Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Many good public servants fall sadly and many have risen above the crowd to defend and preserve the very quality and honesty of life. All the integrity, wisdom and vision when combined with the strokes of dignity maybe all that's necessary to ward off terror. A life well lived, Officer Cook and a most productive watch filled with resolve and conviction. Dade County was under a superb gentleman and an even more gifted servant whose truth and trust fit the role and responsibilities you voluntarily undertook. Gone too soon. Always faithful and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2019

Sometimes a delicate touch is all that's needed to bring about a quick resolution to a problem. That fateful day, you and your colleagues, Officer Cook, your resources trying to get Mr. Pearsall to comply. Two lives and two families of dignity, integrity and honesty, I'm sure his loved ones were pleasant and of character. It's a shame his mind went south and such tragedy unfolded. Your commitment to Dade County was bounded by heroism , humbleness and a loving esteem that navigated your life. God has your soul for safekeeping and you are to be paid homage for saving lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2019

Justice should be swift when honor is humble. Heroism and integrity are the gentle balances of dignity and character. Surely, your commitment and morals, Officer Cook, were equal on every way , shape and form to fight violence that was plaguing Dade County's folks. A great man with a giant heart and a most considerate soul that is forever being blessed by Our Creator. Heaven has the special gifts of your immortal soul, Officer Cook and now that can hover for eternity watching over your family and peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2019

Loyalty and good rapport are as important as honesty and humility. If you maintain composure along with unwavering and unselfish dignity and integrity it will make your trails of truth and trust more meaningful. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was for the benefit of Dade County and its citizens through your heroism and humane response. The very best of effort yields excellence in all your pursuits of happiness and good health. Saluted for valor and the courage to battle evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2019

I meant to say, Officer Cook, the candor of your clarity. A wonderful instrument to be utilized wisely and sure as devout as you were it was sacredly used. Dade County wa sunder your pristine perseverance and eyes of wisdom and honor, the kind that lead integrity and dignity with a solid path of resolve and character. Never overlook heroism and endeavor, for in those courageous lies the hidden passions of accomplishment and fruition. We desire more safety. We require good souls of firmness and truth overflowing with the waters of trustworthiness. We salute and fondly remember your unselfish life of amazing happiness and compassion for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

Freedom is a gift of God not to be taken lightly. The passionate pursue their chosen endeavors with humility and honor, it's the way for dignity and integrity to respect one another. The people of Dade County and all your distinguished colleagues, Officer Cook, recognized and respected your keen vision, wonderful wisdom and the charm and canor of your clarity. It surely makes violence and evil contemplate their next moves. All anyone can do now is pray for your soul of serenity and liberty, Officer Cook and understand what a trusted man of God you were, heroic and resolute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pride and noble deeds are shared by those who live and when a loved one passes suddenly we never forget what their life and career meant to society. Yours, Officer Cook, is up in the skies above watching and listening to what is transpiring here.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

Sin is the transgression of truth and trust that must be parlayed among honesty and its reverence for integrity and dignity. A loyal and very sincere young man whose pride and respect for wearing a uniform that is the symbol for service and excellence, your exploits, Officer Cook, justified our very faith in your determination and heart of dedication. The good seem to die young and Our Creator has been humbly and heroically blessing your special soul of peace. You were doing your duty and due diligence on behalf of Dade County citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

The guilty have that complex of confusion and being misguided. The pious and morally sound lead by their humble and heroic breathes of honesty and integrity. It was your commanding dignity, Officer Cook, which led the way in Dade County for others to follow in. To carry your shining legacy and to conduct yourself with upstanding character and pride does take a special and brave heart. Well, your heart and soul were surely well placed in the eyes of society. Never better fabrics of ferocity and never better tenets of tenacity all by your undying resolve, unselfish sacrifice and unwavering respect for humanity. Sadly, it was all summoned to Our Master who now watches over His kings and queens of valor, all angels whose very immortal souls float high above our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

The signature of success is the serenity, security and safety that is left for communities to share and cherish alike. The reverence and respect you had for wearing a police uniform. underscored your vigilant commitment and prideful convictions of an honest man of character whose integrity and dignity made you a Dade County hero forever to be saluted and duly honored. Your soul is etched inside of your beloved family's hearts and never a day without the thought of losing you that tragic day of May 16, 1979. A day of remembrance and paying homage to enrichment, endearment and enhancement that has humanely and humbly laid down those walls and foundations where those choosing happiness and peace may navigate to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

Wickedness is the jekyll and hyde that fools around with the integrity and honor of mankind. So to counteract that all men and women of law enforcement must be accountable and be able to stay dignified having their integrity first and foremost preserve the quality of life. A career, Officer Cook, carved out by courage and careful contemplation before acting as heroically as you always did representing Dade County as a man and leader whose scruples, morals and principles were A plus. Humanity benefited from your trails of justice, truth and the safe havens each of us was given. Authority is something to be whoned, preached and talked about daily taking nothing for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

The conduit of courage is character. The condiments of commitment and conviction lie in one's own relevant honesty, dignity and integrity. Always so loyal and trusted, always faithful and dependable. It's exactly what you did, Officer Cook, to serve and protect Dade County and its people from undue harm and strife. You battled until the end launching yourself at an evil man to stop his domestic violence aimed at you and your comrades and the civilians where your heroism, resolve and missions were rightfully displayed. Humility equals sanctity and civility all by your loving and esteemed soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2019

Remorse can slowly help to heal a wound. Violence and evil form a terrible twosome and only the good senses of someone so devoted and vigilant has at least the opportunity to slow down its advances. It was a sad and tragic day when you were taken, Officer Cook, never a doubt. But, your heroism and integrity stood will with your dignity pursuing peace and unity for Dade County, a place you and Karen called home. Twenty-five years of endeavor and every bit of energy expended to try and overtake a madman bent on nothing but sinister trouble. You did your job and with character and conviction saved your partner and colleagues from a worser disaster. God has your soul in His palms for safekeeping and for blessing those who have succeeded you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2019

Regret cannot be taken back. But, resolve is always a good tool to be used wisely. Your mannerisms, Officer Cook, accentuated your hunts for stability and peace here in Dade County and the fact that you were a loyal and most faithful comrade lent its credence to your surviving the rigors of patrolling a community. So humble and heroic, yet a man of his bond whose integrity, character and dignity made up a very virtuous life and career that Our Savior has both blessed and rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2019

Terror, torment and turmoil are tough to tame at times even fore the most honorable, heroic and humane of public servants. The citizens of Dade County are there to assist police in their daily efforts and surely you fine and outstanding work, Officer Cook, won't ever be forgotten. A warrior of welcome decency, desire and dignity all combining their total forces to combat wanton and unrelenting violence. You'll be fondly remembered, Officer Cok, for being stoic, stellar and sterling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2019

Wisdom is honesty and humility doubly personified. And when combined with humane and heroic dignity and integrity it all makes one's character that much defined. Your charisma and candor, Officer Cook, helped Dade County get past its problems. We may never know why your life and career had to end suddenly at age 25 with hopes and goodwill still left behind to benefit humanity. Humble people know how to treat nature, how to serve and protect the quality of life. Our safe havens, secure passages were founded on your loyal affirmation and surely nothing interfered with that except for that very sad day when you sacrificed your immortal soul for enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2019

Grief strikes at the heart and soul of beloved families who bravely worry about their loved ones' safety. Someone must go on and serve the public as this was your goal, Officer Cook and nothing was ever going to deter or undermine your pursuits. Wickedness wanders into a venue and now honesty, humility and a gentle dignity and integrity must be prepared to fortify its passions endeavoring to head off sheer mayhem. You performed your roles with brilliant wisdom, vision so clear and with a consideration while working through heat and other various elements that cannot keep a good man down. Eternity has an angel, yourself, Officer Cook, seeing down and watching over your fellow officers who now must serve with honor, diligence and all character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2019

Dear and so near, your heroic career and life, Officer Cook, was a basis for battling evil here in Dade County. Sometimes a tall mountain to climb with so much adversity and violence meandering and threatening the stability that liberty and unity bring. So thoughtful and energetic, your crusades have always been cherished and duly honored for installing some level of enrichment and endearment for all mankind. The goodwill of a hero never goes unnoticed. You remain a man whose legend stood for resolve and reverence, only your unselfish actions prevented a more severe calamity that sad day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2019

Meticulation is maturity's best tool when trying to patrol, protect and preserve the quality of life. A gallant and honorable young man as you were, Officer Cook, a hero to so many people, your loving family is always the reason for why you decided to become a police officer after careful contemplation and consultation with your parents, sister and Karen who knew what you wanted to become. Integrity and dignity are the constant appliances that assist acumen and awareness when battling the consistent pangs of painstaking violence. You made Dade County and its citizens matter and valor always validates a fruitful life of purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of humility and sanctity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2019

No matter the time or place, fierceness and ferocity must be focused in on violence and evil. You must display honesty and respectful dignity and integrity when authority accentuates peaceful pursuits in any given community. Dade County was where you left behind a huge impression though a gaping hole of pain and sorrow for your family who mourned your untimely death during your duty on behalf of the residents and humanity. By staying humble, loyal and humanely vigilant, Officer Cook, your heroic legacy has only been enhanced forever. Eternity has your soul of immortal intuition, ingenuity and the unwavering vision and wisdom to have sifted through danger and awful peril to save lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2019

Life and length of our days depends upon where God takes our destinies all by His divine design. A different pattern for every citizen and a new look and purpose daily. The hopes of Dade County rested on your wings of leadership, honesty and the virtual authority to maintain justice, trust, truth and law and order. Picking up and going from one domain to another just to broker a kindred spirit of goodwill is surely never just a walk in the park. You put your life and career, Officer Cook, in perspective in terms of persevering throughout stress and duress which requires the skills of wisdom and heroism while keeping calm and collected with your humbleness of integrity and dignity by your side. Remembered for excellence in character, conviction and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

Sifting through peril takes a mighty brave individual. You must be a cut above the rest in honor, dignity and the respect afforded one who has integrity. The character and commitment, Officer Cook, never waned, never lacked and was never lethargic. Always common sense, no complacency, no dodging trouble. That's why Dade County , your family and comrades of courage have saluted you, a man adored and beloved by everyone. Only proper conduct, politeness and courtesies afforded to those who you watched over. That special and unique place in heaven is reserved for angels, valiant and stoic, resolute and efficient. You will always be very much missed and very much on the minds of those who felt your positive impacts and impressions upon humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

Accidents injure and at times they take innocent lives. Terror and torment destroy the very fabric that honor and integrity breed upon as well as dignity and character. The evil winds that blew into Dade County on May 16, 1979, were handled by you, Officer Cook, a consummate professional, caring, concerned and most considerate. What would it have taken for Mr.Pearsall to just surrender and make things easier for himself and the community where your life and comrades would not have been harmed and where you gave your soul for a sense of serenity and safety ? Only God and time one day will sort all those questions and their answers. You constructed heroism and versatility in all your accomplished never to be forgotten and always solemnly memorialized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

Waiting rather than acting only allows wickedness and its wheels to trample over mankind. Dade County and its citizens depended upon your superb skills and talents, Officer Cook, to see them through unrelenting violence. The eyes of God looked at your honesty, integrity and dignity and it was Our Creator transporting your outstanding character to those hills and mountains high atop our universe where your heroic and blessed name remains cherished and worldly respected as you were a most venerable and virtuous gentleman of the highest forms of tenacity and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

To reach for the stars is a pretty ambitious goal. Suffice it to say, Officer Cook, building a sounder and more secure future was one of many building blocks and the foundations whose cornerstones you would eventually lay down on behalf of Dade County and humanity as a whole. You gave the people life and liberty, prosperity and the serenest of moments. Never far from our minds and hearts, surely your loving family remembers your heroism and ideals, all spread within your graceful wings now keeping your spirit and gentle soul of compassion aloft. Those who have character see challenges as an act of God in protecting our stability and if not for a loyal and most admired young man then no telling what more evil would have transpired that awfully sombering day. Badge#1664 relayed resolve, resiliency and confident resourcefulness to every nook and cranny in your community that upholds your sacred legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

Sinister individuals are floating around our society looking to usurp our happiness and peace that most cherished, loyal and honorable public servants look to deliver. Your smile, Officer Cook, says it all. You were a happy young man so gallant and yet your humane and humble because of the responsible job that you had. Policing takes every bone, every ounce of strategy, every bit of one's backbone and clear and concise wisdom, vision and certainly maturity. Clarity of character, the constraints of commitment to morals and the fabrics of ferocity all constituting your navigations around Dade County. A man and a hero whose legacy represents authentic leadership and the motivation to assist other comrades through thick and thin, through danger and peril. One soul, yours, Officer Cook, that surely made that impression many decades ago and is forever being saluted and paid great homage for service, sacrifice and for enhancing the balances of nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2019

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