Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Gallantry, vim, vigor and vitality don't just fall from heaven. They are earned while learning all the ropes regarding of what it takes to make a man earn his responsibilities of honor,integrity and dignity. Violence concentrates while our bravest women and men figure out plans of action to battle such a brutal beast one whose character has no boundaries. Those you set up in Dade County, Officer Cook,were entirely for the welfare of the people and it extracted every last bit of your energetic heart and soul of skillful effort. Always etched and so duly saluted for reaching the pulse of a community that continues paying your soul homage for its unselfish humility and all around kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

It's easy to surmise why you were a special human being, Officer Cook. Humble confidence. Honest, loyal and trustworthy. A gentleman possessed with hindsight, foresight and the right kind of dignity, integrity and special characteristic of determination and dedication. Dade County has fondly and solemnly remembered your heroic actions of May 16, 1979 and each one of your six years of commitment and esteem. The flags fly high as does your sweet and wonderful soul of valor as harmony reigned down when you navigated those dangerous roads where peril lied in wait. Never more courage and boldness demonstrated through and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

No disguises were necessary when you patrolled the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, looking for a connector to peace and quiet. The citizens whom you served both honorably,loyally and most faithfully have not forgotten your generosity and gallantry all very humble and heroically dignified during times of tension and unrest. You served with manners, courtesies and consideration just as you always did and for having integrity and wisdom, may God grant humble sleep to your soul of safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

Double tenacity, triple ferocity should get the job of fanning down evil. Always so alert and full of acumen, Officer Cook, it surely allowed you to pursue peace and liberty on behalf of all Dade County residents. The finest young man with a fighting heart and a kindred spirit whose character was A number one along with your unwavering resolve and commitment to justice, truth and trust. Society, humanity and mankind were given an extra sense of your serene heroism and humility all which stabilized the development and growth of a community that not only revered and respected you, but keeps paying homage to your memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

The affection of being loved and respected conquers all. Humility, humbleness and the blessings of humane and heroic honor fell like the manna upon you, Officer Cook, one of God's devoted and cherished character who defended Dade County with all your strength. A heart of wisdom, vision and the integrity to courageously handle his roles with the examples placed within your soul. Our serenity and peaceful havens established by your unwavering and undying accomplishments to befit mankind. Honored and secured in those pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Curious yet honest, rewarded for making the ultimate sacrifice to bring down terror,torment and turmoil. The bad relatives of evil, violence and extreme wickedness. All people require is harmony and the opportunities to unite one with the other. Your endeavors, Officer Cook, permitted that forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

The affection of being loved and respected conquers all. Humility, humbleness and the blessings of humane and heroic honor fell like the manna upon you, Officer Cook, one of God's devoted and cherished character who defended Dade County with all your strength. A heart of wisdom, vision and the integrity to courageously handle his roles with the examples placed within your soul. Our serenity and peaceful havens established by your unwavering and undying accomplishments to befit mankind. Honored and secure din those pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Curious yet honest, rewarded for making the ultimate sacrifice to bring down terror,torment and turmoil. The bad relatives of evil, violence and extreme wickedness. All people require is harmony and the opportunities to unite one with the other. Your endeavors, Officer Cook, permitted that forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

Love, hope and faith form that fountain of goodwill and serenity that otherwise may never flow. Upward and outward. Tragically, violence turns its nasty head and spits out venom and disrespectful evil that you attempted to curtail every moment and everyday, Officer Cook. Dade County received a lion's share of your wealth of knowledge, your plethora of pristine honor, integrity and dignity while your character and commitment to both excellence and pride was very heroic. We never know when destiny will call all you did, Officer Cook, is answer those bells of boldness and bravery, loud and clear. Mr. Pearsall, you did not get away unpunished your soul rots in purgatory while Officer William Coleman Cook's is bathed in the sweet fragrances of tenacity and humility. Sacred and caring. Always polite and well mannered. Manicured with morals and mettle shining ever so brightly off your belt and badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Adored, cherished and beloved.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

The show says stay tuned the wildest is yet to come. Police work is not for everyone. A common fact. Determination, integrity and pure desire must come from within one's heart of heroics and the humble honesty that rests with each soul of peace and tranquility. Violence as you knew, Officer Cook, was a part of your job, your roles, your acumen and their assignments where integrity and the fiber of ferocity and character make the difference. Your paths in life were set to cutout crime and alleviate tension and strife during turbulent times. Dade County receive d every bit of your perceptive vision and wisdom beyond your twenty-five years of productive perseverance. Heaven has peace and perfection locking up to create that prevailing band of boldness and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

Never gloat over triumph and victory, that is when terror and evil will bring your honor and humility down some notches.Always personable and humble, your loyal and dignified life and public service career, Officer Cook, saved your comrades, the civilians and Dade County at large. Forever a shining hero of resolve and the mettle that stellar morals and values display within one's heart of gold and concern. Your enhancement, endearment and enrichment has made humanity more safe and less afraid though your absence has left goodwill and the bonds of boldness a bit less. Trails of trust and justice tied forever steady for all future officers to witness. Your badge and countless valor, Officer Cook, surely have been most blessed and well rewarded for heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day we will know everything why God took a beautiful soul and a gem of a gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

A terrarium is where things grow. Terror shunts the growth, peace and hopeful prosperity of a community yearning for some satisfaction. You endeavored, Officer Cook and Dade County will forever be humbly and heroically in debt to your honor and dignified integrity. It will always be a crying shame, a tragedy that one man's evil and violence derailed a life and notable career headed for advancement up that sacred ladder of learning and decency. Never more admired and reverently respected among your peers of trust and truth and of course your loving family. We salute your faithfulness, Officer Cook,that brought happiness to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2019

Peril only paralyzes the self-confidence, humble honor and dignity of any given community. A venue without integrity and character is a place where the wanton and callous go to commit such vile acts victimizing civilization of its unity and humility. For you, Officer Cook, seizing upon the respected and ideal opportunity to make Dade County safer once more by your sheer feats of courage and maturity, it took every last drop of your devotion and unselfish dedication, determination and faithfulness to every detail. No easy task. No simple fix. Complete a chore and learn to resolve conflict. Now a savior and hero in heaven, your treks and pathways may never be obliterated by unseen evil and perturbing violence. Saluted and so warmly and richly honored for high maintenance gallantry, that protected, served and was prideful in abundance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2019

You may chuckle once in a while, but don't let it unbuckle your belt of bravery, boldness, honor and humane heroism. You were a vital source of pride to your comrades, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of the highest regard for his fellowman who demonstrated unique and versatile abilities to conquer the evil adversaries of violence and torment. Only with resolve and efficiency did you go out and patrol for hope, faith and the voices of reason and goodwill. Your voice and outstanding character may be gone, one day, Officer Cook, the grand awakening and ultimate redemption and resurrection will occur linking back your parents, yourself and our members of the Cook and Carr Families, righteous and divine as they come. Humility finally can shed its covers where humanity has continued roaming. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Skill and good fortune share roles in defeating such an ugly monster!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2019

With a well pressed uniform, shiny shoes and a brilliant smile, Officer Cook, were you set and prepared to protect and preserve the integrity, dignity and humble honor of Dade County and its folks. Violence thinks it can run and hide, it cannot and will be hunted down and dismantled completely. You great endeavors, Officer Cook,kept peace and serenity at home where it belonged. You aspired and inspired all who knew you and to your family and peers your remain their treasured hero of resolve and resolution. It keeps churning on and yet our future valiant men and women will finally wrap terror and evil and deposit it where it rightfully needs to be. Great character. Outstanding commitment to pride and transparency. Stellar convictions, wise and visionary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2019

Dependable, durable and most diligent, you were a man, Officer Cook, who deserved a better fate than to be wickedly taken by a deranged man. Sure, Dade County was well protected and served by your undying feats of ferocity and humbleness which all directed your patrols of dignity and integrity so succinctly and honestly. Never more class, decency and desire which navigated your trails right here in Dade County where you grew up and inspired the multitudes of other dignified and brave cohorts. Symbolic of your sacrifice, Officer Cook, we pay homage to your cherished memory and the battles your exerted yourself to preserve our unities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2019

You try and peel away one layer of evil from the top and work your way to the roots. That's what you do, Officer Cook, performing in an outstanding way on behalf of Dade County citizens. The finest morals and meaningful humility distributed amongst your heroic honor, integrity and dignity that served our peace and freedom. Surely a man of impeccable character patrolling and doing what you always wanted to become. A great statesman and warrior taken from us and your adoring family all too soon with more left on your plates of pristine perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2019

The bedposts of everlasting peace, prosperity and precision all come from the eyes of honesty, integrity and the good graces of dignity. The goodwill, Officer Cook, you brought to Dade County has always been respected and so heroically honored for saving and preventing more strife and serious damage to its residents. You were a humble servant whose versatility and vital vigilance stoked the fires of ferocity and their truth and trust injustice for all prevailing. Never more fondly remembered and cherished for resolve and candor. A refreshing spirit with an even more powerful mortal soul now resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's merciful firmanant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

The departed rest in peace on their pillows of honor and humbleness. Your career missions and journeys of faith and renewal, Officer Cook, brought the citizens of Dade County closer to harmony and liberty than we could ever recognize. The dignified and those with character and heroic integrity are so revered for honoring us with their compassionate presence of mind and soul. Your life, Officer Cook, though short in duration was the prime example of pristine vision and of chartered wisdom way beyond your years of experience in breaking through those barriers of obstructions which evil and violence are. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

Not everyone is a choirboy or choirgirl. Perfection rests mightily in Our Master's golden thrones, His seats where brave and humble angels, heroes and heroines fought tooth and nail for quiet and harmony. Your life and years, Officer Cook, were spent toiling for trouble in Dade County on behalf of its people. So looking and protecting our peace and character is how you are going to be honored and dignified as a public servant of truth and trust. Commitment and enrichment to stay with us forever as your soul of compassion rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The brights lights are still aglow and your smile, Officer Cook, keeps reverberating back to us and your family. Serious and yet serenely prideful of your assignments to eradicate wickedness and turmoil from our midst.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

Going in reverse when evil is going full steam ahead will not abort nor deter its rounds of real ruination. Your solid and most heroic of honest efforts, Officer Cook, prevented more bedlam, mayhem and chaos that awful day in Dade County than we could ever imagine. Our stability and civility all came about through your undying and unwavering support to right a ship bound for disaster. One man like a knife through hot butter shooting your other colleagues, taking your life of character and dignity, Officer Cook, while your integrity focused its resolve upon all your earthly journeys in a place you called home. Eternity has your valiant soul of humility and blessing eating the very fruits of your labors, all too short, but, plenty of memories to be shared I'm sure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 served sincerely preserved with precision, hope and loyalty in esteem and devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

Distance does not deter one from thinking of their loved ones. Heaven is the quintessential venue where one's virtuous honor, humble heroism and dignified integrity are kept sealed for eternal safekeeping and now that your role, Officer Cook, is as a keeper of those pearly gates where you walk those sacred paths and humane trails where harm will never bother your mortal soul ever again. Dade County was the location where your career began and ended all too sadly at the hands and venom of a vile individual. The character, the charming personality and humility will be solemnly saluted and etched upon our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

A beautiful soul of a young man so humble and bold. It told your heroically honorable story, Officer Cook and for persevering in character and dignity, may Our Lord hold close to His side your unwavering and unselfish integrity which shielded all Dade County from violence. You were a fine human being, Officer Cook, who dedicated his life and career to public service and to preserving sanctity and civility on those streets where evil looked to impede our progressive journeys here at home. Always well regarded, well revered and respected as a hero and as a warrior who fought with every ounce of conviction and passion until your last breath. Your family, peers and friends all hoped you would be here to see all those enhancing changes thanks to your unbridled gallantry which served humanity quite well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2019

That barge of brilliance still stays anchored down within God's fruitful confines in heaven where angels of valor patrol those pearly gates of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County where you battled evil, Officer Cook, had its doors and gates open wide to receive your charming disposition and stoic honor and loyal integrity. It is what has made your soul heroic and for having the character and complete package of perseverance and pristine stewardship in defending our rights and liberties, eliminating fear and regret, we must stand tall and unified in honoring your memory, mettle and precise reasons as to why you acted, functioned and behaved in a Godly fashion. Of course you were raised with humility, civility and nobility. All the concern, care and consideration to acquit yourself during many a bloody moment. I have not forgotten your memory, your spirit nor your everlasting durability, reliability and accountability. Our Creator has His entire troops of tenacity feverishly patrolling those proverbial streets where sanctity must rule. In His perfect world violence, terror and wickedness can never tear down those pathways set for our happiness and vision to march on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2019

Taking a wonderful man's life and career out from under him only set the wheels of justice spinning that much more faster. Trust underlying the truth and Dade County, a community so expansive it took all your heroic resources, Officer Cook, to see its folks through to some semblance of tranquility and a better quality of life. Character is the theme of honesty, dignity and the transparency of true integrity which fight long and hard those battles where boldness and courage must somehow dig in. You were so destined for greatness my neighbor, friend and hero. Just why? Why did Mr. Pearsall have to take your life of resolve, resiliency and hope away from your family, friends and gratefully heroic comrades? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2019

Destiny tries to distance itself from doom. Destruction only serves as a divisive instrument of humanity. We want peace and the buildings where only the foundations and cornerstones are set in humble honor, dignity and the humility that only excellent integrity creates. You formed a bond of goodwill with Dade County, Officer Cook, tobe solemnly remembered as a hero of instinctual motion. Never missing a detail, never lacking in charm and consideration and always the politeness of a young man, a brave gentleman searching for the scaffolds of security. Never far from our hearts and surely watching from the highest points in the big blue sky. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2019

Police work accentuates what we know regarding our loved ones who risk their lives of honor, humility for integrity and dignity to reign on the streets where havoc and bedlam exist. Dade County was your domain, Officer Cook, your community and place where you placed your resolve and heroism in harm's way to protect and to serve the public interests. As sincere as you were and as much as your fine upstanding character engaging and enriched lives, so many paid tribute and salute your undying and unselfish tenacity, loyal and faithful, serene and proud. Your uniform you wear forevermore, Officer Cook, is significant of the price you paid for our fruitions and joys to occur everyday and since you went to heaven you continue to be missed very much by your family and peers of esteem and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2019

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