tomorrow will always be tremendously and most sadly missed by your beloved family and humanely vital colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2022

The light of love, the heart and soul of honor, heroism and humility all gallant and bold, Officer Cook, left an imprint upon Dade County that surely will never be forgotten. Such a kind and sincerely genuine human being who spread pride, character, integrity and dignity far and wide throughout your community and during your professional career of service and providing protection for its residents. Never a more passionate and unselfish man of virtue whose volumes of wisdom, vision and versatility shall be solemnly saluted and thoughtfully remembered. For the days and months, years that have passed too many and taken too early with more missions and journeys of resolve and accentuation left to accomplish. Our Lord must have required another brave and centered angel to patrol his perfect streets of truth and trust above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2022

A source of concern needs a light of honor and dignity to put out its flames of possible trouble. You saved and served the folks of Dade County with all your heroic might and heart, Officer Cook, never to be replaced nor forgotten. For commitment and intuition are the key ingredients of integrity, humility and consideration. Liberty City, "Gladeview" today is much different but the landscape is still one that requires a basic effort of indulgence if serenity is going to be achieved. Such an individual of virtue and wisdom shall remain treasured and much esteemed. God will continue lighting the trails and paths of trust and truth for angels such as you, Officer Cook to look after from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2022

Resolve needs reinforcement daily not and or ifs. Honor, dignity and integrity must be supportive of all one's daily pursuits in life otherwise society may fall flat on its face and we don't need that at all. You were the right component of effort, energy and commitment, Officer Cook, that was spread far and wide in and around Dade County to broaden its horizons of heart, humility and hope. Badge#1664 was respect and virtue filling the values that make us safer and more secure. You'll forevermore be remembered and saluted for bravery and by being distinct humble and full of compassion, a smile and by being congenial and loyal in your dedicated career chosen for a gentleman with a spirit of passion and adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2022

Your line of duty sacrifice, Officer Cook, serves forever as a wake up call. A special young man gifted and blessed with honesty, heart and heroism that professionally served the people of Dade County. Cherished and admired, esteemed and exceedingly loyal to your fellow officers such a loss to your family that cannot ever be replaced. But, they and all of those who knew you understand where dignity, integrity and character lie forever rewarded and blessed by Our Creator. You were the consummate source of dedication, devotion and faithfulness that was always counted on when the chips were down. You raised, built and authored a life and a career though short in years by being succinct, unselfish and versatile. A gentleman of virtue and respect so trustworthy and true to your word of humility, class and desire. Now an eternal angel watching over your loved ones as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2022

A healthy young man with a laugh and a smile to light up all rooms. Never a day without a thought of you, Officer Cook and the life of heart, humility and integrity that endeared you to so many. Dade County won't forget resources of engagement and uplifting the citizens who you watched over with dignity, grace and genuine heroism that has been saluted and never overlooked all these decades later. Surely as your family and department's angel may He bless and reward your earthly missions and navigations that built esteem and loyalty into the bonds of virtue and boldness to cherish forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Generations will always hold you close to their hearts, minds and souls for what you sacrificed in the valid name of serenity, security and safety all by a man mature beyond his years. Just wished we could have met. Officer DiGenova will be that humble springboard recounting and remembering his times working and enjoying tennis with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2022

Detection is far superior to dereliction. You were straight and honest, Officer Cook, a humble, dignified and heroic young man whose attributes contributed to the serenity, safety and welfare of Dade County. A man born with character, integrity respect and truth always so trustworthy, loyal and esteemed, you will never be forgotten for your actions that day that certainly saved many lives. The citizens have been forevermore grateful for a gentleman whose virtue was unwavering, tireless and humanely unselfish. A builder of bridges and cornerstones that have accentuated our very futures and those of your family who proudly wears and embellishes your legacy now that you are one of Our Lord's many distinguished angels of valor who soar with humble wings in heaven. Thank for a man of statutes, fortitude and pure tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2022

You'll always be your family and department's hero, Officer Cook. Your desire, dignity, integrity and honesty carried you through some of the toughest times a public servant must protect and serve their communities with character, dedication, decency and reverence. Dade County will never forsake nor overlook your heroic feats of tenacity, bravery and the true trust you earned by being loyal, competent and by having and unrelenting and unselfish heart, soul and spirit whose earthly journeys and missions of faith, hope and goodwill were humanely sincere. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank God I spoke with Officer DiGenova and hopefully will meet him when he comes to South Florida. May Our Creator shine His everlasting light upon your wings of perfection and over your family's pursuits of life in health, happiness and humility as your legacy continues its ascent. I looked him and sent him a birthday card and he called me back to say thanks. You always be in his heart and thoughts for being his partner and close buddy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 22, 2022

Police must sort through all kinds of trouble, mischief and bedlam that keeps plaguing us. Your thoughtful, honorable and heroic missions, Officer Cook, forever built a place where your cherished legacy of fortitude, wisdom and dignity may rest its integrity, heart and esteem. For Dade County residents know you cared and were devoted and dedicated to your profession where true trust and virtue is earned by being loyal and hard working. That day of May 16, 1979 was tragic for your beloved family, department and many friends, it left no doubt and an impression constructed for our future stability, serenity and safety in my mind. Forever a heroic angel! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 22, 2022

The draperies of dignity supporting the blinders of bravery, honesty, humility, heart and heroism all attached to your shutters of serenity and safety. Officer Cook, Dade County was under your superior soul and spirit of esteemed affection and your labors of unwavering and energetic endeavor poured forth. A proud and excellent servant lost all too soon and we salute you for character, commitment and virtue all so loyal, poignant and sparked by integrity and respect you earned because of your determination and fierce dedication to duty above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 21, 2022

An accountable human being is honest, diligent and most vigilant. Dade County was under your fine discipline and virtue, Officer Cook. Never a finer person with an accentuated heart and soul that was compassionate and most unassuming. Our very safety was dependent upon your excellent service and scruples that continue being humanely honored and saluted for their special resolve, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2022

Your final journey to heaven, Officer Cook, honorably, heroically and humbly concluded your earthly missions of faith, goodwill and hope on behalf of Dade County's citizens. Never a more solid rock of a man so composed and poised with a heart and a soul of passion that was unrelenting and tireless. You are forever missed by your family, comrades and other gallant and virtuous fellow fighters who try to keep serenity and stability where versatility and wisdom shall abide. Your angelic spirit abides in the Lord's perfect fortress of resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2022

The pie and tea tastes better when a loved one can sit back and truly enjoy time with their esteemed loved ones. Really a crying shame and tragedy losing you, Officer Cook, while still young, honored and heroic. Dade County will never forget your heart, soul and sincerity all put in harm's direction to serve, save and protect the value of human life, its integrity, dignity and character all of which were resourcefulness, virtue and wisdom reaching out for whoever grabbed that baton of boldness, bravery and versatility. We salute you and of course so does your family, peers and friends who truly treasured their time with you. Missions and journeys undertaken in love, respect, loyalty and whatever was essential to our stability and very sacred paths,trails and pursuits in life. God blesses and rewards your noble soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Family and community were special to you and heaven has an angel in your sweet spirit hovering above us every moment. The torment, turmoil and terror must be stopped and that's why men and women don a uniform and a humble badge clarifying their oaths.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2022

Being vague can only lead to more chaos, confrontation and confusion. VIolence, evil and wickedness need no influence of any kind, they require extra sensitivity and the rapid progression of positive virtue, versatiltiy and the honesty that can always stabilize and enhance a community which is what you did very well, Officer Cook, heroically on behalf of Dade County. Dignity, integrity reverence and an undying, unwavering and tireless heart and soul provided the necessary resources to serenity, security and safety always to be saluted and humbly treasured. Character, commitment and conviction all so clear and succinct just as you decency, dedication and pure desire to excel through bedlam and adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2022

Your life and public service career, Officer Cook, existed by virtues and honesty. And it left no shadow of doubt that integrity and dignity stood out just as excellent character, heart and commitment you undertook to create a stable of tranquility for all Dade County folks to live by. A master architect who constructed foundations that have stood all these decades later. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend until the end never relenting in this nasty and ugliness that threatens the underbelly of humanity. Such a wonderful young man gone too soon. Violence took a window of enchantment, enhancement and unselfishness awat from his family,peers and comrades who battled with you each watch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2022

For one's noble purposes to be rightfully ordained, stability, honesty and a heart and soul of both dignity and integrity must never be grounded in deceit and deception. A life and career to be heroically saluted and paid homage to for you, Officer Cook, lived and ascribed to the texts of tenacity and bravery. Such virtue, character and respect all earned while being a cherished and devoted man of faith, hope, pride and allegiance. Dade County's citizens will not forget you nor place your memory where dust will gather. A legacy rich in dedication, truth and trusted intuition, ingenuity and intellect beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2022

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