Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Diversity is supposed to be the universal answer to what ails our nation and society. Surely, the rivers and streams flow freely because of God's infinite powers that cause this to be. Police officers have certain authority and leadership skills that you had, Officer Cook, to make Dade County better self assured and confidently able to face the crises of callousness while aspiring to live more serenely mundane lives of happiness, health, prosperity and goodwill. Being honest and heroic all flows from integrity and the respect and reverence dignity is to be afforded. For your sacrifice and morally outstanding character and stellar commitment to both unwavering pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 11, 2019

Today, Officer Cook, is a most profound and somber day for the Jewish nation. And since you were honorable, devout and faithful, your heroically immortal would understand some of the significances of the day. A day in which our Holy Temple was breached and destroyed. For those who fast and give to charity it's the culmination of a three week period of mourning. We pray that baseless hatred bias, bloodshed and bigotry are no longer a by-product of what our society unconditionally represents. You stood for humility and dignity all the result of having the quality of character and integrity that you utilized to the utmost to protect Dade County and for which you remain cherished and admired. Heroes and heroines are never to be overlooked, forgotten or placed aside where the dust and clutter gathers around. The opposite, they are to be revered, remembered, celebrated and duly and humanely saluted for instinct and ingenuity for having the valor and vision to wisely seek out peace not have to battle evil as you did in an unrelenting, undying, unselfish and unwavering manner. One individual that terrible day struck a violent note and took your life of promise and sacrifice away from your loved ones, friends and colleagues, as well as the community you set out to preserve and to watch constantly over. Our Creator has your spirit, heart and goodwill tucked safely away for everlasting eternity where your blessings and rewards are for going beyond the calls of duty and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, every soul mourns and for you, Officer Cook, everything is a little less safe by your absence. You watch over those men and women who succeeded you and have been an inspiration of what is required to persevere when pain, torment and anguish gang up on mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 11, 2019

Diabolical is something to beware. Its directions and paths are carved from intense evil and from that evil its all violence which brave and honest souls must deal with on a constant basis. You handled your integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, with a renewed sense and source of pride and character enabling you to protect the folks of Dade County in a far more superior fashion. You were very loyal and congenial, humble and heroic during your entire career and life where you graced society with an engaging smile and safety for all mankind. Saluted and remembered for valor and vigilance to be etched forever in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

The highest of mountains have that nighttime chill in the air. The heavens above also have that certain eternal affect upon all God's servants who gave life for serenity and peace to become a living reality. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your domain where you endeavored and toiled in honesty, integrity and ingenuity to bestow stability among all residents. Never a hesitation nor doubt of your abilities as you were always a loyal and most faithful hero whose character and pride have become the humbleness of your valued legacy. Generations later gallantry still resides on those corners where you duly patrolled over forty years ago. Never forgotten and always the highest regards and homage paid to your soul of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

Nature's beauty is of splendor and serenity only it is when violence and evil evade its spots of fruition and freedom do we become a bit more watchful. Your eyes and ears, Officer Cook, all as heroic as your unrelenting humility, unselfish honesty, undying dignity and all enhancing integrity. Dade County was made more resourceful than ever under your wings of determination, steady directions of dedication and hopeful desire. Your sterling character and charm will be solemnly honored and duly saluted for unassuming valor in this seemingly unending war over adverse times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

We all dream big. We all have the grandest of plans. Yet, God runs the show. He maintains our happiness, free spirit and faith. The goodwill, the character and the honesty He instilled in you, Officer Cook, was exactly what Dade County and its residents needed to survive an evil man bent on whatever was lurking in his mind. To have picked his brains that day and for that matter everyday, you might have needed dynamite to blow up his schemes of violence perpetrated against you, Officer Cook and your colleagues of valor and commitment. Suffice it to say your resolve and humility, heroic actions saved lives. Liberty, unity and freedom have a certain boundary of integrity and pride, when that is eroded it is high time to act accordingly and most prudently as you always did so proudly bringing honor and enrichment to your community, loving parents, sister and your beloved Karen. No one has forgotten you and have always saluted your authority and considerations for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For the rest of your family, The Tidwells and the Wilkersons, only good health peace and the blessings of happiness and prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

When someone is killed in the line of duty, chaos and mayhem must not be ever allowed to trample through a neighborhood. It's in these various communities where you'll find ever blessed excellent public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, more than a hero, more than honorable, more than dignified and with a sound dose of sense of integrity and pride. Your badge and uniform represented the values, principles and morals of your department and the standards by which you fought those battles all brave and humanely humble to defeat a foe so ferocious and so willfully wicked, you'll not be forgotten for character and wisdom, humility and solid leadership all greatly missed today and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

Turtles live in shells. Police must not be silenced when adversity comes busting down those doors where our harmony and freedoms lie. Simple and easy to understand and to even ponder, yet the ramifications are huge. Yet, when you got that call that day, Officer Cook, you knew your colleagues requested assistance and it was a domestic call serious enough for you and your partner that fateful day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln to go and to protect the citizens and of course your comrades. Evil just aimed and it seemed all hell broke loose and your heroism, honor and bravery, Officer Cook, did what you were instructed and trained to do. Heaven and Our Maker have your loyal and esteemed dignity and integrity encircling us at all times watching over those men and women of character and commitment who took over your watch. But, acumen and wisdom, maturity and vision were never better, clearer and more focused on your earthly missions that day and everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

When life is in jeopardy, it's honesty and respect, dignity and integrity that must not be blocked by indecision and indifference. All the love and admiration you possessed patrolling Dade County, Officer Cook, shall never be overlooked nor forgotten. heroism and humility share now and forever those fruits of your brave and humanely humble labors of peace and safety on our behalf. Dedication, determination and motivation all shared in directing your pursuits of your childhood dreams, aspirations and successes in your life. One that your family wished had not ended sadly because of the violence you were endeavoring to rid us of. Your soul and spirit of goodwill will surely be most blessed and rewarded for doing a very outstanding protecting and serving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 10, 2019

Blessings are a boon to our prosperity and good health. Goodwill and hope share faith's responsibilities among society. Mankind is surely indebted to you, Officer Cook, a hero of honor, defined dignity and incorporated integrity. Dade County's battles were your onus and you cheerfully took your position most seriously. Relieving us from harm and instituting peace and sanctity on those perilous venues where heroes and heroines roam. The buffalo roam in the field. Police move all around enhancing our most valuable of resources. Never more reliable,respectful and humanely relevant. Humility stands for character, mettle, resilience and tenacious energy and resolution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Punishment is what one receives for committing crime. Reward is for those humbly, honorably and brave heroic soul of distinction who demonstrate integrity and dignity in the field of trust and truth. Your special soul of leadership and determination, Officer Cook, rest soundly in heaven my neighbor, friend and hero. You always carried yourself proudly and with a renewed sense of purpose and persistence. The good they go before their time is over and for giving Dade County and its folks a newer lease on life and peace trying to stop an evil man may you be blessed and especially cherished by your wonderful family, Officer Cook, comrades and many, many friends and personal acquaintances. With God's eyes watching over most esteemed and valiant angels, rest in peace once again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

From humility to humbleness, from a solid family life to a life full of dignity and integrity, it was the makings of our stability in Dade County where your exploits have long since been remembered for the exhibitions of effort and energy. Violence needs an entire department of honesty and intelligence circling those wagons of vile wickedness. Always the very best of heroic effort, Officer Cook and never alack of fundamentals and the values of morals and courtesies. Your loving family honors your reverence and righteousness that instilled hope and aspiration in all they achieve and in those colleagues whom you worked with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Timing is everything and even when things are in sync, chaos can destroy any hopes of desirable outcomes. Good vision and great wisdom , Officer Cook, it all allowed you to search for tranquility and serenity here in Dade County. Your missions, journeys and devotions were surely for heaven's sake and for giving up your honesty, integrity and dignity may your immortally heroic soul of character be blessed. The rewards for humility and resolve are found in God's sacred dens of desire and faithfulness. You'll be saluted and so solemnly honored forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Time never stands pat. Its perseverance and preservation continues its trails wherever we pursue our happiness and peace. Your harmony and goodwill, Officer Cook, accentuated faith and loyalty among your peers of truth and trust. Dade County and its citizens were under the excellent eyes and ears of a beloved hero. A gentleman dedicated to the finer principles that morals and character bring to the position one with peril and danger lurking every corner. Humility and humanity help to sustain enhancement and your career and life, although cut way too short by wanton violence , Officer Cook, are certainly going to be honored and remembered for fantastic ferocity and tenacious grit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Terror is not trivial. Torment is not a tease. Turmoil is unrelenting evil just scurrying from point to point and from place to place leave its nasty marks of ruination. You patrolled every corner where you were assigned to be, Officer Cook and gave your life of honor, integrity and the respect from wisdom,vision and their dignity. It takes many fine and bravely humble individuals to enrich and enlighten our society a bit less safe because of your absence though heaven gained a very loyal angel to walk that beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Attitude is one trait, but, lacking the character of fortitude is surely one way not to properly serve and protect. The public demands swift action and your heroic actions, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, were honest and sincere with all the humble and humane integrity and dignity out in front on Dade County roads and streets superbly providing enhancement and its due diligence. Never can you be forgotten for resolve and humility oozing from your treasured soul of stability and harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

Violence never seems to make normalcy a reality. So in order for peace and serenity to occur every public servant capable and able must be honorable and have a presence of dignity and integrity within their hearts and souls of trust and truth. For your whole life and six year career, Officer Cook, Dade County and its people were in fine and upstanding hands. Open and resourceful. Resolute and resilient. A man whose heroism and effort were all a stellar part of your legendary character and commitment. Humanity shares its grief over your loss, one that your family shoulders forever as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 9, 2019

The donning of dignity, decency and desire are the preludes to what constitutes proper decorum, honor and integrity. Any lack of these traits and fighting terror and torment becomes much harder. The eyes see. The ears hear. The lips spoke respect and humility.These stables helped to promote safety, security and serenity all within the boundaries and venues of Dade County where its people were sure glad Badge #1664, yours, Officer Cook, was vitally aware and wise beyond your youthfulness. A sunrise and a sunset full of happiness impeded by the advances of one man's convoluted evil. You are never forgotten and heroically saluted for summoning the muster to handle humbleness and mettle as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never turned a deaf ear, Officer Cook, always compassionate and able to give sound advice. The heavens are loaded with much sound advice and bravery to humanely wear those angel wings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

Courage is humbly honored by those whose principles and values are aligned with one another. Only lack of pride and honor can surely slow down the progress of any duly authorized public servant. Your march forward, Officer Cook, on behalf of all mankind and here in Dade County was certainly brave and caring. It all centered upon by properly calculating when pursuing evil which was your youthful aspiration. never more character, resolve and humility coming to the aid of humanity than what coursed in your blood. A solid family structure will build those fundamental cornerstones which are your lasting legacy of heroic and sacred work passionately for enhancement of your community too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. the date book is marked exclusively to remember one trusted, truthful and richly reserved human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

Art is recreational. But, resolve and decency are forever intertwined with dignity, integrity and honor. Exactly, Officer Cook, what you meant to your family, comrades and a plethora of close knit friends. Your heroism and character along with your charm and charisma bounced around all Dade County protecting everything from evil and other abominations. You can be certain, your wisdom, vision and sage advice have been missed terribly as humanity salutes and reverently honors your determined inspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

Chewing tobacco is harmful to your health, yet swallowing your modesty and pride is what makes a brave colleague more respected and revered for maintaining honor and dignity supercedes all else during one's battles over violence. Dade County was properly managed by your heroic legacy of integrity and the effective character that must be employed while on patrol. Pathways and trails may get a little narrow, but with a little motivation things go along somewhat smoother. Nothing easy about police work and your days and years representing the citizens, Officer Cook, have been warmly remembered as your immortal soul serves Our Lord watching over His gates of gallantry and sheer resolve from His heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

Beware of the brazen, beware of Our Creator's eyes always open watching over His brave and bold servants who dash into the very face of danger to preserve life. Your goodness and honorable goodwill, Officer Cook, was that piece that followed your unselfish integrity and dignity though Dade County to accelerate and accentuate peace of mind and safe havens for all residents. Your stoic and relevantly heroic character won't be forgotten for this much is clear, your life and public service career were bolstered by excellence in morals and superiority in commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

A life so beloved and so well respected, what a sad tragedy it came to an ignominious ending at the hands of an evil madman while you were protecting life and property honorably in Dade County, Officer Cook. A sage man or woman cherishes their opportunities to make a heroic and humble impression upon mankind. No doubt your leadership, dignity and integrity have been fondly and solemnly saluted for resolve and persistence like never before. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedicated, devoted and quite diligent to all your responsibilities, heaven has an angel indeed soaring with sacred wings for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 8, 2019

Roll the dice and behold, well no need to roll anything when you were patrolling the landscape of Dade County, Officer Cook. Your picturesque resilience, honesty so clear and pristine, your loyal dignity and your wonderfully humble and heroic integrity set the tones for your watches over us. it makes us think if only God had allowed you more time, longer life and the chance to retire on your own terms. You'll be fondly remembered for steering us through adversity during the chaotic moments. History won't repeat itself as your legacy, Officer Cook, was and always is about character, conviction and unshakeable commitment to both class, decency and the excellence of your career and life goals and their inspiring achievements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A warrior and a savior of the highest regard for humanity and the heart and vital soul of humility. A beloved friend to all who has befriended heaven's loving embraces.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2019

The road veers off in so many directions and when that occurs better be humble, loyal and elite among your peers of dignity and integrity. Your thoughtfulness and faithfulness, Officer Cook, assisted your hunts for humane resolve and tender loving serenity within the various venues of Dade County. So much has changed since that fateful day when Dade County lost you by then had to bid you one final goodbye. Goodwill and devotion nestled among the leaves of acumen and awareness lending credence to all your passions and fruitful journeys. One long and final trip back home to be with your father and since march 7th of this year your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook has joined you her beloved and darling brave son. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing wavered as it was total trust,truth and teamwork by a valued soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 7, 2019

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