Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Combating torment and turmoil takes every ounce of preoccupation and attention to details of honesty, dignity and the awareness of integrity within one's heart of character and stellar commitment. Excellence and pride deliver the appealing hope, faithfulness and needed goodwill society wants to jolt it back to normal. Dade County had your vital vigilance and vigor, Officer Cook, warming those stoves of bravery and the abundance of conviction directing your patrols to conquer and maintain a semblance of humility and sanity where all venues, corners and roads start and end. Your heroism and ideals, Officer Cook, will stay loyal and continue to be enhanced by those gallant men and women who have succeeded you. Mighty servants have arisen and tragically fallen while performing their official duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

Repugnant are those who ravage society and our communities with their evil and violent outbursts. Such terror obviously has no place within the structures and foundations of humility and honor. It's decent and loyal men and women all heroic who may have to sacrifice their souls for the further existence of our peaceful parades of perseverance to go forward. Your beloved journeys here in Dade County, Officer Cook, surely were serenaded by dedication, hope and the character that dignity and integrity attempt to phase in. With your earthly navigations sadly deemed as finished, Our Creator has uplifted your immortally undying soul to His loftiest of homes where angels perfectly dressed in regal and splendor patrol those pearly gates of sincerity and tranquility. No more pain, hurt, suffering or misery shall seize your body and more giving and caring heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A shining uniform and Badge#1664 went right through to those grand galaxies above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

Never be a coniever nor a conspirator, just be yourself, humble, heroic and honest and efficient in all your professional assignments, tasks and associated chores where the chairs of valor and courage support one another during heated and tense moments. Your sense of direction, awareness and acumen, Officer Cook, held up those ledgers of faith and devotion. A pillow of your community who forever is respected and treasured for keeping in rhythm with relevance and one whose character surely was nothing but brave and classy. A wise person learns from his or her miscues and accentuates everything great in society included when to stay humble and confident. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

Brooks, lakes, streams and rivers surround us furnishing our beings with water. Plain H2O. Plain and clear, Officer Cook, God surrounded your soul with a credenza of courage and decency, honesty and the breathes of boldness, bravery and integrity. It's where dignity and transparency cannot ever get lost in translation for if heaven forbid that happens our peace and stability would probably be in ruins. Your fine and upstanding character was the basis for hope and enhancement and now your toughest eternal task is to walk that proverbial beat and guard those gates of heroic humility. Those who made that ultimate sacrifice will surely be blessed,cherished, respected and rewarded for their peaceful sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County's citizens were certainly in excellent hands of supervision and preservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

Simplicity is the sincerest form of success and because of your honest humility, Officer Cook, were you able and ready to defend those living in and around Dade County. Peace and charm came as a conclusion of your unselfish courage and dignity posted firmly to your character and integrity which in turn assist any public servant in their pursuits of violence while channeling goodwill and resolve into the thoroughfares of ferocity. You were a happy man, a gallant and heroic gentleman whose efforts won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

Tardiness cannot be tolerated and tenacity is what makes honesty, integrity and dignity more fortified. Fair and humble, heroism so unwavering, your deeds and career battling evil in Dade County, Officer Cook, have been solemnly saluted and honored for their intrinsic values. Mettle and morals wander those streets in the name of faith and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2019

All these massacres just throw more fuel unto these burning infernos that rage with violence and just pure evil. America is supposed to be the land of the free and one where our freedoms may not be taken for granted. Thank heaven for a young man, a gentleman so refined and reverent, faithful and respected among the citizens and his professional colleagues, Officer Cook, your solemn word of bravery and honor hoisted your soul of dignity and integrity to a plateau few would ever want to go. But, heaven is the perfect place where humility, sanctity and resolve all sleep soundly. You rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero for desire, devotion and helping to shake the cobwebs of callousness off of our shoulders as you bore the burdens with unrelenting character, undying conviction and unbiased truth, trust and accountability. Reliability always as your wisdom,vision and your beyond the crowd maturity which preserved the quality of life in Dade County. Forever etched and honored by salutes of homage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2019

Pleasantries build esteem and esteem constructs the vaults of character. Unlock that hidden mystery and you've unlocked all the goodwill and richness this society represents. Mankind and humanity standing together in everlasting faith and enshrinement all because of heroes and heroines unafraid by the daunting challenges that violence, terror and evil display. You missions, Officer Cook, denoted a branch of peace and harmony for all residents here in Dade County who have remembered your youthful enthusiasm, ingrained effort and unselfish integrity and dignity all part of the culture you forever left us as your solemn and most gallant legacy instilling resolve,resourcefulness and character within the framework of your decency and commitment to pride and excelling. Now you are an angel with sacred wings meant to soar higher and higher each moment. until that day when your family reunites with your unwavering spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2019

The emancipation proclamation was intended I believe to give all citizens created equal with the same God given rights, unities and liberties. And any deviation from such would be a violation of our civil and human rights. Exactly, why we have and need strong leadership, determined motivation and public servants all brave and humbly honorable who stand in anger and evil's faces dedicated to protecting our humility, integrity and dignity. You had the entire repertoire, Officer Cook, carrying forward your training and hard work to balance out those ledgers here in Dade County. Grateful are we who salute your character and most heroic actions that day you were sadly taken to heaven and everyday you wore the Metro-Dade Police Department badge and uniform in the blessed name of Our Maker. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2019

Strong hearts, ironclad wills and precise devotion and dedication to duty and dignity through the tunnels of trustworthy tenacity supported by honesty and insightful integrity surely breed some sort of humbly heroic accomplishment. Your preoccupation with Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, was your life calling. Fair, faithful , firm and just, your roads of resolve and character have always been treasured and humanely saluted. It's vital to acknowledge your feats of bravery in order that we the ordinary individual understands what enhancement, enrichment and enlightenment can represent in a man full of superb morals and mettle that fought off instrumental violence and such unrelenting evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2019

Turmoil and torment are like tadpoles just multiplying. Terror just keeps its hands on that steering wheel and loyal, faithful and responsible women and men must drive right into that violence trying to take this monster off of our streets. You performed your tasks, Officer Cook,to the letter shielding us from violence while exposing your brave heart of heroism and honesty to these counterattacks. Your character represented all the good in America and for having maintained excellence in your field may Our Lord reward your distinguished soul of ingenuity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

That epidemic of violence has once again reared its ugly heads in El Paso, Texas and in Dayton, Ohio. Officer Cook, keeping watching and allowing your heroically immortal soul of honor, dignity, integrity and respect for all mankind to allow for families there to grief in sorrow for their lost loved ones killed in massacres of domestic rage and baseless hatred. You provided more than a synopsis of what your position entailed protecting all Dade County. Reverence for all people, respect for authority and a balance between good and evil. The scales of justice in those last thirteen hours between killings really went haywire. Over thirty people killed and dozens more injured by brutal terror. Your soul and those of your fellow officers who served and sacrificed should supply ample reasons why character and commitment from your adoring spirit helped save the day from much worse calamity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A valued champion of decency and morals striving for humble success amid a chaotic scene.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

To just swat at evil would be futile and hopeless. Goodwill and faith revolve around your instincts of integrity, intelligence and ingenuity. Yours, Officer Cook, were perfectly above reproach as was your dignity and morals which help to deflect evil and violence away from Dade County. A reliable soul with an engaging smile and a mind dedicated to endeavor and energy. God's castles have great men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, connected to bravery and sanctity which was installed back on those perilous venues. A valuable man taken too soon but warmly and richly remembered for achieving his youthful aspirations. Stardom never comes easy and neither does serving any given community in particular one that still endorses your revered and blessed name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

Legalities are a necessary safety net to protect the integrity and truthfulness of justice. There are systems in place to safeguard the very public you diligently watched over for six years in Dade County, Officer Cook. Determined and dignified as much as one humane and heroically honorable man whose life and sacrifice bear these traits of resiliency and trusted character. Cherished and courageous, vision and wisdom excellent in aiding your fellow brothers and sisters from unbearable chaos and crime that needed to be stopped in its tracks that tragic day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

You facilitate good relations among those whom you protected, Officer Cook, endearing your heart and soul of humbleness and honor to Dade County. It sounds easy, but simplicity is never assured. What is guaranteed is that your honesty and heroic actions placed your undying dignity and wisdom in integrity's gates of gallantry and now for eternity, Officer Cook, your immortal spirit can climb higher watching over your beloved family and peers who now are charged with the difficult responsibility of preserving us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

Police and the public at large agonize over decisions that can result in peace or God forbid otherwise unmitigated disaster. You had a good heart and were a very thoughtful and thorough servant, Officer Cook. Your life of service on Dade County's behalf made all the difference. Honesty, vigilance and the wisdom of both integrity and dignity helping to cement some prosperity and hopeful peace within the venue sand roads were your perseverance and character remain cherished as we salute your unselfish heroism and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2019

Disturbance and disruption throw mankind's gentle balances off kilter and to combat that evil affect it took your sure hand and steady flow of faithful honesty, essential character and the eyes and ears of integrity and dignity meandering through those mazes where mayhem shall never gain the top hand. Dade County was your locale, Officer Cook, where you set out on your trails of truth to tame the nastiness of seemingly never relenting violence. A loss of humanity and a sense of wisdom,pride and vision that will be memorialized and honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character clearly enhances. Evil is enriched by wanton and corrupt individuals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

The reflections upon your resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency, Officer Cook, all demonstrate your proficient honesty, dignity and integrity. It was always top notch, top flight and stellar commitment and convictions towards Dade county. You went into the heat of the battle laying down your life and heroically immortal soul of justice,peace and the truth of being trustworthy and in leading other comrades. The sun will somehow rise again tomorrow and it's just sad and terrible you can't be present to witness its glorious brightness that now and forever is in heaven illuminating from your ferocious spirit of giving, humility and the eyes of goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

Shredding and tearing down those walls where evil and terror look to climb, your personal and most humbly heroic effort, Officer Cook, helped to dispel doom while replacing that with some semblance of sanity. Dade County wears its personality squarely by their hearts and that is exactly where your spirit and outstanding character, conviction and commitment existed, front and center. Integrity, honor and dignity all soar on angel's wings right by Our Maker in His world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

Your merited the garden of paradise, Officer Cook, by humble and honorable heroic feats of courage and strength glorifying Dade County and its fine folks in peace and in freedom. With unbreakable dignity and the ferocity of your integrity, a man of your passions and enlightenment surely shall be remembered and richly paid homages of resolve and resourcefulness. Humanity and humility to for eternity stand tall and prideful. You were a fine soul of a human being, Officer Cook, warm and engaging with that wonderful smile sorely missed all these decades later. A day never to be overlooked as time tests the goodwill of sincerest of noble efforts to upright society's sometimes pitiful ways. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence will not triumph over the good of mankind. You were there to attest to that notion rescuing the citizens and your fellow officers. Brave and considerate, polite and full of astuteness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

The sled goes down that hill pretty quick. The same holds true of evil and violence are not nipped in the bud. Your quick and decisive response that fateful day, Officer Cook, though you gave your life for all Dade County, saved countless lives. No telling what more could have transpired if not for your heroism and honesty, undying, unselfish and unwavering. No doubt about your resolve and humility. The sands of time just go by and decades afterward we salute your unrelenting professionalism and remarkable vigilance to mankind. Civility and sanctity are the ingredients in making society proper once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

I meant to say, Officer Cook, staying true to form. If soup is good food, than honor and reverence, respect and integrity are excellent nutrients for one's immortal soul of resolve and character. One takes pride in their chosen endeavor and your sincerest of effort stopped a very callous and wayward man from taking more lives through his dishonest ways. Our peace in Dade County came about through distinct mettle and ingenuity of your wisdom and vision all in part helping to liberate humanity. Humility and goodwill always to be fondly remembered and kept shining on your family and colleagues, Officer Cook, who have remained loyal to their friend and fellow brother of public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

The nuts and bolts of boldness and bravery are the essential elements of humble honesty, valued dignity and incorporated integrity, all the makings of crucial character that assists in these wars, battles and fights over dominating evil, such violence is repulsive and never a creator of calm and peace. Dade County was your central location for your unrelenting navigate to rid us of this perturbing terror all orchestrated by one man alone with a vendetta against peaceful and heroic minded men and women of the law enforcement profession. Staying to to form, Officer Cook, it was your passion and corroborative courage and unyielding dignity and decisive integrity that saved lives that day of May 16,1979 and everyday of your six year career. One headed for more fruition added to your humble success as our warrior whose diligence was outstanding. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

From where you come is where you travel to when your honor and bravery have been deemed as complete in carrying us to tranquility and liberty. You were raised as a fine young boy, Officer Cook, who grew up to become a righteous and humane hero forever in Dade County. Carrying those yokes whose burdens were quite responsible, you plugged in perseverance and passion,dignity and integrity and never took them out of the sockets when serious trouble befuddled us. For restoring calm as best you could and for unwavering and undying character may your mortal soul be blessed and rewarded in those greenest of pastures where nothing but perfection allows you to walk that proverbially peaceful beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gallant gentleman whose legacy shall illuminate our darkest of days.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

What an impression our most beloved of heroes and heroines leave when sadly they are suddenly taken to a higher place where vigilance and honor team up to form the perfect combination to walk that proverbial beat watching over us and those holy gates of respect and humility. Officer Cook, you paid the ultimate price on behalf of Dade County and its citizens who were distributed the proper reverence, respect and resolve along with unwavering and undying safety,serenity and security. We honor they pious and trustworthy enough to watch over our joy and passions in life. Your fruition has become our causes for which to further dedicate ourselves to enriching the legitimacy of your most humanely heroic legacy. It won't be tarnished nor scorned simply by virtue of your character, attitude and morally outstanding behavior while performing your professional duties of obligation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

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