Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Honored with respect and admiration, your life and career, Officer Cook, was venerable, most vigilant and surely honorable as you served and saved the citizens of Dade County from far more evil that awfully tragic day when you sacrificed your soul of humility and character so that peace and decency should be the rule in your community. Such a humbly heroic man going out on patrol and striving to be the finest public servant Dade County ever had. Every hero or heroine is exactly that, humane and loyal, faithful and resilient to those calls of duty where great responsibility is placed squarely on their broadest of brave shoulders. Always saluted and so solemnly honored for excellence and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While no two people are alike, character and integrity are expected from each and every member of their department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

With violence, evil, terror and wickedness, there can never be that cherry on top of the cake. The icing is the insightful and honorable actions of all dedicated men and women who strive to stop its onslaught. Dade County was under your superior wisdom, maturity and clear vision, Officer Cook. No doubt your heroic actions everyday demonstrated why proper dignity and integrity are essential to one's own humble character in fulfill a sacred oath taken to protect and preserve the public interest. never more humane and humble esteem that will be remembered forever. Our Master has His very best of determined angels brave and pure souls flying around watching over us and their beloved families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Six years of piercing honor, humility and heroism. Twenty-five years of life and service that ended all too soon by demonstrative evil. Dade County was under your leadership, motivation and proper morals of conduct, Officer Cook. The wings of peace and serenity gently gracing our very landscape all delivered by your personal resourcefulness, Officer Cook. Now for sacrifice can your mortal soul be set free to soar above the highest of skies. You'll always be etched and so vigilantly honored for having the gumption of due diligence to have the character to battle the rage of evil and its crimes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Sometimes a young passionate voice of reason is better defined than an older grizzled veteran. But, nevertheless, your courtesy and politeness, honesty and bravery, Officer Cook, was thoroughly appreciated for its instruments of intelligence, intuition and ingenuity saved the lives of Dade County's citizens who relied upon your heroic instincts of a man devout and full of heroic and truthful character. The nation, your department and family salutes your pristine command of any given circumstance placed before you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

People notice when you have achieved. Your peers, family and friends saw your humble and heralded background, Officer Cook, as your honor, dignity and integrity helped to stave off the affects of adverse violence here in Dade County. Never desperate, always dedicated and forever determined to stop evil. One man creating mischief beyond your department and community's worst of nightmares. You were a humble and heroic man, a human being simply performing his job at the highest level creating harmony for humanity and mankind for its sanctity. Cherished and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dig in and dig down. Your unselfish resolve and efficiency made your venue a better one though a bit little secure since your untimely death in the line of duty, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

The dirt of the earth is that sacred and hallowed ground where God replenishes the soul of an honored and distinguished hero and humble servant who made a solemn promise to preserve life and never once wavered in his commitments to excellence and convictions of pride. A fool hopes. A righteous gentleman of valor contemplates and prepares plans of action as you always did, Officer Cook, to benefit and to reunite those living here in Dade County. A grateful man of humility and charming character whose sweet smile and noble soul continue illuminating Our Maker's castles of crusading men and women of bravery and the boldness that paved your trails of justice and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where you lie, Officer Cook, is being fortified with rich minerals to keep the elements and ground as sturdy as your disposition , calming and of proper authority.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Your hunger to become a top notch and top flight public servant must match the level of consistency coming from your unbridled honesty, reverence for dignity and the character of your integrity. Your finest days and years, Officer Cook, were spent serving and protecting Dade County's folks with some of the best partners humility and resolve could not even purchase. Our security and serenity along with our safe trails all were secured by your truthful and thoughtful anticipation. The climax was not what anyone least expected and for being a hero may God bless and reward your charitable soul of wisdom and vision as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Discretion and humbleness by humility are the two factors which permit the pangs of perseverance and honesty to permeate those walls where violence has already dug its way through. But, you answered all your calls of duty and onus, Officer Cook, with never ending and most heroic dignity and integrity that allowed Dade County to carry on with its pursuits of pleasure and joy, though I'm sure your beloved family members wish you had survived that brutal day of May 16, 1979, when God lifted the heart and soul of a prince of peace to His noble and treasured thrones of perfection in heaven where your stellar character can uplift our spirits our its watches over those brave and trusted who battle against adversity like never before. Saluted for honor and revered for resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

When you were young, Officer Cook, perhaps you watched two television programs based on police officers acting the part and going strictly by the book policing and patrolling the various venues in their communities. Dragnet and Adam12, I too watched and still do today even as a grown man because as I've reflected my father may he rest in peace was a New York City officer for nearly forty years working parts of a five decade watch with the 102nd precinct in Richmond Hill in Queens. Both shows were filmed in Los Angeles, California. The actors were: Jack Webb who created Dragnet along with actor Harry Morgan, later of MASH where he portrayed a Colonel Sherman Potter. The other show had actors: Martin Milner and Kent McCord as Officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed. Webb and Morgan played respectively: Sergeant Friday and Officer Gannon. Nothing made up regarding your humble, heroic and honorable life of service to all Dade County as our serenity and savoring of safety was the results of your proficient dignity and integrity of commitment, conviction and excellence of character so solemnly saluted for gallantry and the greatness instilled in your spirit by Our Creator who forever steers your mortally brave soul where it will watch over your peers, family and many friends. Enhancement and enrichment live on as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of wit and a plethora of wealthy knowledge and vision to correct and limit the damage inflicted by unwanted evil. Treasured and highly admired forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

That magnifying glass enlarges everything for honor to humility, integrity to character and dignity becomes the focus upon one's trails and pathways to perseverance and to one's passion serving and protecting any given locale. You made Dade County safe, Officer Cook, because of your undivided attention to all details. Terror, evil and wickedness demand extraordinary service and certainly one's own sterling character because pursuits cannot break off when trying to staple down peace and goodwill, hope for a brighter future. It would have been great if Our Maker had allowed you the chance to finish your dream job, humility at those pearly gates was brought along with your respected and adoring soul to connect with your fellow fallen angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

Patience is a virtue. Crime is the epitome of unbelievable evil by those who think their actions justify the means to a better life. A world bolstered by your wisdom,maturity and vision, Officer Cook and made greater by your cherished soul of honesty, dignity and humility defending all Dade County from an assortment of awfulness. One day your beloved family members will see your smile in heaven's priestly gates once again. For now we salute and honor your enthusiasm and undying attempts to calm and to restore order where integrity and trust live with tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

Indifference is plain ignorance and a lack of honorable values. Nothing hurts the pavements of mankind more than the pests of violence. Officer Cook, a hero and a total gentleman of character and the eyes of integrity helping to secure the residents of Dade County in solemn prosperity and the hopes of a vital future. One that would have been more enjoyable for your family if you were here to witness all the changes that you laid your career and life down for. Heaven is sweetness and peaceful, it's where angels of valor and their mortal souls of surveillance roam walking those sacred beats of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

What plagues society is an unrelenting form of violence that is so wicked its vibrations just simply vilify our best of intentions. Your dignity and honor prevented something more tragic that day, Officer Cook, even though you sacrificed for the good of Dade County brokering peace and freedom for all who subscribed to tranquility and the eyes of effort and courage. Resolve and heroism forever linked with your decent and desirable character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

Indulgence is permitted in certain matters. One must intensify their entire effort into integrity, honesty and dignity. Dade County was under your heroically and humble watchful eyes, Officer Cook and you were a soul who won't be forgotten for your clearing away the evil that has kept the peace and unity from sharing corners with one another. Always excellent character and stellar commitment to both excellence and pride. A resource to be shared, a trusted man of faith taken too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2019

Getting the hang of things sometimes takes time, but not too much because precious seconds can spell the all important difference between life and death. Police don't need a curtain call to arrive and promptly begin installing their honor, respect, integrity and dignity. If violence keeps creeping us as you did a wonderful job, Officer Cook, protecting Dade County, well, other men and women can take note. Respect leads to adherence and one who listens and acts like they want to learn will succeed. Otherwise you may be in for the rough haul. Humanity was given a trusted and truthful soul of a gentleman to represent our interests and all you and your pristine uniform did, Officer Cook, was act like a man and show capability in navigating comrades through thick and thin. The going gets tough, being timid will never allow tenacity its obligation to fight through those walls of wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2019

Fighting crime is not a sweepstakes. Shortest straw goes out. No , everyone goes and lends their credence to valor and the highest form of honesty and integrity. You gave the highest regard, Officer Cook, for Dade County tp make a space on the chart for serenity and safe shelters for all mankind. Never overlooked was of course your unwavering and unselfish dignity and driven dedication to fortify what your family and peers knew regarding their loved one, your character was first rate, your resolve never more outstanding and your heroic humbleness aimed at the mark where its desired affects would penetrate the inner walls of society. We pay homage to your most reverently blessed memory. your mortal soul roaming and soaring as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2019

The windmills turn and turn. One must learn and yearn to become the very best at their chosen field of endeavor, craft or profession. You were born to be humble, brave to conquer and courteous to be trustworthy, Officer Cook. Dade County relied upon package of perseverance, persistence and proficiency to see it through difficult moments and when tranquility substituted terror, well you were a very brave hero and a loyal follower who competently demonstrated motivational and leadership skills to other comrades. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for innovation and intellect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2019

It takes determination and dedication to handle the rigors of stress and to devote oneself to battling violence which you did real well, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County. You'll be saluted and humbly honored for heroism ,integrity and the character of dignity. You were a real trusted public servant who delivered our very humility through peace and harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2019

Surreal evokes memories of the past. They had to be wonderfully tremendous for your family, Officer Cook. Knowing you gave your life of service to protect and guide all Dade County through some rough and dangerous times said it all. Finality in the form of violence took your beautiful soul of honor, dignity and integrity before you could complete your missions and live to see retirement. Sadly,there are no pensions or vacations or cruises in heaven, only the thoughts and salutes that dutiful men and women all brave and heroic undertake to secure our venues and boundaries where freedom and liberty may roam free of torment, all performed in an outstanding fashion by yourself, Officer Cook, humble and quite accomplished at your young and vibrant age. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

Dabble if you may, but, desertion and dereliction from duty is as troublesome as deceit is. Never more dignity, integrity, desire and honor coming from your heart and soul, Officer Cook. One that securely fastened peace and the chains of ferocity and tenacity to your every movement around the cornerstones your heroism and legacy of trust and assurance balanced as you patrolled for tranquility. Amazing how a little resolve and resourcefulness assists humility. Stay focused and positive something excellent will occur. Everyone,your family, comrades and friends just hoped the outcome of your life was one for everyone. The paramedics and doctors at North Shore Hospital did all they could to save you. Our Master needed your uniquely intrinsic soul in heaven for more eternal assignments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and of instinctual leadership motivation. Skills not always seen but certainly heard of and have been so solemnly saluted and honored for donning a pristine uniform of valor and talent. Dade County and its citizens have respected and admired your commitments. Never ever forgotten! Badge#1664 rests soundly in the places where perfection is never really witnessed in this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

Direct your hateful venom to vigilance, vitality and virtue, it will make society great once again. if all the humility and honesty could restore your heartbeat, Officer Cook, your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, both now resting in peace would arise and yell with joy. And so would your beloved Karen and big sister, Nancy. I must reflect back on your most humane and heroic life and soul of peace protecting your comrades and the people of Dade County. A gallant and stellar man of character who learned his manners, morals and mettle from his parents. These lessons were transplanted onto the very perilous and dangerous venues where your awareness and vision played an enormous role in rising from the fires of evil and making peace and goodwill an everlasting enhancement fro which your cherished legacy is founded on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Continuing your proud and wise traditions we all salute you, Officer Cook, for a job well done!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

If you implant the seeds of reality in your dreams in life, sooner or later the fruits of your labors will blossom and grow into more distinct matters. Living in Dade County, working and growing up in Dade County, you saw, Officer Cook, the entire picture of the landscape and nothing was going to dissuade you from becoming a policeman. Evil and violence are all a part of any public servant's roles and must be faced as one willingly signs up to become a law enforcement official. Nothing is forced upon you and everything I ever heard or read about your trustworthiness and character as true and as clear as a bell of boldness, bravery, integrity and dignity which always allows one at least the chance to save lives and head off any violence which may interrupt the flow of happiness, unity and prosperity for mankind. Humanity is deeply indebted to your service and engaging personality, Officer Cook, heroic, truthful and most trusted during stressful times, yet always saluted and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

Hospitality invites faith, goodwill and humility through those doors where dignity and determination reside in honor and integrity. The Cook household was always a haven for peace, happiness and the good health of all whoever entered its living room. You were a principal witness to this fact, Officer Cook and your life though it concluded much too soon because of evil did inspire Dade County and its residents to never forget your heroism and workmanship, all of acumen, wisdom and the vision that has perpetuated within humanity. Now an angel forever my your treasured soul of character rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero soundly in Our Maker's dens of desire and faithful devotion to responsibility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

The sun's rays of hope and relevance are all that is needed and our day is off to a flying start. It was that fateful day of May 16, 1979, a hot day in Miami and Dade County when a twisted man took your life, Officer Cook. Domestic incidents seem to be more prevalent these days and a person ,a man of your character and honor, Officer Cook, looked him in the eyes and defended us and your colleagues and department. No doubt dignity and integrity humbly uplifted your soul of distinction to Our Creator's loftiest of thrones where perfection and humbleness serve as bravery and resolve do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

Inundated with integrity, filled with ferocity, humbled by honesty, cherished with heroism, your professional life and public service career, Officer Cook, are what legends are made of. Ordinary souls of conviction and serenity going out in the streets to protect life and property. It was your dream and goal to become a full fledged officer and so everything you did on behalf of Dade County was only for the sake of heaven and of gentle humility. You are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with your character perfectly aligned with God's bravest of angels who walk that proverbial beat keeping the gates of resolve and gallantry spotless and of course where no harm will ever come your direction forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

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