Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Birds migrate and so do evil people to commit heinous and ghastly crimes. Their passions are better suited for something other than hurting communities where peace and stability not just call out, they cry out. Dade County needed your effort and essential honor, Officer Cook, they got the entire package of bravery and dignity from your undying integrity and strong character. Commitment is an amazing tool when tireless tenacity is applied to all sides. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those peaceful castles are where your soul of scruples sleeps humbly and humanely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

Cheap suits are just that. There is nothing cheap about crime no matter the severity. Serious investigations must occur and those culprits responsible must be immediately brought to justice. With great humility and honor's loyal esteem you performed just that way, Officer Cook,trying to tame a monster that was clouding Dade County's hopes, aspirations and further dreams. For all the dignity and integrity, for all the sensational production, may your soul that delivered unity and liberty rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character rests forever. Your legacy lives on in your family's genes of hope and goodwill. We stay guarded and positive. The cost of one life, the trouble and anguish all lasting forever even as peace and freedom try to enter through the front doors of truth and fairness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

Kings and queens are royalty. Public servants honest, brave and humbly heroic in integrity and dignity are all afforded salutes from their peers and in particular are given first class attention as their souls move around God's perfect corners. Heaven is your final stop, Officer Cook, where your immortal soul of vigilance and virtue can patrol and make its sacred and secure rounds of clarity and wisdom uninterrupted by terror and violence. You undertook a sacred trust, your word and bond of maturity says it all. The righteous dive right into danger and the wicked run like cowards consuming officers' times just trying to straighten out mayhem, chaos and bedlam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All class, decency and desire. Only excellent character and the tools of training utilized just skillfully.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

The winds of stormy evil erode those roads and freeways where honest people look to pass through. You were a consummate officer, friend and comrade to many other excellent and scrupled public servants. Peace and unity are labors of love and esteem, therefore those fighting to defend us must be strong and courageous. You were all of that, Officer Cook, with might and grit as composing as your convictions and unselfish resolve. Never more determined and never more passionate. A special and wonderful human being who held those forts together so safe passages were realized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

It takes a personable and professionally dignified individual to withstand the rigors of danger and peril just to start those long winded battles against wickedness. Your heroic and honored name, Officer Cook, is one of many here in Dade County who sacrificed integrity and character to create serenity and fulfilled flights of ferocity. Today and forever in eternity does your soul of commitment and heroism fly high touching God's wings where other angels serve and protect those sacred gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

Stamina and honor pair up better than serious evil and senseless violence. Dade County's citizens were better served by your heroic actions, Officer Cook, not just on May 16,1979, everyday there were given serene happiness and a motivation to enjoy their their fruitful lives of prosperity. You'll be fondly saluted my neighbor, friend and hero for wisdom, vision to support all those branches of boldness and bravery. The dignity and integrity of your unassuming character continuing those trails of trust and truth the humble and humane way. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2019

Police officers are built and constructed to last through stress, duress and trying times. With some semblance of ingenuity, fortitude and integrity, Officer Cook, you searches for peace and prosperity here in Dade County were created to be positive and more meaningful. The finer fabrics of ferocity and resolve, all from an honored and respected hero of multi talents God instilled in your blessed heart and noble soul. Character up in those deep blue skies where all the perfection is balanced for you to walk that proverbial beat looking after those golden and sacred pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

If the early bird gets the worm, the brave and humble receive those blessings and bountiful heroic rewards for honesty, dignity and a plate full of integrity and character. Your commitments to Dade County, Officer Cook, were signed, sealed and delivered by a gentleman with a humbly sterling and stellar reputation. No discord. No dislike. Never a mean word. Only a gentle spirit and a giving heart. Heaven's gift was yourself unending respect and healthy humility spread far and wide. All your colleagues and large family can salute and celebrate the legacy of your well lived and wonderful convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

Surely, the apple never fell far from the tree in the Cook, Household. Loyalty and obedience were practiced and preached as much as honor, integrity and the dignity you afforded all mankind, Officer Cook. Dade County's balance of authority and wisdom came from your unselfish and undaunting respect for all people. Serving and gracing society with equal acumen and awareness, our harmony, togetherness and serenity were heroically restored during those tense and terse moments. May 16, 1979 reinforced why we must honor, cherish and revere vigilant character that goes above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

You hustle and bust your tail to promote and create a peaceful community. It's near and dear where tenacity and bravery combines their emotions to deliver a feeling of safety and security to the people of Dade County where you strived and served for six years of loyal and diligent care and compassion. If integrity and character, Officer Cook, could bring you back here to your family I'm quite sure they would be relieved and most joyful. Yet more than a tinge of sadness, sorrow and anguish lives within their homes as they have remembered everything noble and classy regarding their "Uncle Bo" and as their great-uncle. A man on a mission to restore hopeful vitality to an area that holds your soul high and dear. Humanity looks to those angels up above for advice, needless to say your wisdom, vision and maturity mattered most during times of violence and tension. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Saluted and worldly respected!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

Justice is served by saving one life. Truth and trust are maintained if honesty and integrity are stamped to dignity's broadest of shoulders. Responsibilities are difficult to carry out at times, but, when the going gets tough, the tough and steady proceed forward as planned. So Dade County and their folks were ultimately protected by yourself, Officer Cook and a whole convoy of other talented and humble public servants. From point A to point Z. From violence and evil to stability, unity and harmony for all. Mankind deserves a better lease on life, ahero and humanely decent individual did an outstanding job with his roles of carrying out tasks, chores and all assignments. Heaven has your special and treasured soul, Officer Cook, as your family misses you, but, pursues their agendas with all the might and heart as you so faithfully undertook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

You flourish with ferocity and drop quickly by being dishonorable and showing no respect. Thankfully, Officer Cook, your level of functioning was always top notch. The class of character, the deliberate dignity and the sense and concern of one having integrity. It all made sense when the hero in you saved Dade County from an unfortunately evil man. Our serenity and safe harbors were because of your unending consideration, civility and reverence for being a cherished soul. Our Lord's lair of flair and bravery never will lack in watching over those who have succeeded our heroines and heroes, angels of valor with gallantry taped to their uniforms and badges of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2019

Vests do save lives, though whatever needs to be added to that protective wear to save more must no matter the price. Life is too valuable to be mourned and in particular a most noble and honest man of ingenuity and integrity that you had, Officer Cook. You had Dade County's friendship and support every step of your tour. All dignity. All truth and tenacity. All the scruples that made you a cherished and revered hero. The eyes of heaven shine on thee, your humble soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

If you so desire any semblance of serenity than you had better be honorable and humble in all your doings. Never that problem when you policed all Dade County , Officer Cook. with all your fortitude and unselfish character did you see those missions through. Twenty-five years to show mankind your heroism, humane resolve and the ethics and ideals of why so many become law enforcement personnel. Always truly honored and saluted for trust and fairness never to be overlooked. A faithful legacy that will stay shiny and bright all through the day and night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Conviction lends its credence to courage and goodwill, peace and kindness for all mankind. Your heroic life, Officer Cook, helped to stir that pot where violence and evil subjected the people of Dade County to an almost worser fate. You gave your character, dignity and esteem so we could live on fortifying your legacy of everything that is great about humanity. Chaos brings some semblance of hope and renewal and yet your young life, Officer Cook , meant everything to your loved ones who now carry that torch of tenacity with them symbolizing your journeys on our behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Mass mayhem and a cadre of volatile violence made Dade County and its citizens a little more afraid, but, with your honor, humbleness and integrity, Officer Cook, circumstances and situations were returned to normal. You take a man's character and unique sense of passion and weave them as one and you'll arrive at some point of perseverance and endearment. A hero lives on forevermore as does your immortal soul soaring higher in God's pristine palaces of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Heroes produce welcome relief in times of crises. Their valiant actions go above and beyond the scopes of just honor, integrity and dignity. Dade County and its people were enriched by your undying and unwavering efforts, Officer Cook, meant to stop a very wayward man from hurting others including you and your colleagues, though he took your life as a hero and savior we mourn your loss, Officer Cook and pay steadfast homage to your determination, dedication and sincerest desire to make our community safer and more respectable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Cowardly and heinous actions of people leave us shell shocked and all anybody can do is pray. Pray for some sense of salvation and hope. You were Dade County's faithful servant, Officer Cook, full of honor, dignity , integrity and wholesome character and staunch commitment to pride, morals and a host of heroism. Built in your blood and heart was the concern and politeness that reverence and respect stand for. Never forgotten and duly saluted for service and professional elements of endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Showers and rain are better than mighty gusts of a storm's power. The authentic humility and honesty you possessed and maintained during your life and career, Officer Cook, shielded the citizens of Dade County from more inherent evil that day. A great man whose legend of heroism and character have been stoically remembered. Security and serenity brought together by one's man's gallant resiliency and resourceful resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Safe havens are in heaven's abode where the brave, humble and heroically honest walk those proverbial beats of boldness, dignity and integrity. Your thoughtfulness and courtesy, Officer Cook, created that forever enhancement for those living in Dade County. They were protected by a God fearing and reverent young man whose gifts to this society have been solemnly saluted, remembered and treasured by your family and esteemed brothers and sisters from law enforcement. Character that was pristine. Vision and wisdom way more mature than the rest of the crowd. Police work cultivated your horizons that are now being received with all of Our Creator's blessings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2019

Courtesy. Honesty. Safety. The mottos of all devoted and dignified brave public servants who risk life to serve and preserve the integrity of their communities. Your area of Dade County, Officer Cook, was most notable because of your undying and unrelenting care, concern and consideration. Never a negative word, never resentment, nothing tarnished your badge an d uniform of character and all class. Integrity well earned. Ingenuity well spent. Intuition well endowed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Paddling down those quiet streams where peace and harmony run with each other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

Tragedy leaves no smiles, only the scorn and serious sadness that anguish and grief leave behind for families to mourn. Your loved ones, Officer Cook, have kept a brave heart in remembering all your worthy, noble and most humbly righteous deeds. Dade County folks those still alive have duly respected and honored your caring heart and character of your soul defending our very ideals, scruples and values. All the best endeavor poured into your labors of love and esteem. A scoundrel of an individual taking your young life and nearly those of the citizens you served and your colleagues who too protected with a special passion as you had. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those drums you're beating in heaven are getting louder and more pronounced. It's signalling the soon to be arrival of redemption.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

Fate holds no date as your life and career defending Dade County were mapped out way in advance. Childhood held those special keys of courage and humility for a special man, yourself, Officer Cook, a heroic gentleman whose morals and values were always entrenched in stone. Rock solid integrity, class and dignity only followed your trails of happiness,health and the labors of prosperity. A cherished, gifted and well bred man who deserved a better fate. God only knows those answers to our never ending bevy of questions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of candor, charm and charisma. It takes one to know one and you were a very enriching and engaging young man with more left to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

Never divorce your onuses when life and property are in the line of evil. Devote yourself as you solemnly did, Officer Cook, to resolving conflict on behalf of Dade County. Shirking and dodging is frankly no dignity and integrity to attest to your splendid character, commitment to morals, mettle and pride and certainly no way to display conviction to the causes of truth , trust and justice being properly served. It was and the sadness of your life ending as it did serves as a heroic reminder. Humanity surely won't overlook your feats of calm and cool during terse and tense moments. The heavens where your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero are filled with an assembly of angelic heroism , pride and efficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

Those dark clouds are rolling in in advance of this hurricane. The lights of heaven where your soul surrounds many other diligent and honorable men and women will never be extinguished. They are here, Officer Cook, to light up our universe which was made supremer by your heroic dignity and humanely wise integrity. The character that battled adversity day in and day out never forgotten. A lesson in reverence, reason and respect, all because of your unwavering and very unselfish tenacity. Fish swim. Police officers face danger with their entire being, heart, head and soul. We salute as does your family, Officer Cook, such fierce dedication, determination and composure. Enhancement lives on by how your peers, friends and family handle their daily pursuits of peace, happiness and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2019

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