Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Snippets of serenity, tenets of tenacity, fruits of ferocity, humble, heroic and honest dignity and integrity all went right onto those streets of Dade County where you preserved. persevered and patrolled, Officer Cook, searching for crime and and trying your utmost to stop its terrible advances. Always loyal, devout and most faithful some forty plus years later after sacrificing your life and career of character and boldness, may your very special immortal soul of stability, wisdom and vision be blessed and rewarded by Our Maker most abundantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

Young lives of dignified men and women who serve and preserve all cut way too short by this never ending stream of real violence with evil so rotten to the core. At least the borders and boundaries of all Dade County were significantly sealed and secured by your humble, honored and graceful esteem, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was all heart, integrity and character of a considerate and loyal man. The residents really appreciated your kindness, heroism and thoughtfulness, Officer Cook. A real mensch, a real man of wisdom, ability and the humility to calm down those whose emotions ran high. Heaven is like that library in the sky perfectly quiet and where only the humblest of blessed angels of valor patrol and watch over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A mensch by the way is the Jewish expression for a person, a human being with all class, decency and purely driven desire to succeed mightily.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

Despite the evidence of what evil leaves behind, what can't be left out of serving is good old fashioned common sense and honesty, Open, frank and blount. Your sincerity, Officer Cook, your smarts and awareness were all a vital part of your professional resume. Dignity and integrity are those packages of character that every single man and woman must take to the streets when securing life and property as well as courtesy and politeness. Even during stressful times clarity and vision must not escape one's own humble heroics. A life cut too short by violence, Officer Cook. A savior and friend of all humanity whose soul now graces God's perfect heavenly fortress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

A flock of heroic and honored angels continues its heavenly watch over those who try and stem the tide of violence in our society. Your memory, Officer Cook, is being kept alive by your family members who keep the legacy of their "Uncle Bo" forever alive in their hearts and minds. You cannot allow a good soul of a gentleman's dignity and integrity slip through those walls of Dade County that you loyally served with all your passion. With all character, conviction and with all humble and humane commitment to excellence, pride and distinction. A devoutly prudent and wise man who saw a niche in his community, was widely respected and sacrificed for a cause and that purpose was to eradicate evil with undivided dedication, determination and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

A tourniquet helps stop bleeding. Too bad that you cannot put those around where terror strikes and eliminate the massive damage inflicted by such wickedness. All you can do is your job and at least if you respect mankind and are honest in your daily professional affairs you'll have a better chance of surviving and succeeding in you resolve and outcomes. Dade County had many wonderfully skillful and brave officers including yourself, Officer Cook, back in the day. A young man who served and protected with all capabilities of integrity and genuine dignity. Never running from evil, you fought with every ounce of energy from your heroic heart and humble soul of commitment to character and values never to be taken for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

The havoc that is wreaked by violence is so at times insurmountable and yet with humble and honest women and men serving the jobs can be accomplished at at least controlling its movements at certain moments. Your loyal and faithful journeys here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were supervised by Our Creator who watched over your heart and soul as it chased after evil while pursuing your dreams and goals. You constantly wore your uniform proudly and with a dignified humility on your badge. One of valor and vigilance keeping our serenity and security exactly where it would have the greatest affect. Our Maker has your sweet disposition and character concealed for eternal safekeeping where you can walk that proverbial beat without any further harm. Humanity was rescued from the clutches of an evil and vile individual. Integrity and assurance is forever soaring with God's compassionate angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

The winds of wickedness howl with heinousness coming from their jaws of nothing but violence and unending evil. Your assignments, Officer Cook, were to construct a safe haven and peacefulness throughout Dade County. Difficult and definitely a large task. But, with honesty, humility and dignity came integrity and character sprouting forth giving those citizens a new lease on life. Today and over these last forty plus years since your unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook, your bravery and boldness, heroism and resolve have been paid homage and rightfully saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2019

Nothing fictional, no fallacies and surely no fantasy. Phonies don't belong in a very serious profession where danger and peril must be faced at any unexpected moment. You were the real deal, officer Cook, authentic and properly able to leader and motivate other brave and honest soldiers looking to follow in your humble and dignified footsteps. A morally intelligent man with integrity and composed character at every time. You are to be commended and paid homage, Officer Cook, for seeing Dade County's residents robed in peace and in the proper frame of mind. You started small and worked your way up to become a very excellent officer. If God allowed you to live perhaps a leadership position, although you looked to the crime scene technician job as your stepping block. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never loud or demonstrative and always keeping an eye out for our considerations and care. An angel in heaven forever a hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Speed and honor are of the essence when the interests of the public safety are hanging in the balance. Bravery and boldness must somehow equate to dignity and integrity while stoic and heroic character are being channeled into one's hopeful and humane endeavors. All you did, Officer Cook, was a superb job policing Dade County and keeping the citizens safe and squarely secured. A man focuses his energies and passions into giving their best effort, principles and scruples never wavered. All heart and soul poured into loyalty, resourcefulness and the esteem the public had for your pride and respect of mankind. Humanity honors you. Society salutes you. Sanctity and civility marked your nobly perspective hunts for calm and cool during those heated and tension filled moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gracing your family and forever gallantly serving your Creator watching over His pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Heartache. Headache. Heartfelt. The pain your family felt, Officer Cook, the anguish your department felt, the anger and sorrow the entire police nation experienced was gut wrenching indeed. Your loss to mankind, Officer Cook, still hurts today, though I'm sure you would be thankful your comrades Keith and Robert survived. Officer Keith DiGenova and Officer Robert Edgerton. brave and honorable as you were, Officer Cook. Dignified, poised and having the acumen and integrity as you possessed and kept throughout your life and career. Dade County pays homage to your heroic soul and its legacy of truth and trust. No one will forget your pursuits of safe havens and secure harbors where resolve and resiliency marked your trails of justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm sure your comrades who were shot have thought of you. A smiling face and an engaging personality second to none.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

The clues don't always tell the story nor lead to resolve. Ingenuity and intuition are still any worthwhile public servant's best guides of gallantry besides honesty and integrity. Your undivided dignity and diligence, Officer Cook, helped to shield the residents of Dade County with serene stability and that certain measure of meaningful unity. Society needs this effort for every duly brave officer if violence is to ever dissipate completely from humanity's throes. Always the best of character, commitment and the achievement of hopeful conviction. You will be honored, Officer Cook, for your unwavering and unrelenting talents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Duty calls and decisions are made. Just wish May 16, 1979 had ended differently for you and your beloved family, Officer Cook. You never deserved to be taken so suddenly because of one man's revenge against authority.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Police toil and sweat morning, afternoons and evenings to bring peace into the fold. Ferocity and tenacity put together in an effort to spread goodwill and vision within any given venue. Your life, days and years, Officer Cook, were most assuredly blessed in abundance. Now for displaying heroism and resolve may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character starts that next chapter of your life in eternity where your fruitful youth served mankind with nothing but enriched bravery and unselfish esteem. Comrades, friends and your loving family all validate your vision and maturity with grand salutes of serenity and humility. Keep looking down on your loved ones and friends. God eyes see clearly and His ears are perfectly attuned to what is happening on this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

The people one serves is their constituency and that sacred trust must not be broken nor violated. Honor, respect, dignity and integrity all fall under character' s burdens of responsibility and may not be glossed over nor taken lightly. The greatest reverence is be faithful and loyal and making that heroically noble impression upon humanity. More than forty years you served Dade County and provided the best security and harmony we could ever ask for. The cost of your life, Officer Cook, young and spry, a gentleman of gallantry with more left to fulfill. Big shoes that won't ever get replaced, just other civil minded men and women carrying out your humble legacy, Officer Cook. You were that proverbial glue that held your family together during tragedy and difficult times always to be more fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Wearing a uniform and badge, carrying a weapon does not give any public servant carte blanche to do whatever they please. Authority and its ingenuity must not be usurped where dignity and integrity look to stroll peacefully together down the streets. Dade County was a huge onus placed upon your broad shoulders, Officer Cook, as a representative of Dade County. Your service was extraordinary as was your command of delicate and sometimes tenuous situations. But, in the end, it was bravery and boldness holding your heroism and humanely unselfish actions high for God to see. He has your immortal soul sealed within those walls of truth and trust for safekeeping where other angels of valor soar higher each day. The loyalty and fondness you were afforded will be faithfully and forever respected. Mankind's warrior of wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Four corners of the world. One Master of the Universe. Still plenty of bedlam and chaos to say the least. Your job, Officer Cook, was to serve and preserve the honor, dignity and integrity of life. A most heroic and not so simple chore. to bare the fruits of your labors you had to be confident in a humble manner. Stay on top of morals and having noble commitment to excellence and pride. Convict to ethics and principles to make society and mankind more serene and stable. Goodwill leads to an enrichment to faith and wisdom. Your clarity and acumen , Officer Cook, are legendary and why we salute your soul of distinction never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day at a time, slowly but surely harmony and respect will filter back into society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Honor, class and charity all begin at home. Integrity and dignity began there too where you and your sister, Nancy, Officer Cook. learned the values of class and reverence for humility. Stay the course and never get sidetracked on your central responsibilities as they served you well protecting Dade County's folks. Character that has enhanced. Resolve that has enriched. Humanity that has endeared your special soul of wisdom, vision and maturity. Always devout and most helpful, Our Creator has your spirit for eternal safekeeping. Those foundations and cornerstones have been laid down just perfectly for other honorable and brave servants to pattern themselves after. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

The juggernaut of truth and justice, the endeavors of honor and trust, your character, Officer Cook, was most proficient and unselfishly heroic on behalf of Dade County and its people. A humble man, a gallant public servant who waged the battles against violence and mayhem trying to regain a sense of safety and security while never giving in to evil. You'll be honored and saluted for everything decent in a most cherished man with a benevolent soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2019

Teamwork is the living testimony that can tame terror. The tide flows high and low but any duly affirmed officer must keep humble and heroic honor and dignity together. The composure of character and its integrity can never be understated. You stood for truth and justice, Officer Cook, a legend of legitimate resolve and humility whose steadfast pursuits of peace won't be forgotten. Those angel wings are allowing your sweet and lofty soul, Officer Cook, to keep soaring like a bird in the sky. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanity and sanctity should never be confused for loyalty and frution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

One bandage is not going to patch up mayhem's messes. It's all up to citizens and the police whose honorable authority comes calling. Resolve. Respect. Reverence all in your performance, Officer Cook, a dignified hero and a man of character who lead a life and a solid career carved out of integrity. You can enhance, enrich and endear so long as your commitments and convictions are geared toward some goal of dedication. Never more humble and brave. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Being loyal and devout surely helps at times to reroute the streets where violence never seems to rest.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

Clouds and darkness are left by unspeakable evil whose violence victimizes the very people honest and heroic men and women serve and protect. It was Dade County speaking and your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, considerate and caring making that indelible impression never to be overlooked. Our quiet and tranquility have all come about because of your pristine perception, perseverance and humble principles with which truth and trust follow one another's trails. The heavens above are filled with sadly too many who have given their lives for sanctity and humility. We honor their treasured endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

Integrity, ingenuity, intuition and intelligence must not be impaired by wanton and evil means. Nothing can derail the incorporation of morals, decency and the honest character of a beloved hero. Nothing did, Officer Cook, you were cherished, respected and righteous until your last breath. The energy of your heart and soul was what provided Dade County with a respite of resolve and harmony. The good notions all are being rewarded by Our Maker for eternity. A hero whose warrior mentality kicked into overdrive to attempt to stop a deranged individual. Your actions, Officer Cook, the highest of ethics by your department and comrades who have not forgotten the enrichment and enhancement left by you for your loved ones to carry forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

Those who flock to their various houses of worship understand Our Creator's planned messages. Strife and hardship can be solved and curbed with a little luck, but more skillful bravery and honor coming from one's heroic heart and soul of integrity and dignity. All character and conviction, Officer Cook, maintained on behalf of Dade County. Circumstances demand a higher level of surveillance and your loyal esteem produced great results. Cornerstones and foundations properly secured by a loving and most respected public servant whose morals and attributes matched up well against adversity. Never forgotten and always treasured as a reverent human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

With Hurricane Dorian possibly hitting parts of Florida we must remain most vigilant and composed. Take precautions and stay in touch with weather alerts. Above all prepare and stay focused and honorable during times of stress and duress. Water is going like crazy and so too does evil when it's uncaged and unlocked, something fierce. You stayed calm and were very dignified and humanely heroic during moments of terror here in Dade County, Officer Cook, where you helped to stem the tide of violence. We honor and valiantly salute your goodwill, faithfulness and unassuming character. The best of diligent angels now patrolling the gates of sacredness above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

Violence poisons the pristine clarity of society and how we go about fulfilling our happiness. Certain standard codes of conduct must be met and only honesty, dignity and integrity surely assist us in our times of need. That fateful day, Officer Cook, just minutes before you would end your shift you heard a call go out for an officer needing help. You and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, responded though you were not required to. That alone is charactre, humility and most assuredly, heroism at its finest. Today,nearly forty years later you are warmly and richly honored for gallantry under duress and for leading us in Dade County to those wells and springs of peace and stability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2019

Trust gained is courage humble and honored. For a man of dignity and integrity, you helped place a peaceful easiness over Dade County and its folks. A friendly smile, a charisma unmatched, your resolve and heroic actions won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero, Officer Cook. You saved the day, too bad your humble life had to end so violently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2019

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