Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Sinister individuals are floating around our society looking to usurp our happiness and peace that most cherished, loyal and honorable public servants look to deliver. Your smile, Officer Cook, says it all. You were a happy young man so gallant and yet your humane and humble because of the responsible job that you had. Policing takes every bone, every ounce of strategy, every bit of one's backbone and clear and concise wisdom, vision and certainly maturity. Clarity of character, the constraints of commitment to morals and the fabrics of ferocity all constituting your navigations around Dade County. A man and a hero whose legacy represents authentic leadership and the motivation to assist other comrades through thick and thin, through danger and peril. One soul, yours, Officer Cook, that surely made that impression many decades ago and is forever being saluted and paid great homage for service, sacrifice and for enhancing the balances of nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

If to forgive is divine, then there is surely a lot to pardon. Violence does not forgive,it does not pardon as it interrupts the normalcy of life and our journeys of joy and good health. Those missions and travels belonged to you as well, Officer Cook and tragically they curtailed your life and most promising police career headed upward. Six coveted years of loyal,faithful and humanely dedicated protection of Dade County with never a problem, never misconduct, only functioning by the highest of standards of ethics and effort. Honesty, bravery, reverence for your position and the integrity and dignity to follow through on eliminating evil and terror. Colleagues, friends and your heroic peers of justice, truth and trust have paid homage to your soul of decency and devotion all these decades later. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

We try to drum into our children the need to be honest and dignified, possess character and accomplish some goal in life. You surely never disappointed your family, Officer Cook. You went high and low, far and wide to become the very best police officer that there was heroically servicing all Dade County. We salute and remember your unwavering, unassuming and unselfish sacrifice that has benefited mankind all from the heart of a treasured and most respectful gentleman of gallantry and humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

Excruciating is the pain, grief, agony, anguish and sorrow. The sudden loss of an honored hero, a man on mission of many journeys whose destinies took him from California to the Sunshine State to grow and experience life as a youngster with many friends and most importantly: two wonderfully devoted and loving parents. Your big sister, Nancy and you, Officer Cook, shared a home of decorum, morals and the right fabrics of character, class, decency and the lessons of integrity and dignity which surely served you well during your six year police career and during your short twenty-five year life. Lives ruined by your untimely loss, Officer Cook. Lives of your relatives moving forward with your legacy carrying its proud and humbly humane weight. They all miss you and your big old wide smile and handsome face. God has your immortally unselfish soul moving from place to place guarding those heavenly gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Meaningful morals and mettle are surely no mirage. The more any public servant is dignified and honorable the more likelihood success will be achieved. A career and life dictated by scruples and serious integrity chartered your waters of resolve, Officer Cook. Dade County persevered because of your unending desire to calm and shutdown the epicenter of evil and its associated violence. Your family celebrates your memory and life of sacrifice all because you, Officer Cook, their "Uncle Bo," was humble, beloved and most cherished. Yo call a plumber to fix a drain. You notify an electrician to fix an outlet. Police are called to resolve and solve conflicts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Time determines our lots in life, so we had best get a move on. Diligence is rewarded and vigilance is blessed beyond.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Those demons of doom and evil encircle us at all moments. They'll never subside until honest and intuitive men and women such as yourself, Officer Cook, destroy their every movement. Boy oh boy was Dade County fortunate they had your total esteem, loyalty and heroic actions of honesty, dignity and integrity shielding them for sure danger. Terror and torment, turmoil and a complete lack of regard for morals, ideals and values surely factor into determining our very outcomes. We cannot begin to relax nor sleep at night if not for your unselfish sacrifice and the harmony and joy you brought to our community yours too, Officer Cook, were the values of virtues and diligence were shared in your loving house. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A deserving hero whose soul is being blessed and rewarded for uncompromising resiliency and tenacious resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Destiny sometimes has no boundaries as it can be limitless. Always a relentless warrior and a hero who saved Dade County, its people and your comrades, Officer Cook, what more can be asked of a man of meticulous honor, reverence for integrity and respectful dignity? Society has gaged your gallantry and measured your priceless pursuits of peace and unity, Officer Cook, all by your stellar character and very engaging commitment to pride and excellence in the fields of virtue and ferocity while your resolve and resourcefulness was trustworthy and true to form in battling the likes of terror and wickedness. You won't be forgotten and always saluted demonstrative care and consideration for humanity. Goodwill to be warmly received by Our Heavenly Father upon your sacred journey back to heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Dirt, a tear and blood on a uniform so long as one devoted servant lives you can thank your lucky stars that Our Creator was watching over you. God watched and observed you, Officer Cook, every moment ,so humble and honest, dignified and full of humanely heroic integrity spread over the boundaries and corridors of Dade County serving with unlimited acumen, unwavering vision and undying maturity way beyond the crowd. Character so precious and full of virtues, just why did you have to be taken so early in life Officer Cook with more left to fulfill? Our Master's box of boldness, bravery and never false bravados lies in Your home where pristine and perfection float like angels. Never far from anyone's minds, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You took hold and as a born leader showed why motivation and devotion are some of those sacred keys to success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Grit and gumption are commendable so long as honor, dignity and integrity validify your pursuits of happiness and hopeful tranquility for those you serve.You preserved with passion,served with heroism and protected Dade County's citizens with nothing but pride and endearment, Officer Cook. God has your treasured soul of eloquence nestled among His flock of fearless servants for eternal safekeeping. You possessed character in your crusades, justice on your journeys and wisdom welcoming your humble vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Dignity does not lie in a dungeon. It lies on hills, streets and wherever a brave servant leaves nothing to chance and lays down their lives for prosperity, safe travels and a securer future which is what you did to honor Dade County, your parents, sister, Karen, your beloved wife who has never forgotten your smile and richness of your endearing personality. A hero who strived to perform his duties with class and determination, such fierceless dedication and the humility to see honesty and integrity until its missions had satisfied all folks. Honore dfo rstoic and stellar conviction, excellent character and the commitment to humbleness while at time sunder both stress and duress. Police work keeps you busy when peril,danger and violence lurk in our land. You were the very best, Officer Cook. A grand man with God now directing your angelic trails of trust and truth in heaven the perfect final venue to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You bolstered everyone's spirits with your heroism and compassionate intensity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Shoring up good morale through meticulous morals and a gentle sense of responsibility and honesty that flowed freely in your veins, Officer Cook. You acquitted yourself with quality conduct and very high standards of professionalism that made your heroic legacy in Dade County represent more than a uniform, more than a badge shiny and proud. Hope and goodwill reigning down on those whom you loyally served and protected with every ounce of passion and sanctity. Cherished and beloved, respected and full of pristine character and amazing commitment. The why part will never fritter away. Your family and colleagues of bravery have all solemnly paid homage to your soul of decency, to your spirit of efficiency, there will never be a doubt as to how exceptional a human being you were, Officer Cook and forever you'll be greatly missed and fondly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Electricity flows when the currents of callousness are freely roaming around our very world. Society, mankind and humanity have all tried to make inroads in dealing with an obviously diabolical demon. Dade County had your honorable, heroic and sweet disposition, Officer Cook, to train, to relate and to properly prepare and plan for any actions to take away evil's unrelentless balance of power. Surely special,certainly valiant and most vigilant. You'll be humbly remembered for having the candor, charm and character to commit yourself to all the highest of standards of excellence and pride that brought enhancement and peace to the front doors of its residents. Nothing vanilla and nothing chocolate, just plain old fashioned digging down and understanding how as a public servant of boldness and integrity you could make that distinct difference and long lasting impression. We salute your very tenets, Officer Cook, of your unwavering tenacity, unselfish dignity and common sense approaches all by virtue of your wisdom, vision and humane maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2019

Intensity sets that humble platform where you have the elements of honor, dignity and integrity peering into the eyes of terror and violence. Someone must blink, better not be the decency of any duly brave public servant. You were a very esteemed and a most heroic young man, Officer Cook, acting proudly on behalf of all Dade County and for that matter humanity's sake. God rewards His flock of tenacious individuals who display heart, gumption and the attitude to tackle evil, seldom backing away from protecting those who need assistance. A courageous man with a compassionate soul of duty, purpose and principle patrolling his area and making that distinct forevermore humble impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2019

Today, Officer Cook, it seems that too many deals are made with cop killers. There can be no bargains with thugs who create and unfathomable mayhem and sure wanton evil. At least Detective Blocker arrived on the scene and killed Mr. Pearsall who took your life and nearly those of your comrades. Dignity and peace, integrity were all instrumental in raising the bar of boldness and serenity here in Dade County. Surely, your honor and character have been paid homage to for sacrifice, heroic loyalty, sanctity and a consequential balance of goodwill, hope and trust among all people. We won't forget your fighting spirit and camaraderie that has spread nothing but enhancement and enrichment to your community where you remain highly respected and revered. Forty years later a lot has changed. It was your sense of leadership., direction and motivation that made it happen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2019

The safest of shelters and havens of honor and heroism rest gently against one another in God's fortresses where good old fashioned ferocity and the dignity of beloved servants sleep soundly. Dade County can be a melting pot of problems and when they were, Officer Cook, your prompt attention to acquiring peace and its stability were on hand with unselfish character and humble integrity to see your assigned missions through until completion. The brave and virtuous men and women understand their capacities and are not backed into a wall by wickedness and deceit. A gentleman with a caring and kind heart whose soul deserves all the accolades for having the right genes of gallantry, wisdom and their total clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2019

Creativity is the spark of ingenuity that only intuition and honesty can get to know one another. Always your humble dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, spreading its rays of hope and resolve around the different sections of Dade County endeavoring to secure safe passages and peaceful journeys for each resident. Today and everyday your unassuming character, convictions and commitments to the patterns of morals and their perseverance are solemnly saluted. Those threads on your uniform were worn tightly around your affection for humanity. A valiant human being and a most desirable public servant whose soul of grace is never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2019

The giants know their humility, reverence and respect speak volumes of honor and heroism. You were a hero, Officer Cook, so very well regarded among your peers in Dade County and around the entire country as well. It takes a total team effort to succeed in the wars against violence and nothing you achieved was half gained.Your stock and personality to be saluted and humanely honored forevermore. Never abandon your dreams, hopes, aspirations and goals, your life was about protecting not creating atmosphere of fear. A great man of ingenuity and integrity with sheer ironclad courage to support your journeys and trails of the truth and trust the citizens had for you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

Leadership compliments good dignity and above the normal integrity. With resolve and humbly heroic honesty, Officer Cook, Dade County was in prudent hands of a loving man. Your decency and devotion sealed your legacy of humility that has graced heaven's skies all these forty plus years later. A sacrifice never to be overlooked or forgotten for your role in society, Officer Cook, was to stabilize and utilize the uncanny wisdom, maturity and greatest of vision that Our Lord gave you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

Doing your due diligence means paying close and strict attention to details, to refrain from unnecessary things that are not honorable, dignified or contain that word, integrity. The character of your heart and very humble soul, Officer Cook, most heroic showed all Dade County and its people that you cared and were concerned enough to treat evil with your greatest motivations and to distinguish your leadership capabilities from other comrades. You took command and between yourself and your last partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln performed in a very commendable, admirable and outstanding fashion reigning in terror and distributing the much needed harmony and liberty for mankind to remember. Humanity needs no reminder of your acumen, vision and wisdom, it's all chiseled on marble and granite walls of honor and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

Police cannot take two pills and call in the morning when miserable individuals are out in tandem creating mischief and mayhem on the streets. All locales, venues, corners wherever must be served, preserved and mightily protected and that was your life, Officer Cook and wonderful career that was ended quite abruptly by one man's revenge and rants against authority. Dade County was canvassed by many fine women and men all honest, confident and courageous. No doubt your abilities and humility when displayed with your character, dignity and effort made your crusades of integrity much more accomplished. The decency and desire of a hero always honored for sacrifice and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. a princely man soaring higher everyday and whose virtuous soul continues its watch over your peers and beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

The dynamics of dignity and integrity are such as they are incorporated within the realms of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency making honesty and bravery more impactful, more insightful more meaningful during one's heated battles with violence. Dade County sadly was under tension and unrest that awful day when you gave your life, Officer Cook and loyal esteem for serenity and peace to break through those walls where strife and turmoil locked in. The finest of people, a most heroic and valiant young man stamping his legacy forever where it will so solemnly honored, duly appreciated and etched in your family and colleagues' heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

Brilliant mind, brave heart, dignified and humble soul, your undivided loyalty and faithfulness, Officer Cook, was all a part of your vivid life and morally solid public service career with Dade County. Pride and integrity brushing up against your unwavering and heroic character to bring in some sense of fairness, trust and the truth regarding your gallantry and forever enhancement. Heaven holds the key to your adoring and cherished soul duly respected and highly saluted by your family and peers of perseverance. A great young man, a gentleman who epitomized everything in a uniform and badge endeavoring to defeat evil and unrelenting mayhem of one individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2019

Lack of effort, lack of trust and a total lack of character, morally speaking not too good when patrolling the terror that violence floods a community with. Thankfully, your good name, Officer Cook, character and honesty all humane, humble and most heroic did yeoman work on Dade County's behalf. Never more integrity and dignity simultaneously doing their best to quash wanton actions and cowardly wickedness. A blessed name and a most revered and respected family here in North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up and where my family too lived around the block down on NE 6th Avenue. Nowadays, people have to keep a close eye out for anyone suspicious after a sixty-eight year old man was shot a couple Sundays ago waiting to enter a synagogue to pray. He's recovering after several surgeries and nearly thirty hours of surgery to fix his wounds. You were a man whose devotion and determination were A number one as was your undeniable valor and heroism. Courage and humility blanketing your immortal soul that now and for eternity hovers over those sacred servants who try and keep our safety and security tied together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2019

Hills are toughest to climb when heinous and wanton actions collide with a good man's repertoire of honor, dignity and virtual integrity. Years, days, months and many hours spent toiling for a sensation of serenity and a humble amount of security. Nothing is ever easy these days to come by and your unforgettable heroism, Officer Cook, has soared to a greater height. heaven has your adored and most precious soul and goodwill supporting Our Creator's every voyage. Character and courage can surely outlast the scurrilous affect of evil and your legendary status can never be tarnished nor refuted. You brought joy and dignity, understanding and integrity to your loving family, Nancy, your big sister and to your beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. You chartered newer insights and brought a newer dimension to your desires to become a quality and top notch law enforcement official. The sadness and grief still lingers this day even as your loved pursues their chosen endeavors in life with peace and happiness, good health and all its blessings following in their trails of truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2019

Information, intelligence and ingenuity are more than intuition. They are the very support beams of one's bravery, boldness and basic systems of honesty, integrity and dignity. All relevant in resolving conflicts and bringing a hopeful conclusion to violence and evil. A young man possessed with the skills of one more mature than the crowd. Your personality and humanely heroic actions, Officer Cook, fought so well on dade County's behalf delivering a sense of fairness, firmness and trust among its loyal and esteemed residents. One life lived to its fullest sadly terminated by one man, one evil coward whose dislike for authority caused a rancor and nearly more harm if not for your most heroic actions on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. You are to be blessed and saluted while homage is paid to your unselfish soul of fruitful journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2019

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