Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Earthly fruition is both rewarded and blessed in heaven. The domain where nothing but perfection and pristine clarity of perseverance is most noticeable. Here in Dade County your heart and soul, Officer Cook, was most humble, honest and prominent. Violence and evil was dealt with in an expeditious manner because of your cherished esteem and respect you garnered from your brave comrades. Character and courage belong in the same sentences as does integrity and dignity. Never more resolve, humility and the wisdom to see the citizens through torment and terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2019

Circumstances can make or break any given situation. Dade County was under your honorable and heroically humble eyes, Officer Cook. A man of confidence and courage which carried your character and commitments to pride and excellence. Forevermore can we emphatically state that our joy, health, peace and safe harbors are because of your undying and surely unforgettable actions every single day of your devoted and inspiring life of sanctity and the credit that decency brings to faith, goodwill and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2019

If you will it to be it will come to pass. Fruition is faithful success for if not failure comes by and surely is unacceptable. Those street brawls and corner battles must be seized and won by none other than the good honest and hard working servants who protect and secure harmony by virtue of dignity, character and integrity. The mind, soul and heart as yours did, Officer Cook, did beat as one. Dade County was privileged to have your heroic and serene resources navigating those venues where prosperity and happiness not fear of violence was the rule. Always well thought of, respected and highly regarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

Torture inflicts countless wounds upon a world sharing its peace and freedom with those determined to do good and not undermine the honored and brave men and women of law enforcement. Officer Cook, Dade County was a location where your dictation of direction was right on where dignity and integrity would be right there to fight off evil. Character and commitment stand humble in the wings of heroism and yours, of course, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

Diligence and virtue must not cave in to deceit and doom caused by violence's destructive forces. A man capable of directing and leading other brave and honest colleagues, your life and career, Officer Cook, have been fondly remembered and heroically etched within integrity's hearts and minds. Only your excellent character helped to spare your community of Dade County from more harm and pain. Your family's unbearable loss was less tortuous because of the rock solid support of an entire nation and community where your respect and reverence was duly earned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

Wickedness and torment just like to pile on their mischief and misguided violence. Like a snowball, it's an avalanche of awfulness that readies itself to go downhill and land right where no venue wants it to. Your offerings, Officer Cook, were authentic and authored up serenity and the proper dignity for Dade County wanting a semblance of tranquility and humility within our paths of perseverance. Honor and its civility where placed where their affects would not hinder that which we yearned for. Your heroics were heralded and humanely branched out enhancement for the residents desiring only goodness and compassion. Your trustworthiness and truth, Officer Cook, are going to forever be solemnly saluted for they stood for fairness and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Leadership knows its limits and so too does determination, wisdom and vision when maturity is humbly embarked upon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

The black and blue of evil is what is branded upon our communities where we strive for harmony and unity. It's peace and safe shelters for all citizens and for those living in Dade County, your patrol vehicle, Officer Cook, was vigilant and virtuous as much as those cornerstones of courage and conviction which made your unassuming integrity and dignity stand humbly and most heroically tall alongside of your honesty. All noble and humane within your framework of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

No matter the call or numeric representation of the circumstance your honor and heroism , Officer Cook, was impressive and humbly enriching. Dade County was adequately protected and peace was summoned from within your goodwill and spirit of consideration. Never forgotten for character and the due diligence of dignity and integrity all accomplishing their objectives in ridding an adversary of abundant proportions from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A day and night absorbed in the beams of bravery, boldness, humility and resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2019

A wreath laid for determination, motivation and dedication's humble honor. All symbols of your charisma, charm and intense courage, Officer Cook. Like bees around honey and sharks around blood, your unselfish heroism highlighted your professional life and esteemed career serving all Dade County. Moments and seconds are precious when it comes down to fighting and battling adversity and mayhem so your peaceful nature and calming voice of wisdom,vision and maturity surely set that sacred tone of unending tenacity. the best of character, the quintessential consideration, caution,care and concern are now housed in those shelters of eternal peace where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

A hero worth following all because of your good values, morals and class of scruples, Officer Cook. Society and Dade County were greatly bettered by your character, conviction and overall commitment to pride and excellence. Take a look at one man, one humble hero who exemplified honor and integrity, dignity and dedication to any call that came your way. with esteemed colleagues who to displayed heroism and reverence, well you'll be eternally respected for doing an outstanding job propping up serenity and security to a renewed level of decency. Homage and sanctity are paid to your memory, Officer Cook, as badge#1664 served very well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness is a very essential material in mastering the finer art of discipline and unrelenting devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

Dignity and integrity deserve the same authentic and heroic praise as does honesty. But, courage and humility all validate the gumption and grit to stay focused on your mission to rid our world of adversity. You surely made inroads in all your unwavering, undying and most unselfish efforts, Officer Cook, for the sake of prosperity and tranquility in Dade County. A community, a venue, a place you called home with Karen and your most beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Julia Cook, may they both rest in peace along with their darling and most gallant son, my neighbors, friends and hero. With every breath you took, Officer Cook, heaven is rewarding your immortal soul that much more for enduring violence and being unafraid to face whatever peril required your extremely superb service and protection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

A cycle of dramatic events lead to your sacrifice, Officer Cook as you were answering those calls of duty and onus beyond anything else. With character and dignity strong and sturdy enough to battle evil, it's your unselfish integrity and unwavering honesty that rescued the citizens of Dade County from more catastrophe. From faithfulness, loyalty and heroic actions came a saving grace from your adored soul of harmony and togetherness. Always duly saluted and honored for welcoming virtue and vigorous vitality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

Helping others helps all. The wounds are gaping, the hole left by sudden loss is immense, yet for all your life and career, Officer Cook, your honorably blessed name and excellent character, dignity and integrity shall not be forgotten. Never overlook resolve, humility and heroism, for one day you might need the gentleness of one's humble and humane spirit of serenity and peace surrounding your pursuits of joy and fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

Lend a hand and give hope. Offer a word of boldness, your promise is upheld. To fulfill is to be heroic and honorable which you were, Officer Cook, on behalf of all mankind and Dade County, where dignity and integrity were always loyal and relevant. Never one to shirk nor circumvent evil, violence is everyone's issue and you made humanity better off forever because of your undaunted and most unselfish character and amazing commitment to excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2019

The upper tier of tenacity and honor stands ready and willing to welcome those newest of heroes and heroines who have entered that perfect echelon where goodwill and honor grave integrity and dignity's characters of courage. A very humane and most civil man, Officer Cook, your twenty-five years of service and preservation on behalf of the citizens of Dade County gave hope and awareness a more valiant calling. Everything a hero performs gets enhanced each day and now that your spirit rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, the prayers and salvation are present and accounted for God to act. Acumen, wisdom and vision require action not just talk. You walk the walk and not just jabber away. We salute you, Officer Cook, a steady leader and motivator by virtue of your nobleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Police redirect peace and look to plant those seeds of serenity while keeping honorable and loyal to the callings that made them all heroes. Your life and career, Officer Cook, had so many pleasant moments and days, it is really a crying tragedy violence from a deranged individual took your young life. It was totally blessed by integrity, humility and dignity that kept your compasses focused on ferocity and resolve. Men and women of character and class know the truth behind their commitments to pride and excellence and Dade County was given the very finest service by your adoring soul, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Heaven has all that veteran experience and leadership to successfully guard those pearly gates where goodwill ,grace and humility never go out of sight. For a gentleman of excellent vision, character and wisdom, Officer Cook, all honesty, dignity and integrity you possessed and heroically maintained during your life and professional watch has been absorbed by those future officers all like yourself, discreet and devoted to all calls where trust and truth need to meet at a happy medium to accomplish the tasks of terminating terror once and for all. Humanity struggles with uneasiness all any trustworthy servant can perform is their jobs staying true to commitment and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The brave and bold share their immortal souls with whoever has lived and whomever bears those burdens awesome and alluring.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Dealing with situations, episodes and various circumstances sure can take the wind out of one's sails. The verdict is still out on how to better get a handle on violence. It's so subtle, rancid, rude and it elucidates more than you'll ever comprehend. Mankind and society bare much responsibility for trying to calm down those whose tempers are frayed and by not being afraid are able to better serve and protect as you did very heroically, humbly and superbly for Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of steel with a compassion and a character that matched wits of sanctity while dealing with someone insane enough to shoot and kill you and your comrades who survived that bloody day. Integrity and dignity toil well as one when shared with the valor of honesty and patience. Thankfully, Officer Cook, you had an abundance of versatility, virtue and wisdom beyond your age to battle with such an ugly foe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Police work is not like being a used car salesman. Though all brave and honest men and women venture into public streets attempting to quell any type of tension and violence, unrest and pure evil. You satisfied the residents of Dade County, Officer Cook, never giving an inch to torment and wickedness. Suffice it to say you've been fondly remembered for sacrificing your life of peace and unity for a semblance of trust and truth to embrace the arms of acumen and happiness. Fulfilling your dreams of humbleness and having the passions to persist in warding off wanton evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Car salesmen can have an off day, public servants faithful and yearning may not as they must proceed with extreme care,concern and caution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

The tide is high, the tide is low, terror does not care as it still looks to climb over those walls where honor and dignity lie. Your integrity and sparkling character, Officer Cook, helped to prevent that outbreak. You did all you possibly could that awful day on behalf of all Dade County. This man was just rotten and sinful with no regret or remorse. Reverence and respect speak kindly of each other and for having scruples and humility may your blessed soul be rewarded by Our Creator for having unending heroism, wisdom and the leaps of faith to act accordingly by department standards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Stay clear of callousness so freedom may find its cozy spot among a community yearning some relief. Dade County was a venue under your youthful heroism and honor, Officer Cook. Your desire to dedicate, determine and help to undermine evil brought some sense of balance through your undivided bravery, unwavering resolve and unselfish humility all funneled into your outstanding and uplifting character and spirit of goodwill, faith and hope. As one of God's many trusted and loyal angels may your soul soar higher and higher everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2019

Direction is devotion, dedication and steadfast determination. The epitome of effort enhancing society and each landscape. Dade County had their silence and stability protected by your unwavering courage, dignity and honored integrity, Officer Cook. One man cannot stop evil and surely your assistance that day my neighbor, friend and hero prevented a much worse calamity. The citizens spoke and your answered that fateful call ,Officer Cook, with vigor and as much fearless character as one could muster. What a wonderful man and a gentleman of heroism now guiding other comrades from those clear blue skies. Your soul of tranquility will be solemnly saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

To stay ahead of violence and evil, honesty and integrity must be yards ahead in order for dignity and justice to stay rooted with truth and trust. Dade County has everlasting relevance thanks in large part to your resourcefulness, Officer Cook. The fruits of one's labor is what God praises and rewards His heroes and heroines for. The skies above are perfectly free of harm, hurt and misguided disgrace. Your inspiring roles, Officer Cook, delivered security, serenity and the safety all folks came to expect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom and vision that stays heroic forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

God knows every story and circumstance of His beloved and honorable of public servants. Tragically, heaven has many superior and dignified women and men who served, protected and produced careers carved out of integrity and all character. To enhance, enlighten and to enrich that cannot be brought back, but, what stays etched and solemnly honored is your soul of immortal work and resilient resolve. The will and the might to stay glued on your goals, Officer Cook. Dade County has been forever indebted to you and your heroic humility and smiling face sadly missed very much this day and every moment. Though, your peers and family carry on your legacy of understanding, wisdom and maturity all way above the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

Good grace, goodwill and good intentions all allow any decent public servant to serve and to protect. Heaven has a special place for you, Officer Cook, so young and honest who gave his life preserving Dade County's citizens with all the dignity and strength of heart and humanely critical character and trustworthy commitment to excellence and pride. Your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, are forever pristine, crisp and perfect in Our Master's heavens above. The gates of gallantry you patrol stay free of harm and chaos precisely because God never allows His heroes and heroines to falter. Angel wings perfectly fitted to soar higher each and every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2019

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