Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Integrity is the investment of dignity as it blends in with character and honesty. You cannot go about your daily life and professional affairs without some realm of resolve and this all too important word: honesty. The best policy when policing an area such as Dade County where you strived to perform, Officer Cook, in a civil and most heroically decent manner. Peace, security did come at a very sad cost, your young life being robbed by one man's wicked advances which you and your partner, Reserve Officer scott Lincoln along with your esteemed and brave comrades tried to stop. You will forever be solemnly and fondly remembered for ushering in some undying, unselfish and unwavering commitment to excellence and pride, the joy you brought to your beloved parents, may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2019

The chiefs speak. The leaders follow along. Strife and sorrow seem to trail each other's tail. Humbleness and a love of life was your proclivity, Officer Cook as was the citizens of Dade County. A common thread to your important work was always, always maintaining honesty, integrity and dignity that was neatly pressed into your uniform of hope and devoutness. Never will we see you again and it's just tragically sad, Officer Cook. You gave the most sacred thing and that was your life to try and settle down violence and its unrelenting and undeniable evil . Our peace of mind and purpose of thought all was driven by your undying desire and hopes of a safer and more profound future. One that would have been brighter if not for untimely line of duty death. You'll always be most respected and greatly admired as our hero and your family's most importantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

Community affairs have priority over one's personal matters. For all you produced and displayed in life and during your six year police career, Officer Cook, may the Lord's compassion and everlasting perfection reward your humbly mortal soul of honor and esteem, dignity and integrity central to your outstanding character and pride in excellence beyond the calls of duty and responsibility. We never forget our heroes and heroines, the cornerstones of our everlasting endearment which gave security, safety and serenity the opportunities to settle over Dade county's citizens. Evil, grief and wickedness are sadly a part of public service and those who enter those battlefields have been superiorly trained and prepared for those heasted and tense moments where having morals and the fabrics of ferocity and resolve make all the difference.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

The scales of justice are meant for only honesty, truth and trust. so to lump terror, torment and turmoil upon them would only serve to topple over tenacity, dignity and the character of integrity. A well lived life though too short, Officer Cook, because of violence which ended your promising future. Heaven does not make promises only, it's eternity that enlightens one's heroically brave and faithful soul,one you possessed that served and protected the boundaries, venues, corners, streets and roads where undying resolve was placed upon the asphalt. Where you laid down your civility, sanctity and gallant humility, Officer Cook, serves as your legacy to be recognized, remembered and most respected and revered for generation after generation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

Beauty is always going to be in the eyes of the beholder. But,bravery and courage only come from the heart. The very soul of your life and career, Officer Cook, created the safe havens in Dade County for all folks to pass through. You were issued a challenge and that was to loyally and faithfully restore serenity and hope where the legs and eyes of goodwill would enter. Only a gentleman of morals and ideals could negotiate with someone hateful and bent on evil and revenge. Your life and heroic sacrifice bore out we your family and peers already knew. Patience is but a virtue, persistence and perseverance are more meaningful when efficiency is expanded. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

The young and brave, the bold who feed off of their unselfish ferocity and acts of fearlessness as you performed your roles of reliance and resourcefulness everyday, Officer Cook, for a reason. To keep the floodgates of evil from spilling over into Dade County threatening to drown its citizens who relish joy and prosperity. No doubt your heroism and honor, dignity and integrity demonstrated true grit, real hope and gallantry to be saluted and enhanced forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The yoke of your yearning, Officer Cook, yielded fruitful results.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

You were a humble and heroic young man, Officer Cook, nothing not even violence can ever tarnish your reputation and legacy of bravery and honor. You gave Dade County and its folks your undivided attention to detail and devotion, dignity and integrity's characters of commitment and conviction to last forever as we salute your soul of authenticity and acumen which at least helped to broker goodwill and harmony among the crowd. Humanity and humility humanely stored where your spirit may continue soaring higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2019

The notion you cannot do your job is preposterous. Although, precision and honesty, integrity and dignity must accompany all brave soldiers of Our Savior Himself doing His work protecting our freedoms and safety, your missions, journeys and travels, Officer Cook, have been blessed and rewarded by God for your heroic sacrifice which saved Dade County, its people and your esteemed colleagues. The message set forth is as follows: violence and evil won't be tolerated. Treachery may get the upper hand, it will not triumph nor show its vigor. Your vitality and humility have been jettisoned, Officer Cook, to the highest place in this society where you were greeted by those who laid down their lives of distinction before you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2019

Officers don't lay on mats or drink while danger and horrendous peril lurk behind closed doors or bushes. You assignment, Officer Cook, was to delay or primarily derail evil and impending doom. All it takes to set someone off is the slightest circumstance and lo and behold lives and careers are in jeopardy. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, honorable and humble loyal and heroic led Dade County and its people to a newer and humbler height of peace and harmony. The endeavor was sincere as was your vitality and humility. Now all are a constant aglow in heaven's perfectly manicured palaces and fields where angels of courage roam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2019

Opponents look to dictate. Proponents brainstorm with solutions to problems that are most serious that demand immediate attention. You gave your humility, honor and heroic soul, Officer Cook, to end this rash of violence permeated by one evil man. One hot day in May over forty years ago in Dade County you defended our civility and sanctity by being decent and replete with morals, dignity and integrity all of a humane cause. Never forgotten and so duly saluted for prime perseverance and pristine vision, your dreams and aspirations are forever our inspirations and particularly your family's as they march on with their lives of hopeful happiness, faith and unwavering goodwill. They carry your legacy humbly and very meticulously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2019

Angels of valor watch over us. Yet, their honesty and bravery can prove to make that distinct impression as far as serenity versus violence is concerned. You make a heroic sacrifice, Officer Cook, to try and remove terrible obstacles from among the various venues of Dade County. If effort and devotion could bring your physical being back to your family, I'm certain they would be overwhelmed with joy. And yet your mortal soul of character and commitment is tucked away in those gates of gallantry for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2019

We raise our hands and salute your wisdom and honor, bold and determined, Officer Cook, to end a siege of violence that within a few scant minutes sadly ended your life and nearly those of your dignified and faithful comrades in Dade County. The eyes of the Lord are always open looking after His flock whose integrity and character instilled a spirit of goodwill throughout our humanity. It took your unwavering effort and undying dedication to make peace and security a living and breathing reality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2019

Passion has a flair, but then again so too does ferocity. If aimed properly honesty, integrity and dignity can make that distinct difference in shaping the future of mankind which of course you did so well and heroically, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County. Resolve. Resilience. Energy, effort and never more discipline and devotion to all your professional responsibilities. You deserve all the salutes, honors and humanely heroic homages placed by your treasured spirit and soul of reason and purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 20, 2019

We took shelter because of your valor and morals, Officer Cook. Sincere honor, integrity and dignity that took down violence in Dade County. Its residents had their happiness and fruition faithfully restored by your undying actions, humble and most heroic. We salute your decision to answer that fateful call, Officer Cook, that served to protect and save your colleagues and civilians. Enhancement that lives for eternity as does your mortal soul in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 20, 2019

Careers and lives hang in the balance where boldness, heroism and honesty are located. In Dade County your blessed soul, Officer Cook, chased down terror and delivered a staple of security to a community looking for dignity and integrity. Character and commitment recalled your virtues and due diligence applied to our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 20, 2019

Survive and revive. Your heroic goodwill, Officer Cook, brought everlasting peace and security to a Dade County area calling out for some assurance. You can be sure your integrity, dignity and honesty will never be forgotten, nor will your unwavering and unselfish humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 20, 2019

People travel through life at times oblivious of things. One thing to keep in mind, you can never turn a blind eye to evil or it will gobble up your honor, hopes and dreams in a heartbeat. Your desire was to become a duly humble officer, Officer Cook and in doing so you made Dade County safer through your dignity and integrity. Character and commitment help to elevate one's devotion, faith and vitality during their pursuits of our joy while chasing the likes of violence from the streets. heaven has your respected and admired soul, Officer Cook, of heroism and enrichment watching over your family, peers and friends who all have missed seeing your engaging smile and grand personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

Quicker than light, faster than a locomotive, that's just how honest and genuine public servants must go out and tackle evil and its associated violence. Your honor and personal humility, Officer Cook, were all Dade County and its citizens needed to hear and know, your support and unrelenting charge toward mayhem to save them from more sure trouble. Perseverance and reverence are the respect and admiration you had, Officer Cook, as a brave and loyal young man of vision and the clarity of wisdom beyond your chronological years. We don't lump heroes and heroines into categories, we place an onus upon character to serve, a bond to protect and hopefully peace and resolution follow close behind. Your memory, Officer Cook, has always been heroically saluted, remembered and fondly etched upon our hearts and minds. Never out of sight nor forgotten. Class, devotion, dignity and integrity share the fruits of your chosen profession in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

Gospel is just that. But, courtesy and honesty travel down those tracks where nothing but trust and truth, dignity and integrity ought to go. You went out each day and night, Officer Cook, on the goodwill of Dade County searching for a semblance of serenity and when serious trouble came along you tried your utmost to vanquish its vicious resolve. For having humility, sanctity and civility on your lips and uniform, may your ever respected soul of endearment be blessed as we know God does for His heroes and heroines, all angels who served the cause and pursued the purposes for which they we chosen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness secures a person'e place in the next world where character and decency navigated down those pathways of precision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

We are all God's creatures. And how we channel our passions and humble bonds of purpose that is for us to choose. Your mission, Officer Cook, was to eradicate terror and evil exposing your heroically humble soul to the peril that was found in Dade County. Its folks have recognized your sacrifice which has made mankind and humanity more safer, though a little less since your career was sadly ended by evil. Character and integrity host dignity and honesty so long as they stay trusted and truthful. A humble gentleman of gallantry and goodwill exhibiting excellence in all your unselfish convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

The judge of mercy and compassion sends His most distinguished souls of truth and integrity into those fracases to seize upon evil and trap it before it runs wild. You hustled and patrolled the corridors of all Dade County, Officer Cook, as a man of dignity and honor would do. For having the quintessential character and commitment may your spirit and its humility rest quietly along with your reverence and treasured respect for society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good man taken suddenly by a wanton and brazen individual for no earthly reason other than to create bedlam,chaos and mayhem for those folks wanting peace of mind and some happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

Send those heavenly messages our way, Officer Cook, this world can surely utilize those good vibrations. For having honesty and character by your side along with dignity and integrity may Our Maker bless, protect and reward your mortally heroic soul of tranquility and resolve for all that it accomplished during your life and career in Dade County. make no mistake your morals and class meant everything to your beloved parents and family along with those brave colleagues who served during heated fights over evil. The trust and truth will never be forgotten for it lives on for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

Violence is like that shark that encircles its prey looking to snair the vulnerable and the innocent. Your versatility, vigilance and virtue, Officer Cook, made that succinct impression, honorable, most humble and humbly heroic here in Dade County where its citizens remembered your undying wisdom, unbelievable faith and unwavering character which has brought peace and a sense of renewed goodwill. Fondly saluted and cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2019

Officer Cook, when your beloved soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we must not disturb your remains too, for they are sacred and now belong with God too. You see your career and life of professional service toward Dade County delivered the valuable variables of vigilance, integrity and dignity all from a heroic and honest young man. you participated in this seemingly never concluding peace process which shielded citizens from undue bloodshed and one man's rants and rages against society. Humanity takes your humility, Officer Cook and endeavors to spread its crystals of courage far and wide. A wonderful soul gone too soon. Cherished. Treasured and tenacious without any doubts regarding your superior character and staunch convictions to faith, hope and the goodwill of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

Evil cannot stymie the goodwill of our esteemed and bravest of servants. They march right into the very face of danger and peril as you heroically and so honorably did for Dade County, Officer Cook. The full gamut of grace, gallantry and trustworthiness distributed by a loving soul of a man. This world very much misses your spirit of dignity and integrity now filling Our Creator's walls of honor, decency and respect which you gave back in sterling character and commitment to your homegrown community. Never more versatility, accountability and the durability to tackle whatever jobs, roles and assignments came your way. That path and trail ended way too early by wanton and callous violence by one wickedly treacherous individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 showed pride and prudent proficiency at all times. Never forgotten and saluted humanely, humbly and heroically!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2019

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