Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Stay clear of callousness so freedom may find its cozy spot among a community yearning some relief. Dade County was a venue under your youthful heroism and honor, Officer Cook. Your desire to dedicate, determine and help to undermine evil brought some sense of balance through your undivided bravery, unwavering resolve and unselfish humility all funneled into your outstanding and uplifting character and spirit of goodwill, faith and hope. As one of God's many trusted and loyal angels may your soul soar higher and higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Direction is devotion, dedication and steadfast determination. The epitome of effort enhancing society and each landscape. Dade County had their silence and stability protected by your unwavering courage, dignity and honored integrity, Officer Cook. One man cannot stop evil and surely your assistance that day my neighbor, friend and hero prevented a much worse calamity. The citizens spoke and your answered that fateful call ,Officer Cook, with vigor and as much fearless character as one could muster. What a wonderful man and a gentleman of heroism now guiding other comrades from those clear blue skies. Your soul of tranquility will be solemnly saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

To stay ahead of violence and evil, honesty and integrity must be yards ahead in order for dignity and justice to stay rooted with truth and trust. Dade County has everlasting relevance thanks in large part to your resourcefulness, Officer Cook. The fruits of one's labor is what God praises and rewards His heroes and heroines for. The skies above are perfectly free of harm, hurt and misguided disgrace. Your inspiring roles, Officer Cook, delivered security, serenity and the safety all folks came to expect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom and vision that stays heroic forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

God knows every story and circumstance of His beloved and honorable of public servants. Tragically, heaven has many superior and dignified women and men who served, protected and produced careers carved out of integrity and all character. To enhance, enlighten and to enrich that cannot be brought back, but, what stays etched and solemnly honored is your soul of immortal work and resilient resolve. The will and the might to stay glued on your goals, Officer Cook. Dade County has been forever indebted to you and your heroic humility and smiling face sadly missed very much this day and every moment. Though, your peers and family carry on your legacy of understanding, wisdom and maturity all way above the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

Good grace, goodwill and good intentions all allow any decent public servant to serve and to protect. Heaven has a special place for you, Officer Cook, so young and honest who gave his life preserving Dade County's citizens with all the dignity and strength of heart and humanely critical character and trustworthy commitment to excellence and pride. Your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, are forever pristine, crisp and perfect in Our Master's heavens above. The gates of gallantry you patrol stay free of harm and chaos precisely because God never allows His heroes and heroines to falter. Angel wings perfectly fitted to soar higher each and every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

The bold and devoted seize their opportunities and make those humble differences in our world. You made life matter, Officer Cook, for Dade County and for mankind as a whole. Honesty leads to dignity and the integrity which is applied to fight those brawls that violence tends to ignite. Your sparks of passion prevailed and surely as the sun shines brightly today, your heroic soul and character, Officer Cook, provided that understanding peace and stability for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

Don't pollute society with unwarranted wickedness, instead spread goodwill and the loving esteem that carries our brave and honorable soldiers of serenity. Dade County had your heroic patrols filtering through bringing harmony and tranquility to a community calling out for some relief and resolve. Officer Cook, dignity should not be diluted nor integrity interrupted as it pursues that evil that you faithfully went after to make that distinct difference and forever enhancing impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Insulated in ingenuity, intuition and intelligence to battle fear and violence. God has all your visions, aspirations and wisdom, Officer Cook,stored away in His proverbial castles of courage above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

Courage concurs with character when integrity, dignity and honor are found within a person's soul and heart. Your commitments to Dade County, Officer Cook, were all humane,heroic and loyal on the citizens'
behalf. The crusades of truth, justice and trust were always of a high level and never more energy exerted to find terror than ever before. you enhanced this world with your wisdom, maturity and clear vision allowing all future officers to see the big picture of what is meant to serve and preserve life. Saluted and never overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2019

Inhale, exhale and excel. Somehow danger and peril must be removed from society and every community out there. All any living and honest man or woman can do is their job and yet be part of the team. Have some integrity and dignity. Have and plant the seeds of serenity and safety through your own character. Be loyal and considerate of other comrades and take note of those whom you serve and protect. Your badge of bravery and humility, Officer Cook, some of violence's stigmas in your community as a man of morals, your life and career is continuing to be respected and revered for heroism and the finest of effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2019

Relentless and unselfish, a man who fought and battled violence until his last breath. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was assembled from character and honor, it's commitment and decency all being extolled in Our Maker's haven where bravery and integrity gently tap one another. You made that kind of loyal and heroic impression here in Dade County, Officer Cook, where your sources of authority and leadership won't be forgotten. Society, mankind and humility benefited from your unwavering and undying actions not only on May 16, 1979, everyday your family, peers of vision and friends recall your memory. A soul of a gentleman and an outstanding human being, concerned, kind and polite. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2019

The burial of a brave man is the final committal of his honor and humane heroics.Your feats of humility and character on behalf of all Dade County and mankind, Officer Cook, further strengthened your soul of dignity and integrity in God's humble arms. The acumen, the resolve and the vision and wisdom to perceive of what needed action to being about harmony and unity all accomplished in a very unassuming and unselfish manner. Violence seems to be everywhere, but, faith, goodwill, hope and resilience may hinder and head off its evil advances. We dedicate and pay homage to you, Officer Cook, your family, department and nation's savior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2019

One lead pipe over an evil man's head won't alleviate terror. But, the committed honesty, versatility of dignity and integrity can change society if applied with many coats of character and conviction, healthy and heroic. Your charisma, Officer Cook, befriended Dade County and its residents who have moved forward since your sacrifice. Serenity, security and safety were always those yardsticks of your valor and unassuming gallantry. We take comfort that Our Maker has you, Officer Cook, humbly, humanely and warmly wrapped in His compassionate arms where His awareness, acumen and wisdom are never compared. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

If a blood drive or something could have saved you, Officer Cook, no telling how many comrades, friends and family would have lined up with their arms ready and humbly willing to donate. It will always be a sad and terrible tragedy having your youthfulness snuffed out before its time here on Earth was deemed complete. The satisfaction of your serenity and service along with uncompromising honor, integrity and dignity shall not be forgotten. A man, a legend and a hero to all Dade County and the entire universe striving to make humanity courageous once again. Enhancement delegated to dedication. Enrichment devoted to responsibility, reliability and to resiliency. Enlightenment engaging God's greenest of perfect landscapes where the bravery and bold soar as angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God decides our destinies where nothing can stand between Him and us His creatures who endeavor to carry out His blueprints of mettle,morals and values so faithfully. You are watching over your loved ones, Officer Cook, as you sleep soundly along with your beloved parents, Mr. Charles and Mrs. Julia Cook. I'll always remember that warm and sentimental letter you sent me, Mrs. Cook. Sad I missed you by two weeks before you moved to San Diego, California. It will always be about your children, Nancy, and her heroic brother your darling son, "Billy." Heaven holds a special place for his immortal and most versatile soul of harmony and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

As I have looked back at the facebook postings, it will never surprise me so many knew and loved you, Officer Cook, even though your time here on this Earth was relatively short. Time is but a measure of a man's successful accomplishments protecting, serving and preserving the integrity and dignity of life here in Dade County where your career started out. A noble gentleman who laid his values, commitment and character down for security, serenity and stabilizing times to take affect. The heroic effort was greatly appreciated and so was the unconditional fulfillment of your mission though your family and peers would have wanted the good Lord to lead your soul and heart into blissful retirement. God has your soul, Officer Cook,in His palms for eternal safekeeping where all the richness of His blessings and rewards of sanctity are felt perfectly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

Comedians are funny people. Callous and cruel individuals are not and need to be stopped dead in their tracks of terror and torment before further chaos and mayhem ensues. A sure smile and a glad handshake, yet you were all business, Officer Cook, keeping Dade County's folks safe from harm. Peace, happiness and their stability were a testament of your loyalty and integrity. Surely as the compass points upward your goodwill, faithfulness and dignity have honored Our Creator. Our world has very much missed your vitality and vigor, Officer Cook, the virtues of a hero, humble and brave. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

When the hour of decision is upon us then you know it's time to get ready to work super hard to defend our rights of passage and honor. Which you did very splendidly, Officer Cook, never wavering and always concerned about Dade County's dignity and integrity. Evil and wickedness disrupt the normal progression and flow of spirit and goodwill which all venues must possess to make this battle worth getting into. Of course, your humility, sanity and civility, Officer Cook, funneled ferocity and the uplifting resolve to conduct your daily affairs with truth , trust and fairness that justice demands rather quickly. Only the best of servants whose heroism shall never be overlooked. We salute your undying and unselfish composure in times of heated tensions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where character turns the page so too does unrelenting perseverance and immediate efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

Heavenly peace and sleep await those valiant soldiers of courage and serenity who toil and labor in honesty to erect the foundations of prosperity. Dade County was where the cornerstones of your humbly heroic life and career, Officer Cook, took shape and came into being. Always the loving kindness, grace and dignity that was applied to your character of morals and principles. Saluted for inspiring other colleagues in the ways of professionalism and humility. A charming and blessed man taken way too soon by violence you endeavored to stop. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2019

You were a heroic brother to Nancy and to your department. A man of vigilance who validated his diligence to dignity, duty and dedication. A life of honesty and integrity molded and crafted into unselfish courage and humility. Officer Cook, homage and reverence are delegated to your spirit of goodwill, your soul of intellect and ingenuity and the heart of a lion with character and class. Dade County was truly protected and faithfully served by your unwavering and unassuming respect for mankind. What a building block for other skilled and versatile men and women to follow your trails in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2019

The throne is kept warm as Our Master awaits His sacred flock of brave and honest servants who sacrifice their lives of purpose to bring safety and reality into clarity. Mankind and Dade County are fondly and heroically indebted to you, Officer Cook, a gentleman with a tender heart and a kinder soul of appreciation. You gave back so we could further enhance our lives of joy and pleasure the very same happiness you and Karen were entitled to. Just a terrible day when your peaceful nature, humble honor, devoted dignity and positive energy, integrity were taken swiftly by the actions, callous and wanton of Mr. Pearsall. We probably won't ever really comprehend why he did what he did, your beautiful soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero near that chair of perfection. It was your unwavering perseverance that made all the difference to our very existence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2019

Honors of courage follow those humble salutes of valor. And bear in mind your countless devotion to duty, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County and humanity in general will solemnly be honored. The loyal and unselfish days and nights you spent patrolling won't be overlooked and neither will your unassuming character, sterling commitment and fierce convictions that helped to sanitize the streets and corners of evil. A public servant subscribing to the principles of freedom and goodwill while keeping an open eye on truth and trust. It just makes the wheels of justice turn smoother. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2019

Be resolute and not one to revolt. Candor and charm are being decent when their integrity and honesty is dignified by bravery and heroic commitment to excellence and pride. For all the civility, sanctity and noble deeds, Officer Cook, may your soul of esteem and valor continue its flights above us. Dade County and its residents were always supportive of your mannerisms and because of your talents and morals were we able to lead sounder lives of happiness and serenity by virtue of your humbleness and humane care. All the compassion channeled into one to assist your colleagues into vanquishing violence. Saluted and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2019

Honesty and dignity enhance integrity as the ways to get out from under the proverbial pickle. Violence leaves that terrible smell that is unbearable at times and thanks to your goodwill and measures, Officer Cook, was Dade County and its people able to dig out from such harm. You'll always be a hero whose revered soul is forever going to be blessed and rewarded for accentuating acumen and awareness to compliment your resourcefulness and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, steadfast determination, dedication and unselfish devotion. It takes men and women of maturity to move those boulders of torment away from us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2019

Destruction is what may surely doom our world. Its ruins scatter all about and all determined women and men have an obligation sacred to their affirmations to succeed in wiping out its terrible advances. You did what you could, Officer Cook, everyday and in particular on May 16, 1979, when Dade County was under one man's threats of terror and chaos. The heavens above hold your cherished and respected soul of humility and of loyal heroism never to be forgotten. Character and achievement to be duly etched and paid homage for saving and in engaging us with your feats of honor, integrity and dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That day will arrive your family reunites with you, Officer Cook, their savior and warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 11, 2019

A dungeon is where evil and the wicked should be put. Here in Dade County it is a rather large area that needs that extra special touch of honesty, the tones of tenacity and the humbly heroic embraces of integrity and dignity. All done and accomplished masterfully by your loving and most heroic soul of valor, Officer Cook. A man with character and gallantry displaying good judgment and clarity of vision while solving and trying to prevent any evil from surfacing. Our days, nights all made brighter and more comfortable by your sacrifice, Officer Cook, that bore down on the components of courage and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 11, 2019

Violence and other serious crimes spin off a web of terrible torment. Dade County was ably watched over by your unrelenting attention to detail, resolve and honor, Officer Cook. A culmination of living in a happy home full of goodwill and a free spirit of caring, sharing and giving back to society. This was the loving embraces of your two loving and wonderful parents may they too rest in peace. May your big sister, Nancy and her family stay well. All your decent virtues that were always implemented in your daily wars over wickedness. Character, conviction and commitment are those branches of heroism and humility at its finest border. You banded together to bond the citizens of your community with trust, truth and everlasting fairness to justice being served. Serenity and liberty to pursue whatever you chose to aspire to become that won't be forgotten. Always solemnly saluted and wonderfully remembered for carrying and composing yourself, Officer Cook, your badge and uniform with great discreet politeness, with grace, sanctity and the yearning to act with morals, ideals, values and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You always planned and thought before you acted, a terrible shame and crime Mr. Pearsall did not do the same.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 11, 2019

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