Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

I meant to say, Officer Cook, staying true to form. If soup is good food, than honor and reverence, respect and integrity are excellent nutrients for one's immortal soul of resolve and character. One takes pride in their chosen endeavor and your sincerest of effort stopped a very callous and wayward man from taking more lives through his dishonest ways. Our peace in Dade County came about through distinct mettle and ingenuity of your wisdom and vision all in part helping to liberate humanity. Humility and goodwill always to be fondly remembered and kept shining on your family and colleagues, Officer Cook, who have remained loyal to their friend and fellow brother of public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

The nuts and bolts of boldness and bravery are the essential elements of humble honesty, valued dignity and incorporated integrity, all the makings of crucial character that assists in these wars, battles and fights over dominating evil, such violence is repulsive and never a creator of calm and peace. Dade County was your central location for your unrelenting navigate to rid us of this perturbing terror all orchestrated by one man alone with a vendetta against peaceful and heroic minded men and women of the law enforcement profession. Staying to to form, Officer Cook, it was your passion and corroborative courage and unyielding dignity and decisive integrity that saved lives that day of May 16,1979 and everyday of your six year career. One headed for more fruition added to your humble success as our warrior whose diligence was outstanding. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

From where you come is where you travel to when your honor and bravery have been deemed as complete in carrying us to tranquility and liberty. You were raised as a fine young boy, Officer Cook, who grew up to become a righteous and humane hero forever in Dade County. Carrying those yokes whose burdens were quite responsible, you plugged in perseverance and passion,dignity and integrity and never took them out of the sockets when serious trouble befuddled us. For restoring calm as best you could and for unwavering and undying character may your mortal soul be blessed and rewarded in those greenest of pastures where nothing but perfection allows you to walk that proverbially peaceful beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gallant gentleman whose legacy shall illuminate our darkest of days.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2019

What an impression our most beloved of heroes and heroines leave when sadly they are suddenly taken to a higher place where vigilance and honor team up to form the perfect combination to walk that proverbial beat watching over us and those holy gates of respect and humility. Officer Cook, you paid the ultimate price on behalf of Dade County and its citizens who were distributed the proper reverence, respect and resolve along with unwavering and undying safety,serenity and security. We honor they pious and trustworthy enough to watch over our joy and passions in life. Your fruition has become our causes for which to further dedicate ourselves to enriching the legitimacy of your most humanely heroic legacy. It won't be tarnished nor scorned simply by virtue of your character, attitude and morally outstanding behavior while performing your professional duties of obligation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

Evil makes more dents in society than our minds can dream of. Its spinning makes us crazy with emotions some good, some useless. Your inspiration, Officer Cook, has served Dade County and its residents well all these decades later. To tear down those wall where wickedness wallows is not easy, never simple and always difficult. To construct corridors of care and consideration, your intensity and integrity all had to be summoned along with your unwavering respect for honor and dignity. We cannot fight alone, violence and evil require extraordinary teamwork and from badge#1664 our community, your community, Officer Cook, was given excellent and most meaningful work to break those tensions that existed back during your time. Never forgotten and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

Life sure can pass you by. When honesty, humility and heroism stare us down we had better be careful. police work takes every ounce of one's own vivid imagination, ingenuity, integrity and endurance to see the proper channels of character and dignity through. Dade County and its people were surely grateful for heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook, trailblazing those paths of humble esteem and sidewalks of tenacity. Humanity has continued paying its respects of loyalty and faith to a most trusted and judiciously truthful servant of God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

Public servants never can be caught flat footed while chasing after evil. Their entire body and soul must be pumping and functioning at one-hundred percent efficiency. Always full of passion and humble honor, Officer Cook, the fruits and blessings of your prime opportunities to secure Dade County in safe travels and secure shelters for its folks. We know, your family knows you followed your heart right where it fully belonged. Your commitments, convictions and undying sacrifice have and will always be sacred and honored for as much acumen and resolve as you had. To maintain a high level of character, dignity and integrity watch after watch day after day speaks volumes regarding your awesome vision and humility, the necessary ingredients to battling crime and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man full of maturity and morals fully cognizant of his responsibilities which you accepted unconditionally, Officer Cook. Heaven is the final location where your soul may sleep soundly because of your angel like gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

Dynamically bold. Honest and humanely sincere. Heroic and wise. Your best assets and resources, Officer Cook, saved Dade County and its citizens beyond the calls of duty when danger threatened to impair the delicate balance of dignity and integrity. The valiant and valuable who protect and serve mankind and humanity with all their tender humbleness. Yours, Officer Cook and your outstanding character has your family and community repaying homage your memory and the very cornerstones of a legacy will secure in God's kingdom of compassion and kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

Your honor and humility, Officer Cook, have that brave and pristine spot in heaven to be sheltered for eternal safekeeping. You gave respect and resourcefulness all the dignity and integrity your humble character and excellence in commitments could bring. For saving Dade County residents and your treasured comrades may Our Master bless and reward your mortal soul and graceful spirit for touching mankind with unselfish humility. The skies are bright at night because of the illuminating nature of your being, Officer Cook, it placed courage and conviction among the harmony and stability you ushered into our community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

A life of service with honor, reverence and respect that forever continues with God's perfect diligence now guiding your angel wings in heaven, Officer Cook. For the bravery and esteem of all Dade County residents your soul of resolve and heroism coupled together to fight and to eradicate evil and violence which must not ever be tolerated and with your upstanding and stellar character, Officer Cook, sure peace, unity and prosperity for all mankind will be felt and acknowledged forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Whatever it required you gave enhancement, enrichment and endearment to be humbly and poignantly honored and solemnly saluted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2019

A gentleman and a gentle soul who lead by determination and the goodwill of honor, dignity and integrity flowing from your veins of character. Only a small sample of your everlastingly great work on the part of Dade County's folks who trusted your skills and talents to take them above and beyond violence and turmoil. A special soul, Officer Cook, your professional exploits are well documented for the reasons of resolve and a reservoir of faith and mankind's humility. You always excelled in carrying your attributes of awareness and acumen to wisdom and vision's highest of valleys. Never anything but durable and dependable service and protection. Peace and security all there to be shared by everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator has that element of sanctity and, nobility and gratefulness patrolling those pearly gates of gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2019

God's mercy and compassion reign down from the big blue skies above hoping to uplift the downtrodden and grief stricken. When you left this world over forty years ago, Officer Cook, you left behind such a wonderful and most humanely humble legacy of heroism. One to be passed down and shared with the richness of honesty, integrity and dignity forever. With your sincerest of commitment to pride and excellence you brokered peace and serenity in the Dade County venues so that life could carry forward. And no doubt your experiences would have been more penetrating if wickedness did nor lift up your treasured soul to heaven. A quiet and perfectly taciturn environment where the souls of the valiant use their wings to sing Our Lord's praises. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2019

Firing bullets only reinforces the propensity of one's wanton and heinous acts of cowardly proportions. You were a gifted young man, Officer Cook , with a genuinely pleasant and loyal heart and a most devout soul. To be an honorable man and one whose dignity was on par with his integrity went on patrol in Dade County, it was all about humility and placing stability back into a community that has both saluted and honored your everlasting character. A gift from heaven for just twenty-five years of sweat and toil, all tenacity utilized to conquer the craziness of cruel and inhumane terror. Always one who gave his best endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2019

The uniqueness of every individual is what makes our universe go round. When and peace and quiet, happiness and prosperity become unraveled by violence the time is now to act. You performed your duties, Officer Cook, about as well as any honest and heroically humble man would on behalf of all Dade County. Evil is not a license to murder or maim lives. When a gentleman with a sweet soul of character begins his quests of courage then we must follow his leads down those trails of trust and truth. Never forgotten and saluted for unrelenting wisdom, unselfish vision and undying clarity and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2019

Infatuation and fascination are all some kinds of stimuli that make our brains seem curious. For whatever the reason society seems affixed on certain things other than values and ideas. Your mind, soul and body, Officer Cook, were focused entirely upon the harmony and goodwill of Dade County and no matter the time or place, there you were, accountable and present to lend a helping hand. May 16, 1979, was no different only that you were not directly dispatched to that horrible domestic scene in Liberty City in Miami where life and service gave its all. Cherished and admired, full of honor and dignity, characters and commitments of integrity that have resonated within our hearts and minds all these decade later as your family continues on its trails of joy, prosperity and happiness. Boy, you have been greatly missed from family outings and everything in between. No doubt Our Maker has your devout soul, Officer Cook, well protected in the heavens above for your superlative service and most humbly humane sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

I meant to say, Officer Cook, embellish if you must. But, keep in mind the energy, effort and honesty still must shine as brightly as the big yellow sun in the heavens above. And now over forty years later, Officer Cook, your sparkling soul of dignity and integrity clearly sparkles as does those mortally heroic souls of your fellow angels of valor and heroism. Its starting point must be found in the home environment where your parents, God rest their humble souls instilled in you and your big sister, Nancy, all those valuable life lessons that would bookend your career of courage on behalf of Dade county's people. Now and for eternity a savior, warrior and a most trusted and truthful man who delivered the goods of hope, faith and substance while displaying classic morals and mettle that would stare down evil. It will always be terrible your life, Officer Cook, was snuffed out, taken heinously by a wayward and wanton man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That beautiful letter your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, sent me is tucked away in my plastic drawer for safekeeping, so sentimental!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

Embellish is you must, but, remember that solid effort and staunch efficiency are what makes evil and violence do a double take. Honesty and dignity are the loyal traits of integrity and one whose character is beyond reproach which of course yours was, Officer Cook. It guided the residents of Dade County gently down those streets and roads of serenity and security. A grateful venue celebrating your wonderful life, career and those memories of an all too shortened life of spirit and giving back to humanity gone way too soon. There was so much more to achieve, Officer Cook, the good Lord must have needed your rock solid diligence back in His perfect of locations where violence and any further undue harm would never come your way or to those pristine and valiant angels whose wings relate the stories of old and young. Bold,brave and magnificent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

Brace for those difficult and tough challenges that lie ahead of you. An earnest effort and heroically humble honor will surely assist one in their dignified career. A duly responsible soul of a gentleman, you were one of many talented and tenacious officers working in and around Dade County, Officer Cook. With a soul and a generous heart you battled adversity with all your unwavering and unselfish acumen. Power is one thing and dominating over evil and its destructive paths was and will always be how you are paid homage for resolve and sacrifice on behalf of peace and unity. The going gets tough , the tough get going. Those stars at night are twinkling because of the your soul's energy in lighting up the skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage and character stand for every solid cornerstone and foundation our great land represents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

The best of boldness and resolve is found in the incorporation of integrity,ingenuity and honesty. You could never begin to fight off violence without some semblance of character and commitment to dignity especially nowadays with the world being like it is. Today, and everyday since May 16, 1979, your wisdom, maturity and vision, is felt in Dade County, Officer Cook. And no doubt it has left an indelible impression upon countless officers who go out into peril and danger to confront callousness and wanton acts of wickedness. Your heroism, Officer Cook, has been saluted, honored and etched into your loving family's hearts and minds forever as they and your colleagues of the past have not forgotten your bright and endearing smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

Honored with respect and admiration, your life and career, Officer Cook, was venerable, most vigilant and surely honorable as you served and saved the citizens of Dade County from far more evil that awfully tragic day when you sacrificed your soul of humility and character so that peace and decency should be the rule in your community. Such a humbly heroic man going out on patrol and striving to be the finest public servant Dade County ever had. Every hero or heroine is exactly that, humane and loyal, faithful and resilient to those calls of duty where great responsibility is placed squarely on their broadest of brave shoulders. Always saluted and so solemnly honored for excellence and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While no two people are alike, character and integrity are expected from each and every member of their department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2019

With violence, evil, terror and wickedness, there can never be that cherry on top of the cake. The icing is the insightful and honorable actions of all dedicated men and women who strive to stop its onslaught. Dade County was under your superior wisdom, maturity and clear vision, Officer Cook. No doubt your heroic actions everyday demonstrated why proper dignity and integrity are essential to one's own humble character in fulfill a sacred oath taken to protect and preserve the public interest. never more humane and humble esteem that will be remembered forever. Our Master has His very best of determined angels brave and pure souls flying around watching over us and their beloved families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Six years of piercing honor, humility and heroism. Twenty-five years of life and service that ended all too soon by demonstrative evil. Dade County was under your leadership, motivation and proper morals of conduct, Officer Cook. The wings of peace and serenity gently gracing our very landscape all delivered by your personal resourcefulness, Officer Cook. Now for sacrifice can your mortal soul be set free to soar above the highest of skies. You'll always be etched and so vigilantly honored for having the gumption of due diligence to have the character to battle the rage of evil and its crimes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

Sometimes a young passionate voice of reason is better defined than an older grizzled veteran. But, nevertheless, your courtesy and politeness, honesty and bravery, Officer Cook, was thoroughly appreciated for its instruments of intelligence, intuition and ingenuity saved the lives of Dade County's citizens who relied upon your heroic instincts of a man devout and full of heroic and truthful character. The nation, your department and family salutes your pristine command of any given circumstance placed before you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

People notice when you have achieved. Your peers, family and friends saw your humble and heralded background, Officer Cook, as your honor, dignity and integrity helped to stave off the affects of adverse violence here in Dade County. Never desperate, always dedicated and forever determined to stop evil. One man creating mischief beyond your department and community's worst of nightmares. You were a humble and heroic man, a human being simply performing his job at the highest level creating harmony for humanity and mankind for its sanctity. Cherished and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dig in and dig down. Your unselfish resolve and efficiency made your venue a better one though a bit little secure since your untimely death in the line of duty, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

The dirt of the earth is that sacred and hallowed ground where God replenishes the soul of an honored and distinguished hero and humble servant who made a solemn promise to preserve life and never once wavered in his commitments to excellence and convictions of pride. A fool hopes. A righteous gentleman of valor contemplates and prepares plans of action as you always did, Officer Cook, to benefit and to reunite those living here in Dade County. A grateful man of humility and charming character whose sweet smile and noble soul continue illuminating Our Maker's castles of crusading men and women of bravery and the boldness that paved your trails of justice and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where you lie, Officer Cook, is being fortified with rich minerals to keep the elements and ground as sturdy as your disposition , calming and of proper authority.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2019

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